Kill 'em With Kindness / Greg...

By rissarosewrites

65.4K 2.9K 122

Verena Stark was at the whims of the Lannisters when her father died. At the whims of the most unstable Clega... More

1. Scream
2. Killing is the Sweetest
3. Hateful
4. Ripped Apart
6. Little Wooden Knight
7. Gentle. Harder
8. Burning Shadows
9. On a Scale from 1 to Joffrey
10. Unladylike
11. Bound
12. Kindness
13. I Like Chocolate
14. Wrong Lannister
15. You Can Cry
16. Darling, I'm a Nightmare
17. Dressed like a Daydream
18. Bloods the Best Part
19. Wisdom
20. Say Something
21. Dont Make a Big Deal About It
22. They Had Love
23. Tough Fucker
24. Elia. Say It
25. Rage Filled Void
26. Grace

5. Bruises

2.9K 128 7
By rissarosewrites

Verena didnt know what time she woke up but she felt like she had died and was a zombie mid resurrection.

Gregor touched the bruises he had made gently with a thick calloused finger. Verena stared silently back at him.

"Wife." Gregor said simply and verena nodded.

"Husband." She answered. He continued touching the bruising.

"I hurt you." Gregor realized. Yes. He had. Verena didnt want to confess that though so she stayed silent. "Hot bath." Gregor offered. He touched the blood on the sheets and then her thighs. She hated her thighs most about herself but his hand lingered there.

"A bath?" She croaked confused.

"Hear it helps. With the pain," he offered pulling away from her. Verena watched him get dressed and ready for work. Since the queen instructed he marry Verena he was pardoned of that vow within the queens guard but he was still- make no mistake- one of cerseis most ferocious guards.

"Will I see you today?" Verena questioned. Gregor fixed his sword to his belt.

"Aye." Gregor assured. He moved to her slowly and kissed her. She offered him the smallest of smiles in return. He nodded and with that he was gone. Verena didn't understand that man.

"Verena you are alive!" Sansa declared. "Did it hurt? Did he hurt you? You are limping." Sansa noted. Her pelvis felt fractured but she okay.

"It hurt a lot." Verena admitted.

"Good. A dog like you needs it rough." Joffrey declared. Sandor stood silently behind joffrey looking verena over. She wasnt as beaten as he expected but he couldnt see all of her. All the damage gregor had done.

"Brother." Verena offered. "Good morning." Sandor nodded to her. Verena was beginning to see the Clegane brothers were more the strong and silent and terrifying type than talkers.


"What do you like to do?" Verena pondered. She knew nothing about her husband besides the fact he liked to kill people for fun. "Whats your favorite food?"

"Ale and beef." Gregor remarked. "Wine?"

"What?" Verena countered.

"You like wine?" Gregor clarified.

"I dont really drink much."

"you wanted a drink last night." Gregor corrected. Yes because she was terrified.

"Special occasional." Verena offered with a shrug. She pulled at the sleeves of her sweater as they walked.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Gregor questioned looking her over.

"I like it." Verena remarked. It wasnt a lie.

"Its a million degrees out". Gregor countered giving her sweater a tug.

"I get cold." Verena offered.

"Must have been hell in the north then". Gregor countered. Verena smiled back at him this was the most she had ever heard him talk. "Why do you really wear it?"

"It was my fathers. "

"You loved your father". Gregor recalled

"Very much. Did you know your father?"

"Hated my father". Gregor answered.

"Thats a shame and your mother?"

"Hated my mother". He answered.

"Thats also a shame". Verena knew how he felt about sandor.

"Too hot for sweaters". Gregor remarked.

"I dont like how I look". Verena admitted finally and gregor stopped walking and looked her over. "Im not perfect i have flaws and I like to hide them." She informed him honestly.

"I like your flaws". Gregor countered and verena choked out a laugh. If this were a romance novel the love interest would say something romantic like she didnt have any flaws but no this was real life and it was better.

"You do?" Verena questioned a smile on her face.

"I break the little ones". Gregor agreed. "You got good hips". She felt broken so she didnt know about that.

"Oh... thank you?" Verena offered. Gregor nodded as they continued. Verena glanced to Gregor as they walked. He didnt smile. He never smiled but his gaze wasnt as hard and horrifying as verena thought previously.

Gregor grunted a goodbye smacking her ass before heading off to work. Verena stared back at him. He glanced back at Verena as he turned the corner. Verena could have sworn she saw the ghost of a smile on his face.

"You alright?" She jumped at the gruff voice.

"Sandor! For a large man you are quite stealthy." Verena remarked.

"You alright?" Sandor repeated his gaze shifting to joffrey as he belittled another staff member.

"I was just talk to gregor." Verena answered.

"And he talked back?" Sandor questioned.

"Yes." Verena agreed. "You two dont like each other at all."

"Hate." Sandor corrected. "Give it time. You will hate him too."

Give it time- sandors words wrung out in verenas mind as she moved to her chambers. You will hate him too... she hoped not. She hoped one day she might love Gregor. They were married after all.

Gregor stared back at verena and she offered him a smile as she closed the door.

"Did you have a good day?" Verena pondered knowing the likeliness of him answering was slim. Instead her stood up moving to her. A wave of nerves filled her. She didnt think she could handle a repeat of their wedding night.

Gregor kissed her and she found she didnt mind the kiss itself but he grabbed her hips and she flinched. He pulled back just slightly to see her.

"What?" Gregor questioned his voice deep and low.

"Im sorry. Im fine". Verena assured. He stared at her still. "It just hurts. Tender from... last night". Verena offered. Gregor nodded kissing her again and she thought he was going to just ignore the fact that it hurt and tear her cunt apart again but after a moment he stopped kissing her and laid down pulling her closer. She smiled into him. They could make this work.

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