Ask the demigods

By Fandomlife910

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Ask all demigods any question in the comments! The Seven, Reyna, Nico, even the Gods! So, ask away, ask away... More

Ask away!
Piper, hows cabin 10 and drew?
Hows collage and new rome percy and annabeth?
How are you and calypso leo? Oh and fetus!
How are you hazel and frank?
Hades, whats your thoughts on Willico/Solangelo
Jason, how's getting the shrines and stuff to all the gods going?
To jason, do you have a file full of solangelo fanfics? (I heard it from percy)
To Percy: your not nico's type, deal with it.
To all: whos the biggest percabeth shipper?
To The seven, Nico and Will: whos sassier? Percy, Jason, Leo or Nico?
To Will: do you love Nico, Leo, Frank, Percy or Jason? Well, Maybe not Jason.
To the girls: who would you date nico leo octavian or Athena?
To Aphrodite: what does your otp list look like?
To the Gods: what your OTP? You can only have ONE!
To percy: thoughts on caleo?
To Zues:who is your favorite Child on the olympian counsil?they have to be there
To Leo: best contraption you ever made?
Poesidon: who is your fav, triton or Percy? Must be there when u say.
To Octavian: who would you date?
To Zeus: fav sibling?
The Big Three: who is the most powerful out of your children?
Apollo: if you had a choice, what goddess woukd you date?
To Athena: how do you feel about Annabeth and Percy dating?
To Percy: who is your fav goddess between Hera and Athena
To Calypso: thoughts on Percabeth
To Hades:do you hate everyone? Or are you all lovey dovey on the inside?
To Percy: thoughts on your books and movies?
Which boy has the most fangirls?
To all: what would you life be like if you werent a demigod?
To Leo: do you need help? Like mental?
To all: Rachtavian?
To Aretmis: What are you thoughts on girls who are gay?
To Hermes: can you be serious?
To Artemis: are you and your hunters just afraid of getting cooties?
To Chiron: who's the best hero you've ever trained?
To Hades: What if Thanatos had a daughter? And it was me.
To the gods: who is your fav and least fav kid?
The Seven and Nico: if you had to date one of the gods who would it be?
To Percy: who would you date if you couldnt date Annnabeth?
To the seven nico and thalia: if you could go back in time, what would you fix?
To the seven, nico, reyna, thalia: thoughts on thaluke and reynico?
To Percy: if you were gay would you date nico?
To the boys of the argo 2: whos the best boyfriend?
To Athena kids: why are all of you blonde? To chiron: got a girlfriendddddd
To the iris kids: has anyone been disowned because they didnt like skittles?
Traivs: how much do you like Katie? connor: do you feel like a third wheel?
To hazel: reaction/thoughts on Solangelo?
To everyone: thought on the fandom shipping brason (jason x brick)
To frank: thoughts on Frank x Arion?
Happy birthday percy!!!
To Jason and Percy: How's the Bromance?
To thantos: since the gods mingle, does @daughter-of-thanatos have any siblings?
To Thanatos: what is your bromance with hades like?
To Nico: reaction to Percabeth ?
To Hades: do you hate Thanatos now?
To Leo: hi Leo.... That girl is... On fire
To Ares: how do you feel about your kids dating Aphrodite kids?
To Annabeth: how badly did you beat Jason?
To Piper: thoughts on brason? Do you want to chop it [brick]threw the middle?
To all: has Reyna ever done the Macareyna?
To the gods: have you ever played monoply?
To All: have you ever seen Annabeth wear makeup?
To All: what if someone doesn't ship percabeth?
To Demeter, Hera, and Hestia: Do any of your ship your brothers together?
To Hades & Percy: why r u guys coping each other with getting jealous of others?
To the Gods: who is your otp? It can't be one with your children in it.
To All: Why doesn't Jason ship Percabeth?
To The Gods: to you have girls night out and guys night out? Part 1
To the Gods: do you have guys night out and girls night out? Part 2
To Annabeth: what would you do of someone shipped Perachel pt 1
To Chiron: is you a unicorn?
To Hermes and Apollo: Can you help me write solangelo fanfic?
To Nico: Does Will ever get annoying? Also, what IS your type?
To Jason: Can you be my mom?
To Connor: Want a cookie?
To Annabeth: If Luke Didn't Turn Evil, Would You Have Dated Him?
To Jason: What Mom School Did You Go To?
To Grover: Reaction to Jercy Bro Wedding?
To Frank: Thoughts on Percy, Leo, and Nico?
To Leo and Percy: How Sassy Is Your Sass?

To the seven: whos the best with all weapons?

1.2K 39 9
By Fandomlife910

Percy: this isn't me... I can't shoot a bow, nor am I good with a spear. I'm mainly just sword.
Jason: BUT YOUR AWESOME WITH IT! I'm ok... Bows aren't my thing and I prefer my gladius coin thing.
Hazel: mainly my Sword
Piper: meh, I like my dagger.
Annabeth: looks like it's me and you Frank.
Frank: yeah... But I'm good with my bow. I don't know about other weapons.... Even if my dad is Mars.
Annabeth: I'm good with a dagger, sword, and most weapons, but my mom is a war goddess.
Frank: I mean, I might be, but I prefer my bow and arrows.
Piper: vote?
Jason: but what if Annabeth kills us?
Annabeth: I am not that mean Jason.
Percy: you judo flips disagree.
Annabeth: -.-
Percy: love you?
Annabeth: that's what I thought seaweed brain.
Percy: wise girl.
Annabeth: kelp head
Percy: owl face
Annabeth: sea scum
Percy: Mrs.Jackson
Annabeth: wait what,!
Percy: nothin
Jason: *throws hands up dramatically*
Piper, Percy, Jason, Annabeth, Frank, and Hazel have left
Leo: once again. Left out,
Leo: *follows them*

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