Between the Ice [h.s]

By jazzy1Dlover

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Eulalia Snow. A want-to-be professional Figure Skater. A bookstore co-worker. And an unexpected murderer. She... More

| Prologue |
01 || Sharp & Steady
02 || Books & Looks
03 || Coffee & Tea
04 || Spinning & Shining
05 || Drunk & Sober
06 || Waffles & Pancakes
07 || Learn & Succeed
08 || Walk & Talk
09 || Broken & Destroyed
10 || Blue & Red
11 || Hide & Seek
12 || Boy & Girl
13 || Rum & Coke
14 || Killing & Smiling
15 || Jump & Land
16 || Memories & More
17 || Cinnamon & Sugar
18 || Comfortable & Cozy
19 || Wine & Kisses
20 || Angel & Devil
21 || Fun & Games
22 || Morning & Night
23 || Smiling & Frowning
24 || Blood & Torture
25 || Pink & Silky
26 || Questions & Answers
27 || Scared & Alone
28 || Hot & Sweaty
29 || Riding & Providing
30 || Live & Die
31 || Party & Dance
32 || Bet & Regret
33 || Young & Alive
34 || Black & White
35 || Trick & Treat
36 || Lilo & Stitch
37 || Frantic & Frenzied
38 || Diamonds & Dance Floors
39 || Wild & Weak
40 || Hit & Run
41 || Dark & Stormy
42 || Hoping & Surviving
43 || Meet & Greet
44 || High & Low
45 || Ranting & Raving
46 || Past & Present
47 || Alive & Awake
48 || Passion & Power
49 || Dirty & Delicious
51 || Promises & Protection
52 || Love & Lust
53 || Drinking & Dancing
54 || Crash & Burn
55 || Down & Dirty
56 || Gas & Flames
57 || Me & You
58 || Fake & Skate
59 || Done & Dusted
60 || Say & Think
61 || Suspects & Witnesses
62 || Trials & Tribulations
63 || Innocent & Guilty
64 || Heroes & Villians
65 || Beginning & End
| Epilogue 01 |
| Epilogue 02 |
Thank You Note!

50 || Fast & Furious

72 1 0
By jazzy1Dlover

Double Update! Read this chapter before Chapter 51!
Trigger Warning: Smut and Murder! Read at your own Risk!
(mb for writing mistakes)


Blinking my eyes open with Harry having his head between my thighs, "shit, Harry!" I squeal, my body jolting upward to grip his hair and pull his face to mine. A cheeky grin is plastered on his wet lips, "what the hell do you think you're doing?"

"I'm having breakfast," he winks, dipping his head back down to finish what he just started. I shake my head, digging my head into the pillow case, my fingers tightening the sheets in two large knots.

"Fuck," I moan. With my thighs still sensitive from our fun night last night, him licking me up, I don't have any idea of stopping him. He grips my thighs, pressing down his fingertips, his tongue swirling in all different directions.

"H-Harry," I drag, my mouth dry.

Minutes later he makes me cum in his mouth, slivering his fingers down my swollen clit to collect myself on his fingers. He crawls over top my body, "now," Harry begins, "taste yourself." I wrap my lips around his pointer and middle finger, devouring my sweet and salty cum.

Swallowing, my body feels hot and a shower sounds fantastic. Rolling my legs to hit the floor. I try to get up but my legs are shaking too much, "Harry..." I whisper, and he scoops me by my legs and walks me into the bathroom, resting me on the toilet. He leaves the room to give me privacy. When I am done doing my business, I yell after him and he comes back to start a warm bath. This man truly is a saint.

I undo my panties from my ankles, tossing them in the laundry basket straight ahead. Trying to walk up, I hold on to the wall with my hands, making my way over by Harry. "Love Dove, let me get you." He rushes to scoop me back up, his hand hover right by my ass.

He lays me in the tub, the water still spill out. My muscles relax, my body feeling so much better already. When the water filled just enough, I settle in.

Harry clears his throat, "I'm going to go make us some breakfast, alright? Take all the time you need." I hum, my body already slouching in the cozy warm water.

Many minutes later I'm being woken up by Harry, his hand gently rubbing my cheek, his lips kissing my nose. I blink my eyelashes to see him, a smile on his lips, "you hungry?"

"Yes," I respond, "but I should probably take a shower," I insist, my body still feeling a bit dirty. Harry nods his head, draining the bath and holding my hand to help me out of the tub, catching me if I fall.

Once I'm in the shower, he leaves me alone again and I quickly do everything: shampoo, conditioner, body wash. I wrap a towel around my dripping wet body, twisting my hair to squeeze all the water out, and getting dressed.

My plans are already set. I am going to visit my mall at work, help around the store whole Harry goes back to being a busy Lawyer, showing off his hardworking skills, knowing we both want to stay home and chill in each other's arms.

Since all my clothes are downstairs, I grab one of Harry's large t-shirts, the length of it meeting my mid thigh. I walk downstairs carefully, meeting Harry downstairs in the kitchen.

"Feel better?" Harry rasps, his arm wrapping around my waist to hug me. His head rests on my shoulder, my fingers ruffling through his morning bed hair. "Thank you, Harry. Last night was so special." I kiss his lips, my eyes staring into his puffy, red eyes. Someone clearly hasn't woken up yet.

He kisses my forehead, tapping my ass, "now eat," he mutters, "you need something to fill you before you go visit your mom." I nod, sitting down at the plate filled with breakfast food. I cross my legs over each other. Surprising Harry hasn't noticed I'm butt naked underneath his shirt.

He leans across the counter, eating his own food, "I love seeing you wear my clothes," Harry purrs, "and don't pretend like I don't know you're naked underneath my shirt. It's very hard for me not to bend you over right here right now."

I hide my smirk behind my fork, my mouth chewing slowly while eating my food. He snickers, his eyes staring down at his half-eaten plate.

I clean my plate, Harry having his hand on my hips underneath the shirt, swaying our bodies together. He puts pressure on my skin and I hiss, dropping the soapy plate in the sinking, a loud crash breaks and startles all of us—Blueberry too.

"Shit, did I hurt you?" Harry worries, his hands pulling up the shirt to reveal his bruised handprints, "Eulalia, Baby, why didn't you tell me I was hurting you last night? I could've gone slower." He turns me around and I sigh, my eyes staring down at our feet. He puts his finger beneath my chin, pulling my eyes up, "hey," he says softly, "talk to me."

"Yes, you were...rough, but I loved it. It shows that you own me, in a good way."

"Love Dove, I hurt you. I bruised you. That is no where near 'claiming' you," he puts his words in air quotes, "having this ring on you, living with you, taking care of you, and loving you, that's me owning you. If this ever happens again, you tell me immediately the second it hurts and it's too much," Harry says seriously, "sometimes I get carried away and take over. Seeing you bruised like this makes my heart ache, deeply."

I nod, my eyes following along his lips. He flattens a weak smile at me, pulling his arms to wrap around my head, holding my fragile body in a hug, kissing the top of my head. I squeeze his waist, inhaling his scent. Something I'll never forget or get bored of.

"I'm going to go get dressed," I break up, staring at him, "how about you go get ready? You have a big day ahead of you, and I don't want to  age you late.

Harry agrees, and we go our deprecate ways, Blueberry following me by my ankles. I open up my closet, my eye roaming the hangers, trying to find something I haven't worn recently. I end up wearing a white crewneck, a company embroidered with black thread in the front. A light wash of north, melting my mid calf. I braid my hair, finally able to ever since I chopped it in October. I grab my purse from the kitchen counter, my phone in my hand as I wait for Harry.

Scrolling through social media, nothing appears to seem interesting. I answer some lingering messages, emails, and check a few things off my daily list.

Stroking BB's back, her head rubs against the bowl of fruit. Hearing footsteps come down, Harry appears in view and I contain my jaw form dropping. A bright blue matching suit, a black tank top underneath. He wears his cross chain over top, rings over each finger, even his new wedding ring. He hold his new bag for work on his left shoulder, his old one in his right hand. He must be switching them at the office.

"Ready?" Harry smiles, our faces close to each other.

Was he always this close?

I nod my head, grabbing all of my things. Blueberry knows we're leaving because Harry refilled her food and water, having enough for lunch and possible an early dinner.

I shove my feet in my shoes, Harry waiting for me with the door open. He locks it when we leave, and shuffles up behind me to grab my fingers with his open hand.

Since Harry and I get out of work at differs times, we are going to drive separate, which means I get to take my junk of a car. I haven't driven her in quite some time and I missed it surprisingly.

Harry kisses me goodbye, following me out of the parking garage. He goes left while I go right to get on the highway.

Instead of taking the parking in the back parking lot, I parallel park in the front, just so I can admire the front of the building.

When I stand outside, the familiar sign gleaming against the sun makes me smile uncontrollably. A sudden heavy feeling on my chest presses in my lungs, guilt running over my face. It feels like years since I have been here; the homey sensation grows back through my veins. I missed this place more than I remember.

Opening the front entry, the bell rings to announce my arrival. My mother peeks out from an aisle, her glasses rested on her nose. When she realizes it's me, she sets the books in her hand down, and rushes over to me, giving me a large hug.

"Awe," she squeezes me tightly, "I missed you so much. I'm so glad you're finally able to get out of the house." I laugh, pulling back from the hug. She brushes my flyaways out of my face, kissing my cheek.

I walk around the register counter to go into the back room to set my things down, "do you want some tea? I got a new pack just waiting to used."

Knowing she won't take no as an answer, tea with honey does sound amazing. I relax my shoulders, "why not?" I raise my hands, "do you have honey?" I ask. wondering.

She nods, "I would never forget."

My mother makes my tea, crouching enough tea to make my tense body softer.

I bring my mug out the back room, to sit on my wooden stool. Me and my mother chitchat, catching up from the last time I spoke to her, which was on the phone, a few days before Harry's birthday.

Once I gulp my last sip of tea, time ends up going by fast and customers come in and out, moving like an ongoing subway. Many of the regulars ask where I was, realizing I was absent for quite some time. I explained a few things before going too deep into explanation.

Melina stops in around dinner time, bringing three subs for all of us to munch on.

Throughout my stay, my working hard has been soothing with Harry texting me every hour, updating me about his time at work and me listening. He also checks in on me, curious on my progress.

With the last hour to go, Melina and I are stocking our last genre for the day. I have my back laid on the carpet, my feet dangling up in the air, my eyes staring at bitten down fingernails. Though I am not helping Melina with our stacks of books, I am entertaining her thoroughly.

A buzz in my pocket, I grab my phone to get a call from Harry, "hey, Love Dove, I just got out of work, on my way home, are you alright?"

I giggle, "yes," I stir onto my stomach, staring at the back of Melina's head, "when you get home, text me you made it safely, OK?"

"Yes, I will, you do the same," Harry reminds me, "now, what are you doing?" Harry wonders, a feel shuffles before I hear the car door shut.

"Oh, nothing." I twirl my braid, "Melina and I are stocking shelves while my mom firsts with her boyfriend."

"Actually, I'm stocking these shelves."

"Sh," I silent, redirecting my attention, "now, I'm going to let you go. You have to drive, hands free, and I have to stare at the ceiling a bit more."

Harry chuckles, "OK, be safe, please. If you need anything, call me. And remember, I love you. Always." I smile, his words melting to my toes like a burning candle. I smile, my nail between my teeth, "I love you too, Harry. See you soon."

I end the call there, setting ,y phone down on the carpet, my head plopping down next to it.

"You really love him, don't you?" Melina's voice sounds warm. I look up at her, hiding my giddy smile behind my hands. "I really do," I admit, my cheeks flushed.

Melina slams another book on the shelf, the stack slowly decreasing, making our time here go a bit faster.

Now that I'm thinking of it, I could help just a tad so I army crawl over to her, grabbing the book on top of the stack, reading the author and finding the correct section. I slip it in it's coordinate spot, making sure it's still in alphabetical order.

Doing that process two more times, we finish as a team and I'm finally able to go and see Harry and BB, probably sleeping on the coach together.

I walk over to my mom and her boyfriend, they're just chatting like normal people, "hey," I walk in, "we're all done, can we head out?"

"Yes, I already locked up for the shop. We were about to head out anyways." I nod, shoving my hands into my pants. I go to the back to grab my purse, all set to leave.

All of us leave, I go to the front door and they use the back, my mom locks the front after I leave.

I get a text from Harry.

Baby Love: hey, i'm home.

Me: okay, i'm leaving right now.

I walk up to my car, my phone in my hand, the screen lighting up the smile on my face.

I search for my keys in my purse, pressing the unlock button. When my car doesn't beep back, I look up to find my car is not where I left it. Confused, I walk up to the oily spot, a muddy sticky note lays there.

Hit me hard , I'll crack. But you'll never stop me from staring back!
What am I?

"Fuck me!" I shout, pulling out my braid to loosen a load of stress. I get my phone out to call Harry, "hey, Baby, what's up?"

"H-Harry, come here now. It's happening again."

"I'm on my way, get somewhere safe."

He hangs up in a hurry. I call Louis next who doesn't hesitate to leave.

Both of the boys get here at the same time, Felix pulling up right after. Louis must've called him for extra backup which I appreciate very much.

Harry rushes out his car, a set of new clothes on. I really loved that suit on him. Louis is in his uniform, looking handsome, and Felix is in a unicorn onesie, looking handsome, too.

I allow them all to look at the riddle, anger pooling all of their faces. I run my fingers through my hair, thinking what it possibly could be. 

I pace the cement, my hands now shoved inside of my pocket, "I thought this was over. I thought he would be done because I was in a damn coma because of it. Stupid, fucking, shit, asshole, cock sucking cunt, bitch dying coward!" I rant, my hands balling into fist.

Harry notices my adrenaline and settles his hands on my shoulders, "come one, Baby, cool done, breath with me, alright?" I nod, Harry grabs ahold of my hand to gently lay mine on this heart. I feel the beat, brining my own heartbeat at the same pace, resurfacing to a calmer state.

I blink, swiping my hai rout my face, hands on my hips.

"Well, what do we think it means?"

"It's a mirror," Felix perks, his onesie hoody covering his head. I nod, thinking where the following clue is.

"Where is there a mirror?"

"There's mirrors on this whole damn street!" Louis cracks, his hands fisted in the air. He isn't wrong, which makes this whole situation a bit more messier.

I bite my lip, concentrating, "doesn't your mom have whole collection of mirrors in the bookstore?" Harry reminds me and I picture the different shapes and sizes on the bright yellow wall in the way back where not many people go since it's kinda claustrophobic, in my opinion and personal experience.

I clap my hands in enjoyment, "your right! That would be the most obvious answer." I run over to the door, trying to open it but remembering it's locked. I dig into my purse, seeing if I still have the spare key hidden with me for emergencies only, and with my fabulous luck, I do.

Not owning if the alarm will go off, I take my chances, opening the front door carefully, gesturing for all the boys to head inside. I close it, my eyes squeezed shut, begging that we're free from any loud alarms. When I don't hear anything, I believe we're safe.

I take the lead, my eyes searching down every aisle, seeing if there is anyone inside, waiting to pounce on us later. We reach to the wall of mirrors, staring intensely at my stressed reflection.

Harry walks up past me, peeling off the following note. It ends up leaving a sticky substance, which my mom will definitely notice, and will have to clean later. I take it out of his hand, reading the paper.

I've got another one for you!
Shine like a star
Because you aren't going far..
By the time I see your scars
They'll be filled in jars
Look out for me, I'm an alarm
Just remember, Rue..
I am not done with you
This is just the beginning to something cruel..

"What the fuck does this all mean?!" I shout with frustration, handing over the note for everyone else to see.

"The only useful thing this note gives us is an extra letter to whatever this is spelling out." Louis explains, shoving the note inside his pocket, "we can't really do anything until we get more of these hidden threats."

"How the hell am I supposed to retrieve my car back?" I ask Louis, curious.

"We'll report it as a stolen car and we'll work from there. Now I suggest all of you to go home and get some rest, not stressing about this. Allow me, the agent, to do some dirty work. Hopefully we can get some more clue, but I will admit, this guy is one mystery."

We all follow Louis' rules. Harry brings us home and I end up stressing, eating all my feelings with all the leftover fruit we have. The juicy strawberries, crunchy grapes, citrus oranges all please me, fueling up my belly.

By the time I'm done rambling nonsense to Harry, I end up slowly moving to sleep in the guest room with Harry, our legs tangled together, my head snuggled in his neck, and my body nice and warm against his chest.


Four Days Later...

Walking through the living room and exiting out of the kitchen with a warm bowl of chicken noodle soup. My soft eyes watch Harry stir in his sleep, BB trailing by my feet.

Being careful with my movements, I set the soup down on the coffee table, turning back to face Harry's relaxed face. I rub my hand over his warm cheek, the irritation underneath his nose from blowing his nose on and off all day.

His eyes blink slowly to readjust to the light. I smile, my hand now touching his, my thumb rubbing small circles along his skin. He groans, his hand reaching his head. I offer some water that was already out, he gulps the last few sips and sits up.

"How did you sleep, my love?" I ask, crossing my legs over each other. He murmurs something incoherent. I hum in a question manner, but he just sighs licking his lips once he notices the bowl of soup.

"Is that for me?" He croaks, his raspy voice lingering along his aggravated throat. My eyes follow his finger that is pointing to the bowl of soup. I nod my head, grabbing the soup to hand it over, being very gentle, not wanting any spillage for it to burn his skin. I answer, explaining, "my moms special recipe. You're going to love it. The broth will sooth your throat." He smiles, taking the spoon and stirring the noodles in the bowl before scooping a large amount. His lips slurp the warmth. Inside the soup is warm chicken broth, noodles, chicken, and hidden vegetables like carrots, celery, and onions.

As I watch Harry  sip the soup, my phone buzzes in my pocket. My eyes scan the messages from Louis, excitement building up. Harry notices me and nudges my thighs with his leg, a mouthful of soup deign devoured.

"I got to go," I announce, "murder duties are back on the line now that I am clear to do some actual activity," Harry stares at me with darkened eyes. Hidden behind them I know he wants me to stay, so I say, "I wish I could stay with you and cuddle with you and watch movies with you and care for you, but Louis has been doing most of my dirty work while I've been laying low."

He nods, adding another spoonful of soup, the liquid rushing down his throat. He sniffles, pursing his lips for me to kiss him. I tap my hand on his cheek, knowing I shouldn't kiss him, but I rather get sick than not being able to kiss my upset, sick husband. I lena forward, pressing our lips together, our moths melting like they were meant for each other.

"I gotta go," I sigh, "but I will be back with popsicles." I promise, getting up from the couch. Harry finishes his soup at the time and I take the bowl from his hands. He sighs back into the couch, tapping the blanket for Blueberry to jump on top of him. He puts on a new movie, my feet exit the door.

Reaching in the parking lot, I take my car and drive to my destination. Rolling down the windows, turning up the music, I speed out with a smile on my lips, my fingers dangling out the window.

With an address sent to me from Louis, I pull through the parking lot of an abandoned church minutes later. The siding peeling off the building, moss growing on the roof, trees growing around the churches perimeter, which are bent in all different directions.

Parking right in the front, I turn the car off to make an entrance, seeing who I have to kill.

The doors creak wide open, a broken down lobby smells like smoke and leaves. On my left, I see a sign hung, the outlined words tell me where the room is I need to be in. My hands hover over the large wooden doors, my eyes watching my hand shake. Is it nerves or adrenaline? Will find out soon.

Opening up, I see Felix immediately. He wears a bright yellow t-shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers that are now soaked in blood. My legs walk down the main aisle of the church, reaching to the front where our friend is tied up against a chair, mouth gagged with a blue rag, and eyes covered with a red cloth.

Fixing my hair, I tie it back in a ponytail, my feet stepping up the small stairs, now standing right in front of my victim.

Black and white patterned tie, white button up covered in his own blood, and black dress pants on his legs. Bald head, bruised nose, and bloody teeth. My favorite type of kill.

Humming to split the silence, I lean forward, removing the blindfold from the man's eyes and unleashing the rag from his mouth. wHe blinks, agony echoing from his lips. I press a pleasant smile on my lips when he notices me, "who...please...s-stop—" The man stammers, unable to make a single sentence.

I lean back up to leave him in shock, my eyes roaming the collection of weapons, "oh how I missed you all." My fingers draw along the dangerous items, a couple of new ones, which I don't mind at all. Each one has been cleaned, the lights above us shine down with a sharp glare, my own reflection staring back in the blade of the knife.

Coming to a simple conclusion, I peel the scissors off the table, walking back around to the guy trying to shift out of his seat.

Base by his squirming and shaking, he's scared of me and that makes me glad. My intimidation hasn't worn off yet. I lick my lips, my pointer finger swirls the blade of the scissors in a circles, his yes bulging out of his eyes.

"Don't worry," I reassured, "this isn't how you're going to die."

From my Louis, he told me he left me a note but I haven't come noticed it yet.  With another glance at him, I leave to search our surroundings. Felix stands back, giving me space but I give up.

"Felix, where is the note Louis wrote down?" I ask, my voice soothe. Felix walks forward, passing by my shoulder to go behind the keys of piano I didn't even realize or recognize was there. Because how rundown it is, the glossy black base is extremely rustic, cracks designed through the whole thing, and so out of tune when Felix presses down to play a little something. He returns back quickly, handing me the note, a wink shot back to me and I smile.

I read the small note to myself, his handwriting quite sloppy this time, honestly unrecognizable. I look up to Felix, "did you write this?" He shrugs innocently, hands clasped together in front of me. I laugh loudly, looking back down to reread the words, them finally clicking. The anger that was once settled with giggles is now rushed through my veins. I tighten my fingers on the scissors, walking around to face our disgusting priest, who has his eyes shut from me taking too long to get ready.

Applebury, Seth
Retired Priest
Rapped a girl and got away with it

I take the scissors and guide the blade to drag it alone his bruised and bloody jawline. Digging deeper into his skin, it cuts his skin and blood slowly exits the small slit and slides down the middle of his throat, flowing over top his Adam's apple. He bobs it, a harsh swallow cleaning his mouth.

Removing the scissors, I dap the scissor on his thigh, poking through his pants. He winces, but I know it is barely stabbing him. Leaning forward, I inhale the metallic scent drifting off Mr. Applebury's face. Clearing my throat, "you're a naughty man, Mr. Applebury." He leans his head back, moving as far as possible from me. Moving myself forward, the tip of the scissors dive deeper in his pants.

"What was your favorite part about being a priest?" I genuinely thought, my lips dry. He flattens his lips, his eye's repeatedly blinking. When he doesn't answer me, I force down the scissors into his thigh and he winces by the pain. I shake my head, my head knocking forward from keeping a laugh to escape.

"My favorite part when being a priest was getting to know everyone. Everyone was my family. We had our laughs and it felt nice." He responds, his voice cracking from a dry throat. I hum, not actually caring anymore.

"Did you enjoy touching people inappropriately too?" I cock my head, my eyelashes batting at him. His face freezes and I've caught him right where the net landed. You're mine now.

"W-What are you-you talking-ing about?" He stutters aggressively, his body shaking beneath me. I let loose of the scissors, placing them under his chin, tilting his head upward to get a good at him.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. No reason for lying!" I barked, "if you don't explain yourself, I will stab these scissors right through your throat." I threatened, flames of anger fuming through me.

His lips quivers and he starts sobbing, his face flushed from his emotions. I roll my eyes at his unnecessary tears, taking a step back to think of my next actions.

Before moving, my phone buzzes and I search to see who is texting me at this time. Harry's name pops up on my screen.

Baby Love: i wish i was kissing you instead of missing you

Me: I will give you head if that makes you feel any better

Baby Love: you're killing me, Love Dove

Me: I'm actually killing a rapist right now. See you when I get home.

The smile on my face curves harder when I slide my phone down in my pocket. Seth stares at me with a blank face.

Because Harry has texted me, going home sounds so good right now and killing Seth right away would make this whole process speed up so much faster.

I take the scissors without hesitation and stab the fuck out of his throat, a gush of blood splattering on my skin, ruining a perfect shirt. I pull the weapon out, the blood bleeding out of him, but somehow he's barely alive.

Before Mr. Applebury goes unconscious, I rush to my set of weapons, grabbing my pistol and twist on the silencer so a loud ringing pass on.

Though we are in the middle of nowhere, I still believe it would be safer to go silent rather than loud.

Adjusting the gun in my hand, I shift the safety off and press the barrel right between his eyes. He doesn't move, only the fainted gagging echoes out from his lips.

Counting from three, I pull the trigger and end his useless life. His head flops forward, his body dying in an instant. I walk back to set my gun down, turning to Felix who has a beaming smile on his lips.

"I will see you soon, Felix. Tell our boy, Louis, the job is done." He nods, getting ready to clean up my mess.

I exit the building in a rush. If I want to get popsicles for my sick man, I'm going need to clean off this blood that's already soaking into my clothes and skin.

Reaching my car, I open the door and quickly lean over the middle console to search the glove compartment. When I found my lifesavers, I pull out a handful of napkins. Above my head, I fold down the miniature mirror to see where I need whipping on my skin. When it doesn't come off right away, I panic, and my only thought is to lick the napkin, scrubbing extra hard on my raw skin. Seconds later they splotches of blood disappear and I relax. To cover up the blood on my shirt, I grab my emergency sweatshirt from the backseat and slide my arms in the sleeves, zipping up the zipper.

I leave the church's parking lot and drive to the grocery store to buy a box of popsicles to help put ease on Harry's sore throat. I walk inside and go to the freezer aisle where all the goodies are packed in. I grab a box with three flavors: orange, cherry, and grape. I swear to God if he doesn't enjoy any of the flavors, I won't tolerate it. I'm already riled up with his unexpected text while I was clearly working.

Zooming back home with the box of popsicles, I blare my music, roll down my windows to have my hair blow, and catch glimpses of the sun setting on the horizon on my right.

Returning back home, I walk inside with a large bang of the door, opening the box of popsicles to grab a cherry flavor.

Everyone likes cherry.

I shove the rest in the freezer for when he needs a new one. Walking inside the living room, Harry isn't on the couch where I left him. I decide to go upstairs to find him and when I do, he's sprawled out on the bed naked. Cock sprung out, tanned body flexed, and a fat smirk on his lips.

"You're supposed to be sick and in pain," I bite my lip, crawling slowly on the bed, to prop my head on my hand. I hold out the popsicle to Harry, "taste. now." He grabs ahold of the thin wooden stick, licking strongly, moaning in satisfaction.

"So fucking delicious." He hums in satisfaction, licking once more before pressing his lips on mine, "I missed you." He murmurs on my lips, the cherry flavor entering my tastebuds. I moan when he sneaks his tongue inside my mouth. I bring my hand through his hair, giving his roots a quick tug. Pulling back my lips, I lick them, tasting once more the sweet cherry.

I grab the popsicle out of his hand and take my own lick, feeling quite impulsive when my next movements catch him off guard. I drag the tip of the popsicle against his stomach, stopping right above his pelvis. A red liquid streams down his skin and I can smell the sweetness spread off of him. I hand back his popsicle, bringing my tongue down on his skin, licking him clean. My eyes contain eye contact with him.

"You taste fucking delicious, Harry." I compliment, licking the stickiness of my fingers, one by one.

He squirms beneath me. I straddle his waist, rubbing my clit against his hardened cock, my jeans blocking my entrance. Harry whimpers with anticipation so I shimmy myself down to come in contact with his dick, the sight never fails to surprise me.

"Are you sure you're up for this?" I question before heading straight in. He nods in conformation. I sigh, pressing my hand on his left thigh, giving it a quick squeeze, "words, Darling, I need to hear you speak."

"Yes, please." He murmurs, his head digging in the pillow below him. I drag my finger up his cock, teasing the mushroom head, watching the pre cum drip down his veiny shaft.

"I want you to beg for me. What do you want me to do?" I order, my voice deep and demanding. His grunts, murmuring to himself and I stroke his cock once to hear him speak.

"Fuck—!" He yelps in excitement, "Baby, I need you. Please fuck your mouth with my dick. Please, I need all me inside your mouth."Humming in satisfaction, I twirl my tongue on his tip, tasting his saltiness on my tastebuds. He grabs ahold of the sheets, tightening them in a ball from my long-lasting teasing.

I wrap my lips around his cock, a moan exhaling out of Harry's mouth. Shoving him completely down, he hits the back of my throat. I repeat the process, picking up a pace while I fuck my mouth easily.

Harry grabs ahold of my hair and give it a pull, pushing me up and down. Whimpers leave his mouth. I spread out his legs and cup of his balls with my right hand, massaging his left one with my thumb. The tightness of them give me explanation he's reach his peak of chumming inside of me.

"Love Dove," he cries, "you feel so good on my cock." I mumble, the vibration sparking both of us, spilling a sprinkle of euphoria. Between my legs, a pool drenches my panties and I squeeze my thighs together, controlling myself.

He twitches inside my mouth, "I-I'm going to cum," he announces and I bob up and down faster, quickening my pace to make him explode along my lips. His thighs shake and a sweet and salty taste lathers my mouth, my throat swallowing like the good girl I am.

I raise myself up, whipping the leftover cum dripping from my lips. I crawl back to Harry, "give it a taste," I offer, my fingers dangling i front of his eyes. He opens wide and licks them clean.

The popsicle propped in his hands is now dripping down his fingers. I take it and walk off the bed to toss it in the trash inside the bathroom. Returning, Harry asks, "do you want me to pleasure you?" His eyes moving up and down, mesmerizing my body.

I sit next to him on the edge of the bed, patting his chest, "no thanks, Baby Love. I need to take a shower and rest. Today was a long one, and I'm exhausted." I deny his offer, truly tired and just want to fall asleep inside his arms.

He nods, pulling me close to him so he can wrap his arms around my waist and kiss my forearm. I lean my head on top of his, kissing his hair, "I hope you get better soon, my sweet boy." I exit his arms and walk inside the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

Twisting the shower handle on, the water warms up to steam the area. I remove my bloody clothes and set them on the counter so I can put them in the washer immediately after.

I open the shower door, walk in and rinse my hair. I shave everything, feeling so much better. I walk out to wrap my hair and body in a towel. The mirrors are steamy, so I take my fingers and swipe a streak to see myself. I brush my hair, brush my teeth, and leave the shower to grab something from Harry's closet. I dress in a large t-shirt and some boxers over my body.

Leaving, I do the laundry downstairs, resuming back upstairs to cuddle in bed with Harry, who is already passed out from his own exhaustion. I drift off minutes later, Blueberry cozy at the end of our bed, Marvel curled in his cage.

BTI has 15 more chapters left...
— Jaz

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