07 || Learn & Succeed

393 8 18

Double Update!
Trigger Warning: Murder! Read at your own Risk!


The adrenaline I get from skating on the ice is the same type of feeling I get when I'm killing my victims. This may sound unpleasant or you may feel discomfort from me telling you this, but it's the truth.

The justification for me killing people can be but in different perspectives. Sure, none of these people deserve what they get coming to them, they all have families. People can make mistakes. Yet, the ones who were hurt, they will never feel the same, they will have a difficult time trusting the people they love from now on, because once in their lives they loved the person who turned out to hurt them the most.

The grip of my hands on my steering wheel tightens just thinking about this. It just disgusts me how a human being can be such an evil person behind a mask. This may describe me in a way, but at least I'm still the one surviving while they're dead.

By the time I finished practice, going over my routine, looking over stuff to be better I got a call from Louis. He was updating me on this guy, who I'm planning on killing anytime soon.

All I know is his name is Lucas Ford. He killed his entire family (mom, dad, and his twin brothers) and got away with it. He's 21 years old, younger than me by one year. He seems to have no remorse or guilt about what he did.

Felix has him tied up already, in his little apartment. Quickly making my way to the address, the destination is close to my mother's bookstore, so I'm planning on heading there straight after.

It has been a little bit under a week since I was over at Harry's home. I still have this feeling that he is what he says he is, but more and it scares me.

Something I did find out is he gave me (secretly) his phone number when I was getting cleaned up in the shower. He has texted me multiple times throughout the past days and I've ignored all of them. I have done it intentionally because one, I'm not in the mood, and two, I'm still trying to recover from the fact that he's a Lawyer.

Out of all things to have as a job when you're in my life, you're a Lawyer. He could've been a stripper, I wouldn't have minded, just why did he have to belong around cops, knowing he could seriously turn me in and go behind my back. He doesn't know me that much and I don't know him that much either, so we both could do things we aren't afraid to do.

As I'm pulling up to the apartment complex, I've been told strictly to go around so my car isn't in frame of the cameras that are placed in the front of the building. This place is quite nice, more upscale and luxurious than my own so it doesn't surprise me when there are cameras to track everyone.

Switching my car off, I step out, my heels clanking against the cracked cemented road. I shut my door, deciding to pull a ski mask that I own, over my face just for safety and identification purposes. My legs stand there for a few seconds, slightly spread apart as my eyes gaze around my surroundings.

Making my way to enter, there is a back door that opens and it gives me access to an emergency exit stairwell. He's on the top floor, all the way at the end on the left.

A few minutes later, a little bit out of breath, I made it. Felix has informed Louis to inform me that I am allowed to just walk in and he should be there.

Mumbles of other voices are clear, as I walk inside, the echo of my own heels announce myself. It's a straight hallway until I'm turning the corner to find the living room.

My guy is strapped in a chair, hands and legs are secured tightly. He's allowed to talk because Felix has pulled the duct tape off of him and lets it fall to the floor.

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