59 || Done & Dusted

34 1 0

Chapters 59 - 63 will be a bit different from the rest of this story. I tried my best but it is a bit dry. I hope you can understand my struggles and give me some grace. I tried my best, okay!
Reminder: Please, please, pleaseeee keep your rude comments to yourself because this is harder than you think. My knowledge about trials in court are very slim so I used the Google Gods for most things (even though I did not get much).

Anyways, please enjoy. In advance, I am sorry for the short chapters which is why I have decided to update them all at once.

p.s. if you want, you can just make the font bigger and act like the chapter is longer than it actually is.



Smoothing my hands on my thighs, the fabric soak up my sweat on my pale palms. I roll my lips in my mouth, my tongue licking my lower lip to wet the dryness.

Felix is sat across of me wearing a dark blue suit. He has a ivory colored file filled with what he has to say when walking into court. Sweat rolls down the sides of his face, not because he's nervous, but because it's hot in this squared-shape room.

As I first walk into the building, the lobby was extremely warm. We were informed by one of the employees at the front that the air conditioning decided to shut down that morning. My only thought at that point was life decided to not be on my side just yet. But positive thoughts only, right?

I am wearing a suit. My blazer is black with thin white strips, my bottoms matching, which completes the whole thing as a set. Underneath I wear a cropped white tank top. Jewelry is simple, silver studs with my dove necklace. Mascara brushes my lashes, a light pink shade of gloss on my lips.

Today, ironically is April fools day. In my opinion, the only joke here is the people on the other side. I am confident enough that I believe I will win this court case. Even if others don't agree.

With a half an hour left until we're expected to be in that court room, I lean back in a chair. A long wooden table is set between me and Felix, who is still focus on his documents. I clear my throat, his eyes slowly rising.

"Sorry," he apologizes, "Reminder, I am proving your innocence with all the evidence we're able to provide without suspicion stirring on us."

I nod, remembering when Felix sat me down and we discussed between what stories we could go through. It was honestly hard, having no clue what Liam Payne—Micah Barns—could bring to pull us down.

Harry and I haven't spoken. The day I got arrested he didn't even come visit me. Nothing. And I honestly think it was the best choice. Keeping our distance was the decision I made the first place, so I would like to stick to it. Even if it hurts not being able to talk to the love of your life about your biggest problem.

"Right," I respond, crossing my arms over my chest. My hair is tossed up in a ponytail, the sweat prickling on my neck causing me to shiver in disgust.

"So, we'll do our opening statements, giving a brief description of our account on the events. Mainly a short outline without witnesses or evidence to prove your innocence." Felix explains, remaining eye contact with me. "Our prosecutor, Mr. Barns, will go first and then me, sound good?"

"I understand," she replies dryly.

"Great. You're going to do amazing, okay? Plus, if you're relaxed and remember to think before you speak—"

"—Everything should be fine." I interrupt my hand held out to excuse his words. Felix swallows and I nod, repositioning my body from rising awkwardness. I lean my elbows on the table,
legs spread just a tad. Maybe I'm a little nervous?

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