08 || Walk & Talk

380 10 28

Double Update!


As the warm blood fills the sink, tinting it pink, I watch it slowly swirl down the drain. Getting to work from murdering someone, I had to be careful. I couldn't let anyone notice me or the bright blood prints on me.

So while I'm in the bathroom, the door locked shut, I scrub the blood off my hands. Taking soap to get underneath my fingernails, determined to wash away all the evidence of my crimes.

Knowing that my mother hasn't noticed my presence makes me relax. She must be busy working, packing away books, or offering help to her customers. By this time of the day, three o'clock, the shop is the most packed. It can be filled with tons of people or none at all.

The confidence that I have in myself is vital. Not just because of being good at what I do for skating but also how long I have gotten away with killing people at a specific range. To my surprise, my plan works out how I want it to.

With the luck I have, everything I have done has gone perfectly. I can live however I want, but with a little twist. It has given me the motivation to do it more and more.

Shutting the water off, I stare in the mirror. Looking down at my shirt, I see his blood stains me, and I'm muttering about not having an extra pair of clothes. It's my job to be ready for anything, so not having a new shirt makes me punch myself in the gut.

My feet shuffle back and forth, wondering how to walk outside and not run into my mother. I have already been in this bathroom for too long. She's probably questioning where I am and why I haven't made it yet.

Unlocking the door, the creak of it announces that someone was inside the bathroom. I look around, checking for anyone. Hurrying out of there, I pass someone shopping, not caring about what I'm doing, which is fine.

Finding my way into the back room, which ends up being empty, for me to find a piece of old clothing. Searching aggressively, moving items around, and pushing boxes out of my way to reveal a sweatshirt on the floor. I pick it up, dust falling off it and back onto the floor.

Pulling it over my head, the smell is not too bad. When my head pops back up, my mother stands in front of me, smiling. As her appearance startled me, I fixed my hair as I walked past her to start my work for the day.

She says, "well, you've made it." I nod, looking down at what I've been told to do today. On a regular day, I'm putting away new books or I work at the cash register, but on a rough day, I am usually up to cleaning. It isn't my best.

Thank goodness I am putting away more books. I have to be in the mood to clean this bookstore, and right now? I am not.

"How was your morning?"

"It was early..." I mumble, walking around the counter to stroll the cart of books down the mystery genre hall.

"All you have to do is that cart," my mother informs me, and I quickly exit to pass the time soon. Turning the corner, starting at the start, to make my way to the end.

The time passed in the couple of hours I have been here has been slow. For some reason, only a few people have walked in. I have noticed people looking in the windows but have yet to decide to come inside.

Finally finishing the cart of books, I make my way to the front, where my mother has been working all day, helping the small number of people in the bookstore. She also has been painting, taking phone calls, and ordering new books for her store.

Hiding the cart away, I sit on the wooden barstool, relaxing as I shut my eyes to recharge myself; my phone rings. It's probably Melina who needs to ask me a question about something.

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