Between the Ice [h.s]

By jazzy1Dlover

15.4K 327 453

Eulalia Snow. A want-to-be professional Figure Skater. A bookstore co-worker. And an unexpected murderer. She... More

| Prologue |
01 || Sharp & Steady
02 || Books & Looks
03 || Coffee & Tea
04 || Spinning & Shining
05 || Drunk & Sober
06 || Waffles & Pancakes
07 || Learn & Succeed
08 || Walk & Talk
09 || Broken & Destroyed
10 || Blue & Red
11 || Hide & Seek
12 || Boy & Girl
13 || Rum & Coke
14 || Killing & Smiling
15 || Jump & Land
16 || Memories & More
17 || Cinnamon & Sugar
18 || Comfortable & Cozy
19 || Wine & Kisses
20 || Angel & Devil
21 || Fun & Games
22 || Morning & Night
23 || Smiling & Frowning
24 || Blood & Torture
25 || Pink & Silky
26 || Questions & Answers
27 || Scared & Alone
28 || Hot & Sweaty
29 || Riding & Providing
30 || Live & Die
31 || Party & Dance
32 || Bet & Regret
33 || Young & Alive
34 || Black & White
35 || Trick & Treat
36 || Lilo & Stitch
37 || Frantic & Frenzied
38 || Diamonds & Dance Floors
39 || Wild & Weak
40 || Hit & Run
41 || Dark & Stormy
42 || Hoping & Surviving
43 || Meet & Greet
45 || Ranting & Raving
46 || Past & Present
47 || Alive & Awake
48 || Passion & Power
49 || Dirty & Delicious
50 || Fast & Furious
51 || Promises & Protection
52 || Love & Lust
53 || Drinking & Dancing
54 || Crash & Burn
55 || Down & Dirty
56 || Gas & Flames
57 || Me & You
58 || Fake & Skate
59 || Done & Dusted
60 || Say & Think
61 || Suspects & Witnesses
62 || Trials & Tribulations
63 || Innocent & Guilty
64 || Heroes & Villians
65 || Beginning & End
| Epilogue 01 |
| Epilogue 02 |
Thank You Note!

44 || High & Low

96 1 1
By jazzy1Dlover

Trigger Warning: Talk of Cancer, Suicide, & Mental Health! Description of Blood! Read at your own Risk!


Waking up the next morning after Christmas, Jude and I go downstairs to get a some breakfast. We both order coffee and two different meals.

We eat our meals in quiet and reach back up to the room. Jude leaves a little after.

Staring at the TV, nothing around me has changed. Eulalia looks the same, Doctor Blake has remained the same with the same suggestions, but I keep denying, and it's that loud silence that holds our conversations together.

Going through my backpack, I remember I stashed Eulalia's present at the bottom when I got back from the party. Opening up the unwrapped box, a dove shaped necklace with heart jewel in the middle blings, just waiting for the owner. Rubbing my finger over the piece of jewelry, I look over to Eulalia, who has no idea what is happening.

"Knock, knock," the nurse repeats, walking into the room with a clipboard. She has to do a quick search if anything has been changed, but she ends up finding nothing, and leaves me alone.

A few minutes later, actual knocks are made on the wooden door. I look up to see someone I am not found of, but am familiar with. Eulalia's skating partner, Zayn, stands tall with a bouquet of flowers and a singular yellow smiley face ballon.


"Hey," he murmurs, walking slowly into the room and setting the items down on the table.

I cross my arms over my chest, "What are you doing here?"

"I thought I would visit her, she was my partner. I think I deserve to pay my respects to someone who was very...hardworking." Relaxing, I do see why he is here. Though, I believed he flirted with her, he is still a nice guy and is trying to do the right thing.

"I see," I hum.

"How is she?" He asked.

I look over to see her fragile face. "The doctor says her body is weakening and they think it's best if we would let her rest in peace, but I don't think it's the best option. I believe she can get through this, she just needs the encouragement, so thank you for coming here." Zayn nods, sniffling softly, and running his fingers through his hair.

"May I ask what was it like? The accident."

"It happened just like that. Everything moved in such fast motion. Some of the things I can't even describe because one minute we were driving and then the next we were rolling along the road. Being upside down was scary, I could feel the blood rushing to my head, but when I realized Eulalia wasn't waking up, I knew it was bad."

"I have been in a few accidents with skating, but never in a car. I assume it's the same kind of concept, just with more energy, adrenaline, even shock, if you know what I mean."

I nod my head, shifting in my seat, "have you ever had the experience of almost losing someone? Having that remaining thought if they'll ever make it." He nods his head, "how'd you keep it together?"

"I didn't. When I lost my mother at eight-years-old from stage-four breast cancer, I knew she wasn't going to make it, so I tried to hold it together and pretend like she was only a little sick. When I got home from the hospital, I would cry myself to sleep until my head hurt. The only escapism was using skating, but it only distracted me for a few hours until it hit me again." Zayn pours his story out, and my heart aches over each line.

Realizing he was only eight shows he has gone through something tragic, something he will never forget, and will never be able to see his mother again.

"I am sorry," I apologize, my throat sore.

He shrugs his shoulders, "losing my mother was a horrible thing, but as I have grown, I have gone through worse. My last skating partner, ended up being the love of my life, and I found out she was hiding certain things from me. I learned her mental health was getting worse and she didn't want to try and fix them. One night I got back from a friend's house, and I found her in the bathtub, her wrists were bleeding, and the autopsy showed drugs of large depressant overdose. I tried to save her, but she was already gone. Rumors were spread around and I was getting framed for killing her, and it put an impact on my life. A few weeks after that, I was sent here to Arizona to work with Eulalia and my life changed.

"I honestly think it was a sign. To tell you, if something ever happens, life will get better even if it doesn't feel like it. It definitely is a process, but the ending result is totally worth it. Eulalia has absolute talent, her potential in the world is growing. Even though my girl didn't make it in life, I know she will and you have to keep my word on that." Once he's done talking, I inhale a big breath, swiping the tears away my eyes. Not sure to hug him, I get up from my seat, and I do it anyways. He pulls back to tap my shoulder, "believe in your girl, Harry, because the doctors may never will." I nod my head, smiling.

"Want to go get some food? I need a distraction and I am quite hungry." I suggest the idea, and Zayn nods his head and we leave the room, closing the door behind us.

Walking into the food court, the food reaches my nostrils and my stomach grumbles.

I order Chinese food and Zayn gets sushi rolls. We eat together at a small table in the farthest corner.

"Have you ever gone through something else like this? Did you lose someone else?" Zayn quizzes, shoving a piece of sushi into his mouth. I set down fork and rub my hands together.

"I lost my mother, my sister, and my father until they all came back into my life a few years ago. When I lived in England my family was happy, until we were not. Once my parents went through a divorce, everything changed. The friendships, the relationships, everything was gone.

"I knew when I was little I was going to become a lawyer and live in New York City. When it came to the time I turned 18-years-old, I moved to come study where I dreamed about all the time. My mom and sister hated my decision and basically blocked me out of their life. Months past and I found love with this girl and then it got ruined and I changed my whole mindset.

"Moving back home for a little bit, I got to reconnect with my family. They realized what they did was wrong and they support me for being a lawyer now. I j-just still have this feeling, this lingering sensation of loneliness...that what if this is all just a phase, that we will break and we will lose everything as a family once again."

He points at me with this chopsticks, rice falling from the bottom. He swallows before answering, "you just need to hold it together. If times feel wrong, do not be afraid to communicate about your feelings. I learned that when speaking to my therapist. Communication is key, and many people don't like it slash use it, but do not not use it because it really helps." Nodding my head, I finish with my food and so does Zayn.

We throw our trash away and go to the elevators to meet back up at the room. We sit at the couch together and shoot the shit until Zayn comes to a conclusion he should get going home. Saying goodbye, I close the door behind him, standing in front of the bed where Eulalia lays.

"Please wake up, Eulalia. I miss you."


It's past nine o'clock and rolling around the time when I am supposed to meet up Louis and Felix at the junkyard.

With Eulalia's mom staying with her for the night, I leave the hospital with ease, knowing she's safe with someone I trust, who Eulalia trusts, too.

Opening the car door, I look up at the hospital, reminding myself that the only reason I am doing is for Eulalia. She deserves to know the truth, just a little longer.

Reversing out of the parking spot, I maneuver around the lot, finding the familiar exit to leave. Before I started the car, I put the designated address in GPS, the one Louis sent earlier today on text. It tells me to turn right, so I follow its commands and turn, officially driving, leaving the hospital.

Many lefts and rights, I pull up a long, creepy dirt road. Brightening my headlights, the image of Louis and Felix come in to view. As they both lean against Felix's car, Louis dangles with his unlit cigarette, and Felix just waits for me patiently.

The headlights shine on their bodies, cause their heads to turn away and trying to cover their eyes from the obnoxious glow. Parking my car next to them, I shut the car down. Collecting all my necessary items: phone and keys, I exit the vehicle. Stepping out slowly, wrapping my steps around the car, Louis pushes the cigarette in his ear and stands up, ready for this.

"You ready?" I ask, pushing my hands in my pockets, staring at the large junkyard.

Louis nods, pulling something out of his pocket and tossing it over to me, "take this."

From shock, I instantly take my hands out of my pocket and catch the black piece of cloth. Turning it right side up, the black ski mask reveals back at me. Looking back up to Louis, confusion washes over me, "what's this for?"

Louis sighs, putting his own mask over his face, "are you serious, Harry? You are some Lawyer," he rolls his eyes, turning around to make his way inside. I stare over to Felix, who shrugs his shoulders wearing a bright pink ski mask.

Louis takes the lead, holding a flashlight to give us light in the dark night.

My eyes search the outside area for cameras, and at each corner there's a camera pointing inward, which means they haven't noticed us yet.

Moving in carefully, a broken piece of the fence is big enough for us all to squeeze in. With the help of getting in easier, we all push the metal frame upward, allowing the hole to expand to an extent. Brushing my hands on my black jeans, I turn around to admire the old pieces of furniture, cars, scraps of metal, and anything antique.

Louis takes the lead, acting like he knows where we're going, but I honestly feel that he has no idea.

"Do you know where this car is?" I ask, feeling lost as we have walked in a large circle the past 10 minutes. He turns his head over his shoulder, rolling his eyes, "we are in a large ass junkyard...of course we are going to get lost!" Raising my hands up in defense, I search around to see a car that looks familiar. Louis does have the plate written down a piece of paper, but I think he has it memorized by now.

"How was your Christmas?" I asked, leading into conversation. Louis picks up an old tennis ball, squeezing it with his hand, but it's very deflated.

He tosses the item back down on the floor, looking at me, "I had work so it was shit, but besides that, fine." Nodding my head, I turn to my back to ask Felix the same question.

"I visited my mom, but she didn't talk much."

"Oh, why?"

"She's dead," he murmurs, staring up at the stares. I nod, my head, twiddling with my rings.

Many minutes later, we still haven't made process, The car still is out there, staring right in front of our faces.

"This is so fucking stupid!" Louis shouts, twirling in a circle. All of a sudden he falls flat on his face, catching himself with his hands. I rush over to help him up, but stop midway when I realize what is right in front of us.

Leaving his side he scoffs, "thank you so much, Harry, I couldn't have gotten up without you." He mutters sarcastically, patting down the grass from his clothing.

Shushing him, he walks up behind me and smirks, "well, well, well," he repeats, "looks like we found what we were looking for. Good job!" He pats the front of my chest, passing by to examine the half smashed-up car.

As I am about to open the door, Louis stops me, "don't want to leave fingerprints," he tells, and pulls out three sets of gloves, passing them out to Felix and I, leaving one for himself, "these will help with no tracing," I cover my both my hands with the blue latex gloves.

"What exactly are we searching for again?"

"Snake related. It represents as death. If my theory is correct and the riddle is used for symbolism rather than reality, we should find a snake." Shivering the fear off from snakes, I look high and low. Underneath the seats, the creases of the car seats, but I see absolutely nothing.

"Do you two smell that?" Felix voice lingers. I sniff aggressively, trailing the mark form the back of the trunk.

Getting out of the car, I look at Felix, "check the back," I point, and he tries to open it. Lifting the lid upward, the exotic smell reaches my nostrils, and the image of a dead snakes lays curled up. With another following clue on top of it, I carefully lean down to grab it off the dead, scaly snake.

Forget about me? I missed you!
You have never been close
Trying to do the most
Well how Come? This is just a poem..
I might as well take a vote
To say ya'll are just a bunch of jokes
Time to go!
Next time I'll just go slow..

Passing it around, the letter C pops out, "so we now have, H, M, A, C. Does that spell out anything?" Louis shakes his head, grabbing the note from my hand, closing the trunk quietly. "Well then, we found what we needed, let's go quickly before we are seen by any security."

Following his orders, we began to follow his steps.

"Hey! Who is out there?" A loud voice is shouted through the junkyard, the bright light of a flash light shines through me.

"Shit, get down!" I whisper-shout, and crouch down immediately behind a few barrels. The rustic metal bleeds into my nose and I try to inhale, holding my chest not making a sound. The small crunches of boots increase to us.

I look over to Louis, he shuts off his flashlight, leaving us in the dark. With the a certain look on his eyes, I can tell he has an idea in mind. "Follow me, and stay low." He whispers, he crawls doggy-styled, moving very slowly. I follow behind and Felix is our caboose. Checking behind me every so often to check if the security guard is following, he isn't and we keep escalating to our cars.

When reaching the front gate, the small opening we once crawled in stays the same. Louis looks up to check if he sees anyone, but the coast is clear and motions to move through. Holding the fence up, I crawl first, then Felix, and lastly Louis. Slamming the fence back down, it echoes a rattle which reveals our exit.

"Hey, stop it, kids! I will call the police!" Holding in a giggle, I run around to my car door and I lift my hips to grab my keys and drive off. With Felix's knowledge of how to run off, he's already sped off into the dirt road. Seconds behind him, I floor it, making a sharp turn to follow him behind. My eyes starting into the rear view mirror, the guard is left standing empty handed, the flashlight clicked off and slipped in his pocket. He turns around to walk it off.

Tapping the steering wheel with the tips of my fingers, I take a left, following right behind Felix's car. When we reach a red light, Louis rolls down the window, waving goodbye and we turn go out separate directions.

Ending back up at the hospital, Jude is still reading her book. She uncrosses her legs and sets down her reading glasses. Sighing into her chair, she wonders, "how is Louis?" I shrug my shoulders, setting my items on the counter, "he is good, told me to say hi and he will come by soon." She flattens her lips, nodding her head.

Kicking off my shoes, I sit down into my chair, staring at Eulalia.

I love you...

Crawling into bed next to Eulalia, I snooze right away, dreaming about Eulalia.

The next morning I get ready for the day because Louis texted and wondered if I wanted to go get breakfast with him. I took that as an opportunity to give Eulalia's mother more time to spend with her, so I agreed to the offer. Knowing there's more to the whole 'just going out to breakfast' I still get ready. Inside the hospital bathroom, there is a small shower so I take a quick shower and then get dressed.

Surprisingly when I packed, I rushed myself and ended up being able to match the balloon Zayn brought yesterday. So, I wear a gray t-shirt with a smiley face printed in the middle, for pants I slide my legs into a light brown shade of trousers. Grabbing Eulalia's pearls from the sink, I hook the clasp together, straightening it up so it looks nice and clean.

Doing the necessary things in the bathroom, I brush my teeth, comb my hair, and apply deodorant. Putting my things back into my bag, I wash my hands before leaving. Switching the lights off, I turn around the corner to find Jude just settling in for when I go visit Louis for breakfast.

"Good morning, Ms. Snow." She waves, crossing her legs and pulling out a coloring book, "would you like me bring anything back from the restaurant?" I questioned, setting my toiletries by my backpack. Leaning back up, I press my hands on my hips. She hums in questioning, her thinking face turned on, "I can buy pancakes with maple syrup, hash browns with egg yolk, coffee, anything you'd like." I offer, grabbing my wallet off the counter.

"I will take a blueberry pancake, a warm cup of coffee and extra butter." I nod my head, looping my finger through my key hole and twirling it around before slipping it in my front pocket.

Smiling again, "I will be back in an hour. Watch out for my girl, alright?" I wink, while she continues with her coloring. Leaving with a piece of weight off my shoulders.

Yesterday when Zayn visited unexpectedly, it put my situation into perspective. People may not have any trust into someone you love, but you always have to remember that you believe no matter what.

Knowing Eulalia has completely changed my life in so many ways. She showed me that there is a power that will end up being strong, good enough to bring sun to the darkest days. She is my sun. A beautiful bloomed sunflower. I think if I didn't get to know her, my whole opinion on her would be based off the little things and there's so much more to those parts.

Walking inside the parking lot, I open up my car and get inside. The warm sun beams on the leather, the seats being a bit hot for the touch. Turning the engine on, I quickly drive out of there and go to the restaurant just on the corner.

While Louis is already parked and inside getting a booth, I follow right behind to slide into that same booth. The view on my right is a line-up of all the cars. The view on my left is other tables filled with people.

Grabbing the menu, my eyes stare down at the crepes. Haven't had them since Eulalia made them one morning, I could really use something to cheer me up, to remember her. They won't ever taste the same, but they will still be drenched in whipped cream, Nutella, and fresh strawberries.

"How's your morning, Harry?" Louis clears his throat, setting down his menu.

I shrug my shoulders, searching for the blue pancake Jude wants me to get, "it was slow, nothing too particular happened. What about you?"

"The usual routine, got dressed and came over here to have breakfast." With the nod of my head, I set down the menu, our waitress walking over at the same time.

"Hello, I will be your waitress. What can I get you gentlemen started for drinks," she pulls out her notepad and stares at me first.

"Black coffee, please and thank you."

She nods moving over to Louis, "I will take coffee with creamer. Harry, are you ready to order?" He asked before moving forward. I nod my head, giving him the permission to order first, "I will the bacon and cheese omelette with bacon and a side of fresh fruit." She writes down the items, holding her hand out to collect the small menu.

"For you, Sir?"

"I will get your strawberry and Nutella crepes, add extra whipped cream. I also have an order to get to-go, do you need it now or later once we're about finished?"

"I can't take it now and put it in halfway through." She informs and I smile, intertwining my fingers together, "perfect. I am going to need one blueberry pancake, extra butter, and one cup of fresh coffee. Give me a few creamers on the side, just in case." I suggest, "here's the menu," I handover, and she smiles putting her things away and leaving us two to talk.

Turning my head back around, Louis flutters his eyelashes, "don't do that." I shake my head, "it's for Jude, alright?"

He smirks, "didn't say anything."

Relaxing in the booth, I run my fingers through my hair, "so, what we doing here, really, Louis?"

"I have news, good news." Louis smiles, "I was able trace the licenses plate once more to get an identification of who the guy could possibly be, and I discovered, Zayn Malik isn't as innocent as he portrays to be." Louis reveals the information and my head begins to spiral.

"What do you mean? I saw Zayn yesterday, he seemed genuine about the whole situation. I mean, we told each other things, personal things, to each other."

Louis' smiles falters and he leans forward on the restaurant table, "he came visited you?!" Louis' voice rises and I nod, my head shaking with a small burst of emotion.

"I-I don't know what to think. I mean, we should go talk to him about it, right?" I squint, looking at Louis for an answer.

Louis shakes his head, swallowing, "I haven't finished my news, that's part of it. I was able to rewind the recording of the security cameras and the photo is very blurred, but the tattoos, dark hair, shape jaw, everything is the same to Zayn's body structure." Running my fingers over my face, I sigh with disappointment. I really thought I was able to trust him, but turns out life doesn't go that way.

"We should go see him. Make him confess. We need to get an answer out of him. He must have had a motive, or something, but—"

Louis rests his hand on the table, trying to relax me, "slow down, Harry, we should get our food, drop off Jude's and then we can go."

"Fine, but I have no idea where he'd be."

"I think have an idea."

We get our food minutes later and devour the greasy, junk food before we ride to the hospital to drop off Jude's breakfast.

"Look my two favorite boys, together, bonding. Is that my breakfast?" She points and I nod, "well," she murmurs, "don't just stand there, come sit with me and update me on anything."

"Oh, Ms. Snow, we would love to, but we actually to leave again."

With a shock expression, she understands, but I know she is upset that we're leaving her alone in that hospital room, but right now, things are more complicated than I expected them to be.

Louis drives us to the ice arena and we walk in there, Zayn on the rink, alone. "Yo, Zayn! Get off the rink, we have something to ask you." Zayn stops mid ride, dust of ice crashing along the ice. He skates across the rink, stepping off the surface to find a bench.

"Hit me, Harry." Zayn says, untying his shoes.

With anger pouring through me, I wait patiently for Zayn to look up. I crack my knuckles, punching Zayn in the face, the impact catching him by surprise and blood gushes from the side of his mouth. The action moves so fast and I'm repeating the punch, but the other side.

"Harry! Stop, alright." Louis presses his hand on my shoulder, pulling me back from making another move.

I give Zayn enough process to recuperate from my punch, blood still flowing through his teeth.

"I didn't mean physically, Harry, so what the hell is your problem?" Zayn mutters, his fingers running through his sweaty hair.

"Actually, I've got this one Harry. Now, Zayn, may you please explain why are in the vehicle, the same vehicle that Harry and Eulalia had an accident with?" Louis shows him the blurred photo he showed me at the restaurant. His eyes fall and he shakes his head.

Zayn looks back up to me, worry in his eyes, "I was blackmailed, alright? An anonymous stranger threatened me to hurt my family and I just couldn't. At first, the person wouldn't tell me what the plan was, but then when I found who it was I was hurting, I tried to back out, but he wouldn't budge. I was paid a large amount of money after the crash, but I donated the dough to a charity for Figure Skating. Please believe me, Harry. You know I would never hurt you guys, especially Eulalia. She helped me even when it was silent."

Backing away, I pace to register on his words.

"You said anonymous man?" Louis doubled-check.

He nods his head, "I swear. I would not lie about this, you have to believe me."

I sigh, turning to face both him and Louis, "I believe him, Louis. Remember when Trisha and Alex said it was someone anonymous?"

"How were you getting blackmailed? From text? Email? Notes?"

"No, I was sent to a warehouse." Zayn informs, "crates packed to the brim. I was tied in an office, trashed to the brim. Trophies broken. Shelves cracked. The desk was destroyed. I-I don't know if that helps, but that's all I've got." Zayn shrugs his shoulder, getting off from the bench, holding his skates from the laces.

Louis stops to think, snapping his finger like a light switch. "Harry, we need to leave." Louis demands, taking my arm and turning me around to push me towards the exit.

Once we reach his car, I huff, "where are we going?"

"Felix. If I know what Zayn is talking about, Felix should know what he's talking about." Louis unlocks the car, allowing me in.

I buckle up, before I say, "Louis, no, we aren't going to search for the man threatening Zayn and Trisha and Alex."

Louis stares at me, turning the keys to rev up the engine. He changes gears to go in reverse, "Harry, this man works with people to do his dirty work, so we are going to find the little fucker who worked him this time."

Relaxing in the front seat, Louis bolts to drive to find Felix, which I assume is at his house. With a quick drive later, we pull in the driveway, a car parked in the opened garage. Louis parks next to it and we get out together. Walking inside the house, the place is nice for the two of them.

"Felix!" Louis shouts, setting his key on the kitchen counter.

"In here!" Felix shouts from a distance, assuming upstairs, so Louis walks up the steps, opening the first access door. Felix sits at a desk, papers scattered, opened laptop.

"Hey, we need your help finding someone. I think you may know this area, too." Louis explains, taking a sit i front of Felix's desk, me doing the same.

Felix relaxes, resting his pen on the set of papers, "maybe, what is it?"

"Do you remember the time Eulalia destroyed that one office. It had trophies on ever shelf." Felix's face falters and he starts to concentrate hard.

The light bulb above his head shines and he smiles slowly, "I sure do because she used his sword on him. I took it for safekeeping's."

I stare at Louis who is smiling brightly.

"Perfect. For some reason, I can't remember his name, have any ideas?" Louis asked, and I hope Felix remembers or our detective skills were used for nothing.

Felix drums his hands on the desk, "Daniel Richards. He owed the secret drug company."

Louis nods his head, getting up from the chair to look at Felix's computer. I walk around to, leaning down to see what they are looking for. Louis types in his name, an address pops up. Then all of a sudden he hacks and presses a bunch of buttons, accessing a file that is called security cameras.

Then I notice something, "press that one." It starts to play, Zayn is tied up and the man who is holding him hostage, looks very familiar.

"Do you know who that is?"

"Ollie." I mutter.

how do we feel?
- Jaz

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