A Star Wars Story

By N7Legion-Games

157K 2.7K 1.7K

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. Everything belongs to their respective owners. This is my what if story. More

Phantom Menace Ch:1
Phantom Menace Ch: 2
Phantom Menace Ch: 3
Phantom Menace Ch: 4
Phantom Menace Ch: 5
Phantom Menace Ch: 6
Bonus Chapter
Attack of the Clones Ch: 1
Attack of the Clones Ch: 2
Attack of the Clones Ch: 3
Attack of the Clones Ch: 4
Attack of the Clones Ch: 5
Attack of the Clones Ch: 6
Bonus Chapter.
Clone Wars: S1 E1 Ambush
Clone Wars S1 E2 Rising Malevolence.
Clone Wars S1 E3 Shadow of Malevolence
Clone Wars S1 E4 Destroy Malevolence
bonus chapter.
Clone Wars: S1 E5 Rookies
Clone Wars Trespassers
Mini Chapter.

Clone Wars Bombad Jedi

4.3K 106 79
By N7Legion-Games


The Clone War threatens the unity of the Republic. As battles rage across the galaxy, more worlds succumb to the seductive lure of the Separatists and leave the Republic. On a vital mission of peace, Senator Padmé Amidala journeys to the Outer Rim world of Rodia, desperate to ensure its loyalty remains to the Republic.

We see a H-type Nubian Yacht traveling through space.

Padmé, and Sabé were seen talking to a hologram of Chancellor Palpatine. Behind Padmé is C-3PO, and Jar Jar.

Senator Amidala, I just received word that you have ventured through enemy territory into the Outer Rim.

Senator Farr requested me personally, Chancellor. His planet is in crisis. His people are starving. He's a very old family friend. I could not refuse his plea for help.

I understand. But in these dangerous times, you should be accompanied
by a Clone escort.

Will all due respect Chancellor, this is a mission of peace. I'm more than capable of protecting Padmé.

I put my faith in diplomacy. She's all the protection I need. We can't solve all of our problems by throwing troops at them.

Jar Jar stood up spinning C-3PO around in his chair, but C-3PO's legs came back around, and hits the back of his legs.

Jar Jar:
Yousa no needing to worry, Chancellor.
As resempative of...

Jar Jar, look out!

As C-3PO's legs came back around they hit the back of his, causing him to fly forward and hit a button which turned off the autopilot, and the ship went out of control. Jar Jar's overreaction through him back and knocked over C-3PO. Sabé was quick to regain control of the ship, and glared at Jar Jar who was on top of C-3PO.

What is happening?

May I recommend that only those who are qualified for these delicate peace talks participate in them?

I agree with Chancellor on this one, Padmé.

Padmé considered their recommendation.

I will follow your advice, Chancellor.
Thank you.

Sabé then took the ship down for landing. It was a beautiful planet, if you can look past the swamps.

Jar Jar:
Looky! Looky! This a swamp planet
just like home! Mesa hot to get going!

Jar Jar, you would be doing me
a great favor by staying with the ship.

Jar Jar:
Mesa knowing mesa be big help
with the negotiations.

I need you to watch over Threepio. You know how he always gets himself into trouble.

Trouble? Me? Really?

He questioned as he glances at Jar Jar.

We won't be long, Jar Jar.

Jar Jar:
Mesa understands.

He said with a sad tone. As Padmé, and Sabé disembark from the ship, they are greeted by a Rodian Silood.

His Excellency, Ah-Twa.

Later the three of them meet with another Rodian that they knew.

An:(I know I may sound nuts, and I wouldn't be surprised. But I swear those look like galaxy stars in his eyes).

They greeted each other in his native tongue.

I've missed you so much.

I was afraid you might not come. We are such a small and humble system.

Uncle Ono, you are very important to me. We've been friends since I was a little girl when you were my father's strongest ally in the Senate. Rodia is very important to the Republic, and of course I'd come to help you.

You speak of friendship I have not witnessed of late. Where was the Republic when our supply ships were destroyed by pirates? Where was the Republic as my people starved? We have been stranded out here without any help at all. (He sighs) I know it is not your fault, but my people starve all the same.

I'm sure the Republic Senate will approve a relief effort. The vote was postponed, but you will get your food. I know a Jedi who would gladly-----

I am sorry, it is too late, my sweet. The Separatist leader, Nute Gunray has promised to support us with a very generous relief effort. He is giving us food, ships and protection.

You're playing with fire if you think Nute Gunray can be trusted!

He will bring war to your system, just as he did to mine many years ago.

With a sad look on his face he spoke again.

I am afraid I have already done what I must for my people.

Just then Droids were seen marching towards them. Sabé took out her gun but it was no use. Farr then took out a hologram of Nute Gunray.

Viceroy. I should have known.

Nute Gunray:
You won't get away this time, Senator. And I see you brought your decoy. Well your decoy tactics won't save you this time. Your friend made a deal with me,
and you are part of it.

Threepio! Come in, Threepio!

Nute Gunray:
Stop her!

They took her communicator out of her hands, Padmé then pressed a button on the underside of her bracelet.

A signal was sent but to where?


Revan was putting Ashla through some heavy training. But she took it in her stride, just then BD-2 rolled over to them urgently, and was beeping frantically.

Beedee, what is it?

Beedee beeps again.

What, when?

He beeps, and blorps.

Head to the Nautilus, we're going to help.

Good luck, Master.

What do you mean "Good luck"? I said "we're going".

He gestured to her as well. She nearly leapt with joy, as she grabbed her lightsaber and followed him.

Cut back to Rodia:

Nute Gunray:
No one can help you now.

I'm so sorry, my sweet. I had no choice.

He said with a sad tone.

There's always a choice! To live in fear is no life at all.

The droids disarmed Sabé, and proceeded to restrain both of them.

By the end of today, Gunray, I will see you in Republic custody.

Nute Gunray:
I doubt that. Take them away.

He ordered.

Please! Uncle Ono! Don't do this!

She pleaded as both Padmé, and Sabé were taken away. Nute Gunray then turned to Farr.

Nute Gunray:
You have made a wise decision, Senator. I will be there within the hour to bring food for your people and collect my prizes.

Jar Jar, and C-3PO were seen observing the swamp life. And some of it was roaring, and farting at them.

How rude! I'm afraid the local swamp life doesn't have a very high opinion of us.

Jar Jar:
Whaten they speaking?

I couldn't possibly repeat it.

Jar Jar:
Thesa swamp-dwellers just like mesa. I will convince them of our good fellowship.

He scurried over closer to the swamp life.

Do be careful, Jar Jar. I don't think they're quite like your friends on Naboo.

Jar Jar went back and forth with some of the swamp creatures, makings various noises to each other.

Jar Jar:
Mesa made contact!

Oh, dear.

Jar Jar, and the creature continued on with their "conversation" if you like to call it that. Apparently Jar Jar said something to offend the creature when a fruit like thing was flung at him, but he ducked and C-3PO took the hit.

Oh! I don't think that requires translation.

Jar Jar:
Thisen is a different swamp altogether. Sorry.

Just then Battle droids were seen entering the hangar.

Oh, my stars! Battle droids!

Jar Jar:
Wesa in trouble now!

Stop where you are!

Jar Jar leapt towards the Yacht and hit the button to close the ramp.

Wait for me!

He shouts.

Jar Jar:

Rather than to hit the button again to let Threepio on board he leaps to pull him up only to fall out of the now locked ship onto Threepio.

Jar Jar, you great webfoot, you're squashing my circuits!

Blast them!

Jar Jar makes a run for it.

Wait! Where are you going?

Jar Jar tripped over a control console with wires wrapped around his leg. The wires wrapped around a control stick that caused a magnet to drop towards C-3PO.

Oh, no, I'll be crushed for sure!

Jar Jar:
Hang on, Threeso!

He said as he was struggling to get untangled.


It's Threepio!

An:(This is one of the only times I felt bad for Threepio).

Jar Jar:

He said as he yanks his leg which caused the stick to shift making the Magnet stop a foot away from Threepio.

That was close.

Jar Jar shifts his leg again which caused the magnet to activate and lifted C-3PO into it.

What are you doing? Get me down at once!

Jar Jar fiddled with the joysticks and used the magnet with C-3PO attached to it, and took out the droids.

Cut to Padmé, and Sabé. They were being escorted to a tower.

It's not too late. Uncle Ono, you can stop this madness.

Keep moving, prisoner.

Look out, Jar Jar! A crab droid is headed right for you!

Jar Jar:
Headed for mesa?

Yes, yousa!

Jar Jar was seen running for cover as the crab droid attacked.

No, Jar Jar, go to your left! Behind you!

Jar Jar flailing ends up on top of the droid. The droid ends up moving towards the ledge.

Watch out! I can't bear to watch. Jar Jar!

He shouts as Jar Jar and the Crab bot went over the edge.

Oh, no! Jar Jar's been killed! I knew something like this would happen. What a horrible way to die. And it's all my fault. He was so brave. Now he's gone forever.

Just then Jar Jar was seen climbing back up.

Jar Jar:
Mesa okay.

Jar Jar, you're alive!

Jar Jar:
Mesa okay, Threeso! Mesa okay!

Well, if you've finished messing around,
I need help!

Jar Jar hits a button, and C-3PO fell straight to the ground making a loud thud.

Jar Jar, kindly don't do that.

Jar Jar:
But mesa saved you.

He said as he leans on the panel and the magnet falls onto the Naboo Yacht, and split it in half.

Well, that's the end of our ship. Typical.

Meanwhile Padmé, and Sabé were locked up in a cell.

Are those chains necessary?

Welcome to the Separatist way, Senator.

Viceroy Gunray's orders.

I hope it's worth it to you.

She said glaring at him as the door closed.

Meanwhile back with C-3PO, and Jar Jar. They somehow made it back on the ship, and were assessing the damage.

Jar Jar:
Thissa one big mess! Wesa going nowhere!

Perhaps we should try to contact
the clone troopers.

Jar Jar:
Oh, looky! Here's a button that's still working.

Suddenly a closet door opened to reveal a black cloak.

What did you break now?

Jar Jar:
Mesa doing nothing!

They look at the black robe.

Jar Jar:
Thatsa looking like a Jedi robe. Whosa you supposing this belongs to?

C-3PO looked at Jar Jar with utter bewilderment. There was only one Jedi known to wear this robe, and he has no idea who it belongs to.

I wouldn't know. But our only hope is to hide in this closet until Mistress Padmé, and Sabé returns.

Jar Jar:
If those droids attacking us,
Padmé, and Sabé are probably in trouble!

My lady gave us very specific instructions to remain here.

Jar Jar:
Oh, fiddlesticks! We musta having try and saving them.

Jar Jar Binks, have you gone completely mad? You'll do more harm than good!


Farr was staring at Padmé, and Sabé's cell when Silood approached him and spoke of Viceroy Gunray.

Good. I shall meet the Viceroy
when he lands. What about Senator Amidala's companions?

Silood spoke again.

If there are no signs of her friends, they must have fled into the jungle. Yes, this is perfect. I want no sign of trouble. Our people need those supplies.

Meanwhile in space the Nautilus is seen flying through hyperspace. Revan was observing Ashla as she was wearing her helmet, and practicing her lightsaber skills with the remote.

Remember, my Padawan. A Jedi feels the Force flowing through them.

She deflected several laser blasts in a row.

Very good. Now let's see if you can predict what's coming next.

The remote deactivated and all was quiet. Ashla held her lightsaber at the ready. She began to stretch out with the Force, prepared for anything, but nothing happened. Then suddenly.....

She was attacked by Revan who unleashed a flurry of attacks with his purple lightsaber. Ashla continues to stay on the defensive with her helmet still on. She moved like her life depended on it, and then she stretched out with her hand and Revan's other lightsaber flew towards her, and she used both to go on the offensive. Then they crossed blades, and Revan let out a chuckle.

Not bad, Ash. Not bad at all. Remember the Force can be your greatest ally, if you stop and listen.

Thank you, Master.

She handed back his lightsaber with a smile on her face.

Keep this up, and you'll be a great Jedi.

He pats her on the shoulder, and walked away.

Meanwhile, back with C-3PO, and Jar Jar. Jar Jar was having difficulty putting on Revan's cloak. Which was weird to C-3PO because he rarely took it off, and almost never leaves it. So Revan must have a spare.

Jar Jar:
Wait! Mesa eyeballs stuck in the sleeve.

Just look at you.

Jar Jar:
Something's wrongo here!

The battle droids will surely capture you. Or worse, me.

Jar Jar:
Not with thissa on!

He stood up wearing the Jedi cloak.

Jar Jar:
Theysa won't be recognizing me.

You can't be serious!

Jar Jar:
Come on, Threeso! We can do it!

He said leaping to action.

I have a very bad feeling about this.

A shuttle was seen being escorted by Vulture Droids. It was landing where Farr was standing. Viceroy Gunray was seen exiting the shuttle.

The citizens of Rodia welcome you, Viceroy.

Viceroy Gunray:
Where is Senator Amidala, and her Bodyguard?

Awaiting your arrival, as promised.

Viceroy Gunray:
Excellent. I do not wish to keep them waiting. Shall we go?

We are holding the them in the detention tower.

Viceroy Gunray:
I hope it is not too painful for them.

Jar Jar, and C-3PO were seen eavesdropping on this.

Jar Jar:
Theysa up in that tower? Wesa gotta rescuing them!

And how, precisely, do you propose to do that?

The droids escorting the Viceroy, and Farr looked to see Jar Jar, and C-3PO.

Look! A Jedi!

We're doomed!

Viceroy Gunray:
A Jedi?

Jar Jar begins to panic.

Jar Jar:
Jedi? Where'sa Jedi?

I do believe they mean you.

Jar Jar:
Mesa not a Jedi!

He waved his arms around defensively.

Viceroy Gunray:
Kill the Jedi!

He commands.

Don't shoot! We surrender! We surrender!

Jar Jar:
Forget surrender! Wesa run!

Jar Jar ran as the droids chased him. Jar then fell into a grate where water was underneath.

Jar Jar!

Viceroy Gunray:
Is he dead?

One of the droids picked up the cloak that he left behind.

The Jedi got away. He slipped through this grate and went underwater.

Viceroy Gunray:
Sound the alarm! Find that Jedi!

An alarm was rung, and the droids scrambled.

I can see you're busy, so I'll just be going now.

And take that Republic droid scum
to the dismantling center!

Dismantling center? Wait!
Wait, I'm innocent! I'm innocent, I tell you!

Let's find that Jedi.

Roger, roger. Roger, roger.

Viceroy Gunray:
Take me to Senator Amidala at once!

Jar Jar was seen under water standing on top of a water slug who was not happy being woken up so it chased him for a good distance before Jar Jar made it out of the water and grabbed the Jedi cloak.

Jar Jar:
There'sa bad boogie-monster down there, you betcha. Don't be fearing, Padmé, and miss Sabé. Mesa coming.

Cut to the Detention tower the droids were still guarding Padmé, and Sabé's cell.

Better watch out. There's a Jedi on the loose.

Padmé, and Sabé smiled at this.

You know you will soon be destroyed.

I can't tell you how many times I've seen battle droids sliced in half by a lone Jedi.

Quiet, you two. All right, cut the chatter.

I want you troops to go outside and secure the perimeter.

Both Padmé, and Sabé nodded at one another and they pulled their own tricks to free themselves from their shackles.

You made it! We're rescued at last!

Hurry, before the battle droids figure out what's happening!

Quiet in there!

Tank you! Let's get out of here, Master Jedi!


The cell door opened and one of the droids entered to see that the prisoners were gone.

There's no Jedi in here. Wait! There's no prisoners in here! How did they do that?

Just then Padmé, and Sabé both tag-teamed to take down the droids.

Where's the alarm button?

Padmé, and Sabé both finished off the droids with their new blasters and ran off for the exit.

I am a protocol droid,
fluent in over six million forms of...


-Mistress Padm?!

Oh! Thank the Maker you're safe!
Have you...

-Where's Jar Jar?
-Well, I'm afraid he went to rescue you.


What about the Jedi?

There is no Jedi. It appears the battle droids have mistaken Jar Jar for one.

That's not good.

Cut to Jar Jar who was climbing up the tower.

Jar Jar:
Hang on, my lady.

This is our chance to capture Viceroy Gunray, but I need you to stay calm. Go back to the ship and call for help.

I regret the transmitters on the ship
are out of order.


The ship has been destroyed.

Battle droids?


Jar Jar?

Jar Jar.

Sabé just pinched the bridge of her nose.

With all due respect, Milady, but why did we bring him again?

We can't dwell on that now. All right, then find a communications room and send out a distress signal. Hopefully there are some clone ships within range. We'll track down Jar Jar.

Cut to Viceroy Gunray, and Farr.

Viceroy Gunray, when can we expect
the supplies to arrive? My people are starving.

Viceroy Gunray:
They haven't arrived yet? I'm sorry. Your request will be taken into consideration after Senator Amidala's execution.

Execution? You can't! She's a prisoner of war. We were promised!

You are under my protection now! And you will do what I demand of you.

Farr was now seeing what the Viceroy was and he immediately regrets his decision.

Padmé was right. I have made a grave mistake joining with the Separatists.

Silood then spoke to Farr.

I know, I know. We must appease Viceroy Gunray so he does not destroy us all. Be on alert for that Jedi. He is our only hope.

They had reached the Detention tower when a dark figure approached them.

Viceroy Gunray, you are hereby under arrest for war crimes against the Republic.

The figure was revealed to be....

Viceroy Gunray:
Another Jedi! Kill him!

The Droids fired at him but he held out his wrist and the bolts just floated in the air. The Droids were utterly confused, and Viceroy Gunray was afraid and ran for his life. Revan flicks his wrist and the bolts flew back at the droids killing them instantly. Farr, and Silood stood there in awe as Revan walked towards Viceroy Gunray.

Gunray continues to run, and kept on seeing Revan approach him with a walk.

Viceroy Gunray:
Kill the Jedi!!

He shouts at the top of his lungs but the story ended up the same. They became scrap metal.

Padmé, and Sabé eventually found Farr, and Silood.

Uncle Ono! What happened?

A dark figure wearing a cloak and mask with a purple lightsaber attacked the droids and is chasing the Viceroy.


They said in unison.

That means Ashla is not far behind.

Just then Ashla was seen on a Vulture Droid attacking it with her lightsaber as a few others were chasing her.

Never mind. We need to go now!

Jar Jar:

They turned to see Jar Jar in Revan's cloak. Now they understand why they assume Jar Jar was a Jedi.

Come on, Jar Jar, we've got to go!

They begin to run as more droids chased them. Then out of nowhere Ashla came in and defended them from the blaster bolts.

This way, Senator Amidala!

They followed her as the droids continued to attack.

C-3PO was seen in communications and proceeded to call for help.

Hello? I say, is anyone there? Why is there never an R2 unit when you need one?

Just then as if his prayer had been answered. BD-2 rolled in to help.

BD-1, aren't you a sight for sore eyes.

BD-2 chirps at him.

No, I've been dealing with Jar Jar all day. You wouldn't believe the trouble he's put me through.

Just then Droids found them.

Hold it.

Oh, dear.

You're under arrest!

So, you didn't find the Jedi, then?

Suddenly they were attacked, and a familiar figure was seen, but in a new uniform.

You two get that message out to the fleet. I'll take care of these clankers.

He grabbed his mini gun and proceeded to kill any droid he saw.

Thank goodness he arrived.

BD-1 chirps again.

You watch your tone. Your more vulgar than R2.

Viceroy Gunray continues to run to his ship and it began to take off. Padmé, and the others had just arrived to see the ship about to take off.

The Viceroy is getting away!

Both Padmé, and Sabé began to shoot at the ship. Revan had just arrived in time....

The group were in awe of this as he held that ship in place. He then yanks it down to the ground and the ship's were then crushed by Revan. He then ripped open the ship to see a Cowardly Viceroy in the fetal position.

Viceroy Gunray:
I surrender! I surrender! I SURRENDER!!! (He cries).

Revan held his lightsaber blade to the Viceroy's neck.

You are under arrest, Viceroy!

The Viceroy just bangs his hand down in frustrated defeat.

Onaconda, I think it's time to tell the Viceroy about our little secret. How you never meant to leave the Republic, and how you truly care what's best for your people.

Viceroy Gunray:
What's he talking about?

Sorry, Viceroy, he is right. I am with the Republic. And you are under arrest.

Viceroy Gunray:
You will pay for this treachery!

Viceroy, you are going to spend the rest of the war in a cell.

Viceroy Gunray:
Your victory will be fleeting, senators.

Just then Revan's fleet had arrived.

That's Revan's fleet! The Clones have arrived!

As the dropships have arrived, none other than Axe was leading his squad to arrest the Viceroy.

We got your message, General. What are your orders?

Axe, my friend. Take this Separatist scum away.

Master Revan Skywalker, on behalf of the people of Rodia, I thank you.

It was an honor, and a privilege to aid you Senator Farr. And a little birdie told me of your need for relief.

Just then supply ships were seen on a descent to the landing pads.

Thank you Master Revan. You truly are a savior of my people.

He shook Revan's hand.

The capture of Viceroy Gunray is a major victory for the Republic.

Senator Farr looks to Padmé.

Can you ever forgive me, Padmé?

It is the Republic that should be asking
your forgiveness, my old friend. Far too often we forget that our most important allies are not always the most powerful.

Truer words have never been spoken, Milady.

He said as he gave her a bow.

An:(And that's the end of this Chapter. I apologize for the delay, but it has been difficult to write Revan and his group in. I promise to do what I can, and if I have to I'll skip Episodes to where I think Revan will fit, but I don't know how long that will last, but I hope you guys enjoyed it, and I'll see you in the next chapter).

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