Taste (BangChan) 18+

By ChansFlow3r

156K 3.9K 3.9K

Being high up in the Mafia world was no joke to someone like Alicia Morelli. Forever putting business before... More

Chapter 1 - Be Careful Morelli
Chapter 2 - Sleeping with the enemy
Chapter 3 - Mafia Rebellion
Chapter 4 - Promises can't be broken
Chapter 5 - All Fun and Games
Chapter 6 - Oops
Chapter 7 - Heated Mess
Chapter 8 - Secret Secret
Chapter 9 - Old Flames
Chapter 10 - Alls fair in Love and War
Chapter 11 - New Beginnings
Chapter 12 - Red, White or Black?
Chapter 13 - You're Mine
Chapter 14 - Connected
Chapter 15 - Why?
Chapter 16 - Memory Lane
Chapter 17 - Pick a Fight
Chapter 18 - No more secrets
Chapter 19 - New Plan
Chapter 20 - Action Time
Chapter 21 - Take Down
Chapter 22 - All's Well that ends well
Chapter 23 - My Knight in Satin Armour
Chapter 24 - Time for a Vacation
Questions and Answers
Chapter 25 - Sight See
Chapter 26 - First Dates
Chapter 27 - I'm all yours
Chapter 28 - SURPRISE
5- Star β˜†
Chapter 29 - Oh f*ck
Chapter 30 - No Labels?
Chapter 32 - Moving On
Chapter 33 - Kiss me like you mean it
Chapter 34 - Wait, What?
Chapter 35 - Now or Never
Chapter 36 - Traitor
Chapter 37 - I'll kill them, I'll kill them all.
Chapter 38 - πŸ’”
Chapter 39 - Oh no you didn't
Chapter 40 - She's back
Chapter 41 - Let it burn
Chapter 42 - Torn between Two worlds
Chapter 43 - The Final Stance
Chapter 44 - A Greater Sacrifice
β˜†one year laterβ˜†

Chapter 31 - I Love You

2.2K 65 14
By ChansFlow3r

A/N; I'm obsessed with this story that I'm already starting to feel sad about ending it. But as I promised there will be a second book after I've finished writing this one 💖



Alicia's Dress

Chan's Shirt

As I entered the room with Chan I could feel all eyes were on us. Of course they were just excited over the fact we were matching but my brain couldn't help but think otherwise.

Nobody knew right?

Nobody except the Doctor and Jisung, who was trying his hardest to keep distracted and not crack under pressure.

My mind was completely blown. I couldn't get my head around the fact that I was pregnant? I just couldn't believe it, I didn't have any symptoms, I could've only been at least a 4 ish weeks. I mean that's counting it from the one time we were unprotected.

Just my luck, the one time I'm going through something so major, so dangerous and completely wreckless I had to fall pregnant.

I would forever beat myself up about this.

"Liss?" Chan nudged me slightly, feeling his hand on my back as I quickly looked back at him.

"Hmm?" I questioned, looking around at the others who all seemed to be waiting for an answer from me. Jisung even mouth 'you ok' as I nodded.

I had to snap out of this, they would all suspect something and I just couldn't bring myself to make a decision just yet.

"We were just deciding who would be in what teams for beer pong? Do you wanna join us or do you wanna be with them?" Felix seemed to repeating himself, pointing to the two teams which consisted of Felix, Changbin, Yeonjun, Jeongin and Hyunjin on one team. While Jisung, San, Minho, Seungmin stood on the other.

Me and Chan being the only ones not yet on a team.

"Oh erm" I stuttered, quickly remembering beer pong included beer, which was alcohol. Yet me now being pregnant meant I had to steer clear of that.

"How about Chan can join Jisung's team and even things out, I'll be the judge. You know, check no one's elbows are over the line and no foul play is involved" I quickly suggested, trying to cover up the fact I didn't wanna drink.

"Yeah alright if that's what you're good with, we're totally gonna win" Felix agreed, high fiving his team as I smiled.

Chan took my hand in his, squeezing it slightly as I turned my attention to him.

"Shall I get you a drink?" He asked, ushering over to the kitchen as I quickly realised again he meant alcohol.

"Oh no, don't worry I can grab it myself, why don't you help them set up and I'll meet you back here?" I offered instead as he just smiled, nodding in agreement as I kissed my cheek before walking towards the others.

At least if I was in charge of my own drinks all night I could make sure there wasn't any alcohol involved.

I walked into the kitchen, luckily not followed by anyone, and grabbed a red cup from the side. Looking at the array of alcohol I shook my head, I mean I could still have fun with the guys without having to drink.

I picked up the lemonade, look around to make sure i wasn't being watched. Knowing the coast was clear I filled the cup up half way.

At least if I pretended to drink then no one would suspect anything.

As I came back into the room I noticed the table all set up already. 6 red plastic cups lined up on each side of the table, ready for each teams to aim the tiny beer pong ball into.

You could easily tell that they were all a competitive bunch, even Jisung getting into it as she smiled. She didn't want her secret to weigh him down. She felt awful he had to hide it from Minho too.

"Hey Lissy, you ready?" Felix called, yet again making me roll my eyes as San laughed, knowing I still hated that awful nickname.

"Uh huh Lixie, I'm coming" I answered poking him in the side as I walked past, making him chuckle.

I took my seat in the middle of the table, overlooking both teams as they chose which two would attempt the coin toss to see who would go first.

"Alright, so it's Changbin against Minho first, Liss you ready to flip the coin?" Felix asked, him being the ringleader of the game as I nodded, taking the coin from his hand.

"Heads or tails Minho?"


"I'll take tails" Changbin spoke.

"Alright, here we go....and...tails it is, you're up Changbin" I answered as the coin landed straight on the tails side as Changbin confidently grinned.

I watched as he took the ball in his hand, strategically aiming at the cups in front of him, and one bounce later it landed straight into the middle cup.

His team began to cheer as Minho and the others groaned. I found it so funny how a bunch of grown men could be so competitive over a game of beer pong.

"Drink up Minho" I cheered as he shook his head, smirking away before taking the cup and downing the contents, earing a pat on the back from Chan.

"Alright now it's my turn, you're going down Binnie" He retorted quickly, taking the ball out of his cup and bouncing it across the table, it quickly hit the cup at the front on the right, but it slowly rolled around the edge before falling off and missing.

"Ohhhhh no" I called, holding my laughter back.

"Better luck next time!" Hyunjin shouted as the guys laughed.

The game continued for a while, a lot of misses from them all actually. Many names were called as the guys were easily getting drunk, downing all the cups.

Eventually each team was left to one cup each, this time it was Chan vs Hyunjin. Of course those two had to be opponents.

"The final two, I'm confident we'll win though" Jisung said, nodding his head at Chan.

Chan was pretty much on target with each shot he had, but then so was Hyunjin, it was a close call.

First to throw was Hyunjin, but much to his surprise he missed. Then Chan's turn, but he also missed. I could tell the tension was rising between both the teams as I was excited to finally announce the winner.

However my eyes were drawn to something else, while everyone else was so focused on the game and the boys multiple missed shots, San was busy on his burner phone, clearly texting. But everyone else was here in the room, who could he possibly be texting?

Frowning slightly I remembered what Jisung had said. About never trusting him. He wouldn't do anything to harm us right? Not now...

I looked around the room again but then saw Changbin pull out his phone, then Felix, then Jeongin. I don't know maybe I was just thinking too much into it. Was there a group chat I perhaps didn't know about?

"I win!!! I win!!" Hyunjin cheered as I had completely missed him throwing the ball into the cup.

"Nah he cheated! You can't lean over the table that far, no way he won!" Chan argued as I tried to work out what had actually happened.

"It's up to the ref, come on Liss, was the point allowed or not?" Felix asked as my eyes widened.


Definitely didn't expect to be called out on this one.

"Uh, I think Hyunjin's team won this one" I said, I mean after all the ball was in the cup...I just had no idea if he cheated.

The team erupted in cheers as Chan shook his head. They'll get over it, it's only a game.

As they set another game up, a 1 v 1, Jeongin vs Seungmin, Chan came and sat next to me, draping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer.

"You know he totally cheated right"

I laughed, he really wasn't going to let this go. I probably should've paid attention but it seems like it didn't matter in the first place, everyone else was having a great time.

"Maybe...but at least I have you to myself now" I reminded him, pecking him on the lips as he relaxed almost instantly.

"You know if you wanted to get us alone all you had to do was ask" He whispered into my ear, his eyes dark and voice husky.

Surely I couldn't even think about sex with Chan at this point.

I was fucking pregnant with his child and he still had no idea.

I laughed, uncomfortably, but luckily he didn't notice due to the fact he was drinking.

I just didn't know what to do.

"Hey Alicia! Battleshots, 1 V 1, you vs Minho" Yeonjun called, I smiled to see him happy and more himself again but of course I was quickly reminded about the alcohol side of the game.

"Oh I don't know, I'm not great with shots, I'll play the game though" I tried to find away around it as both Minho and Yeonjun looked confused. Luckily for me, Jisung had heard the conversation and stepped in.

"Perfect, you vs Minho, I get the shots" He chimed in, placing his hand on my shoulder. Honestly I was grateful for him, so grateful.

And with that the game went on, no one suspecting a thing. Even though avoiding alcohol was literally the hardest thing to do at a party like this. Especially when I know i literally cannot drink.

Except I was sure Minho was onto me. The line about not being able to do shots was probably the worst lie I could've told. That boy has seen me do hundreds of shots without a blink of an eye.

But he hasn't decided to question it so I was currently still sticking to the plan. I will not drink, and I will not be discovered.

The night however seemed to drag. Of course it was fun being around the boys and spending time with them, I couldn't help but feel so out of place. I was incredibly tired and 100% the only sober person in the room.

"Hey Liss, come and try the drink San made, it's so good!" Felix called as I shook my head, I really couldn't take anymore.

"Sorry Lix, hey guys I'm gonna call it a night, I just feel really tired. Please don't stop though, enjoy yourselves and I'll see you in the morning" I explained, again hoping no one would think into it.

"Aw Liss, have a great sleep, I hope you feel better tomorrow" Jeongin called over first, draping his arms around me in a hug as I smiled.

The others shouted there goodbyes as Chan stood confused in the corner. I smiled at him, trying to reassure him before heading back to the bedroom.

Of course I didn't want them to stop their fun just because of me. I just didn't feel like being around it all.

My head was full with emotions and thoughts. I had pretty much avoided Chan most of the night since the little encounter at beer pong. Like what was I supposed to tell him?!

Sorry I won't fuck you because I'm actually pregnant and I'm still weirded out and very confused by the entire thing.

If I'm honest I'm so scared too.

Sitting down on the bed I was left alone with my thoughts, all I wanted to do was curl up and sleep but I couldn't shut my brain off.

If any of the others knew then they would see me as weak, a danger and uncapable of the role I'm in.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by a small knock at the door, there of course stood Chan. As if I wasn't already on the verge of crying my eyes out.

"Liss?" He asked softly, I knew already he was concerned about me. I had to try and keep it together.

"Hey Channie" I smiled, trying to relax myself but it was way easier said than done.

He closed the door behind him, walking over and taking a seat next to me, pulling me into his arms as I sighed a deep sigh.

"You're stressed, I can tell" I started to say as I bit my lip. I wanted to cry so bad, it was so hard to keep it in.

"You wanna talk about it?" He asked as he finally let go of me, looking down as I tried to avoid direct eye contact with him. It was becoming impossible.

I felt the tears brimming at my eyes, I knew If I even blinked then one would fall.

Chan seemed to notice this as his hand touched my cheek, turning me to face him.

"Liss, what's going on? You're crying?" He asked again, this time with way more concern than before. He was genuinely worried yet my heart was breaking hiding this from him.

I was so scared.

"No, no I'm fine, I'm just super tired...I don't feel that great, please don't worry about me. I didn't mean to interrupt you" I rambled, trying to distract him from consoling me further.

"Liss I know you've been avoiding drinking, is something wrong? If you didn't want to drink or party with us tonight then I wouldn't of minded at all. We could've had a quiet night together"

I shook my head, i couldn't possibly tell him could I?

"No, I'm sorry, I wasn't meaning to be a bore, of course I would've loved to stay and party and spend time with you and the guys I just, I... I can't" I stammered at the end, was I really going to do this?

"You can't? Liss you know you can tell me anything. Something happened earlier didn't it? I noticed the way you and Jisung were acting. Did he say something to you? Did the doctor hurt you?? You have to tell me" I could see him getting worked up, the endless possibilities running through his mind as I took his hands in mine, squeezing them slightly to get his focus back on me.

"Chan..." I half whispered, I needed to tell him, nothing would be right If I kept it from him any longer.

He stopped himself pacing as his attention was now fully on me and what I had to say.

"There's something I have to tell you" I started to say, taking a deep breath to try and calm my nerves I squeezed his hand a little tighter, his thumb rubbing over the top of my hand.

"I'm pregnant..."

The terrifying words finally left my lips. Telling the one person I absolutely dreaded telling. The man who would be the father to my unborn child.

At first he stayed quiet, processing what I had just told him. I didn't blame him, it wasn't something to take lightly. I know I freaked out over it. But soon his lips curved into a smile, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as he leaned forward, placing a lingering kiss to my lips as of course I kissed back.

I didn't know what reaction to expect, I just didn't expect this.

"Please don't ever worry about having to tell me anything. Especially something as amazing as this. Alicia, I know your mind has probably been running in circles, but I'm here. Regardless of any decision you have to make, I'm always going to be here right by you. And...to have you as the mother of our child, I'm the luckiest man in the world"

His eyes began tearing up as did my own, I started to cry so easily. I was so afraid yet his words were so comforting. Was I really ready to have a child? Of course if that meant he was by my side every step of the way.

"I was so scared of changing things for us, for us all. I know with me being this vulnerable it makes things much harder"

"Liss no, if anything it gives me even more of a reason to protect you and do everything I possibly can to keep you safe. I want a better life, a better future for me, you and our child..."

His words were literally everything i needed to hear and more. I couldn't stop the tears falling as he chuckled and wiped them off my cheeks while holding back his own.

He was perfect, I was the luckiest girl in the world to have someone so compassionate, so caring.


"Alicia" He mocked as I laughed, staring into eachothers eyes I knew this was the time.

"I love you" I spoke, finally saying the words but then he completely caught me off guard by saying them at the exact same time. We were both overjoyed in the moment, crying and laughing as I wrapped my arms around him, kissing him once more.

I loved him, and he loved me.

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