Our Little Miracle (LeoxRaph...

By betheyes

8.2K 154 34

Summary: Although raised as brothers, they are not related whatsoever or so they think? One turtle is keeping... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - Final Chapter

Chapter 24

66 0 0
By betheyes

Eight hours later…

"So is everyone in position?" Leo looked back to see his brothers and mate behind him in the shadows. He received several confirmations including a sarcastic comment from Ikkou that he opted to ignore. Ikkou was insufferable without Akio by his side, Leo was quite glad he wasn't dealing with the twin instead it fell to Saki, Splinter and Alopex. 

The plan was to sneak into TCRI and locate the bomb, the three scientists of the group would look to insert the gas into the bomb which once it was high enough in the atmosphere would detonate. Bringing life back to the city. Easier said than done because the bomb would have to be manually exploded and any former mutant would risk returning back to their original state. As in, their animal side would come out and there is a chance of them not returning back to humans. Ikkou volunteered Splinter who almost whacked him for that comment, Saki didn't say anything except step in between. They would figure it out when it came to it. For now they had to break into TCRI, without being caught. 

On top of that, it would seem the price on Raphael's head had trebled. Everyone was being careful knowing if they were spotted by any Kraang or Crux Clan, they would have to vanish which was harder than they said, especially with a wolf's nose. 

Currently, Ikkou was trying to contact his baby brother who was elsewhere in a heated battle with the leader of the Crux Clan and Acronix, the two fighting the fox while the Kraang set up a trap. Yes, the Kraang had managed to capture the three, placing them in a fighting room. It was two against one for a while until the machines turned on them and they had to defend each other. Dantzer certainly didn't like it but it gave him time to pass a message onto Akio who got it despite their weakness, the two knew what they had to do. 

"Leo, we are ready to go in 3…2…1" 

April's voice went silent on all channels as they entered TCRI, a building they had been in far too many times. Karai and some of the mighty mutanimals were leading the footbots and foot clan from Japan around the city protecting any citizens. April's group consisted of Casey, Rockwell and Leatherhead. Even the 'Chess Set' as Ikkou nicknames the utroms were helping out in the fight plus the fugitoid was a backup in case anything went wrong with the scientists.

Silently the four slipped into the building in front of them, they knew it like the back of their hands. Each group moved silently. None of them aware that Raphael's necklace was glowing under his many layers, an old tracker had woken up. Originally Aruma's spirit would keep it hidden but with the tiger not at his son's side, an evil from afar had woken up.

It was about ten minutes into their mission when Raph stumbled, his head was spinning. He heard the faint foreign voice, unfamiliar to him, telling him to leave the place. A hand wrapped around his waist pulling him into a firm chest, he looked up to see Mikey, who watched him worry. Raph only nodded in thanks as the two waited for Donnie to open a door, Leo hadn't noticed his stumble. Raph was quite delighted about knowing his mate was paranoid enough. Yes, they weren't reptiles anymore but they were definitely lovers but preferred the term mate. So they continued to use it.

"Almost there, Donnie. You in position" April's whisper again appeared, "Two minutes out, we should have control of the cameras soon" Donnie replied back, he received a small confirmation. Mikey stood beside their hothead who was equally bored. 

"Mikey, Raph, let's go" Leo's voice snapped the two out of their staring game. With a huff Mikey followed while Raph took a minute as it was almost like eyes were watching his every move. 

"Raph" Leo's commanding tone had him looking up as he hurried to catch up, the leader in blue checked over him twice with his eyes as they hid in the shadows of the rafters. 

"I'm in. Master Splinter, you have the, all clear. Turn the power off" Donnie said with a smile into their comm channel. Mikey found himself swinging his legs while watching the many Kraang bots walking below them. His eyes searched the room until they landed on someone or more, in particular three individuals. 


Hearing his name, Leo walked towards his youngest brother who could only point below, the leader in blue gasped seeing the missing fox of their group. Dantzer was chained to a wall, opposite him was Z and Acronix, the two snickering at him.

"Master Splinter, direct your group's attention south-west" Leo spoke in a vague whisper to his father who nodded, they were opposite them. Splinter turned to see what had his sons concerned, he gasped seeing the chained up man below them. Turning to alert Saki, he sighed watching the older man take notice of his missing brother while Ikkou held tightly to Saki knowing the two needed to ground one another. Alopex remained silent in the shadows, her job had been turning the power off which she had successfully done but seeing her almost ex-partner bloody and bleeding while being chained like an animal unleashed a wave of anger she had never felt before. 

However, before anything could kick off. Alarms blared around the room. Mikey turned to Donnie who shrugged, unable to explain, it wasn't him.

"Hahaha! I thought I could smell turtles!"

The four looked up from where they had remained hidden only to see Kraang Prime floating in front of them. 

"Can't say I've missed you though" Mikey teased just as the Kraang opened fire. 

"So much for stealth" Leo grunted out as he took down many Kraang. 

Z and Acronix shared a smile as they whistled, Raphael was here which meant so was the red gem. Wolves from every direction jumped out of the shadows. 

"Ambush!" April cried out just as Casey shouted, "Goongaller". 

Shaking his head, Leo continued to fight, making sure to take as many Kraang bots down first knowing they were the easier enemy. While the Crux Clan had made it surely their main mission to make the Saki family lives a living hell. Raphael found himself defending against seven wolves at one time. 

"Raph!" April shoved the younger teenager out of the way and used her powers to send any wolves away from the hothead who had fallen to a knee holding his head in pain. 

"You okay?" Casey appeared beside his best-friend, Raph could only nod as he continued to fight. Something just felt off but what. 

"Cut me free" Dantzer called out to Mikey who nodded. The younger teenager sliced the chains allowing the injured fox to fight back. Alopex watched from the shadows, she knew something the others didn't. Diana had passed on her information that could potentially change the Clan rules for good. 

Donnie smirked as his brothers and friends defended his back. He and Rockwell worked double time on the giant machine in front of them while Leatherhead used his scientific knowledge to replace the inside of the bomb with the cure to it all. After a good ten minutes, the three were done. 



Fear struck his heart as Donnie turned to see Mikey had been cornered by both Acronix and Z, the two grinned stabbing in his direction. Mikey was trapped; he tried to defend himself when he suddenly felt pain in his side. He had been slashed. 

Splinter tried to push through to his youngest when a white wave like no other threw many of them off their feet. Saki stumbled over to help his old friend as wolves fell to the floor. April turned to see Acronix had been thrown aside while clashing of swords was heard. Beside them all was Dantzer who was fighting with Z, the two full on going for it. Ignoring that blood was being spilled. 

Donnie and Leo reached Mikey's side just as he slumped from blood loss. Splinter was the first one there catching his son, he looked around for help only to gasp. Raphael had vanished, the young teenager wasn't where he was just standing. 

"Mikey, try and remain still. I'm going to put pressure on your wound and…" 

Alarms started blaring as the Kraang bomb started to lift up into the atmosphere due to the roof opening. 

"Haha! Soon New York will be my world!" Kraang Prime laughed as he and several Kraang aimed for the turtles and their friends. 

"What do we do!?" Casey shouted, they were all sitting ducks. Several Kraang droids opened several portals as their armies came through. 

Leo looked around trying to work out a way out when the Kraang lit up their blasters. His sole focus was his baby brother who was now in Splinter's arms. 

"We have to get out of here!" 

"You are going nowhere, blast them!" Kraang Prime ordered. 

No sooner did the Kraang shoot, every blaster bolt bounced off a red shield surrounding them all. 

"Argh! How!" Kraang prime yelled out in frustration, all attention turned to April who shook her head almost to say, it wasn't her but it did give her an idea. 

"Oy! tinhead! Missing something?" 

Raphael's voice had all the attention turning to see the hothead of their group, standing off to the side of them with Ikkou beside him. The two smirking as Ikkou sliced the wires to Kraang Primes cables, the Kraang dropped out of the sky with a thud. 

"Well that was easier said than done," Ikkou mocked as he pressed a button on his side, exploding all Kraang droids in the area. Deliberately he stepped on the pink brains watching them go splat. 

"You're sick, you know that" Casey muttered, looking at the older man who stood opposite them. 

"Is that the thanks I get, geez, why would I save you now" Ikkou's sarcasm was noted as he worked out a way to open the red shields when an idea struck him. 

"Raph, you need to drop your mind shields" 


The hothead looked oddly confused, that wasn't him. A clanging behind them all turned everyone's attention to Dantzer who had managed to kill Z, the wolf clan leader had dropped to the ground dead and now the fox was dealing with Acronix, the second in command to the Crux Clan. 

"Raphael!" Ikkou shook his nephew's shoulders, only to shove him aside as he caught a blade in between his hands. 

"Alopex! What the hell?" Ikkou shouted, he shoved the female fox backwards. She glared at him. 

"It's him! That's not Raph!" Alopex shouted, Ikkou looked at her like she was crazy until he found himself shoved violently to the floor and a chuckle made him turn to see Raphaels body morph into a taller individual. 

"You!" Ikkou roared in anger seeing none other than his father standing in front of him. 

"Ikkou, it has been too long. Now, tell me. Where is your brother?" Ikkou glared at the man in front of him, he searched the room with his eyes for Saki who was half-way through breaking down the shields which had been put up by the Kraang. Thankfully Donnie was an expert as he managed to drop the shields.  

Oroku Saki immediately placed his body in the way of his brothers, their father wasn't one to mess with. He was dangerous and yet loved to hurt his children, a reason why Oroku Saki took his brothers and escaped to Japan away from their father all those years ago. Saki basically raised Dantzer so he knew what the young man was thinking half the time. He raised the twins as well not much but he did guide them so Ikkou was much easier to read than Akio. 

"What do you want?" Saki moved into a defensive position, he was aware of the others leaving but last he checked, he had more of a concern to deal with which was finding out information as well as the location of his son who had vanished. 

"I want you to suffer as I have suffered when you stole my son's from me!" 

Saki only glared at the man in front of him, the one who went by many names but one that haunted him was Gerald, he had caught up to his sons and used that name to remain off radar. 

"What I want is the location of my pathetic son, Akio, otherwise Raphael will pay with the death of his daughter" Gerald turned his threat on Leonardo who had remained behind with April, the two watched with worry. 

"You want his location, so do I. I haven't a clue where my twin is," Ikkou bluntly stated, shifting slightly behind Saki, who remained on edge.

"Fine, if that's how it's going to be. Diana, bring the child in" Gerald ordered, gasps littered the room as Diana walked into the room with a smirk on her face.

"Why?" April cried out, alerting the Saki family to her and Leonardo's presence. 

"Like I said to your Raphael, the Hawk Clan was always an enemy of the Saki Clan but was worse with the Talon Clan. Dantzer, lied to you all" Diana exclaimed, in her arms was baby Leah. 

Gerald reached for the baby just as a sword came out of nowhere and Dantzer appeared in his view. He had managed to shove Diana away, Leah in his arms in seconds while he held a blade to Geralds neck. 

"Well played, sadly, you missed one threat" Gerald said with a smile, Dantzer felt confused until a sword went straight through his chest missing Leah by inches. Gerald took the baby just as his son collapsed to his knees. Ikkou moved to grab his brother when Saki stopped him just as a blade was directed at Leah, halting all action. 

Dantzer coughed up black blood as the sword was violently ripped from his body, he gasped in agony. Trying to keep his pained groans inwards, a small white pearl rolled out of his hand. It rolled until it hit April's foot, she looked down only to pick it up. 

She was utterly confused until it started to shine brightly as the pearl connected with her powers. She felt a power like no other before as her eyes glowed. Leo gave her a worried look but the glow faded, however the two were the only two to see the glow as Leo turned his attention back to his daughter in the arms of an enemy. 

"Well now that I only have three sons to worry about, how about you tell me. Where is Akio before the next bloodshed comes from the baby in my arms?" Gerald exclaimed, Saki and Ikkou shared a look, they sighed. 

"He's by the falls, the one of the Claw Clan. A poppy meadow garden is nearby" Alopex spoke up, she had just received a message from her brother who had spotted Akio in the Claw Clan Home. Tigerclaw had confronted him but that didn't end well. Akio ended up injured while Tigerclaw had backed away in shock, he had attacked the Saki brother without warning and he felt extremely bad about it. 

"Thank you" Gerald nodded at the female who remained impassive, her eyes focusing on her dying partner on the floor. She was sure he was dead but he always surprised them all. 

"Now, hand Leah over" 

"No, why would I give away my only leverage" Gerald said with a smirk, he moved to leave when something stopped him in his tracks. A glowing red crystal caught his eye, the one sitting around a teenager's neck. 

"You must be Raphael" 

"I am" 

"You best watch your attitude" 

"Or what?" 

"Your daughter suffers" 

Raphael could only glare at the older man who walked towards him. Leah cried out for her mother as he was closer. The two had a strange connection, they could feel each other. 

"Now move aside" Gerald said with a grin only for him to take a step back. 

"No, I want to make a deal" Raphael bluntly admitted looking over at Leo who shook his head. 

"Go on" Gerald knew what his grandson was going to say. 

"You leave Leah here and come with me. I will take you directly to Akio. I grew up on the grounds of the Claw Clan, an ambush will be waiting but I can…" 

"Seems like a strong decision except you missed the bit out where I can take the both of you" Gerald laughed grabbing his grandson by the neck, he turned to the others. 

"It's been a pleasure" 

With those four words said Gerald, Leah and Raphael vanished leaving Leo to mutter threats and nobility to himself. 

Ikkou immediately kneeled beside his baby brother, rolling him over. The assassin gasped, Dantzer wasn't breathing, it was clear. He had died from the blade's impact. 

"Ikkou, we have to go" Alopex pulled on the older brother who shook his head. Saki moved to scoop Dantzer up allowing Ikkou to collect their weapons before they rushed after Alopex, Leo and April. 

The small group continued to the rendezvous point which was the Shredders old lair. They all knew they didn't have much time to discuss anything. Saki could only sigh as he placed his brother's body down on one of the tables amongst the lair. A sheet covered him while he stared down at the assassin who had sacrificed too much for them all and yet he received nothing in return.

Stay Tuned for another chapter! Should be in a week's time (Don't quote me!)
Thank you to all who are reading this book! Over three thousand reads now! Thank you!
Feedback is always appreciated!

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