
By SianaghGallagher

172K 18.1K 3.4K

Tom has always treated demons like equals, but he never expected to fall in love with one. Not Ezra, who was... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62

Chapter 42

1.9K 258 12
By SianaghGallagher

The demons were later released from the angel's custody, and the locals took them to Glass Horns Pub.

"Here," Finn said, placing a tray of six shots in front of the group. "Cheers to justice!"

Tom and Ezra stood by the bar, leaning into each other, and staring in disbelief. "Never thought I'd see Finn like that," Tom murmured.

"They're finally waking up," Ezra whispered, struggling to meet the gaze of the humans who now looked at him in awe and pity. "Othrowan will not be pleased, and that worries me."

"He really doesn't like demons, does he?"

Ezra shook his head to say no. "He likes to think he's fair, and loves everyone, but today he showed his truths."

"Are you okay?"

Ezra nodded. "I feel like I'm under a spotlight I can't avoid."

"I'm sorry for telling them your past, but I do think it was time that people here knew what really happened to you."

"I think you're right, but seeing their pity just makes me sad."

"Seeing their pity makes me angry," Tom muttered. "Nobody cared before."

The group of Demons were soon left to drink alone, but they glanced often towards Tom and Ezra, and talked in hushed voices. After a while of sitting at the bar, one demon approached them awkwardly and hovered next to Ezra.

"Uh, you're Tom O'Connell, right? Your parents own this pub?" He was a short, stocky demon with wild curls to his jawline, deep-set eyes, a round nose, and a scar through the left side of his lips.

Tom nodded.

"Thank you, Tom. You saved our lives today by sticking with what's fair. I've heard rumours about you both that are not in your favour. We'll do our best to spread the truth about you. Demons are welcome here and they're safe, others need to know that."

"Thank you," Tom said with a smile. "And I'm sorry about your friend who you lost in the fire."

The demon blinked quickly and pursed his lips into a sad smile. "He'll be missed," he said, clearing his throat and standing a little taller. "We got our justice. I'm sorry the same can't be said to you." The demon strongly patted Ezra's shoulder. "I don't know if what happened to you was too long ago now, but we would like to help."

"How?" Ezra asked, fidgeting.

"We're not sure, but there has to be something." He glanced back to the group, hesitating. "Call me Kie," he said quietly, holding eye contact with Tom, too. "We also know you're investigating the violence. We want to help with that."

"How?" Ezra asked again.

"There are whispers you've not heard." Kie's stare strengthened. "Here is not the place to talk."

Ezra frowned. "Talk about what?"

Kie leaned closer. "Where can we go to talk freely without prying ears?"

"Berry Pond," Tom blurted. He and Cal had talked for endless hours by the water, undisturbed.

"I've seen a sign for that up the road." Kie nodded to himself. "Meet us there after the pub has closed. He walked back to his group, and Ezra turned to see Tom's reaction.

"Odd," Tom mumbled.

Ezra nodded. "I'll tell you what they say when-"

"I'm coming," Tom interrupted.

"I don't think it'll be safe."

"I'm still coming."

Ezra stared, long and hard, until he knew that Tom had made up his mind. "Fine but stay close to me the entire time."

"I would have done that anyway," Tom said with a smile, leaning in and squeezing his knee.

Ezra's eyes softened and lowered to his mouth. "Good," he whispered.

They kissed, and for a brief moment, Tom felt no pain in his face that had throbbed all day. All he felt was the warmth of Ezra's hand touching his cheek. He felt the warmth of his other hand cradling his elbow, pulling him closer. His arm wrapped around his shoulders, and Ezra's lips moved gently to his nose, and then to his cheek, and to his eye, kissing everywhere that hurt.

They hugged for a long while, undisturbed and unbothered by those around them.

Tom felt the stares, but he didn't care because in that moment, he was happy and safe. When they pulled away, the content glimmer in Ezra's dark eyes warmed him.

They got another pint and sat together for the rest of the night.

Tom glanced around when the bell rung for time at the bar. He couldn't remember the last time a large group of demons sat in the pub, and the locals didn't do everything in their power to make them uncomfortable.

The demons finished their drinks and Kie made sure to give them a curt nod before they left. Tom and Ezra hung back until the last local left, the doors had been locked, and his parents went to bed.

They left like thieves in the night, tiptoeing through the back entrance and through the dark beer garden. They stuck to the shadows as much as they could, and stopped often so Ezra could listen out for any following footsteps.

Berry Pond wasn't far from the pub, so when they arrived, the group of Demons were standing around on the woodchips, talking in hushed voices.

Ezra cleared his throat, stepping into view with Tom closely behind him. Kie stepped forwards, welcoming them, and introducing them to the other demons. Some smiled, some looked a little wary.

Tom felt nervous. The last time he was at Berry Pond with demons, he almost drowned. He glanced anxiously towards the water, and Ezra's fingers softly held his wrist. "Tell me what you know," Ezra said bluntly.

"Well," Kie said deeply, looking around the edges of the pond. "We heard the recent rumour of an angel being turned to a demon, repeating history. Now we hear that was a lie."

"A lie?" Ezra asked.

"Yes, a lie." Kie crossed his arms.

"Who told you this?"

"We can't tell you."

Ezra frowned deeply. "Who told you?" he asked through gritted teeth.

"Someone who wants the violence to stop. And we know why it was a lie, and why you needed to hear it."

"Tell me," Ezra demanded.

"Othrowan wanted you back here. He made the lie because he knew you couldn't resist. He's up to something."

Tom looked up in time to see the surprise in Ezra's expressive eyes. "Who told you this?" Ezra asked again.

"That doesn't matter. But you can trust the source. You've been brought back to Wileshire for a reason."

"It doesn't make sense. Why would he do that?" Tom asked. "After all that time, why would he bring Ezra back?"

"We don't know, but we're trying to find out." Kie stepped forwards. "You're not one of us, Ezrakhell. You may look like a demon, but you're still an angel, trapped. You've fought for us, now it's time we fight for you."

Ezra tightened his grip on Tom's hand. "You don't have to do anything for me."

"No, we don't. But we want to help you. We miss the days where we could live among the humans. Demons can only be shunned into the dark for so long. One day there will be a fight for justice, and it won't end well for anyone. We can't let that happen."

"I agree," Tom said. "Let me offer our pub as somewhere to talk. You can come after closing time. It's safer than out here."

Kie glanced back to his group. They nodded, so he accepted the offer. "O'Connell, your family name has always been good to us. Thank you."

Tom smiled, happy to help with something. "Do you think we should confront Othrowan?"

"No. He's a complicated angel, he knows far too much."

"There's no telling whether he will tangle us up in his lies," Ezra mumbled. "It's safer if he thinks that we don't know what he's up to. Are you the only demons who know this?"

"Yes, but we are trying to find more who are willing to help. We have to be careful with who we trust. Many want demons to start a war because they think we'll win and be in charge. Though we fear that Othrowan wants it too, because he thinks the angels will win."

"And he would want to punish all demons?" Tom asked. "He has a history of being unfair. I wouldn't be surprised." He sighed sadly. "I used to think angels loved everyone."

"We used to think the same." In the dim lights wrapped around the pond, Kie looked like a broken soul with drawn together brows and drooping eyes. The violence was weighing heavy on his shoulders, and Tom wondered how many other demons felt the same. "We should say goodnight before other demons see us. We will be in touch Ezrakhell."

Ezra nodded and left without another word, pulling Tom along with him, down the road and back to the pub. Only when they were lying together on the bed and in the dark, Ezra finally said, "I don't like this."

Tom could barely see him in the dark, but he imagined Ezra's eyes to be full of anxiety. He rolled over and strung an arm over his chest. "I don't either. What is Othrowan doing?"

"And why does it involve me?"

Tom rubbed his chest. "Do you think Kie really wants to help?"

"Yes," Ezra said without a second's thought. "His group are wary of you, though. I saw the way they were staring at you tonight. Be wary of them too."

"I will," Tom whispered, kissing his cheek before nuzzling his face into the crook of Ezra's warm neck. 

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