~Love Games~ (Lloyd X Reader...

By waterlotuss

9.1K 308 159

What happens when Y/n, Master of Love, gets an invite to join the tournament of elements and execute her long... More

•Heart to Heart•
•Always Forever•
•So Much Love That the Whole Thing Feel Like a Lie•
•Why Would I Kiss a Boy Just to Get Hurt•
•Doing It All For Love•
•Melting Like An Ice Cream When You Smile•
•I Wish I Could Live Without You But You're A Part Of Me•
•While The Others Talked We Were Listening To Lovers Rock•
•Must Be Another One She Loves•
•They Mistook My Kindness For Weakness•
•I Just Wanna Get High With My Lover• [END]

•They Say I'm Too Young To Love You•

535 14 0
By waterlotuss

"Before my brother left he wanted me to give you something." Wu's voice rang through my mind the painful memory resurfacing.

I kept walking fast through the rain don't think about it. Don't think about it. "I want to apologize for delaying in giving it to you. But I..."


"Wanted to protect you." The thought finished making me shake my head and shiver slightly in the cold.

You didn't protect me from anything Wu. Running quickly for cover under the roof of the museum I looked into the dead street.

More thoughts emerged in my mind the truth, the break up, and leaving the ninja team. How will I move on with my life?

Suddenly a green figure appeared beside me with a smirk on their face. "I take it you now know."

"I do..." I trailed off not facing the ghost.

"You should have trusted me Y/n I see your true power." Morro went on as I sighed still trying my best to not look or give in.

"Join me." He finally stated flying in front of me.

I can't go down this path not again. "Remember your teachings Y/n." I whispered to which Morro groaned.

"Your teachings were a lie! Told by the biggest liar!" Morro yelled.

"They weren't a lie!" I shouted back in mild confusion.

"You have no one. You denied Wu, rightfully so. You broke the green ninjas precious little heart. You abandoned your team the one people who actually cared about you." Morro explained trying to convince me.

"I did what I had to do." I stated trying to justify my actions.

"EXACTLY!" He yelled then laughed. "There she is! You did do what you had to do. Now continue to do it."

"Continue?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes continue to go through your plan help me get revenge on Lloyd. The right way." Morro said in a harsh tone.


"If I do join u then I need to know your real plan. Because I know villains under your small plan for revenge you have an even bigger one."

"I do." Morro stated flying around. "But I don't know if I can trust you with that yet."

"Then I guess I will have to make you trust me." I stated with a sly smile to which Morro laughed evilly. "Then join me be my partner in this plan."

"Morro..." I trailed off thinking again. "I will join you."

"It's time then." Morro smirked flying into the museum.


Quickly I went over the steps in my head. Call Lloyd, get Lloyd here, Morro ambushes Lloyd, then we start to find clue 1.

Okay I'm ready I pulled out my cellphone calling Lloyd. I know his whole schedule, right now he is alone training outside. He always told me how he liked his quiet time... anyway.

I put the phone to my ear and after the first ring Lloyd immediately picked up. I took a breath beginning my acting "Lloyd help! Someone- AH!"

Lloyd panicked in the phone "Y/n! Who?! Where are you?!"

"They forced me to call you." I began fake crying into the phone. "They said only you can come."

"Who?! Where?!" Lloyd asked in desperation.

"The museum come to the museum!" I yelled and hung up the phone wiping away the tears and taking a deep breath.

"Have you ever thought about a TV career?" Morro asked with a smile but i just couldn't smile hearing his voice again it broke me.

"Have you ever thought about not wanting to be a ghost?" I asked in spite while walking away.

"Listen Lloyd will be here any moment. My break in last night will make him think something is up. You need to go lie down over there and pretend your unconscious." Morro replied in small frustration.

I rolled my eyes walking over to the spot then lying down on the floor with my eyes closed. Then reached in my pocket smashing my phone on the ground.

"He's here." Morro whispered disappearing and making me get into character even more.

"Y/n!" Lloyd shouted in shock I could hear his footsteps rush over to me. "Wake up." He whispered leaning down to hold me up.

My eyes fluttered open slowly and I could see the relief wash over his face. "Y/n are you okay? What happened?" Lloyd asked patiently.

"A man." I whispered sitting up slowly. "Or I don't know some figure. He was in my head..." I trailed off lifting my hand up to my head.

"He-" I stood up going to the open crate. "He took this plate of armor. They call it 'The Allied Armor of Azure."

"Why would he leave these priceless relics and take just that?" Lloyd asked examining the box further as I walked behind him.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe it's because when you're in trouble they say it's got the power to summon allies, wether they me friends, foes, even spirits from the cursed realm." I went on as Lloyd had a realization.

"The cursed realm that's where dad is." Lloyd spoke as I grabbed the metal sledge hammer.
Quietly I made my way over to Lloyd however he looked back in fear as I held it up missing him.

He started to run away as I kept missing my jacket fell off suddenly causing the armor to appear. "You stole it!" Lloyd shouted as I smirked Morro appeared in a painting distracting Lloyd from me.

I dropped the hammer and then Morro went into a serpentine statue grabbing Lloyd with the tail. "You're a ghost from the cursed realm but how did you escape?" Lloyd asked out of breath.

"When your father opened a door he should've been more careful what came out." Morro explained forming a sand storm around Lloyd then throwing him out.

"You can't have the armor give it to me Y/n!" Lloyd shouted as I took it off throwing it to Morro. "The armors nice but it's not the only thing I want to possess."

My eyebrows furrowed at Morros words this is not apart of the plan...

"What else do you want?" Lloyd questioned.

"You!" Morro yelled making me gasp in shock as Lloyd yelled getting possessed by Morro. "Morro!" I criticized stepping back.

He took a moment adjusting to Lloyds body. "You're a liar." I stated as Morro smirked sending chills down my spine.

"It was a change of plans." Morro replied I could barely look at him.

"I can't do this." I stated walking away immediately. How could he possess Lloyd like that?

"You can't expect me to not do this?" Morro countered following behind me. "I need a human body."

"No even in death you still want to be the green ninja." I replied turning around to face him. Morro rolled his eyes before sighing and looking away.

"As long as your possessing Lloyd I want nothing to do with you. Consider this us parting ways." I said with no hesitation as he gaped.

"But you need me. We have a deal."

"No we had a deal. I can get my revenge without you." I remarked leaving him in a hurry. I got what I needed to know and now it's time to do things my way.

I exited the museum with many thoughts on my mind. 

I remember Morro saying something about the scroll of airjitsu apparently this is the first step and thanks to me I found out that a thief by the name of Ronin stole it.

Time to go steal it back. This makes me one step ahead of Morro I can't fall behind.


I entered a very shady shop and a man with a blue vase came out whistling. He looked a little scruffy this is probably the guy.

"Excuse me sir I'm looking for a scroll." I announced catching his attention he immediately put on a smile.

"Oh a scroll huh? Well I've got plenty of those." He replied going to a cabinet I noticed he brought all but one out.

That must be it.

Or it's a salesman trick.

I scanned through them and could feel his eyes watching me carefully. "You look familiar." He commented after awhile.

"I get that a lot." I replied with a small laugh still looking through the pile of scrolls. "You just remind me of a group of people..." he trailed off slowly.

"I don't see it. That's a shame..." I sigh out giving a shrug as he collected everything putting it away.

"Do you remember the name of it sweetheart?"

"The Scroll of Airjitsu." I stated watching him tense up and chuckle lightly. "The scroll of Who-whatzu?"

"Airjitsu." I corrected. "It can make a spinjitsu master fly."

"Oh. So you're a ninja." He rolled his eyes going behind the counter.

"I'm not a ninja. You will learn that very quick if you don't hand over the scroll." I threatened as he smiled brushing me off. "Even if I had such a thing, it sounds pretty old and important definitely not something I'd keep on site. Maybe I can interest you in something else any weapons."

I know he's lying so I can entertain his idea for the moment. "Anything that can vanquish ghost?" I watched as he became concerned again for a slight moment. "Ghost you say? What you're looking for is an aeroblade forged by deep stone."

"Listen all this is great but I want the scroll."

"Two hundred." Ronin stated with a smirk. "Is that too much for you?"

"Wouldn't matter anyway." I remarked with an eye roll pulling out my money. "200."

Ronin eyes went wide but he just took it walking over to the cabinet. "Ninja usually aren't wealthy."

"As I have said before I am no ninja."

Ronin reaches his hand in the blue vase pulling out the scroll and passing it to me. "Do I get to know why you want this so bad?"

I took the scroll with a smirk examining the motions. "I get the feeling you'll find out soon." I gave a quick wave before leaving the tiny shop.

I then went to an alley way mastering the movements. The feeling of being lifted in the air encased all around me. I landed back on the ground proudly now it's time to make sure no one finds this.

Why not return it back where I found it? Ronin will just tell anyone who comes looking he already sold it so...

Quietly I made my way back over to the shop the door was locked. Already? I took notice to the night air around me. Maybe it took longer then I thought to master that.

I took a hair pin out of my hair picking the lock instantly for the room to be empty. Quietly I placed the scroll back in the vase. No one will ever know.

Suddenly I heard arguing from the outside. It sounded familiar. The ninja?! I quickly ran into a storage room hiding behind boxes.

The ninja break in through the window. "Great, now we're already on the hook for breaking and entering." I hear Cole say making me curse under my breath.

"I don't like sneaking around in the dark any more than you do, so let's just find the Scroll and get out of here." Kai replied as I heard them moving stuff around.

"Hey, when you guys were leaders, you never heard me complain. And if you don't like sneaking around, why become a ninja? And leave no stone unturned." Jay criticized. How do I get out of here? "The faster we find the Scroll, the faster we can work on the next clue that will lead us to the tomb. Then we can save Lloyd, and it will be all because of me."

"Ah, I found it!" Cole shouted. No! How could he. No I'm not a step ahead.

Jay gasps. "You found the scroll?"

"No, but I found my father's trophy. I'm taking it back. He danced hard for this." Cole said making me sigh of relief.

Suddenly sounds of an organ began playing through the shop. "Aah! Holy pipes! The organ's got me!" Jay shouted making me jump from my spot.

"Uh, it's possessed by a ghost! I forgot what we're supposed to do." Cole said as I quickly exited the closet with a bucket of mop water splashing it on the organ.

"Y/n!" The ninja shouted in shock.

"Y/n." Morro gritted out.

"Oh your here to help us." Jay smiled but when I didn't smile back he became very uneasy. "You are here to help us?"

"Of course she is she just saved you." Kai commented as I didn't reply but faced Morro and a confused tied up Ronin.

Everyone began fighting one another but Ronin manages to get up and get half the duct tape off. "Cut me free."

"Why should I?" I ask not in the mood to make negotiations.

"Then at least take an Aeroblade and get rid of a few of these ghosts." Ronin replied as I sighed taking one. "Now cut me free."

"Not before I check out the merchandise." I use the blade and destroy a ghost with it. "Huh? They worked!"

"Where is the Scroll?" Morro interrogated as I cut Ronin free.  "You'll never find it!" He kicks Morro into a vase, revealing the Scroll. "Whoa!"

"Ronin!" I shouted in anger. He looked at me confusedly. "How was I supposed to know you brought it back?"

"You had the scroll!" The ninja said in unison.

"Only one of us shall possess it." Morro stated jumping to the scroll.

"Yeah, me!" Ronin shouted getting there faster he whistles, grabs the Scroll, and escapes on R.E.X.

"Ah, I told you his ship wasn't far!" Jay rambled to everyone. We all ran outside looking into the dark sky.

"Sorry to leave you hanging, but since this Scroll's so important, I can't just give it away."
Ronin announced as I gave a death glare. You already gave it to me!

Morro uses Wind on him, making him fall out. Unable to summon his ship again, Ronin runs away. "Run, run, run away. My arrow will find you anyway." A ghost beside me said making me jump as he fired the arrow in Ronins direction.

"Ah, no! Morro's got the Scroll. We can't let him get away!" I hear Jay shout from the other side.

"He won't outrun the four of us." Cole said leaving me out.

I used airjitsu catching up to Morro faster then them. "How does she know it?!" Kai asked in a frustrated manner.

"How should I know?" Cole shot back as I gained on Morro. Everyone uses a telephone wire to swing to another building, but Cole Jay and Zane is left behind.

Morro leads me and Kai to the docks. "Ah, great. More water." I hear Kai from behind as I kept hopping from stick to stick. Morro uses his Wind to propel himself to an out-of-reach pole.

Morro reads the Scroll then looks at both of us. "What's the matter? Can't swim?" After doing Airjitzu, he summons his Dragon. "Looks like the better ninja won." He flies away and picks up Soul Archer.

"Lucky for him I'm not a ninja." Ronin ship appears and I airjitsu my way up. Ronin didn't complain until Kai tried to get on. "Nuh-uh-uh. Nothing in life is free."

"You slimy, money-grubbing thief!" Kai yelled as I cringed watching Strangle Weed start grabbing him. "I don't have money! I don't even have pockets!"

"Everyone's got something. 'Cause of you, my shop's destroyed." Ronin says with a scoff. I roll my eyes looking at my nails can we leave already?

"We didn't destroy it. You did!" Kai criticized then looked to me angrily. "Why aren't you helping me Airjitsu me up!"

"Oh my spinjitsu master!" I groaned not wanting to have anything to do with this. Using my new found technique I airjitsu Kai up. "I paid you 200 dollars I can pay you another just take us both."

"Why did you learn airjitsu Y/n?" Kai asked as we took off. Does he really expect me to tell him the real reason.

"Maybe I just wanted to be in the loop." I smiled nodding my head before Ronin gave me an eye roll of disbelief.

"Well now we have no way to be in the loop. I made Lloyd a promise. I can't go back on it. And I don't understand how you are doing nothing to save him!" Kai responded shouting the last sentence at me.

"How can I?!" I yelled facing Kai. "He-"

"Y/n! Stop! It's gotten old! Nobody cares if you got lied to. I get lied to all the time and I don't go around plotting revenge." Kai ranted on making me stare at my hands.

He's right I can't turn into a villain after every incident that happens. "You're right Kai. But I'm afraid I'm in too deep."

"No one's in too deep. Surely you had a back up if you didn't learn airjitsu." Kai replied to which I nodded taking a breath.

"Let's just say, it's not gonna be easy. We have a ghost of a chance." I told looking at the ninja waiting for Kai in the distance.

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