Codesworld (Darkekulavia Adve...


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Title says it all Еще

Chapter 1 The Beginning
Chapter 2: Global Warming
Chapter 3: Vs Nickocado Avocado
MrBeast Chapter 1: (4) 24 hrs in Bermuda Triangle
Chapter 5: Farm Madness
Chapter 6: Battling a Band
Chapter 7: Grilled Cheese Deluxe
Mrbeast Gaming chapter 1 (8): Minecraft But Everything Is Random
Chapter 9: NO MORE AMONG US!
Chapter 10: Can Ganondrof come out to play?
Chapter 11: Bahama-dness
Chapter 12: Meme Review #1
Dimensional Arc Chapter 1 (13): New Perils Part 1
Dimensional Arc Chapter 2: (14) New Perils part 2
Randomness (That's not gonna be that funny)
Dimensional Arc Chapter 3 (15) Greater Toronto Area (Oh Shit wrong term)
Dimensional Arc Chapter 4 (16): Learn the Basics
Dimensional Arc Part 5 (17): The cake is always a lie
Dimensional arc Part 6 (18): Where it all started (For Darkekulavia)
Dimensional Arc Part 7 (19) Scottstale
Dimensional Arc Part 8 (20): Crimson and the Ink Machine
Dimensional Arc Part 9 (21) Kadien's and Laurie's Five Nights
Dimensional Arc FINALE (22) Team (Fortress) Work Makes The Dream Work
Codesworld Short: Kadien's Real Body
Chapter 23: Hammer and Fail
Chapter 24: Zanta Claws
Chapter 25: Cafe with Some Old Beans
MrBeast Chapter 2 (26) 50K game of Real Life Monopoly
Codesworld Short: Spelling Bee
Chapter 27: The Date (Valentine's Day Speical)
Chapter 28: A Rocky Mountain Climb
MrBeast Gaming Chapter 2 (29) World's Largest Explosion
Chapter 30: Speak of the Devil and She will appear
Trepidation Arc Chapter 1 (31): Lullaby's Treat
Trepidation Arc Chapter 2 (32) The search begins
Tripedation Arc Chapter 4 (34) Innocence Doesn't Get You Far
Chapter 35: Tier List 1 (CDW Edition)
Tripedation Arc Chapter 5 (36): Forgiveness won't work against a Lord
Trepidation Arc Chapter 6: Triple Threat of Killers
Tripedation Arc Chapter 7 (38) Saving a Soulless Lover
Trepidation Arc FINALE (38) Revenge of a Nephalem and The Corruption King
Chapter 39: Surf And Turf Wars
Chapter 40: Project T.E.R.I.OS
MrBeast Chapter 3 (41) Press This Button To Win $100,000!
Chapter 42: Codesworld Christmas Blast
Chapter 43: Therapy Buddies
Chapter 44: Real Date

Trepidation Arc Chapter 3 (33): The Fate of Unknown Suffering

40 2 120

We see both groups meet back as they both have someone info.

Scott: So, did you come up with anything.

Emma: Well, we "found" someone interesting that could help us.

She then shows them Hypno's pendent.

Emma: Apparently someone named Hypno hypnotized Dawn and that why she's missing.

Laurie: Well it wasn't by choice. He was commanded to.

Cody: By who?

Crystal: You know gonna believe this. But it was Slenderman.

Cody, Emma, Mousey, Kaiden, Mangus and Tankman:

Cody: I thought me and him made up, what beef does he have with me?

Kitty: It could just be beef with Dawn.

Tankman: Doubtful.

Mangus: Alright. Well where are they at?

Crimson; That someone we could figure. But where they are. I'm sure that they are plotting something.

*Meanwhile at the villains base*

Slenderman now has the unconscious Dawn with him and she kept in a undisclosed room and he wears an unnoticeable smirk on his face.

Slenderman: Finally everything is going to plan.

Suddenly two new voices were heard.

??? #1: Is it out turn now?

??? #2: Yea! We've been dying for some action lately.

Slender turn to the two people who spoke as the camera shows these two.

Slenderman: Calm down Lord X and MX. Your time is will come soon but now yet. I have someone else looking to lure in our favorite hunter. And then once he's here. Then he will endure the suffering that he as put US through the years.

Suddenly Hypno can the trio.

Hypno: I got call from the mouse master. He's in position and ready to strike.

Slenderman: Excellent. While our little mouse drag in the heroes. You three try and convert our new friend in the meantime.

Lord X/MX/Hypno: YES SIR!

The three was off before stopping at the door

Lord X: We're gonna spying on them are we..

MX: Damn right we are.

Hypno: Of course you'd two do your little shenanigans. Just be quick about it.

Lord X: Bitch! I possess the fastest thing alive. Quick is my middle name. And MX can keep up with me so we'll be fine.

Hypno: Alright, just don't blame me when you get caught.

MX: Like that's ever gonna happen.

And with that, the two were gone with a flash.

*Back with the crew*

We see our heroes continuing to look for clues on where Slenderman base could be. After few minutes of searching they find themselves at an abandoned city.

Cody: Hmmmm seems like there a city here.

Kaiden: You think there could be anything there?

Mangus: I don't know there only way to find out.

Mousey: It could a trap tho.

Tankman: Alright how about this. Some of us stay here and we stay here and run in if they think anything goes wrong.

Cody: Alright. Everyone who going in raise your hand.

Mangus, Scott, and Laurie raise their hand.

Cody: Alright, let go.

The four enter as the other wait around. Little do they know, two figure are waiting for them.

*With Cody, Mangus, Scott and Laurie*

The four are seen walking across the sidewalk in the black and white looking city.

Laurie: Well this looks depressing.

Mangus: And abandoned. Doesn't look like one else anyone else is here.

Scott: Well there could anything here so we have to check.

Cody: Ya. Hey what's that?

The four stop and see a library and it seems that it's open.

Scott: Kinda weird. An open library? In an abandoned town like this.

Laurie: I'm with Scotty. I don't really trust it.

Cody: Alright you two can move forward. Me and Mangus will check inside.

Scott: Alright perfect.

The four split up as Cody and Mangus enter the library and see what they expected.

Mangus: Well it may be open but it didn't say anything about being clean.

Cody: That isn't the biggest concern, let just try and find something that can help us.

???: I think I can help with that.

The two heard an unfamiliar voice, thinking it an attack Cody pulls out his creepypasta sword while also keeping his golden revolver in arms reach while Mangus pulls out a rifle.

Cody: Who said that? Show yourself!

???: Don't be alarmed. I don't mean any harm.

The voice then shows itself as it comes out of the shadows.

The two already still confused but slowly put their weapons away.

Ina: Greetings, I am Ninomae Ina'nis. But you may call me Ina.

Cody: O........K Ms.Ina, what do you mean by "helping us" exactly.

Ina: Simple. I know what you are looking for. And I have it right here.

Ina then shows the book she has in her hands. It's purple with a red symbol in the center.

Ina: This is a encyclopedia of every creepypasta in existence.

Mangus: So your a creepypasta expert?

Ina nods and she shows them a page. That shows this picture.

Ina: This my friends, is suicide mouse. Or Mouse.AVI. He roams this area looking for people to drag to hell and show them what he calls "Real Suffering"

Cody: Wait.......did you say this arena. As in THIS city?

Ina: Yes.



It was too late as Cody and Mangus were the door as Cody calls Tankman.

*With the others*

Tankman was getting a call from and he quickly picks up.

Tankman: Cody, what's going on?!

Cody: Get in here now! There is a very dangerous creepypasta in this city! Scott and need help NOW!

Tankman: ON IT!

???: Oh no you don't?

Appearing behind them was Lord X and MX. And the two has evil smile on their faces. Suddenly Emma steps in front of them crew.

Emma: Go I'll hold them.

Kitty: Emma Wa-

Emma: I SAID GO!

The others nod and run into the city. X and MX look at each other before jumping over Emma and chasing after them with leaves Emma with Lord X.

Lord X: So little Emma we meet again. So, you ready for round 2?

Lord X pulls a microphone as Emma does the same.

Emma: I don't know how you got here. But I won't let you hurt my friends.


The two stare off as some music starts.

(Only the first minute for now.)

Lord X: Screaming for all dear life!

Emma: Facing you with of all might!

Lord X: Oh lookie here, who's back again? You cannot be satisfied with your sorrow!

Emma: You may think that, but try again, and I'll rap again like there is no tomorrow.

Lord X:  I will kill you just the same! NO EFFORT, EYES CLOSED!

Emma: Are you slowly going insane? That's not what round 1 shows.

Lord X: My Retun is my advantage, making all hellfire rain from above!

Emma: I'm the one who has the advantage, and I'l/ continue it as my streak against you lives on

Lord X: Your Pointless efforts wont make a difference!

Emma: It already has and you should already now it!

Lord X: Screaming, Running, fueling my adrenaline, and your neverending panic! You can't escape this time I've got you just right where I you YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING TO STOP ME! Struggle if you must, It won't matter anyways!

Emma: Drawing my line in sand, and showing you who's more iconic. I've escaped one time I'll do it again. 2-0 is what the score will be. Now if you excuse me I got some friends to save!

Lord X starts laughing evily as it seems his preparing something but Emma kicks him down low.


Emma: Sometimes you never learn.

Emma then runs off to catch with the others.

*With Scott and Laurie*

Scott and Laurie were continue down the sidewalk and it seems to be going on forever.

Scott: MY GOD! How long is this road?!

Laurie: Don't lose hope yet Scotty. I'm sure there is a payoff. We'll find something eventually.

Scott: Well I sure hope s-woah.

Suddenly the Fromer framer fell flat one his face which worries the hippie


Scott slowly pulls himself.

Scott: Ya, I'm fine. I think tripped on something.

The two look behind them to see......................Mickey Mouse?

Mickey: Oh sorry about that. You really watch here you are going next time fella.

Laurie: Wait, Mickey? What are you doing here?

Mickey: Well I heard all the crazy rumors about creepypasta capturing someone. So I decided to wait out the storm in this abandoned city.

Scott: Creepypastas? You mean Slender and the like?

Mickey: Yes exactly. I don't know who they captured. Honestly I don't wanna be next y'know?

Laurie: Do you know where they be hiding.

Mickey: Well gosh. I remembering seeing it before but I don't remember. Although I do remember stuff when I sing.

Scott: So you wanna sing a song?

Mickey: If you want to know where they are it's your best bet.

Laurie: Alright. Let do this.

Scott; Are you sure Laurie. I'm getting a bad feeling about this.

Laurie: Don't worry Scott. I'll be fine. Let's begin shall we Mickey?

Mickey nods as he has a small smile of his face as the song begins.

Mickey: *Whistles the Steamboat Willie song*

Laurie: Can't believe Mickey Mouse is in my visage seems so big, like staring at the sun! The childhood of many in one-memetic image, and now a duet partner, let's start the fun.

Mickey: Try not to expect much, I'm older than I used to be on the starboard of my steamboat... oh those halcyon dreams.

Laurie: Always so modest. Seriously you don't sound bad and I know my stuff, believe me. Lets continue the jam!

Mickey: Well at least, your happy, that sort of thing is getting hard for me.

Laurie: Now there's problem I see. What is wrong with you Mickey? Was it something that to you recently? Just tell us, we can help. Come on let's just talk it out.

Mickey: Someone took my life away from me. Taking the only thing that makes me happy.

Laurie: Took something from the clubhouse? They did the same to a friend of mine.

Mickey: *Whistle Steamboat Willie again*

Laurie *Singing while mickey is still whistling*: But we will put them back in line.

Mickey: Look at you, with your starry-eyed affection.

Laurie: Blue and gold, and red and blinding white.

Mickey and Laurie: It's dangerous to face them alone, but all together we will be alright.

Mickey: *Third times the whistling charm*

Laurie: Shades of grey, they stop us! Together we're unstoppable.

Mickey and Laurie: We won't be able to be stopped but let's talk about the location of it all.

The song ends as Laurie ask the question.

Laurie: So remember anything?

Mickey: Actually yes it-

??? #1: GUYS STOP!


The trio turn to see Cody and Mangus running towards them as fast they can. And that is when Mickey's usual face starts to deformed and fully turning into Suicide Mouse!


Cody: Damn right. Now why don't you run off you your little clubhouse?

Suicide Mouse:

Mouse then tries to grab Laurie but Scott shoots it before it could causing it to go into a puddle an run off.

Scott: Well that was easy.

Mangus: Ya. Too easy.

???:  HELP!

Cody: Oh god what is it this time?

The crew see the others being chased by MX.


Scott jumps and shoot again but this time as MX's face which stops him for a little allowing the rest to catch up. But MX quickly recovers and is pissed!


Before he could do anything a tentacle grabs MX and then yeets him away making his disappear with a ding. Once he's gone, someone walks up to them and to Cody and Mangus surprise. It was Ina!

Ina: You all broke the first rule when it comes to facing creepypastas!

Maria: That being?

Ina: Be prepared! You all would've been dead if it wasn't for me!

Cody: Girl I hunted these things for a living in past. I pretty sure I would've taken him on.

Ina: Ya. Look it's clear that you all need some help with, whoever your finding so, I'm coming along with you.

Mangus: No! We don't need someone else for these freaks to hurt!

Ina: I won't be. Y'know why.

Ina then makes her book teleport out of thin air.

Ina: I am coming prepared!

And with that, whether the crew likes or not. Ina joins them in the quest to find Dawn.

*End of Trepidation Arc Chapter 3*

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