The Rise of a New Monarch( Ma...

Von Starkiller21ost

206K 6.1K 2.4K

Kai Kayaba, throughout his whole life, was what people could be considered a weakling. Someone who could neve... Mehr

Prologue Part 2
Prologue Final Part
A New World
The System
First Dungeon
Bandit Slayer and The Hunter Find an Elf
The Rescue of the Bloodline and Job Change Part 1
The Rescue of the Bloodline and Job Change Part 2
School Life of the Kagenou's Twins
The Benefits of a Relationship
The Rise of Shadows
Shadow Army Count( After Alexia's Kidnap Arc)
The Aftermath of the Ordeal
Who's the Real Enemy and Their Intentions
The Rose Beyond the Garden
The Academy Takeover
The Fate of the School
The One Man-Army of Shadow Garden
Leaders of Shadow Garden, Brothers of Fate
Even if they're the World's Enemies
Toward the Holy Land of Lindwurm
What is the Truth of Lindwurm?
Duel Between Gods and Monsters
Into the Sanctuary
Forgotten Memories of the Sanctuary
Prelude to Greatness
Battle of Kings
Releasing the Lost Memories
Time of Relaxation and Planning
Gathering of the Strong
A Princess Struggle and A Noble's Duty
The Saviors' Song
A Choice For the Strong Part 1
A Choice for the Strong Part 2
An Elf, Wolf and a Man walk into a Shadow
The World's Mightest Come Together
The Downfall of the Crimson Princess
The World's Enemies: Kaiser and Shadow
Season Two Trailer:
Shadow Army Count After Season 1
A Plan of Vengeance and Retaliation
The Return of Blood
Meeting Over the Crimson Moon
Welcome to the Lawless City Part 1
Welcome to the Lawless City Part 2
The Fight Among Lawless Monarchs
Those Who Lurk For Blood and Truth
What was Hidden Beneath the Truth
And the Truth Will Set you Free
History of Blood
The Monster Reborn Under The Red Moon Part 1
The Monster Reborn Under The Red Moon Part 2
Monarch of the Night Vlad
King of the Dead Vs Duke of Midnight

The Curtain Closes Among Shadows

4.6K 138 68
Von Starkiller21ost

No Pov

Knight 1: *Scared* Eek! What the hell are you!?

Knight 2: *Scared* Stop! What did we ever do to you!?

In a large buidling, a couple of knights, were trying to get away from an enemy. They were currently in a large bulding, one belonging to the knigts.

However, the truth was that it was one of the bases of the Diábolos Cult. And right now...One of the Seven Shaded was attacking it...

It was a beautiful teenage girl with long black hair and with large dog ear sporting on top of her head. She sports purple eyes. Her body is a slender build with an ample bosom. On her head, a pair of beastkin ears and tail were present, specifically that of a dog.

she wore a customary slime bodysuit with black and bronze decorations on the shoulder, stomach, and thighs. The setting was open in her stomach and wore feather accessories around her neck. Sometimes she wears a mask to protect her original identity.

This was another of Kai's personal Seven Shades...Delta

As she torn down the cult members, she wore a beautiful, sadistic smile as she torn each of the evildoers into shreds.

As she looked at the rest of the knights, she used the slime and formed a large sword before spinning and killing all of them.

However, because of the strength, she also end up destroying the pillars that held the building in place.

On the outside, on top of a clock tower, Alpha was there, seeing everything that was happening. The member of Shadow Garden were attacking all of the hideouts of the Diábolos Cult.

As she did, a sound got her attention.

She looked toward the direction where Delta was current dealing with, seeing the whole building crumble down into pieces.

As she did, she couldn't help but smile fondly. This was very Delta like.

Alpha: *Taking her mask off* It has begun...

Alpha then looks at many sections of the city on fire.

Alpha: Delta...She always goes overboard. I don't remember telling her to cut the whole building in half. Then again, she might be doing it for Lord Kaiser. *Sigh* How troublesome...

Although this was what Alpha said, she couldn't help but smile.

Alpha: *Smile* Either way, it should make the rest easier. I suppose it's time for me to move out...

As Alpha said that, she walked away from the clock tower, looking to also "show off" like Delta, to gain her master favor.

Somewhere Else

In an unknown location, Alexia was finally waking up, as she opened her eyes.

When she did, she felt disoriented and somewhat tired.

Alexia: *Tired* Ngh...Where am I?

As Alexia asked that, she tried to move however failed.

On her hand, she noticed how she was attached to a bed, wok magic sealing chains. As she did, she looked confused.

Alexia:...Magic sealing shackles?

As Alexia look down, she tried to remember what happened. She was walking toward the dorm and then...nothing.

Was she attacked?

Alexia sighed, she finally solved it.

Alexia's thoughts: Oh, I get it. I was kidnapped. There all countless fools out there who think it's a great idea to kidnap and ransom a princess. *Sigh* I'm used to it at this point. But I wonder...Is Kai ok?

When Alexia thought that, she remembered how kind he'd been to her, even though he technically force him. She had to admit, she didn't dislike it...In fact, she could say, she enjoyed it.

Alexia's thoughts: He was my first partner. He got mix up in this thing then...*Small Blush* Is he really ok...

As Alexia thought that, a sound got her attention. Her eyes widen, Ashe turn toward the sound in hope.

Alexia's thoughts: There's someone there.

Alexia: Who's there! Is that you, Ka-

When Alexia turn toward the side, she hold up a bit of hope. However, when she did, she froze.

When she did, it was a humanoid monster, chained up to the floor.

As Alexia stare at it, she couldn't stop looking at it. It was a word combination of a magic beast and human.

It just stood there, looking down dejected.

However, it finally look back at her, as all Alexia could see were pools of emptiness and sorrow.

Alexia's thoughts: *Panicked* A monster!? Magic beast?

Alexia wanted to form some distance, however she was still trapped.

As Alexia thought that, the sound of the door opening distracted her, as footsteps soon followed. She turned around and look toward the door, as someone came in.

It was a middle age man with a coat and a pair of glasses.

He was looking down and rushing, very pissed and nervous.

Doctor: Dammit! Damn it all! They manage to sniffle us out! * Shaking* Just when I manage to get my hands on it. The Royal Blood...

As the man said that, he went toward pieces of equipment close to Alexia's bed and started to look around. When he did, he found a serynge and grabbed it, as she looked back to Alexia hungrily.

Doctor: I...I need to harvest a lot more! The samples I took when you were unconscious weren't enough. I-I guess I must drain everything before they find us.

As Alexia saw him grabbed more tubes nearby, she finally calmed down a bit. She need to maintain a clear head, so she's gonna find out as much as she can.

After all, it's not like she can escape.

Alexia: *Serious* Greetings. You're my kidnapper I presume. Why do you need my blood?

Doctor: * Happy* Y-Yours is the blood of the demon-kind. Which will restore demons to our realm!

Alexia: *Confuse* Demons?

Alexia probably thought he was insane. Demons?

The only thing close to demons in the world that weren't part of legends, were the dangerous and mysterious beast which like humans could accesss and use magic.

Soon, the man started to wobble toward Alexia, as he started to mumble.

Doctor: *Murmur* At first...This wasn't the plan...But those morons screwed everything up!!!

As he yelled that, he started to kick the monster in the corner in the head, as Alexia looked at him as if was he was insane. She couldn't believe someone could be so mental.

Each kick was stronger than the last. Filled with anger, frustration and many other emotions.

Doctor: I only need a bit more time! But those morons...*Kicks* Destroyed. *Kick* My. *Kick* Research!!! That moron Olba didn't last long either! *Kick* Morons! The rather fund that stupid, Gatever project that the old fool is set on researching along with that Eye-thing!

As he said that, the monster started to raise its arms in fear in order to defend itself.

Alexia watched shock and feeling actual pity and fear.

Pity because no one should feel such abuse and secondly, how it might go wild.

Alexia: Stop that already!!!

As Alexia yelled that, the ceiling starting to shake, causing both of them to look up. Pieces of it fell of, as the doctor's expression worsen.

Doctor: *Annoyed* No, no! It's them! They're already here!

As the doctor said that, Alexi look upward.

Alexia's thoughts: Looks like the knight are coming to get me...

As Alexia thought that, she looked back at the doctor with more confidence.

She knew she had to use this.

Alexia: *Serious* Give it up. If you don't resist, the knights won't use force.

Although she didn't know how they would react, Alexia knew that the doctor was cornered. The only thing he could do was surrender and hope for the best.

However, to her upmost surprise, the doctor reacted.

Doctor: The knights? Who cares about the knight order!?

As soon as he said that, he gained a frighted expression as Alexia's stare at him confuse.

He looks almost as if he's seeing death itself.

Although in this case, it might as well be.

Doctor: *Panicking* T-They won't show mercy! Everyone in their way is slaughtered, to the last man!

As Alexia watched him, she couldn't comprehend.

Alexia's thoughts: *Scared* Wait. The ones coming aren't the knights? What's going on? Who are these?

As Alexia thought that, she noticed how the scientist had gone toward the desk and grabbed a couple of vials, along with the same seringe as before. As he did, he put the other vials in his coat. However, all of them were full. Full with her blood.

Doctor: To hell with it all! I was this close to perfecting it!!! I have no choice but to test the prototype.

As he said that, he turned toward the monster and walked toward it. He looked at the monster with a sadistic smile, as he held evil intentions.

Doctor: Come here you failure! N-Now!!!

As the doctor said that, he approached the monster and injected it.

As soon as he did, the monster eyes widen.

It's skin started to tremble, while also parts of it started to grow unnatural. Blood spatter came from inside it's body as it expanded. Claws came out from his hands and feet.

Alexia could only watched petrified and in shock of that abomination.

Alexia: W-What!?

However, while was was scared, the scientist on the other hand looked static. He had a smile on his face, as he kept watching the creature.

He looked like a child that had obtained his favorite toy.

Doctor: G-Good. Good! That's it! Truly wonderful! With this-!

However, before he could finish, the monster brought his arm down. When it did, it completely broke off the arm of the scientists, as he screamed in pain. As he fell down to the ground, holding his once arm, he was crying and rolling on the floor, as the monster was trying to clean itself skin from the splatter.

As this happened, Alexia look at the scientist before talking.

Alexia: *Deadpan* ...This is your fault alone.

Doctor: Ahhhhhh!!!!

As the score kept screaming, Alexia look toward the monster.

Alexia: Now how do I get out of here?

As Alexia said that, the monster then turn it's attention toward her. It started to raise it's claw, as Alexia panicked.

Alexia: *To the scientist * Hey! It's your creation, do something! I will not die because some lunatic dragged me into this m-

As she was talking, the monster's claw almost reached her, as she closed her eyes and waited for the worst. However, it never came.

Instead of reaching her, the claw went by her, crushing both the bed and chains of Alexia, as she fell on the ground.

She finally opened her eyes and notice how both the monster and doctor were now gone.

Alexia's thoughts: It's gone?

Alexia then look down at her wrist. Her magic was returning, since the chains were very damaged.

However, something did get her attention.

Alexia's thoughts: Did it meant to save me?

Alexia did notice that before being injected, the monster was very passive itself. However, once it felt torture, it probably wanted revenge.

Closing her fist, Alexia stood up.

Alexia's thoughts: No, that's silly.

There was no way it was smart enough to think and help.

Alexia then walked outside, as she excited through a hole in which the monster made. There, a couple of armed knights had been crushed.

She knelt down and checked the equipment.

Alexia: You must be a guard. *Grabbing items* I'll borrow your sword and boots.

???: That won't be necessary, Alexia.

At the sudden voice, Alexia looked back and her eyes widen.

There, standing in front of Alexia, with a kind smile and compassionate eyes, while offering his hand, Instructor Zenon Griffey was present.

Zenon: *Smiles* You're safe now. I've come for you.

Alexia: *Surprised* Instructor Zenon!

Alexia couldn't actually believed it. Professor Zenon had found her and come to her rescue.

How convenient.

Deeper inside the labyrinth, the doctor had arrived into another room, closing the door and leaning against it. His arm was completely torn, as he tried to control his breathing.

Doctor: Damn it! That stupid thing! Another thing that stupid Olba left behind! Damn it!

The doctor thought he was doom. Either by his organizar or those who came, are gonna kill him.


He looked toward a cage in the room. There, inside, was a weird looking monster. A magical beast.

Seeing it, the man had a good idea, as he smiled.

Doctor: Y-Yes! That's it!!! If the blood was able to do that pathetic thing, then maybe!!!

As the doctor said that, he used the remaining vial of Alexia's blood and injected the magical beast.

As it did, for one second, nothing happened before suddenly...He was engulf in flames...

The last thing that was heard in the deep dungeon, were the screams of the scientist as he was burned into a crisp.

Somewhere Else

On the city, many people were running around. They were all scared. Buildings were on fire, people were screaming and the only thing that people saw were shadows moving around.

There, Iris was trying handle the situation, as another knight had informed her about another attacked.

Iris: Is that true!? Another attack, this time at a restaurant!?

As Alexia asked that, the knight nodded at they continue running toward the other location.

Knight: Yes! I'm told they had been similar attacks at a harbor warehouse and a family home!!!

As Iris said that, her eyes focused, as her brain went into overtime.

Iris' thoughts: There's no common thread to these attacks...And who is behind this!? What's their goal!!!

Iris couldn't see the pattern. They truly seemed like random attacks.

Was it related to Alexia? Was it a statement from the kidnappers against the Royal Family?

??? 2: Uuwhajj!

??? 3: What's that!?

As Iris heard that, she grabbed her sword and went toward the sound. When she did, her eyes widen.

In front of her was a giant abomination. It was sort of humanoid, with skin and claws. It was currently attacking anything that approached it.

Some of the knights were even scared.

Knight 4: *Scared* C-Commander, what is that!?

Knight Commander: Calm down and help evacuate the towns people. *Drawing sword* Leave this to me.

However, before the commander could move, he was made in a splash of blood, as the other knights eyes widen. He tried to move and get away but the monster grabbed him. It was bringing him closer toward itself mouth, as he tried to get himself free.

Knight 4: Eek! Help!

As the knight cried, he was about to be devour by the monster, however Iris jumped in and cut the monster arms off.

When she did, the knight fell, as Iris stood in front of him defensively.

Iris: Are you injured?

Knight 4: Lady Iris! T-Thank you! That's amazing Lady Iris! With just one strike!

Iris: Save your thanks for later and report. What's going on!?

Iris was one second looking for her sister, then handling assaults all over the city and now, a monster, either a magical beast or something else was attacking everything.

The knight was able to calm himself down and report.

Knight 4: We can't make sense of it either. We were heading toward the scene of an attack when this monster appeared out of nowhere. *Looking down* We lost eight people...

As Iris heard that, she gritted her teeth.

Iris: I see...carry the bodies. I will take ov-


Knight 4: * Panics* Lady Iris!

From behind the monster, with the same arm that Iris cut off was going to attack her.

Iris: *Shock* What!

Reacting quickly, she turned around and slashed the leg to dis balance it. However, as soon as she did, it started to regenerate, right infront of their eyes, causing their eyes to widen.

Iris: It's regenerating!?

Knight 4: H-How!?

Iris: Stand back. It's still only a monster. *rushing* Let's see you try to regenerate after this!

As Iris said that, she started to attack the monster from different angles. The monster stagger and back away with each strike. However, no matter how much Iris did, it went back itself.

Iris: *Breathing Heavily* Kuh...It's still regenerating...*Magic rising * Then I won't hold back on magic. This will end this!!!

As Iris sword glowed dark red and she was gonna rush, she was suddenly disarmed.

In front of her, a figure dress purely in black wearing a mask was present. She had blonde hair and pointy ears. This was Alpha, in her Shadow Garden attire.

She looked back at Iris with a tired expresión.

Alpha: *Serious* You're just causing her more suffering. Can't you see?

Iris look at the person in shock and confusion. Not only did she arrive and sneak up on her. However, it wasn't the time to be surprised.

Iris: ...Who are you?

Alpha: Alpha...

Iris: *Glare* Why are you here? If you oppose the Knight Order, there will be no mercy!

As she said that, Alpha looked at her tired. She really didn't have the energy.

Alpha could only imagine how her master dealt with her younger sister.

Alpha: Oppose? You presume to be worthy of opposition, you ignorant fools? *Walking toward the monster* You're nothing but an audience, so keep of the stage and observe. Do not hinder us.

Iris: Audience!?

Ignoring her outburst, Alpha kept waking toward the monster, as she put her hand on it's claw and looked at it sadly.

Alpha: You poor thing. It must have hurt. But you need to suffer no longer. You need to morn no longer.

Faster than the eye could see, Alpha end up on top of the monster causing her eyes to widen.

As she had her sword out, a blue light was released from it. Pure magic.

Iris couldn't help but look at it, as Alpha descended on the monster, who did nothing.

Alpha: You...have cried enough...

As Alpha finished her attack, the monster started to fall apart. Alpha look down melancholily. Iris and the knights looked shock.

Once the smoke banished, the body of a small girl was present. Alpha went toward them and grabbed something on the floor.

It was a pendant, with a picture inside.

The same picture was Kai had found in the dungeon, that depicted Olba and her daughter.

As she did, she look away, smiling.

Alpha: I hope that you will find peace in the afterlife.

As everyone stayed quiet, the ground suddenly shook.

Alpha and the knights look toward the floor, as it started to glow red.

Suddenly, a vortex of fire emerge from the ground, burning houses and the corpses of the knights nearby.

They all got away, however, they all went eye wide from what they saw.

The figure was simile to that of both a human and spirit. It didn't have legs but had arms and a chest. It was horned like a demon and surrounded by fire.

The mere sight of it good most of the knights scared and Alpha into a defensive position.

However, before Alpha could engage, another voice ringed in.

???: How fascinating. A being made purely of fire.,

At the sudden voice, everyone looked around, not seeing anyone. However, Alpha just smiled.

Alpha: I did not think you would grace me with your presence, my lord.

A man walked beside Alpha. He had full-body slime suit, gloves, a domino mask, and boots along with a hooded trench coat. This attire was dyed jet black with golden accents.

The figure looked back at Iris and the rest before looking back at the Pyro Monster, however Iris interrupted him.

Iris: Who are you!?

Iris already witnessed a powerful person. And they apparently knew each other.

???: My name is Shadow, he who lurk in the shadows. Hunts in the shadows.

As Iris heard that, she looked even more confuse, however before they could do anything, the Pyro monster roar.

They all turned toward it and looked at what it was doing.

From it's palm, it created a massive fireball and threw it toward Shadow. When it landed, it created a massive fire tornada.

Everyone stood shock, however Alpha just shake her head at their reactions.

???: How interesting.

From the flames, a purple glow came as Shadow walked out unharmed.

Shadow: Allow to teach you...*English*True Power.

Shadow raised his sword into the sky. As he did, a powerful purple light was released from it.

It was almost like a Beacon. One which could tell anyone where they are.

Iris could only watched in even greater shock. She had thought that Alpha had amazing magical powers but now...what was this?

As Shadow saw their reactions, he brought his sword down.

When he did, the entire monster became engulf in light before it died down.

The monster was completely gone.

Iris eyes couldn't believe it. That monster had a greater presence than the one Alpha killed.

She needed to find out more about this two. Unfortunately for her, the power of Shadow's attack, created a large screen of smoke. When she looked toward the scene, both Alpha and Shadow had completely disappeared.

As the watched, the knight noticed how Iris was shivering.

Knight 4: Lady Iris?

However, Iris didn't respond immediately. Instead, she look at the ground.

Finally she finally talked.

Iris: She must be the key to all of this. My sister, Alexia. *Shiver* I can't help but feel that she's important to all of this...Alexia...Please be safe...

As Iris thought that, she looked down at the ground.

She needed to find her sister, no matter what.

Somewhere Else.

Back with Alexia and Zenon, both of them were  walking back toward. While Zenon had his usual smile, Alexia look down in thought.

Seeing this, Zenon thought it was a good idea to lighten the mood by talking.

Zenon: *Smiles* I'm so glad to see you safe and sound. I worried immensely after hearing you disappeared. Your sister will also be happy to know that you've been found. There's a carriage outside. I'll personally take you to the castle.

However, Alexia didn't really pay him mind.

Alexia: How prepare you are.

As they kept walking, Alexia finally asked the most important question.

Alexia: How did you know where to find me?

Zenon: I sense your magic, of course. Although we were surprised to see a monster burst forth, the other knights led it away. And I took the chance to rush here.

As Zenon said that, Alexia slow down her pace, as she heard him.

Alexia:...Is that so...?

Alexia finally stopped, forcing Zenon to turned around confuse.

Alexia knew what was wrong and needed to say it.

Alexia: *Serious* Instructor Zenon. The thing is, my magic was sealed until just a few moments ago. Even if you pick up traces of my magic, it wouldn't have been so easy to pin-point my location so quickly. Such a swift rescue is above even your capabilities. It's almost as if you knew where I was. Did you really come here to rescue me?

As Alexia finished, Zenon's expression finally changed. He was no longer smiling.

Instead, he brought his hand over his mouth. Seeing this, Alexia became confused.

Alexia: Instructor Zenon? Is everything ok...

Although she asked, she took a few steps back, as she looked at him confuse. However, Zenon finally started speaking, this time covering his face.

Zenon: Oh, it's nothing.

Finally, Zenon...started to laugh.

Zenon: *Laughts* I'm just astonished at how much of a pain in the ass you are, princess. You didn't need to make it harder than it had to be...

Finally, Zenon showed his face. No longer was the kind and compassionate eyes that he showed everyone were present. Instead, a crazy grin was present, as he looked at Alexia insanely.

Zenon: *Smirk* You suspected right! This facility is mine! I'm the one who funded that man's work! And now...You're coming with me, Alexia!

As Alexia heard that, she took a step back while also drawing her sword.

Alexia: *Shocked* Did you say this facility is yours? That're my kidnapper!

Alexia knew that Zenon was a piece of work but she never imagine this.

Meanwhile, Zenon just clapped at her mockingly.

Zenon: *Smiles* Your deduction is correct. You're an important ingredient to an experiment, you see.

Alexia: *Glare* I don't know what kind of experiments you're running. But the man that you were funding either died or ran away. Too bad, huh?

Instead of responding, Zenon just puts his hand on his sword handle.

Before Alexia could notice, Zenon had suddenly attacked her, making a visible wound on her leg.

She wasn't even able to follow his movements.

Zenon, on the other hand, looked back at her with a sadictic grin.

Zenon: It doesn't matter. As long as your blood is safe...

Alexia just looked at him as if he was a pest. She couldn't believe it. She knew Zenon was stronger than her but this much?

It was truly annoying.

Alexia: *Grit her teeth* Again with my blood! Are you researching vampires or what!?

As Alexia said that, Zenon just laughs at her.

Zenon: You don't need to concern yourself with that. Just stay quiet and come with me...

As Zenon said that, he looked back at Alexia hungrily, while his knew, real smile crossed his face.

Zenon: As long as I have you and the research results, I will be granted the twelve seat of the rounds! I will finally be more than a stupid instructor!

When Alexi heard that, she looked at him in confusion.

Alexia: Rounds?

Alexia had never heard of such title or name before. It was completely alien to her.

Seeing her reaction, Zenon just chuckle.

Zenon: Well, since you're gonna never see the light of day again, might as well tell you.

Zenon: The Twelve Knights supporting the Cult. The Knights of the Round. Whoever attains their title will attain rank, fame and wealth. They have been made aware of my skills already. I only need results now. With your blood, the lady condition will be futfilled.

As Alexia heard that, she look at him as if he was even more insane. However, Zenon wasn't done.

Zenon: Although...I would have preferred to have your sister Iris...

When Zenon said that, Alexia's eyes widen before turning into a hateful glare.

This was one of Alexia's weakness. Being compared to her sister.

And Zenon knew this very well.

Zenon: *Smirk* Oh, my apologies. You hate being compared to her, right?

He was right. Alexia didn't like it. She wanted to be recognized by her skills. Not stay in the shadow of her sister.

And so, blinded by her rage, Alexia lunged toward Zenon, using powerful magic.

Alexia: Die!!!

As Xenon blocked Alexia's strike, he could feel every last bit of her magical powers. However, he only kept smiling, almost as if he was amused instead of threatened.

Zenon: Oh, how scary. Were you just pretending to be all proper until now?

Alexia: *Angry* I could ask you the same!

And with, they started to exchange strikes.

However no matter what Alexia did, Zenon didn't falter. His technique and power remain consistent, while Alexia could feel herself getting tired.

Zenon: Nice moves. No wonder, seeing how I was the one who trained you. But you won't best me with that shoddy sword.

As Alexia said that, she made some distance between herself and Zenon, as she continued to glare at him.

Alexia: *Breathing Heavily* A good fighter...Doesn't blame her tools...right?

Zenon: *Laughts* Yes! The good ones don't...However...

Zenon then looked back at Alexia with a grin. Alexia when she heard him, froze.

Zenon: You're simply mediocre...

As Alexia heard that, for a few seconds, she stopped moving.

He was completely right. This was Alexia's legacy. That of mediocrity. Because she could never match her sister. She then look toward Zenon...who had left his guard down.

Alexia's thoughts: I know well enough. That I won't be able to defeat a genius in a proper fight. But that's exactly why I haven't been just flailing my sword aimlessly around.

As Alexia thought that, she got into a position, as her sword glowed.

As she did, in her head, a phantom version of Iris appeared beside her, she mimicked Alexia's moves.

With a sharp gaze, Alexia lunged toward Zenon, as his eyes widen.

Not because of the sudden attack but because of the type of attack.

He tried to dodge it, however he couldn't do it perfectly, as Alexia managed to slash his cheek.

Zenon could only look at her with genuine shock.

Zenon:...What!? Was that the same technique...Princess Iris uses!?

Zenon respected Iris. Her strength, compared to the rest of normal people, was definitely on a leagues on her own.

With confidence, Alexia looked back at Zenon, while pointing her sword at him.

Alexia: You can regret making light of me during your execution. I'll drop the guillotine myself!

As Alexia said that, Zenon actually remained silent. His hand went toward his cheek, as he checked for noticiable wounds.

When he did, his glove became tainted in blood, as he looked at it.

Zenon: I see...

Zenon: *Licks his blood* Interesting!!! Then I'll take this a bit more serious!!!

As Zenon did that, Alexia took a step back with wide eyes. She could feel the amount of magic in the air and the mere sight of Zenon actually spook her.

However, Zenon's magic started to affect both his body and sword, as a red, unnatural glow became more evident. The light was in form of a lighting.

Zenon: I was just playing around before. You'll witnessed what my real swordplay is like! *Raising his sword* HOW A FUTURE KNIGHT OF ROUNDS FIGHTS!!!

As Alexia saw that, she raised her sword, in order to block it.

When she met the strike, there was only one was to describe the power...


Alexia wax forced to her knees, as the floor itself started to break, because of the mere force that Zenon used. It was even more powerful...than her sister usual magic output.

As she felt this, Alexia's eyes widen as she wasn't the only one that failed. Her sword, as well, as it broke in half.

Alexia: A-Ah...

Seeing this, Alexia fell back, as she tried to make some distance.

Zenon: *Grin* You will never be like your sister. Without talent, all that effort amounts to is a swallow imitation.

Alexia could only look down.

Zenon: You're just a selfish and untalented girl, who gets people in trouble. Nothing but a nuisance. Look at what your sister is going through. Or that fellow student...

When Zenon mentioned a fellow student, Alexia raised her head in confusion.

Alexia: H-Huh?

Zenon, seeing this smirked.

It was time to break this girl.

Zenon: Oh, didn't I tell you? Because of your actions, that poor talented student, Kai Kagenou is now dead.

Alexia: *Disbelief* W-What? What are you talking about...

Alexia didn't comprehend. Kai had nothing to do with this. He was only acting as her fak-

Alexia's thoughts: *Shock* No...wait...

As Alexia piece it together, Zenon smiled wickedly.

Zenon: That's right Alexia. Because of you, that boy is dead...

Alexia look down. She was fully shaking now...

Seeing this, Zenon smiled.

Zenon: What's the matter Alexia? Don't tell me you actually got attached to him. Or maybe...No, it's imposible.

Zenon then grabbed Alexia by the hair, as he force her to look at him.

Zenon: There's no way someone would actually LOVE a failure like you...

As Zenon said that, Alexia looked toward the ground.

It was her fault.

Her sister stress.

The kingdoms downfall.

Her mediocrity...

And the dead of someone...who Alexia actually cared about...Maybe even loved...

She was now a full mess of tears. She could only look down at the ground, with no more energy to fight.

Zenon: It's time to go...Alexia~

As Zenon said that, he had won. His position in the rounds was but confirmed. He was gonna get everything he deser-

???: I'm afraid that's not possible.

Hearing the sudden voice, Zenon turned back.

Zenon: *Glare* Who's there!?

If it was another person, Zenon would have to kill them.

As did, he turned back and notice a figure approaching.

It was fully covered in darkness. From head to toe. It had a detailed knight helmet, which housed a small, blue game in the black, as the only thing visible were a pair of blue eyes. His suit, was also that of an armor. It didn't seem discomforting, as the person walked easily and no sound of metal clashing against the floor was heard.

On his back, a torn cape by the bottom was present. Pitch black as well.

However, the thing that got Zenon's attention...Was how the Shadows of the suit, seemed to be alive. Constantly moving, as the man walked toward him. The darkness and faint but eerily blue glow were the only thing he could see.

In his hands, the only thing present, were a pair of daggers. One white as moonlight and the other, red with black in shape of a skewer knife.

Zenon: How did to get in!?

However, the figure didn't answer that.

???: My name is Kaiser. One who hunts evil in the dark and commands shadows at his will.

As Zenon heard the name, he could only continue to look at him confused.

Zenon; Kaiser?

Kaiser: *Nod* Indeed. Now, Marquess Zenon Griffey.

Kaiser: For your crimes as a member of the Diábolos Cult and in the kidnapping of Princess Alexia...I shall take your head...

As he said that, Zenon's eyes widen before relaxing.

Kaiser. He had nerve hard of that name. However, he could place it somewhere.

With confidence, Zenon pointed his sword at him.

Zenon: I see. You're one of those dogs who's been baring their fangs at the Cult lately!

While this happened, Alexia look at them in shock. Kaiser, Cult? What does it all mean?

However Zenon wasn't done.

Zenon: *Glare* I see you getting cocky after taking down some worthless bases...* Smirk* But today, you're facing Zenon Griffey! The future twelve knight of the rounds! And your timing is great!

Faster than the eye could see, Zenon rushed Kaiser.

Zenon: Your death will secure my promotion to the rounds!

As Zenon said that, Alexia's eyes widen. The speed that Zenon had used, was even beyond her.

As Zenon did, he felt as if hit something. He smirked however it was short lived.

Kaiser: So tell me...

Zenon looked down in shock. Close to where his blade was, Kaiser's white dagger had blocked the strike, while Kaiser looked at him bored.

Kaiser: Where is this so called, "Future Knights of Round"? Surely, it's not you.

Zenon immediately broke the rush and got behind Kaiser to attack him. However, Kaiser dodge the strike without even looking.

As he did, he kicked Zenon back.

Zenon: Tck!

As he regained his balance, Zenon went for a frontal attack, as Kaiser kept dodging.

In one instance, Kaiser had gotten behind Zenon, putting his blade against his neck mockingly.

Kaiser: Your blade is dull. You are just swing it around like a small child, O'dear Future Knight...

Zenon: *Glare* Don't...Fuck with me!!!

Zenon then immediately went into the offense, using his sword to send fast strikes. However, Kaiser just countered using his own twin daggers.

Such simple yet rigid movements. To some, it might seem like a complete mess. But to Alexia...

She couldn't take her eyes off Kai's technique...

Alexia's thoughts: That swordplay...It's the same...

When Alexia was younger, she also attempted a style such as this.

Alexia's thoughts: Before I started being compared to my sister...Before I lost my way...I envisioned a sword play like that. It's the same as what I saw as the ideal fighting style...One based not on talent, power or speed...

As Alexia watched Kaiser move, she became even more entrance.

Alexia's thoughts: But on endless amount of effort. A swordplay of mediocrity...

As Zenon got away from Kaiser, Kaiser use sprint and rush him, while also using vital strike.

The damage that Zenon was receiving was too much for comfort, yet...Kaiser was playing with him.

Alexia's thoughts: I like that swordsmanship...forged by passion. And honest work. A style for those unblessed.

Alexia finally saw it. What Iris meant when she told her that she liked her swordsmanship. What Kai meant when he believed hard work was better than talent...

As Zenon fought, Kaiser pointed one of his daggers at him, as he was suddenly engulfed in a small blue light.

Using Dominators Touch, Kaiser send Zenon against the wall forcing him to spit blood.

As Zenon fell on the ground, he could only glare and curse at Kaiser.

Zenon: Kuh...Damn you...*Pissed* Who the hell are you!? Why do you hide yourself when you have so much power!?

Kaiser: *Glare* We are Shadow Garden. We lurk in the Shadows and Hunt in the Shadows. We keep peace, under the moonlight guide and...we're the ones that will completely eliminate the Diabolos Cult...

As Zenon said that, he could only glare...

Zenon: *Reaching into his pocket* Do you really mean to oppose the Cult? Very well...

Zenon then grabbed a plastic container. Inside, many red pills were present.

Zenon: Then I'll respond kindly to resolve! For a mere man, this outburst of strength would be to much to handle! To survive even. But those who can wield this overwhelming power...Are fit to be a knight of the Rounds!

Suddenly, magic started coming out of Zenon, as it become wild. The force of the magic itself, even manage to push Alexia back.

Now, just like Olba...Zenon had mutated.

Zenon?: The third awakener...

Zenon then glare at Kaiser, as his sword and body was overcome with magic.

His skin had darkened and his pupils turned red.

Awakened Zenon: Now come! Let me show you Unlimited Power!!!

As Zenon yelled that, Kaiser looked back at Alexia. She seem tired, however she was stood standing, looking at them. The tiresome experience of both fighting Zenon and escaping. Even at that, she was still standing. You gotta respect that.

With a sigh, Kaiser looked back at Zenon and muttered a single thing.

Kaiser: Pathetic...

Awakened Zenon: W-What!?

Kaiser: You claim to be all powerful, with a mere cheat? * Magic Rising* Your words defiled the truly powerful.

As Kaiser said that, power started to overflow from him, surrounding everything around them.

It was a beautiful, dark mixed with blue. It was pure yet raw.

Awakened Zenon: What's going on!? What is this magic!!!

While Zenon was afraid, Alexia had another reaction. She was looking at the darkness mesmerized.

Alexia: Do pretty...

As Zenon saw this, he wanted to run. However before he could, the same force as before had force him to his knees.

Even while charging his attack, Kaiser could use Dominators Touch, since it didn't use mana.

Awakened Zenon: Stop! What are you-

Kaiser: Behold. The ultimate result of true hard work and power. Burn in it, into your eyes...*Eyes Glowing Purple* *English* Dark...Nova...

Somewhere Else

Everyone in the kingdom felt it.

A powerful darkness, that shake the world. Iris, the kingdom, Shadow Garden and even Cid.

It was something out of a movie.

Back in the area, Alexia looked around. The whole underground area where she and Zenon fought, was gone, reduce to atoms.

Yet she was fine. She remembered how when the explosion happened, a large, black figure appeared before her. But that's it.

Now, everything, including Zenon, the mysterious and powerful Kaiser, were gone.

As Alexia thought that, her thoughts were distracted by a voice.

???: Alexia!!!

Alexia looked back, seeing her. Her sister, coming toward her.

Alexia: I-Iris!?

When Alexia was at arm reach, Iris lunged at her and hugged her.

Iris: *Worried* Are you ok!? Are you injured!?

As Iris embrace Alexia, she could only stay quiet.

She didn't want to say anything, because she enjoyed this.

So, while smiling Alexia just lean in.

Alexia: *Smiles* No, I'm fine. Thank you, my dear sister...

As the two sister hugged each other, another figure was watching.

Farther away from humans eyes, Kaiser look at them before his mask dissolved.

Kai look at both sisters with a smile, as he was happy that he manage to unite both of them.

Kai: This was the best outcome, right?

From behind him, two shadows were kneeling. One of them, was the one who used to be Kim and the other...who used to be Zenon.

Kai: Although I destroyed the place, I'm sure Alpha and the rest will be able to find something. *Turning back* Let's go, Iron...Zen...

As he finally named the two, the two shadows return toward him as Kai went back to the academy, in order to return to his...normal life.


In the backside of the academy, two students were facing each other.

Alexia and Kai.

While Kai was very calmed, Alexia was holding her arm, looking nervous.

Kai: So, Alexia...*Smiles* What do you want to talk about?

As Kai said that, Alexia took a deep breath before starting what she needed.

A/n: That's the end of Alexia's Kidnapping Arc! It was enjoyable and I hope I delivered very good on this. Next two chapters will be small chapters. One will be, small stories of each character, and then, a Shadow Army count. Then we're gonna jump into the School Attack Arc.

Also, for quick clarification for how this will go.

Cid deals with Sherry-Related

Kai deals with Rose-Related

Hope you guys enjoy and look forward to it.


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