By lexus_zachie

88K 4.1K 1.6K

What Will happen when a troublemaker Heir of Big company was sent into the province for her to learn about li... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter sixteen//...
chapter seventeen//spoiler you might not like
Chapter eighteen//He's the ruckus
Chapter nineteen//Spoiler again!?
Chapter twenty//only you
Chapter twenty one//last spoiler frm me because i spoil you a lot
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight//Spoiler last
chapter twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four.
Chapter Thirty-five.
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter thirty-Seven
Chapter thirty-eight.
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter fourty
chapter fourty-one
Chapter fourty-two
new book
Chapter fourty-three.
Chapter fourty-four.
Chapter fourty-five
Chapter fourty-six
Chapter fourty-seven
Chapter fourty-eight
Chapter fourty-nine
attention lovies
special chapter 01
special chapter 02
special chapter 03
special chapter 04- Daerin
series 2 is out
last message.

chapter eight

1.9K 106 39
By lexus_zachie

Have you ever fell in love like crazy?, but love is crazy isn't it? It was the feeling of pent up emotions where you just want to be with the girl you dream about.

Minji feels that as Hanni's head is perfectly place at her chest hearing her heart beat, like a it's having a chaos. Hanni's hand is moving at her chest to the length of her neck softly.

"You're crazy... You know it right?" Hanni asks her

"I think that's makes me perfect... Perfect for you" Minji mumble as she place her hand on Hanni's waist and form some circle in there

"minji... " she almost whisper her name and that make the latter chuckle

She take her time to stare at Hanni's beautiful face. She really don't need no make up to be beautiful because Hanni is beautiful by herself and it's amazing that how can be a woman like Hanni is trully have resemblance with an Angel.

"You should sleep now my pham hanni" she whisper between her lips and the lady's forehead

"No..." She whined and pout

"Why?" Minji asks as she tucked those hair strands at the back of Hanni's ear

"Because for sure when i wake up you're not here anymore... "Minji chuckle and comb the lady's hair with her digits

" i can't stand a day without you... What did you do to me Pham Hanni?" She asks softly Hanni's cheeks turn into rosy pink from her questions

"The question is what did you see in me Kim Minji?" The question that Minji has a lot of answer but she didn't knew how to explain it.

"I don't know how to answer that Pham Hanni... I just fell... I just like you" she mumble as her heart pound so fast like it usually does maybe that is Hann's effect on her young heart.

"I think i like you too... " Hanni uttered and when truth to be told it gave hopes to Minji that at least she has a chance "but i can't accept you as my girlfriend Minji" that's it those phrase all of Minji's hope faded away she gulp the invisible lump on her throat but she didn't budge to pull out of the hug

"W-why?... Uhm... I mean why?" She said as she found herself stuttering thats why she cleared her throat and asks again but her heart is breaking into four

"I have a fiancé... S-Soobin" Hanni was afraid, scared and sad what if Minji change in the way she treats her?, what if she'll never feel that kind of warmth from Minji again? She do, she like her,maybe love her too but she's engage and its wrong

"Yeah i know... " minji whisper as tears swell from the corner of her eyes "he is my cousin...he'll be back in Wednesday" she said and pulled out of the hug to gave herself a little space she tried to stood up but Hanni can feel it so she trap the older girl on her arm and pull it back on the bed.

"Don't... Please... Don't go... I love you... " Hanni pleads she knew that if she didn't cage her in her arms she'll lose Kim Minji.

"Shh... Its okay Pham Hanni... I accept rejection" Minji said and lean down to caress her cheeks but she expects more than that more like a peck kiss. She held Minji's wrist afraid that she'll be gone "im not going anywhere Hanni... " Minji reassure

"Minji... " she felt the latter burry her face at the hollow of her neck and grip her sides nails digging and within a seconds she feel the wetness at her neck "a-are you c-crying?" She stuttered

"I-im so sorry i can't help it Honey... I just love you now,and there's nothing hurts more than i can't get what i can't have" her chest hurt like someone had squeeze it with its bare hands the pain is evident in minji's voice and she hates the way she says those words.

"Minji... Do you think we can go against the engagement?" She asks she herself wants the engagement to be finally forgotten. She didn't know but one thing is clear for Minji... It's all for Minji.

"We can... We always can" Minji bumble she can still feel her soft breathing at the skin of her neck gave her goosebumps

"If i gave you my heart will you not break it?" She asks once again don't know if she's scared or just hesitating

"You can break mine but i will never ever break yours... I never feel this so please put your trust on me" she did, she already did.

I wonder if i let you slip away now i will find someone who can love me like you.

"Lets take a risk?" Its more like a statement than a question she felt Minji's weight lift from her shoulders and look at her

"Are you serious?" She asks and she gave a simple nods

"You're the only one who make me see the light again... The light in form of lovely human like you... " she mumble lowly Minji chuckle and kiss her forehead

"So you're my girlfriend now?" Minji asks without hesitation she gave a nods and a grin she felt those warm arms that wrap around her and Minji's face is back at the crook of her neck

"You made my day" Minji mumble

"You just made my life" she responded

Minji can't understand how happy she was right now, no words can ever explain the feeling of being with Hanni and finally getting someone she like, love or whatever feelings it is. She'll do everything to go against Soobin and his little fibs she'll do everything just to have Hanni in all ways.

"Now take a sleep baby because you have to go some check up for the next days" she mumbled that makes Hanni tilts her head in confusion

"What do you mean?" Hanni asks

"We just need to do some checkings for complications and you'll have a cornea transplant after making sure everything is safe" she said with a smile the thoughts of How Hanni will react once she saw her face completely got Minji lose her mind because she's afraid

What if i didn't meet her expectations?

What if im not beautiful enough for her?


She was stratled when she heard some sniffs from the brunette who is now covering her face with her two hands she remove them and wipe her tears and tried to soothe her sobs "why are you crying baby?" She asks

"Im so happy... " Hanni said and she's so cute when she look at her with those puppy eyes

"Hanni kiyowo" she suddenly said and that make Hanni smack her chest and blushed

"Stop saying weird things" she just laughed she will never ever get tired of saying 'weird things' if that even mean seeing Hanni blush like this

"Hanni... Pham Hanni" she called her "i love you" she said and Hanni gave a wry smile and push herself more close to her body and burrying her face to her chest

"I love you too Minji-ahh" they gave a warm smile and suddenly Hanni felt her eyelids go heavy she heard her hum some tune that soothes Hanni to sleep Minji really find it adorable she lean down and gave her girlfriend a kiss on its forehead as she slowly drifting off at her dream land and before she totally drifted off she hear her say "i love you" and a cute snore echo in her ears

"You're so cute" she adjust a little and engulfed the younger lady at her side check the wall clock

10:00 pm

She have 5 more hours and a nap with the angel of your life beside you is perfect. She kiss her forehead and shut her eyes and let herself drift into dream land


Danielle settled down in the balcony with the fresh air hitting her face and her skin thinking of life, about Haerin not quite even sure if its a good idea to take this relationship into something real, to another level. She take a deep breath its been couple of days and weeks since they met. They had a better discussion and some understandings, she knew a lot more about Haerin.

She's 17 years old, a pure Korean, she love Tomato frogs and has a resemblance with cats, she have a better fashion taste, she always talks a lot when she see something she love and captivates her attention. That's Kang Haerin and it surprise Danielle that Haerin became lot of talkative when it comes to Danielle and always comfortable.

Is it enough?

Danielle dont know what to do she love the idea of Haerin being hers and her being Haerin's love and it sends her in a place full of dreams she loves it. She loves her.

"Hi unnie" that's Haerin's angelic voice that send chills straight down to Danielle's spine. She shifts her head to see Haerin leaning at the door frame while looking at her with those cat eyes

"Hi goyangi" Danielle greet the girl as the young lady shows her those precious smile full of sweets

"You busy?" The girl asks she shake her head and point the chair beside her

"Have a sit" she tells her the young lady take a step forward she was startled when Haerin sat in her lap facing her and wrapping those incredibly warm arms at her neck "goyangi... There's a vacant chair" she mumble but her hands are possesively wrap around Haerin's waist

"Oh..." Haerin said as she look at the vacant chair back in her eyes"I didn't see" Haerin sigh and stay still "but I'm comfortable" she added she chuckle and pinch the younger cheeks slightly and caress them

"It's okay... Be comfortable as much as you want" she stare at those eyes they can hold each other's loving gaze but her knees weakens by the shine of those pretty orbs

"Oohh... You like me so much huh" Haerin said she chuckle and look down to her lips as she lick her own she badly want to kiss them

"Who wouldn't like you tho?" Danielle said "you're so pretty and amazing" she added and Haerin shake her head

"I'm not pretty, but you? Ohhh Dani-unnie yeppeo" she chuckle at those cute remarks of the girl. Why does Haerin needs to be so cute?

She put those strand of her hair in a back of her ear to get a better view of her pretty face. Now Danielle understand why she fell swiftly with her.

She looks so pure, so beautiful, so fragile like a glass that needs to be handled with double care and oh how much she wish she can call her hers as of now so no jerk will attempt to take her away.

"Why are you starring at me so much?" Haerin asks

"You looks so beautiful and I just can't get my eyes off you" she said and giggle when she saw those blush on her cheeks.

"Careful to that give me so much butterflies" Haerin said and whisper the last sentence but Danielle clearly hear them. She took her hand and place it on her chest where her heart is placed.

"If you don't mind can I ask you something?" She asked

"Anything? " Haerin mumble back

"What are we?" She asks she's a strong one to ask them but the answers that she's expecting to hear might make her weak inside

"What do you mean?" Haerin asks

"A-are we dating? Or even a thing? Something special?" Danielle said as she look at those eyes

"But we're both girls unnie... " and that's it... Danielle hear her heart shuttered in pieces as those words came out from Haerin's lips she didn't know why or how she will recover from the damage that those words cause.

One whole sentence is enough to break Danielle like a glass "why did you kiss me?" She asks her

"I'm not in my right state of mind unnie... I'm sorry" Haerin said she nods and just smile gulping the invisible lump in her throat and smiling so sweetly in front of Haerin masking the pain that evident in her face

"I-its okay" but her voice betray her she hear her voice break and she shake her head cursing for her voice that dare to betray her.

"Are we going to change?" The cat is completely clueless from the pain she's causing to the older girl and Danielle is hating the way that she's so innocent in everything

"No... I swear" she mumble as tears tried to fell but she stops them it's not the time to make Haerin that she's breaking inside. "Oh... I forgot something I had to meet someone in the port aish! Minji unnie will kill me" Dani said as she push the girl off her lap and grab her jacket to ran away and leave.

As she go down in the kitchen she directly go to the refrigerator to grab some beer and leave the house for some space. She drive away to the sea shore and as she arrive she open the cap of the beer and chug it down it's almost half when she put it down and she didn't know but her tears started to fall and her heart started to break more.

"This is so embarrassing... Breaking my heart from someone I barely even know" she mumble as she held her chest like she's trying to catch some of the pieces of her heart but she knew she will fail.

Her tears began to fall more as she drunk the beers and she won't stop until she's drunk and numb.

𝙺𝚒𝚖 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚓𝚒'𝚜 𝙿𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚠

I walk down the stairs as I put my wrist watch in my left hand I see Haerin standing at the door as if she's waiting for someone

"Kang Haerin-ssi?" I called her she looked at me with tears up on her eyes slowly cascading down to her cheeks "why are you crying?" I asks for the girl who always look so strong it's really new to me to see her crying

"Dani unnie..." She mumble as she point the door

"What's with Dani? " I asks

"I think I hurt her... " she said I look at my watch to see that I have more enough time to talk to her so I pull her in the couch at the garden

"What did you do?" I asks

"She asks me what are we are we dating? " she said as she fidget her fingers

"What did you say?"

"I said we're both girls so we cant" she said I sigh as I rest my back at the couch and look at the stars

"Dani never fell in love... She's a little bit coward to state her love, you're a lucky one to hear her say those things... I thought you sway that way? But I guess I am wrong... " I utter "it's not about the gender Kang Haerin. It's about what your heart beats or who your heart beats for... My sister never been sure for her life so you better figure it out or else dad might rearrange the wedding that she backs off for you" I said as I stood up and fix my jacket

"C-can you drive me to the port?" She asks my forehead creass but nonetheless I agree and we leave as I tell Hyein to check on Hanni but my sister ended up sleeping beside my girl

We drive our way as silence and couple of sniffs filled the ride as we arrive she immediately look for Danielle but she can't see her I helped too as I wait for Jay-oppa's message. She's running as she wipe away her tears, she look so hopeless and ruin

We arrive at the shore as we see my sister laying at the sand curled like fetus as the cold breeze hit her skin the glass of the beer she drank are around her so Haerin ran next to the girl and cover her with the blanket she bought and hug it.

I sigh how can I interrupt this moment? Then Jay oppa texted me that he's on his way so I badly need to interrupt Haerin from hugging my sister

"Rinnie... We have to leave" she nods as I helped her to carry Dani as they settled in the back seat I just drive I hear her mumble some words

"You're so lovely.."

"I'm so stupid"

"I don't wanna lose you"

That's all I can hear I think Haerin is too afraid of the judgement of the people but she's more afraid of losing Dani.

We arrive in our house and we put Dani on bed I leave them as I go at my bedroom to check Hanni for the last time before I go back in Seoul. I walk in her side and lean down to kiss her lips softly for five seconds

"Hmm... Baby" she mumble sleepy

"See you in weeks baby... I love you" she nods as she pout

"Take care I love you too" she said as I hug her and I left.

I arrive at the helipad to see Jay oppa waiting there so I smile and ride the chopper

"Where are we heading?" He asks

"My house... " I said he nods as I just look down I sigh

First my health and next soobin... I'm gonna stole you throne as her fiance... We're relatives but the bond in our blood didn't exist when it comes to the girl I love

In the end of the day Pham Ngoc Hanni will became my Hanni Kim suck on that Choi


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