Remnant of Void & Flame (Honk...

BraveArmament tarafından

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She had made a contract, one that binds her across time and space to a power beyond her comprehension. Now, s... Daha Fazla

Volume I - Prologue
Volume I - Chapter I
Volume I - Chapter II
Volume I - Chapter III
Volume I - Chapter IV
Volume I - Chapter V
Volume I - Chapter VI
Volume I - Chapter VII
Volume I - Chapter VIII
Volume I - Chapter IX
Volume I - Interlude (Weiss I)
Volume I - Chapter XI
Volume I - Chapter XII
Volume I - Epilogue
??? - Elegy of The Withered Blossom (I)
Side Story - Echo (I)
Side Story - Echo (II)

Volume I - Chapter X

466 19 4
BraveArmament tarafından

Kiana soared through the sky, her cape streaming behind her in a blaze of fire as she weaved and swerved through the air with contemptuous ease. Her body moved with an almost liquid grace, twisting and turning as the sound of explosions filled the air around her. A single motion summoned a wave of heat that incinerated the incoming bullets and missiles long before they could even reach her immediate vicinity, her authority over the domain of fire allowing her to remain unscathed even in the most chaotic of situations.
Her gaze swept over the area quickly, taking in all that was happening around her. While most of their forces had already surrendered, further observation revealed that the Blood Fang still had a considerable presence around the academy. That they were quick to reorganize themselves even after her initial display of power tells her that they must have some sort of commanding officer hiding nearby. She continued to scan the area, her eyes searching for any hint regarding their location before finally settling on a target...
The air began to ripple and vibrate as the temperature started to rise exponentially, a sphere of flame forming around her body like a protective cocoon. With a single thought, Kiana propelled herself forward, the force of her movement causing the air to howl in protest as she flew towards the courtyard down below. The very ground shook with tremendous force as Kiana crashed into it with a deafening bang, the resulting explosion decimating an entire group of Blood Fang with a heat so intense that it turned all those unfortunate enough to be caught in its wake into nothing more than ash.
'Nothing more than a waste of lives...'
Kiana dispelled the smoke around her with a single wave of her sword, casting a glance at her surroundings as the battle came to a standstill. Everywhere she looked, her eyes met with the stunned and terrified faces of those who had been caught in the middle of this conflict, their expressions betraying their fear and confusion as they tried to comprehend what was happening. Time itself seemed to have frozen as everyone present waited in anticipation for what was to come next.
"Kill her!!"
A sudden shout drew her attention to a single Faunus standing a good distance away, her eyes narrowing as she recognized the insignia emblazoned on his chest. The rest of the Blood Fang immediately began to charge forward, followed by a group of similarly armed individuals that had been posing as students and staff of the academy.
The battle was fierce and intense, with Kiana meeting each blow with swift and precise strikes from her blade while simultaneously manipulating the air around her in order to create walls of fire that incinerated any projectiles that were sent flying her way. Every movement seemed almost like a dance; her form graceful and elegant even in the heat of battle. A single attack of her own was more than enough to shatter their aura, leaving them unable to fight back as she continued with her onslaught.
She took the time to observe her opponents’ moves even as she fought. Unlike Adam's group, these Faunus seemed to be much more inclined towards using their natural traits rather than relying on weapons and technology. The way they used their tails and other extra appendages was particularly impressive.
Unfortunately for them, it would take much more than that to defeat her...
She moved like a force of nature — a storm of rage and power. A female Faunus shot a web out of her hand in a desperate attempt to restrain her movement, only for it to be incinerated by the sheer heat radiating from her body. The only flight-capable one tried to attack her from the sky, only to be struck down by a bolt of lightning that she had called down from the heavens. Every attack was met with a much more devastating counter, and soon enough, the entirety of Blood Fang's forces were left in disarray.
It didn't take long for the Faunus in charge of the group to realize that he was outmatched and attempted to flee. Kiana, however, was not about to let him get away so easily. She swung her blade in a wide arc, unleashing a maelstrom of fire that drove the foes around her to cower away in fear. The few that failed to flee in time found themselves quickly snared by the inferno, their bodies twisting and writhing in agony as they were consumed by the raging flame, their screams of misery quickly snuffed out by the spectacle of death and destruction.
"This will be your one and only chance," she declared, her voice ringing out loud and clear as she planted her sword firmly in the ground. "Surrender..."
Her intimidating display of power had its desired effect, her words crashing over their ranks like a tidal wave of fear. As much as she loathed to admit it, fear can be a very powerful motivator, though perhaps the fact that they are now outnumbered four to one may have been an additional influence. One by one, the Blood Fang began to surrender, their weapons thrown away in a gesture of resignation. The Faunus in charge, however, was still determined not to give up so easily. He had been able to stay away during the battle, and now he sought to make his escape and sail into the depths of the academy.
With a single gesture, she summoned an invisible force that lifted the Faunus in charge off the ground and dragged him through the air until he reached her side.
"Your leaders," she looked him straight in the eye as he remained suspended in mid-air, her tone cutting and authoritative as she questioned him. "Where are they?"
The Faunus chose to remain silent, all the while attempting to fight against her control.
"I will not ask again," Kiana demanded, her tone cold and unyielding. "Where are they?"
"Screw you!" He yelled back at her, his glare unwavering even as he ceased his struggle.
"I see..." Kiana responded with a sigh before a wave of her hand sent the Faunus high into the air. Another wave sent him crashing to the ground, his aura shattering on impact.
She then looked to the side where the students and staff of the academy had been watching, her voice gentle yet firm as she addressed them.
"Can you please restrain them?" She gestured towards the unconscious Faunus and the remaining Blood Fang. "I need to head inside the academy as soon as possible."
"Y-yes, absolutely! We'll do it right away!" One of the teachers — the very same woman that had been acting as their tour guide during their visit to the academy — stepped forward and nodded in agreement. She motioned to the others to begin restraining the Blood Fang before turning back to Kiana. "A-and ah... t-thank you for your assistance... Ma'am..."
Kiana forced her lips into a thin, tight line as the teacher addressed her in such a way, trying not to show her annoyance and settling by simply giving the teacher a brief nod of acknowledgment before making her way inside the academy. Her boots clattered rhythmically against the marble floor, and plumes of smoke trailed in her wake as she made her way through the corridor, her gaze sharp and her aura rippling with power. The entire hallway was deathly still, echoing with an eerie silence that contrasted sharply with the heat and sharp smell of burning embers that emanated from the very ground on which she walked.
A large part of it had been destroyed — chunks of marble and broken glass lay scattered on the floor, the walls and ceiling charred and blackened with soot. Dozens of corpses littered the place, their bloodied bodies and mangled limbs strewn across the ground like ragdolls, a stark reminder of the carnage that had taken place. Students, staff, as well as civilians were among them, some with their throats slit open in a gruesome display of death. Their ichor spattered across the corridor in a vivid contrast to the destruction that surrounded them, like a garish splash of paint on a canvas of despair. A few still wore expressions of anger and hatred — of shock and betrayal — while others bore looks of resigned acceptance.
Kiana's jaw clenched as she passed the gruesome scene, her gaze lingering over each and every single one of the corpses. The sight of death and destruction was one she had seen far too many times before, and this one felt no different...
Her eyes eventually locked onto a small figure. He was slumped against the wall, far too young to be a student of the academy. She slowly approached him, her movements almost robotic as she saw the gaping wound on his side, where he had been stabbed multiple times. His pale face was streaked with tears, and his shirt was torn apart and covered in some sort of sickly green liquid. The blood around him had already started to congeal, forming a dark, sticky pool around his body. She reached out and gently closed his eyes, feeling a deep pang of sorrow in her chest.
"I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice barely audible as she touched the side of his cold face. "I really am..."
"Are you~?"
Kiana did not react to the voice even as everything around her turned a shade of purple; the world seemed to slow down, the air becoming heavy and thick as if time itself had grinded to a halt. Her eyes remained fixed on the body in front of her, even as the corpses of the fallen started to float and drift around her. The sound of laughter filled the air, a grating and childish voice that echoed throughout the hallway like a haunting melody.
"Do you really, really feel sorry for them~?" A white, porcelain face suddenly appeared inches away from Kiana's own; the words that lingered were dripping with both malice and amusement. "Or maybe... it's all just an act~? Ehehe, ahahahaha~ You could've saved them, no~? Could've stopped any of this from happening in the first place~! If you only just tried~" She chortled, her visage contorting into a cruel parody of a smile. "But you didn't, did you~? You just stood there and watched it all happen... like some sort of spectator~! Why is that, I wonder~?"
The doll took a step back, her limbs jerking and twitching as it began to dance around Kiana in circles, as if trying to mock her with every step she took; her joints clicked and clacked as it moved, the sound resembling that of a wooden marionette being controlled by invisible strings.
"Perhaps you've been holding back~! Or maybe you're doubting your own decisions~? Oh? Oh, I know~! What was it that you said~? Ah! I remember~ Good and evil coexist in everyone's heart~! It's not a reason for me to give up on saving them~! Ahahaha, ahahahahahaha~!" The Herrscher began to laugh louder as she spoke, her voice growing even more hysterically before stopping abruptly; the eerie silence that was left in its absence only lasted for the briefest of moments. "Or so you said... but that can't be right. After all, you did kill all those people outside. Hmm... what is it then?" Kiana did nothing even as she felt the pair of arms draping over her shoulders, feeling the cold frame of the Herrscher press against her back as the doll leaned in and whispered into her ear. "Could it be... you're not lost, are you?"
Kiana did not answer, her body remaining still and unmoving as if it were made of stone, all the while ignoring the diminutive girl and refusing to give into the taunts. She closed her eyes, her fists clenching slightly as she blocked out the sound of the Herrscher's laughter and focused on the sound of her own breathing instead.
"Even after all the time you spent in this foreign world, you still have no idea where to begin, don't you? Or even how to proceed?" The doll spoke after a pause, her voice dripping with disdain. "How indecisive, how... empty. Is this what you truly became? All those trials, all those sacrifices, and yet here you are — nothing more than a puppet waiting for someone else to pull your strings... Ahahahaha~"
The diminutive girl's laughter echoed through the hallway once again, a hollow and mocking sound that seemed to linger for an eternity. Kiana heaved a heavy sigh, her breathing becoming even and steady as she opened her eyes and cast a cursory glance at the face in the corner of her vision. The doll's features were twisted into its usual smirk, her porcelain skin reflecting the faint light from the surroundings like a mirror. She held her gaze for a brief moment before turning her attention back to the small body in front of her, her fingers gently tracing the contours of his face.
"You know... your attempt at goading me is as appalling as ever." Kiana's voice was barely audible as she spoke, her words filled with a mix of sadness and frustration. "And for your information, I do know exactly what I'm doing..."
"Is that so? Hmm... well, I suppose I'll have no choice but to take your word for it~" The Herrscher spoke in a tone that betrayed the amusement she felt at hearing Kiana's reply; the cold touch of the artificial arms slowly left her body as the diminutive girl stepped away. "So be it~! If that is truly how it is, then allow me to witness that same tenacity, that same courage you displayed throughout your journey~!" The doll's voice echoed throughout the hallway, her body twirling and spinning around Kiana in a grand theatrical display. "You, who sit upon the Throne of Finality, who hold in your hand an authority over the power of the end~ You, whose existence stands above and beyond humanity itself~ Go on... and struggle like you always did~ Prove to me, prove to us all, that you still have what it takes to bear the burden that you took upon yourself~! Ahahaha, ahahahahaha~"
Kiana simply watched in silence as the Herrscher's form began to flicker and dissipate; the echo of her laughter lingered for only a few moments before it faded into nothingness. Dozens of corpses that had been floating around slowly drifted back into place, their bodies returning to their original positions before finally settling on the floor with a gentle thud. The oppressive air that had been so pervasive for the past few minutes started to wane away as the very fabric of reality itself began to shift; the light of the moon pierced through the clouds and brought the night back into its rightful place.
"Really, that is so unlike you..." Kiana chuckled softly, her voice barely audible amidst the stillness of the night.
Unlike the rest of her kind, the Herrscher of Domination was one of the few personas who decided to remain active despite the passage of time — often giving her own remark on just about everything Kiana did. Still, for the doll to momentarily project herself in the physical world had been a bit of a surprise, as she was usually content to stay within the confines of Kiana's mind.
That, or trying to annoy her after invading her dream...
Then again, it's not like she ever stopped any of the Herrscher personas from temporarily manifesting themselves in the real world — not that all of them are capable of doing so — even if she realizes that it might not be the best idea to have in the long run. In the end, they had all witnessed the rise and fall of countless civilizations, watched as mankind evolved and developed itself over the course of tens of thousands of years. While she knew that some of them still held a deep-seated hatred for mankind and their so-called foolishness, the countless millennia they spent together seemed to have somewhat mellowed out the more destructive tendencies of these powerful entities; though it certainly didn't stop them from showing their dislike in some ways or another. For instance, Senti would sometimes make a sarcastic comment about the state of humanity and its lack of progress, while Thunder would be heard sighing in exasperation whenever they discovered something completely asinine.
Regardless, she cannot deny that the words the Herrscher of Domination had spoken to her do hold a sliver of truth in them — even if it is one that Kiana would rather not acknowledge. She could've done better — should've done better. The thought of all the lives she could have saved, the potential tragedy she could have prevented if only she had been more proactive and decisive in her actions... it was enough to make her feel a sense of guilt and regret that weighed heavily on her heart. Nevertheless, Kiana knew that her reluctance to take decisive action was rooted in her own unwillingness to accept the fact that she had no other choice but to kill someone in order to save the innocents. Despite all the death and destruction she had inflicted against the Blood Fang, she still despised the act of taking their lives with every fiber of her being — even if it was meant for a greater good.
It honestly felt like she was defiling both the promise she made with Himeko and the very oath she took to protect the weak and innocent. While the Blood Fang is seen as nothing more than a terrorist organization in the eyes of the world, a part of her knew that they were but a victim in the grand scheme of things — the victims of a corrupt and oppressive system that had been in place for far too long. Their ills were simply a result of the circumstances that had been thrust upon them, resulting in a desperation that drove most of their members to take whatever means necessary to achieve their goals. That they chose to embrace their new identity did little to assuage her guilt. In the end, killing them would be no different than killing any other innocent; an act of violence, a stain on her conscience that she could never erase or forget — and yet, she also could not deny the fact that it had been a necessary evil.
Kiana hung her head low, her heart heavy with regret even as she sent out a pulse of energy to find the remaining survivors along with the main force of the Blood Fang. In the end, it matters little what she thought or felt, for now is not the time for deliberation nor is it the time for remorse. She had an objective, and Kiana knew that she needed to focus on that if she were to ensure that the city will have a decent chance at survival.
The result of the scan came back almost instantly, allowing her to put the pieces together even with the limited information she received. Several individuals seem to be hiding inside one of the rooms near the training area, their presence hidden from the Blood Fang's forces by some sort of translucent barrier. Close to a hundred people are scattered all across the academy — every single one of them locked in a heated battle — with the majority of their number located in what looks to be an auditorium. A little over a dozen other people also appear to have barricaded themselves in some sort of underground chamber. Judging by the five or so dozen people trying to get in, she suspected that the Schnee's Patriarch himself might be down there along with his escorts. Still, if she were to be honest, she was more concerned about the chaotic mess that seemed to be happening near the auditorium.
Her eyes slowly shifted to the window as she took a deep breath and steadied herself, the ever-present threat of the Ancient Grimm looming in the back of her mind. Though she had no problem engaging the Hydra close to the shoreline, she would much rather engage the beast in the open sea far from the city, as it would allow her the opportunity to unleash the full magnitude of her power. Unfortunately, that means she only had half an hour, or perhaps forty minutes at best to clear out the academy and the rest of the city, and considering the number of people she had to rescue, she wasn't sure if that would be enough.
While the bombardment she'd launched earlier had done a great deal of damage and decimated the Blood Fang forces that had been roaming the streets, the ones hiding inside the buildings still remained active. Liberating Sanctum Academy would certainly help in that regard, as the students and staff held within should have a good understanding of the city's layout — something that they could use to help secure the city. And if they could also somehow coordinate their efforts with what's left of the Atlas Military, then she is certain that they will have little to no problem suppressing the Blood Fang without any further intervention on her part. It is a risk, but it is still one she is willing to take — especially since she had no idea how long it would take her to defeat the Ancient Grimm.
Regardless, her mind raced with strategies and scenarios, assessing the situation from a variety of different angles. She could tell that the Schnee's Patriarch and the group near the training area would be able to hold out on their own for a bit longer, which means that her first priority should be to assess the situation on both the fourth and fifth floors. Besides, if she were to secure the entire academy, then starting at that location seems to be the most logical choice. Then again, it's not like she had much of a choice to begin with...
With a shake of her head, Kiana heaved a sigh before standing up, her boots crunching against the broken glass as she made her way deeper into the academy.


The cold, icy air bit at her exposed skin as she stood on the deck of the Atlesian Warship, her gaze fixed on the horizon while the fleet soared across the endless expanse of the ocean. Despite the sliver of moonlight that was peeking through the grey clouds, it wasn't enough to illuminate her surroundings; instead, it cast a ghostly hue over everything around her. She had her hands clasped behind her back, her posture rigid and straight as she tried to focus on her thoughts, her mind racing with the possibilities of what could be happening in the city of Argus.
Just a few hours ago, one of Atlas Patrol Units had detected unusual signs of movement from the Ancient Grimm and had immediately sent in a report to the base. Although they initially thought that the multi-headed serpent was meandering aimlessly around the ocean, further investigation by the patrol unit shows that it was heading towards the city of Argus, and at an alarming rate. The fact that they had somehow lost their communication with the city only serves to exacerbate the problem even further. The moment they realized what had happened, High Command made the immediate decision to gather every available combat unit and direct them towards the city at full speed, hoping that they would be able to arrive in time before the Ancient Grimm could do too much damage.
Unfortunately, there were still several hours left before they arrived, and she couldn't help but worry that it might be too late — that the city of Argus might have already become a pile of rubble by the time they reached it. Winter had her own misgivings about the whole situation, but she knew that they had little to no choice but to press forward and hope for the best. Still, the thought of the massive beast attacking Argus was an image she did not want to consider. Her hands tightened as she contemplated the scenario, fear and worry gripping at her insides. If the Ancient Grimm was truly heading towards Argus, then that means her little sister would most likely be in danger right now, not to mention all of the innocent people living there...
Her heart continued to beat irregularly as she peered out at the horizon — a wave of guilt crashed over her as memories of her little sister's face resurfaced in her mind. Being born into such a prominent family brought along with it plenty of expectations and restrictions, all of which she found hard to stomach. In her heart, she wanted things to be different; that she didn't have to be shackled by her family's expectations; that she could just be free to do whatever she wanted without having to worry about the consequences; that she could choose her own future and make her own decisions. In the end, no matter what her reasons were, she couldn't help but feel guilty about her decision to force the responsibility of becoming the Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company onto her little sister. Winter knew that she was being selfish by thrusting such an important task on someone so young and inexperienced... and yet, on the other hand, she couldn't help but feel relieved; relieved that she would no longer have to carry the weight of her family's legacy.
Regardless of what had happened, she knew that she only had herself to blame for her little sister's predicament. A deep sense of bitterness and regret settled in her chest, weighing it down like an anchor as she shifted her gaze to the roiling sea below. If only she had decided to stay and embrace her duty as the Heiress, then maybe her little sister would've been safe and sound back home instead of being on a dangerous business trip to a far-away city. She knew there was nothing she could do to change the past, but that didn't stop her from blaming herself for what had happened. Desperately lifting her eyes, her fingers curled into fists as she looked over the horizon, hoping against all odds that they would make it in time to save her sister as well as the entire city. Her knuckles whitened as a single tear rolled down her face — a silent accusation against herself for putting her own personal happiness before the ones that truly mattered to her.
Nevertheless, she realized that she couldn't linger in her own guilt and self-pity. Taking another few moments to gather her resolve, Winter quickly wiped the tear off her cheek and composed herself, determination etched on her face. With renewed vigor, she turned around and walked back into the ship, her entourage of loyal guards immediately falling into step as they walked on her heels. The walls rumbled from the vibrations of the engine that kept them afloat in mid-air; the deck beneath her feet lurched slightly as the ship turned to adjust its course. Looking out through the windows of the vessel, Winter saw a line of ships flying in formation; what started as a unit of five vessels had now grown to fourteen, each of them flying in perfect formation towards their destination. Regardless, while they are certainly nothing less than remarkable, it was still a far cry compared to the sheer number of warships Atlas, Mistral, and Vale mustered during their failed attempt to take on the Ancient in the past.
She shook her head and tried to clear her thoughts, her feet taking her towards the elevator that would take her down to the bridge. The guard standing near the elevator greeted her as she approached, granting her passage with a curt nod. Taking out her scroll, she used it to open the elevator and stepped in quickly; only two of her entourage followed her inside while she told the rest to stay back and stand guard. The doors closed around her, locking her and a pair of her personal guards in private solitude for the short journey down.
Despite the lack of guarantee, she knew that they had to press forward — if there was even a fraction of a chance that they could save the people of Argus, then that's exactly what they'd have to do...
The elevator's doors opened, and a rush of cold air escaped, carrying with it the faint smell of disinfectant mixed with electrical components. Winter stepped into the command centre, its walls lined with consoles and multifunctional screens that glowed with a faint green. Massive glass panes enclosed the observation region at the fore, built to withstand projectiles as well as the harshest of conditions while providing an unobstructed view of the world outside. The entire bridge was illuminated by a soft blue light, with several voices speaking in hushed tones as the officers exchanged reports and worked on their assigned duties all around her. Standing in the center of the bridge is the Captain of the Ship, his body rigid as his eyes moved back and forth between the numerous panels containing all of the navigational, operational, and mission-critical data.
One of the personnel inside noticed her arrival and was about to announce it, but Winter subtly gestured for them to remain silent — an indication that there is no need to stand on ceremony. She quietly made her way towards the captain, taking in all of the details of the bridge and its personnel as she did so. For a moment, they stood side by side just looking at the display, her eyes drawn towards the panel showing their current position and the details of their mission.
"We lost contact with Patrol Unit Twelve, Fifteen, and Seventeen..." The Captain spoke, his voice calm and composed. "The Ancient tore through their blockade like it was nothing..."
Winter stayed silent, offering no response as her sight remained glued to the panel in front of her, trying to take in all the information that was laid out before her.
"Six Atlesian Warships, gone, just like that..." He paused for a moment, taking in a deep breath before he continued. "Every single one of them is a state-of-the-art vessel, each armed to the teeth with the latest combat technology Atlas had to offer, crewed by the best-trained personnel in all of Remnant, and yet even with their combined firepower, they were unable to hold back the Ancient for more than ten minutes..."
"So it seems..." Winter finally responded, her voice soft but firm.
"It would be one thing to face a horde of regular Grimm, but an Ancient?" He asked, his tone low and almost desperate. "I simply don't understand what High Command expects us to do in a situation such as these..."
"To be fair, I do not think they expect us to do much to begin with. A battle against an Ancient is simply a battle we are not prepared for." She paused for a moment, looking out the windows and towards the stars beyond. "Well, although I cannot be certain, I believe that there are a scant few who may still cling to a faint hope that we can pull some kind of miraculous victory — perhaps the same kind of 'miracles' that we have witnessed in the past."
"Victory and miracle, you said..." The Captain laughed as he crossed his arms, shaking his head in disbelief. "What hope do we have against a creature that even Remnant's combined fleet of forty-eight warships could not defeat in the past? What do you think our meager fleet of fourteen can do that they couldn't?"
"You could always argue that our technology has advanced since then..." Winter replied, her voice taking on a more confident tone as she took a step towards the main display. "After all, Atlas is a Kingdom of Progress and Innovation — we have access to better weapons and armor, more efficient engines, and improved sensors — everything that may be able to tip the scales in our favor."
"And how far will that take us, Specialist?" The balding man asked, his tone serious as he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "The Ancients are creatures of immense power and intelligence; they are an enemy that has been around since time immemorial, and I, for one, am more than certain that each and every single one of them has gone through hundreds, if not thousands of battles. That they have survived to this very day should tell you how futile this endeavor of ours is going to be. Do you honestly believe that our advanced technology will be enough to overcome it?"
She remained silent for a few seconds, her eyes now focused on the main display as she moved closer and placed her hands on it. With a few swift commands, the image of a massive creature appeared on the screen — its thirteen heads stretching up towards the sky, each one adorned with a crown made of sharp spikes, while its body was covered in thick black armor plates. Glowing red eyes shone from beneath its mask like burning embers of hellfire; its scales reflected the same red hue, making it appear as if it were made of burning coals. Arcs of crimson lightning danced across every inch of its body, while a subtle dark mist surrounded it like an aura of death and destruction.
"Personally? I don't." Winter took a step back before speaking in a more somber tone, her gaze still fixed on the image before her as she continued. "Victory had never been a viable option to begin with... but I do believe that we stand a decent enough chance at driving it back. Regardless, we must prepare ourselves to accept the reality that this mission may be our last, and that whatever happens, we will have done all that we can."
"Oh, I know full well what we signed up for, Specialist. And there's really no need to downplay the fact." The Captain spoke, his voice turning strong and resolute, his eyes blazing with a fire of determination. "We knew from the very start that our chances of success were slim to none, and yet here we are — ready to face any insurmountable challenge that comes our way. I assure you, my men and I stand firm, willing to give our all for the sake of Remnant and its people."
"Well said, Captain," she replied, a slight smile forming on her lips as she turned to him. "The courage and dedication you and your crew have shown is nothing short of what I expected."
"It's all we can do, really," the Captain nodded in response; his sight lingered on the image before him before continuing in a softer voice. "Unfortunately, I don't think that we'll make it in time. The Ancient is only less than an hour away from Argus. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, we still need roughly two hours to reach the city."
"I am well aware," she spoke after a few moments of silence. "Which is why I propose that we deploy the majority, if not all, of our gunships and use their superior speed to make up for lost time and catch up to the Ancient."
"... I must admit that I never expected you of all people to propose this kind of plan, Specialist." The Captain shook his head as he replied, his voice laced with a hint of surprise. "You do realize that there is a significant risk in doing so, don't you? Our gunships may be able to catch up to the Ancient, but I reckon they won't even be able to last any longer than twenty minutes once they arrive."
"Yet it is the only viable option we have left..." Winter took her eyes off the picture of the multi-headed serpent, her gaze shifting towards the Captain as she spoke. "It is true that we won't have much fuel left by the time we reach the beast, but it is still our only chance at intercepting the serpent before it reaches the city. And let's not forget the fact that it tore through the blockade in less than ten minutes." She reminded him, one of her eyebrow raising in mild amusement. "Twenty should be more than enough. Besides, we can always use the nearby Argus Military Base to resupply should it be needed."
"Hmm... I suppose it is our only option at this point." The Captain nodded slowly in agreement, his expression thoughtful as he considered her suggestion. "Very well then, I will share the plan with the rest of the fleet." He then paused for a moment before looking at her. "And you, Specialist? Will you be deploying as well?"
"Of course," she replied without hesitation, her expression turning into one of intense focus and determination. "I shall use my personal transport to lead our forces there."
The Captain gave her a nod of respect before turning his attention away from her and back towards the image on the screen. His gaze was distant and contemplative, as if he were considering the magnitude of their plan and the potential risks that lay ahead of them. After what felt like an eternity, he finally spoke in a voice filled with determination.
"I'll make sure that at least three-quarters of our air force will be sent to aid you in your plan. Unfortunately, I can't promise anything more than that. We need to reserve some of our forces to serve as our protection in case of a Grimm attack." He then turned his gaze back to Winter, looking her straight in the eye. "We may not have the luxury of time, but I do believe in you — and in your plan. You have my full support."
"I understand, Captain. And I thank you for your support." Winter nodded gratefully and saluted the captain before turning and walking towards the elevator.
"Just so you know," the Captain called out after her the moment she and her personal guards stepped into the elevator. "We are still within communication range with Cygnus..."
Winter hesitated for a moment before pressing the button to close the elevator doors.
"May fortune be on your side, Specialist Winter..."
The doors closed shut before Winter could respond, and all she could do was stand there silently while they were transported further away from the bridge.
As the elevator reached its destination, she stepped out and walked down the corridor, her entourage of loyal guards following her closely on her heels. Her thoughts were filled with Atlas, her mother, and her little brother, whom she hadn't spoken to for quite some time now. Despite her current circumstances, perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad idea to take this opportunity to give him a call? She had been meaning to for a while, but the timing never felt quite right. Well, she might as well do it now, considering that it is very possible that she won't get another chance to do so...
With those thoughts in her head, Winter pulled out a small, rectangular device from her pocket and activated it with a few taps of her finger.
"Go ahead and prepare my ship for departure." She ordered her entourage, the sound of her voice echoing down the hallway. "I'll be in my quarters for a while."
The guards nodded and quickly rushed off to their respective tasks, leaving Winter alone in the hallway as she made her way towards her destination, located in a corner of the ship, far away from all the hustle and bustle of the crew. As she reached the end of the corridor, Winter stepped through a sliding door and into her personal quarters. Despite its size, the room was incredibly barren, with only a few necessities laying around. A single bed stood in one corner, covered with a plain white blanket and adorned with nothing more than a single pillow. One small desk rested in another corner, complete with a chair and a few papers scattered on its surface. A look into the drawer will show that it was filled with various items, such as tools and other miscellaneous objects that may come in handy during her mission.
After taking another moment to compose herself, she dialed her brother's number and waited for him to pick up. At first, there was only silence... but soon enough, she heard a familiar voice on the other end.
"... Sister?"0
Winter let out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding and smiled in relief, allowing herself a brief moment of joy before responding.

"Hello, Whitley," she spoke in a tone reserved for her close acquaintances and family members, her voice holding the warmth of long-missed familiarity. "It's been a while, hasn't it? How are you?"


The clash of metal against metal filled the air as Pyrrha parried and attacked with perfect precision, her aura shimmering around her in a crimson hue as it slowly began to deplete. Sweat dripped down her face as Miló shifted between its forms, the blade deflecting another attack before swiftly turning back into a javelin and piercing another foe in the leg. Every single one of her movements was properly executed; each block, each counter-attack, and each dodge were done with perfect timing that allowed her to effectively subdue her opponent without wasting any energy or exposing herself to unnecessary risk. She spun her blade in one fluid motion, transforming her weapon into its rifle form with a single flick of her wrist, before letting off a few well-aimed shots that pushed her adversaries back just enough to give her some space.
She readied herself for the next onslaught by taking advantage of the momentary reprieve; eyes narrowing as she watched her opponent intently for any sign of weakness or openings in their stance that could be exploited before pressing forward with renewed vigor. Her feet danced nimbly across the ground as she weaved through their attack, using a combination of quick slashes and jabs from Miló's sword form in an attempt to break through her opponents' guard. She could feel the heat of battle consuming her body, yet even in this moment of duress, Pyrrha still found a way to aid those around her. A subtle use of her semblance further drained her of her aura as she used its power to disrupt the trajectory of the Blood Fang's weapon, allowing her fellow students to gain an edge in their own battles.
Every now and then, her opposition would also come under fire from shots that somehow managed to bypass the protection of their aura and temporarily leave them vulnerable. Pyrrha did not pay any mind to these strange occurrences and wasted no time in capitalizing on their misfortune, dashing forward with a blinding speed as she plunged Miló through the gaps in their defenses with pinpoint accuracy. Once their aura began to crack and fade, she delivered the final blow with a powerful kick that sent them flying back before finally collapsing into unconsciousness.
The entire fight had taken less than two minutes, yet it felt like an eternity to her, who had already been exhausted both physically and mentally since before the battle even began. She had been fighting in the darkness for what felt like hours now, and even with her aura providing her with some of its passive regeneration effect, she still felt the toll that the prolonged fighting was taking on her. Every movement felt labored, every breath was a struggle, and even the simplest of tasks like walking or standing took a considerable amount of effort. She could still hear the screams of her fellow students ringing through the air, could still see their ichor-stained weapons and armor as they fought tooth and nail for their lives. The attack had been sudden and fierce, and for a brief moment, it honestly felt like the entire academy was under siege — almost as if Blood Fang knew exactly where to strike in order to cause the most damage. Pyrrha had no idea how they managed to do it or why they were even targeting the academy in the first place.
Well, if she were to be honest, then she could certainly think of one particular reason as to why they would choose to target the academy... though she failed to see how such a thing would be enough of a justification to cause such senseless devastation.
"Are you okay?"
A soft and gentle voice interrupted her thoughts, the warmth of its owner's presence causing her to turn around in surprise. The Radiant Blaze, The Light of Dawn, Hero and Savior of Evergreen City stood before her with a concerned expression on her face, the light from the moon reflecting off of her armor and somehow making it shine like a beacon in the night. Pyrrha felt her heart skip a beat as she stared into the older woman's eyes, suddenly feeling very conscious of how she must look with her clothes stained in sweat and dirt.
"W-why are you--" She could feel her cheeks heating up as she tried to form the words, her voice stammering slightly as she finally managed to speak. "I-I mean, I'm fine, really! I can still fight, if that's what you're worried about..."
The legend simply smiled in response before nodding her head, her expression softening as she looked upon Pyrrha with a kind and understanding gaze.
"I know you can," she said softly, her voice gentle and reassuring as she stepped closer and placed a hand on her shoulder. "But I can also see that your aura is getting a bit low..."
Pyrrha glanced down at her scroll, its screen flashing a warning as it revealed that her aura had already fallen to four percent — an amount that would not be enough for her to continue fighting without risking serious injury. Then again, she had yet to fully recover her aura to its full capacity after the spar she had this morning, so it is no surprise that it had drained so quickly.
"I know," she replied, her voice low and almost resigned as she looked away from her scroll. "But I still think I can hold my own for a bit longer, at least--"
"I understand your desire to fight and protect your friends, but you must also be aware of your own limits..." The legend interrupted her, cutting her off with a firm yet gentle voice as she gently squeezed her shoulder. "And to be honest, you do seem a bit distracted. Is something on your mind?"
"I'm not--"
Before Pyrrha could finish her sentence, a loud bang suddenly echoed through the hallway. The white-haired woman raised her blade in an effortless gesture, deflecting a bullet that had been inches away from hitting Pyrrha with a single swipe of her sword. The projectiles ricocheted off the blade and flew harmlessly into the distance as the legend calmly drew her gun and fired several shots that somehow managed to pierce through the offending Faunus' aura, leaving the assailant immobilized on the ground. The Radiant Blaze then quickly turned her firearm toward another allied group that was about to be overwhelmed by the Blood Fang and fired off a few more shots, each one hitting its mark with perfect accuracy.
"T-Thank you!" One of the students in the group shouted out in relief as they quickly reorganized themselves.
"You're welcome!" The Radiant Blaze replied back, her expression calm and composed as she spun her blade before turning back to Pyrrha. "Case in point... just stay back for now and let me handle the rest, alright?"
Pyrrha simply nodded in response, too stunned to do anything else as a wave of cold fear coursed through her body when the reality of what had happened dawned on her. She had just barely escaped death, and no matter how much she wanted to deny it, she knew that the paltry amount of aura she had would not be enough to fully mitigate the damage a direct hit from a bullet might have inflicted. The scene replayed itself in her mind — the Faunus pointing their rifle straight at her, the deafening sound of a gunshot, and the feeling of barely escaping death. She could hear her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to process what had nearly happened, feeling the tightness in her throat and the sweat on her palms.
Despite noticing her distress, the older woman seemed content to offer her nothing more than an understanding smile before she turned around and surged forward with a fiery momentum. The flames around her body began to dance and surge, increasing in intensity until they permeated the entire hall with a powerful yet comforting light. Her cloak billowed around her like a living thing as she danced among the enemies, cutting through them with skillful ease. Every stroke of her blade was perfectly angled to bypass her enemies' defenses; every bullet from her gun found its mark with supernatural precision. Barely any time had passed, but the hall was starting to be filled with unconscious bodies, their weapons and armor clattering to the ground like a symphony of metal.
Pyrrha heaved a sigh before turning her gaze towards the corridor where the legend had come from. What greeted her sight was a veritable sea of bodies, strewn about in all directions and with no end in sight; their masks and uniforms marked them as members of the Blood Fang. She could feel her jaw drop a little as she took in the sheer number of foes that the legend had taken down single-handedly, and it was only then that she realized how powerful this woman truly was. It wouldn't be wrong to say that she had spent the last few months hearing stories about the Radiant Blaze's prowess; seen her action in the videos on the network, but she had never expected to witness it firsthand. It was honestly both awe-inspiring and terrifying at the same time, for it showed just how large a gap there was between her own ability and that of the legend.
She quickly shook her head in an effort to clear and calm her mind before turning back to look at the white-haired young woman. Perhaps it would be wise to heed the legend's advice and fall back for now. Taking another glance at her scroll, Pyrrha reluctantly decided to retreat and regroup with the others, taking up position on a nearby platform with Miló in its rifle form.
From her vantage point, Pyrrha could now see the entire battlefield and assess the situation. She quickly identified the most dangerous enemies and the ones that were putting her allies in danger, taking aim with her rifle before firing off a series of shots that found their mark with deadly accuracy. She may no longer be able to fight on the front lines — at least for now — but that doesn't mean that she couldn't help her allies from a distance. Every now and then, Pyrrha would glance towards the legend as she aimed, noticing how the older woman's power seemed to act in a much more subdued manner. Despite their apparent intensity, the flames that were said to burn with the same ferocity as the sun itself seemed to be significantly less powerful than usual, almost as if the legend was holding herself back.
Regardless, while she didn't know how long the fight went on for, the sound of battle did eventually begin to fade away. As the dust settled, a few stragglers could be seen limping away in an attempt to escape, their bodies riddled with wounds and their aura completely depleted. Her fellow students as well as the staff of the academy were quick to round up these fleeing foes, using the last of their strength to capture them before they could get away. Pyrrha watched from her platform as this happened, feeling a mixture of relief and sadness. Even though they knew that they had won, there was no joy nor are there any celebration; only looks of solemn respect as they all took a moment to honor those who had fallen in the entire conflict.
She eventually let out a deep sigh before heading down from the platform and walking towards the center of the hall. There, she found her fellow students, many of them wounded yet still alive. She looked around to see how many of her friends had actually survived the battle, and much to her surprise, none of them had actually lost their lives. Sure, there were a few minor injuries here and there — bruises, cuts and scrapes that could be easily healed with some of their own passive healing and first aid — but the fact that none of them had actually died was a miracle in and of itself.
"--with the rest of them? We can't just let them go, can we?" She overheard one of the fourth-year students speaking, whose voice was filled with a mix of confusion and uncertainty.
"We could just, you know..." Another replied, her face pale and her expression queasy. "I mean, don't get me wrong, but if we leave them here, then they'll just come back and try to attack us again..."
"Are you really suggesting that we just kill them or something?" One of the students interjected, his expression stern and serious. "That's not the way we do things here. We don't take lives, no matter who they are or what they've done. Killing them will not be necessary, not when we can simply lock them up in one of the classrooms."
"Then they'll just break out once they recover their aura. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. We can't leave them here..."
The other students fell into an uncomfortable silence, unsure of what to say or what to do. It was true that locking up their enemies would ultimately end up achieving nothing as they had no real way to contain their captives for long. Things would've been different had they had access to some of the anti-aura restraints that the police used. Unfortunately, the ownership of such things is heavily regulated; even if someone did have enough money to purchase the devices, it was still illegal for anyone outside of law enforcement to own them. She knew that the academy had a few of these items in their possession, though not nearly enough to contain all the enemies they had just captured.
"Forget it; let's just leave it to the teachers. Anyway, did you see--"
Pyrrha tuned out the rest of their conversation and stepped away from the group, her mind lost in thought as she walked around the hall.
A few of her classmates were slumped against the wall, their bodies shaking and their clothes stained with blood — none of which seems to have come from the students themselves. She winced at the sight, her heart sinking as she realized that some of them had been forced to take someone else's life in order to protect themselves and their allies.
"Excuse me, Miss Ni--"
As luck would have it, she had been fortunate enough to never have to go that far. Sure, she had been forced into a few desperate situations before, but she was always able to protect herself and disable her opponents without ever going as far as killing them.
"--se don't ignore me..."
It was only when she felt a tug on her sash that she finally realized that someone had been trying to get her attention. She turned around to see a young girl standing meekly behind her, an underclassman that Pyrrha had seen around the academy but never spoken with. The girl had a petite frame, with dark brown hair tied up in a high ponytail that bounced slightly as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other; her gaze expectant as she nervously eyed Pyrrha up and down. She wore an unadorned green dress, which matched the color of the weapon slung over her shoulder — an almost exact replica of the weapon Pyrrha held in her hands.
"Ah? Oh, I'm sorry," she stumbled over her words, her cheeks flushing slightly as she let out a small cough of embarrassment. She cleared her throat and smiled, her voice gentle as she looked the young girl in the eyes. "Did you say something? I apologize, my mind was preoccupied..."
"Oh no! Please, there is no need to apologize," the girl shook her head, her cheeks flushing a deep shade of red as she shifted uncomfortably. "I...I was just wondering if you need any more ammunition?"
"... Ammunition?"
The young girl must've noticed the confusion in her expression as she quickly stepped forward and held out a bag filled with various types of bullets.
"I noticed that you were running low on ammunition..." She spoke quietly, gesturing toward the pouch on Pyrrha's belt. "And I thought that maybe — if you wanted — I could give you some of mine..."
Pyrrha blinked in surprise, her hand reaching towards the pouch at her waist. Her fingers fumbled as she opened the pouch, and sure enough, it was almost empty — she had been so lost in thought that she hadn't even noticed how close she was to running out of ammunition.
"Are you sure?" Pyrrha asked, her gaze fixed on the object in the girl's hands. She knew that it was probably foolish to turn down the offer, but she couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable about receiving help from someone she was not familiar with — especially one so young. After all, she was offering her own supplies — something that the girl could have used for herself. "You don't have to do that, you know..."
"Please, I insist!" The young girl nodded, and her face lit up with a bright smile that was almost too big for her small frame. "I'd really like to help you if I can!"
Pyrrha pursed her lips, her knitted brows betraying the internal conflict she felt. Well, it's not like she had much of a choice to begin with... She honestly wanted to refuse the generous offer, but the girl before her was clearly hoping for the other outcome. The Two-times Champion glanced down at the ground and heaved a quiet sigh, feeling a wave of guilt wash over her as she noticed the disappointment in the girl's expression upon perceiving her hesitation.
"Alright then," she finally said with a small nod, taking the bag from the young girl's hand as she smiled softly in appreciation. "Thank you; I really appreciate it..."
The girl's face lit up in delight, the corners of her mouth turning up into a wide grin as she nodded eagerly, bowing slightly before turning on her heel and running back to her group of friends, who had been watching the interaction from a distance. Pyrrha had to admit that the girl's joy was contagious, though she couldn't help but wonder how the girl could still act as such despite the desperate situation they were in. Then again, perhaps that was the kind of strength people needed to survive in the world they're living in.
"You've handled that quite well..."
Her attention was pulled away from her thoughts by another voice, and she turned around to see the Radiant Blaze walking in her direction; the light of the moon streamed down through the gaping hole in the ceiling, casting an ethereal glow and illuminating her white hair and delicate features. In her left hand was an odd weapon, some sort of lance-like contraption; its slim body shone with shades of black and white, while some parts gave off an eerie orange glow that shone with an almost otherworldly power, like a beacon in the darkness.
"I don't think--" Her words hung in the air, suddenly forgotten as she watched the legend twirl the lance in her hand before it slowly dissolved into an array of glittering purple cubes that sparkled like stars and faded away into the night sky. "Ah... I-I mean... thank you for your kind words?"
"Is that a question?" The woman's lips curved into a gentle smile, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she let out a soft chuckle. "There's really no need to be so nervous, you know..."
"Sorry..." Pyrrha's cheeks flushed a deep shade of red as she averted her gaze, feeling embarrassed and frustrated by her own lack of poise in front of this woman.
She had always prided herself on being able to stay calm and collected in any situation, yet here she was, stammering like a clumsy little child.
"What are you even apologizing for?" The legend asked gently, the smile still playing on her lips as she walked past Pyrrha and headed in the direction of the stairs leading to the next floor. "You should relax a bit more, you know, take a deep breath, and enjoy the moment. It's all too easy to get caught up in all the problems in our lives, but that doesn't mean you can't find peace in the little things that happened around us."
"I suppose..." She wasn't entirely sure what to make of the woman's words, but she couldn't deny that there was something oddly comforting about them. Pyrrha watched as the Radiant Blaze made her way up the stairs, her steps as light and graceful as if she were dancing on air. "You're going alone?"
"Mhmm... well, ideally I would stick around to help, but I don't have much time to spare for now..." The legend ran a hand along the banister of the stairs that led up to the next floor and turned towards Pyrrha again. "I'm sure you and everyone else have heard that roar back then, and honestly, I think it won't be long before it reaches the city."
"... you'll help us, right?" Pyrrha asked after a moment of hesitation, her voice barely more than a whisper as she looked up at the woman with pleading eyes, faintly aware that the surrounding's attention was on both her and the legend. "Like you once did back in Evergreen City? Like when you killed one of the An--"
"Miss Nikos," the Radiant Blaze's voice was soft yet firm, her words cutting through Pyrrha's sentence like a blade as she raised her left hand in a gesture of silence. "I understand your concern. Rest assured, I have no intentions of abandoning you or anyone else here. Saving this city had always been my plan since the beginning... and while I cannot promise you that I will succeed, I can at least give you my word that I will do all I can to protect Argus and its inhabitants."
Pyrrha nodded silently, her lips pressed together in a thin line as relief slowly started to settle in, if only for a moment. She — along with everyone else in the city — knew what was coming, and while they tried their best to ignore it, deep down, they all knew that any matter related to the thirteen disaster is simply wasn't something they could just gloss over without consequences. In fact, the only reason they managed to disregard the impending threat so far was because they had a much more pressing problem, such as trying to stay alive in the face of a relentless assault upon the academy.
Even so...
"Though if I were to be honest, it seems like you still have something on your mind..." The legend's voice jolted Pyrrha out of her thoughts, the woman's gaze softening as she looked at Pyrrha with a slight hint of nostalgia. "Care to elaborate?"
Pyrrha hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say as she tried to find the right words. She opened her mouth several times, yet no sound came out. Her lips moved and her tongue flicked between her teeth, but all that followed was an eerie silence that filled the air like a thick blanket of fog. After what felt like an eternity, she managed to form the words she had been trying so desperately to conceal.
"It's... it's my parents." She finally admitted it, her voice trembling slightly as she brought herself to speak the thoughts that had been lingering in her mind ever since she heard that the attack also extended to the entire city. "They're both still out there somewhere, and I haven't heard from them since all... these began. My father is a retired huntsman and I know that they can take care of themselves, but I can't help but worry that something might happen to him or my mother. I just... I just can't help it."
"It is only natural for us to worry about those we care for," the Radiant Blaze said, her voice gentle and comforting as she looked into her eyes with an intensity that made it almost impossible for the girl to look away. "But try not to let your worries consume you. If you truly believe that they are capable of taking care of themselves, then trust that they will eventually return to you safe and sound..."
Pyrrha glanced away, her gaze distant as she thought of her parents' faces. She knew that the legend was right; if anyone could take care of themselves in this harsh world, it would probably be them. Still, the fear lingered inside her heart like an ever-present specter — no matter how much she wanted to believe that her parents were alright, she couldn't help but feel anxious about their current situation.
"But... what if something happened to them?" She muttered softly, unable to keep the desperation from seeping into her voice. "What if--"


"--I never get to see them again?"
The girl's voice was barely audible, yet the emotion behind it struck a chord in Kiana's heart. She had known that same grief all too well and understood how it felt to be consumed by fear and uncertainty. Still, any comforting words she could have said seemed to evaporate from her lips as she felt the intensity of the girl's fear. She knew that whatever assurance she gave would ultimately be meaningless; in a world like Remnant, no one was ever truly safe, and any promises made were nothing more than empty words.
"Have faith," she looked into the redhead's eyes with unwavering intensity, her voice gentle yet resolute. "And remember... even if the worst were to happen, they will always live on in your memories and in the legacy they left behind. It is a bond that can never be broken, and it is something that no one can ever take away from you."
She had to admit that her words were not what the champion needed to hear, nor did they even come close to addressing the redhead's worries. Yet, in spite of her own uncertainty and inability to provide concrete answers, she could only hope that the girl would find solace in the comfort of her words — for in a time of darkness and strife, hope was one of the only things that could've kept them going, no matter how intangible it may have felt...


Author's Note: Here you go, the 2nd out of the four chapters. Next one will follow in another few hours. Need to sleep, you see… it’s almost 11 pm anyway. Anyway, do you think that the Herrscher Persona presence is a bit too… ‘out of the blue’, or something? Cause it kinda felt like one, but my brother told me it’s fine, so… eh, whatever. The ending is kind of cheesy, isn’t it? Perhaps I should’ve deleted it, after all.
Disclaimer: Honkai Impact 3rd belongs to miHoYo; RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth.

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