Remnant of Void & Flame (Honk...

By BraveArmament

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She had made a contract, one that binds her across time and space to a power beyond her comprehension. Now, s... More

Volume I - Prologue
Volume I - Chapter I
Volume I - Chapter II
Volume I - Chapter III
Volume I - Chapter IV
Volume I - Chapter V
Volume I - Chapter VI
Volume I - Chapter VII
Volume I - Chapter VIII
Volume I - Chapter IX
Volume I - Chapter X
Volume I - Chapter XI
Volume I - Chapter XII
Volume I - Epilogue
??? - Elegy of The Withered Blossom (I)
Side Story - Echo (I)
Side Story - Echo (II)

Volume I - Interlude (Weiss I)

447 18 4
By BraveArmament

Weiss stared out of the window of the SDC private airship, her gaze slowly sweeping over what remained of Argus with a mix of hatred and fear, though she can't deny that there was also a not-so-small amount of pity as well. The Heiress thought back to the memories of the past, the vivid images of countless Faunus suffering from oppression and bigotry still fresh in her mind. A part of her was aware that something like this would happen, that humanity's continued loathing for the Faunus would eventually lead to such a catastrophe. The Heiress simply never thought that it would be this bad, and yet, as if to mock her, the world seems to have had no qualms in proving her wrong, as evidenced by the burning city before her eyes. To say that the scale of destruction far exceeded any expectations she might have had would be a gross understatement.
She let out a quiet sigh before slowly closing her eyes for several moments. Even now, the trembling in her hand had yet to subside, both her mind and her soul engulfed in an overwhelming sense of helplessness; of grief and despair… She could still hear that traitorous voice in her mind telling her that maybe, just maybe, it was actually her decision to come along that had finally pushed the Blood Fang over the edge. That it was her presence that had finally convinced them to launch their attack, an attack that led to the death of hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent lives as well as the destruction of an entire city.
The Heiress opened her eyes with great reluctance, her gaze absent-mindedly sweeping across the landscape once more. She could feel her expression faltering somewhat the moment she brought her left hand up, looking at the blood-stained glove before slowly curling it into a fist. While it was over in the blink of an eye, she could still recall the events that transpired with a startling clarity... It happened not too long after she had received a gun from her private bodyguard — considering that her preferred weapon had been lost in the explosion — to help protect herself just in case of an accident, and it was, by all accounts, nothing more than an accident... or perhaps a coincidence. At least that's what she'd like to believe...
They were taking shelter inside one of the abandoned houses with a few of the other survivors when he stumbled into them, an old Faunus of a ram heritage by the look of his horns, all bleeding and bruised. His appearance had them assuming that he was a fellow survivor, and despite her slight suspicion, she still decided to aid the man in the end, all the while unaware of his true intentions.
And that was her mistake...
In a bout of foolishness, she had made the decision — without consulting anyone — to send most of her bodyguard scouring the city for other survivors, insisting that they'd help anyone they could find. And with 'Absinthe' out scouting ahead and Indigo patrolling the vicinity, that decision had left her with only a token force for her personal protection. Nothing more than a pair of men that already had their auras shattered during the chaos that occurred shortly after the bombing incident.
The terrorist in disguise was quick to capitalize on that weakness...
It all happened in mere moments, with the old Faunus snatching the gun away from one of her remaining bodyguards before turning it on him. He pulled the trigger without mercy, leaving several gaping holes across her bodyguard's chest as he slumped onto the floor without another sound. Weiss could still remember the look on his face when his eyes met her — the betrayal and acceptance in his eyes that lasted for only the briefest of moments before fading into nothingness.
She was rooted to the spot in shock for what seemed like an eternity, her mind refusing to accept the reality before her eyes even as the assailant began to turn his weapon in her direction. The Heiress barely had any time to react as the only remaining bodyguard pushed her back and roared out, his blade raised in defiance as he charged at the assailant with a single-minded goal.
He had not been quick enough...
Weiss could only look in horror as the terrorist fired his weapon once more, and now that her bodyguard was without his aura, the impact from the bullet was enough to pierce his flesh and send him stumbling to the side. The Faunus easily shoved him aside and wasted no time in aiming his gun back in her direction, his finger already on the trigger and ready to pull it at any second. His eyes were full of hatred, yet there was something else hidden within — an emotion that she couldn't place but one that nonetheless sent a shiver down her spine. She could feel herself trembling despite all attempts to stay composed, watching in dread as his finger slowly began to tense...
The old Faunus missed... and not for lack of trying...
She remained frozen even as the bullet whizzed past her ears, eyes wide as a woman — another Faunus, much to her surprise — tackled the assailant to the ground, causing the gun to fall from his hand. Unfortunately, it did not take long for the aging Faunus to throw the woman off him in a sudden burst of strength, his hand already reaching for the knife in his pocket not a second afterward.
Weiss could still remember the sudden shout that caught her attention, and how she could do nothing but watch as a little girl ran up to the woman. Her eyes continue to stare in horror as the assailant starts screaming in rage and raises his weapon, ready to butcher the two Faunus — a mother and her child, she realized, who shouldn't even be older than eight — without any remorse or hesitation right in front of her eyes... and then suddenly, just as his blade was about to reach the pair, a gunshot rang out, followed by another, and another, and another one...
The Faunus dropped his knife and stumbled backwards, blood spilling out of his chest before he began to slowly stagger in her direction. It took her a moment longer to realize that the gunfire had come from none other than her own weapon, the one clutched tightly in her hand, its barrel still smoking even as the old Faunus slumped against her.
Her pupil dilated, and the Heiress could feel her grip on the revolver slackening, her mind slowly beginning to return from its fugue state as she stared down at the dying man before her. The sight of his blood all over her gloves filled her with a strange mix of sorrow and anger, the feeling so overwhelming that she could barely take it any longer. She pushed him away in a panic, watching as he slowly fell onto the ground before turning her gaze to her own hands once more. A lump forms at the back of her throat as realization sets in, her gaze wavering away from her hands in fear and revulsion before gradually shifting towards the Faunus. The man was still breathing shallowly, his chest heaving weakly with each labored breath he took before finally settling down in a slow and steady rhythm.
'N-now... w-we are the same...'
She recalled his muffled words — a faint accusation spoken in an almost gleeful tone. How he paused to spit out a mouthful of blood before grinning and delivering his final words — a damning statement that she knew would haunt her for the rest of her life.
'Murderer... y-you... you murderer...'
Weiss had remained silent for a moment before shaking her head in denial, her eyes wide with shock. She wanted to say something, anything, to try and deny the truth of the situation — that she had no other choice and that she was merely trying to protect herself and the people around her — but no words escape her lips as she stares into the dying man's gaze. The Heiress could feel a sudden urge to run away even as she rushed towards the Faunus and attempted to staunch his wound with her own hands. But it was too late; he had already lost far too much blood, and there was nothing that she could do. His whole body went slack, and his arm fell limp beside him as his life slowly left his body and trickled away onto the floor like a stream of blood-tainted rainwater... and then, with one last shuddering breath, he expired...
It was only when the woman placed a hand on her shoulder that she finally snapped out of her trance; the sudden contact was enough to bring a gentle wave of comfort into her heart. She offered nothing more than a warm embrace, but her presence was more than enough to ease her pain and draw her away from the brink. She wept quietly as she leaned against her, barely able to make out the woman's words of consolation above her own sobs...
By the time the others came back, she had already been reduced to a sniveling wreck. Her face was white as a sheet, and her hands were still shaking from the effects of what she had done. Tears were streaming down her face, and yet she could not bring herself to stop them — almost as if they had taken on a life of their own, unstoppable and unbidden, like a raging river washing away any sense of self-pity that she had left within her heart. She felt hollowed out inside, like an empty vessel with nothing more than raw emotion swirling within its depths. The only thought that went through her head incessantly was 'why?'.
Thinking back, she had to admit that her emotional outburst at that moment had been absolutely... pathetic, unbefitting of her status as the Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company. Her failure to remain composed in a dire situation had been humiliating, to say the least. Had she been able to think clearly and control her own emotions, she might have been able to prevent herself from killing the Faunus in the first place. All things considered, her aura reserves were still close to full, meaning that there was still enough energy within her to activate her semblance and protect herself without resorting to such drastic measures. Still, even she had to admit that for the first time in her life, she had truly felt scared and powerless.
Weiss shook her head and tried to clear out her thoughts. Closing her eyes, she attempted to center herself with a few calming breaths before finally opening her eyes again and allowing her gaze to wander across the skyline.
Now that she thinks about it, she never did thank the woman for her help, didn't she?
Taking a deep breath, the Heiress made a mental note to meet with the Faunus at the earliest opportunity, if only to offer her gratitude in person. She owed the woman at least that much, especially after the kindness and consideration she had shown despite everything that had happened.
Still, to think that it was also a Faunus — of all people — who had put their life on the line in order to protect her...
How laughably ironic...
Regardless, while it might have been an act of self-defense, it did not change the fact that she had killed someone else and that her lapse in judgment is what ultimately resulted in the death of one of her bodyguards, a man whose name she couldn't even remember, much to her shame. No, that was wrong. It wasn't just one. While the mercenary managed to save most of them, she was not without her own limits. Four out of the five people that the mercenary failed to rescue perished during the incident; each of them failed to activate their aura in time for when the Blood Fang decided to detonate the bomb under their car.
The Heiress sighed ruefully and continued to look out of the window, watching as the last embers of twilight shimmered over the horizon. Despite all the destruction, she had to admit that the scene outside her window was like a painting, with the burning city illuminated by a faint orange hue that seemed to fill every corner. It was almost peaceful in an eerie kind of way, with its own captivating beauty, which she had not expected to find beneath all the carnage. With another deep sigh, she turned from the window and made her way towards the small table next to her bed. She had already spent far too long dwelling on her own guilt, and it was time for her to put all of that aside for now...
Gently, she raised her slightly trembling hands and slowly began to remove her gloves, the stained material having long since dried up by now. Despite her present dislike for the objects, she still held them tightly as if they were precious treasures. These gloves will serve as a constant reminder of the life that she has taken this day — that the man's death will be laid at her feet for eternity. She took a few moments to just stare at them, allowing the realization of what had happened to fully sink in, before placing them inside the drawer right beside her favorite book, 'Queen of Snow'.
The Heiress paused just as she was about to close the drawer, the wooden handles still in her hands, even as her gaze lingered on the small space that she had given to the gloves and her book. For a brief moment, Weiss imagined the juxtaposition of the two objects — one a reminder of her guilt and another a reminder of the time of her greatest happiness — and found it ironic. She slowly brought her right hand to her face, slowly rubbing her eyes before letting out a heavy sigh. To think that what started off as a simple business trip would end up like this. Unlikely as it is, the Heiress couldn't help but wonder if her father had ever gone through something similar considering that he had been the CEO of the Schnee Dust Company for quite some time.
Weiss gently closed the drawer after letting out another sigh, her brows furrowed in thought and her eyes distant. Despite her young age, she was well aware of what this attack meant for not only the Faunus but also for mankind as a whole. The ramifications of their actions alone will be felt for many years to come, and she found herself dreading the consequences, as this incident might very well serve as a catalyst to further inflame the feelings of hatred and distrust between the two species.
Considering the kingdom's current state of affairs, it wouldn't be much of a surprise if Atlas and Mistral were to use this attack as a justification to further alienate the Faunus kind. While discrimination against the Faunus has always been prevalent in all four kingdoms, at least Vale and Vacuo have been much more lenient in their treatment... that there exists an understanding among the kingdom's populace, allowing the two to coexist peacefully. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for Atlas and Mistral, as they had long since adopted a more hostile attitude towards the Faunus, one that was often expressed through harsh laws, unfair taxation, and other forms of discrimination...
In fact, she couldn't help but recall the controversial case that had taken place some six years ago, when Leonardo Lionheart — a Faunus — had been appointed as the Headmaster of Haven Academy. Despite his qualifications and experience, his appointment has been met with much dissent. While some praised the decision as a sign of progress, there were still many who viewed it as an insult to humanity and argued that it was simply too dangerous for a Faunus to hold such a powerful position. The situation only worsened after his appointment, as many of the staff and students began to express their discontent with the new headmaster through various forms of protest. Even now, after years of dedication, the lion Faunus is still treated with suspicion and scorn by many individuals within the kingdom.
A small frown formed on her lips as she turned her gaze back towards the window, watching as another group of airborne Faunus got themselves ripped apart by the defense turrets scattered all across the airport. If her prediction were to come true, then the man would not be a headmaster for much longer. Nevertheless, there is no doubt in her mind that these two kingdoms will utilize this incident as an excuse to further oppress the Faunus, taking the attack as a proof of their supposed 'inherent danger'. This will then result in a further decline in living standards for those living within their borders, leading to even more poverty and social unrest. She would not be surprised if both Atlas and Mistral started to deny the Faunus their basic civil rights... or perhaps they might even try to relocate them all to Menagerie, just like they once did in the past.
Yes, she supposed she wouldn't put it past those snobby elitists to petition for such a move, though she cannot deny that a small part of her wanted to agree with them. Not that it will happen... she is certain that her father will do his best to prevent such a notion from passing, as it would deprive him of his oh-so-precious 'slave labor'.
Regardless, Weiss knew that the other two kingdoms — not to mention the Faunus — would not look kindly upon such a thing. She bit her lip, her brows furrowed in thought as she contemplated the possibility of another war. Considering the Blood Fang's influence amongst the Faunus, it is easy to imagine that should a war truly break out, it will certainly be far bloodier than the last.
"Excuse me, Miss Schnee," a voice and a knock on her door interrupted her thoughts. "Miss Vandalea is here to see you."
"Let her in!" She schooled her expression and replied with a stern and unyielding tone.
The door opened, and Indigo stepped inside the room. It appears that the woman had already changed her attire, wearing a black turtleneck sweater beneath a navy blue leather jacket, along with sleek grey pants and a pair of combat boots. She still wore her usual glasses, though the stoic expression she often displays in public was nowhere to be seen.
"Good evening, my Lady," Indigo said with a faint smile on her face, though the exhaustion in her voice cannot be hidden. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything too important."
"No... no, you are not. I am just thinking about our current situation." Weiss replied with a small smile of her own, her voice softening ever so slightly. "What can I do for you?"
"Ah well, you know, it's just..." Indigo trailed off, her gaze shifting away from her for a moment as she hesitated. It was clear that the older woman had something on her mind, though it appeared that she was having difficulty finding the right words to express it. A few seconds passed before she finally decided to speak. "It's just... are you okay?"
Is she? Weiss wasn't even sure if she knew the answer to that question...
The Heiress could feel Indigo's gaze upon her, though she simply chose to remain silent and move towards the pair of chairs next to the window. Weiss gestured to the other chair with her right hand before taking a seat herself. Indigo glanced at the aforementioned object for a few seconds, though she chose to simply comply with her request in the end.
The room was filled with an uncomfortable silence that stretched on for a few moments before Weiss finally spoke.
"I do not know if I am okay," she admitted quietly, her voice wavering ever so slightly as she stared out the window and into the sky. "But I think I will be..."
The words hung in the air as she allowed herself to stare at the orange hues of the setting sun, feeling its warmth against her skin despite being separated by the glass. Weiss let out a small sigh as she looked down towards the bottom of the hill. From her current position, she could easily see several of the Blood Fang's members trying to gain entry into the airport, their figures illuminated by the burning fires around them.
"Though I admit that it is hard to say for sure..."
She leaned back in her chair and let out a deep breath, her gaze shifting towards Indigo as she continued.
"Tell me, Indigo... what was it like? The first time you--" The Heiress stopped herself mid-sentence and quickly averted her eyes, realizing that she had no right to ask such a personal question.
"Ah, just forget it..." Weiss said with a small shake of her head. "What about the other survivors? How are they faring?"
The older woman seemed to understand the sudden change in topic, her face softening as she answered.
"They are doing fine, Miss Schnee, or at least as well as they could be... in accordance with your instructions, we ended up using some of our own medical supplies to provide treatment for those with minor injuries. The more serious cases were sent to the sick bay, where they'll be receiving further treatment." Indigo replied with a nod, her voice filled with confidence. "I also took the liberty to separate the Faunus from the rest, if only to be safe. While it might not be the best decision to make, I believe it is something we must do considering that the tension between the two groups is still at an all-time high."
Weiss nodded in response, feeling somewhat relieved by the news. She could understand why her bodyguard had made that decision, especially with the Blood Fang on their front door. Even now, some of the humans are still blaming the Faunus for the attack, and a few have been particularly vocal about it. Not that she could blame them... still, she can only hope that separating them will be enough to prevent any further escalation of violence between them.
"Yes, I suppose that would be for the best..." Weiss fell silent for a few moments, contemplating what the future might hold. "And what of the rest of the men?"
"I... beg your pardon?" She noticed Indigo's confusion from the corner of her eyes. Apparently, the question is not one the older woman expects her to ask.
"My escort, the people that had been accompanying us?" She clarified. "How are they doing?"
"Oh, well... most of them are fine. Rowel... well, his condition is pretty much stable. We managed to safely remove the bullet and stop the bleeding. As such, all that's left is to wait and let his healing factor do the rest." She paused for a second, letting out a small sigh before resuming her answer. "Octavia is... she is still receiving treatment in the sick bay along with the other few survivors. We were able to deal with some of the minor injuries, and it also helps that her passive recovery had already kicked in. Unfortunately, some of the shrapnel managed to pierce a little too deep. The doctors said that they needed to remove those pieces manually before her aura recovered and that the process would be difficult, especially considering that one of those pieces ends up dangerously close to her lungs. Her condition is the worst out of everyone's, so I told the doctors to make her their first priority."
Rowel... he must be one of the two who stayed with her at that time, and if she's not wrong, then Octavia should be the only person among the five who managed to activate her aura in time during the car bombing incident.
"I see... do make sure that the two of them receive the best possible treatment we can provide..." Weiss's voice was firm and determined, trying to hide the hint of worry in her voice behind a facade of strength. "Is that all?"
"... Indigo?"
"I'm sure you are already aware of the other five that didn't make it, Miss..."
"... yes, I am very much aware of their passing." The Heiress hesitated for a few seconds, her gaze shifting to the table situated between them as she tried to find the right words. "I am certain that the SDC kept records of their families and relatives. I would appreciate it if you could gather and send the relevant information to me. I will... notify them of their passing myself..."
"I- Of course, Miss Schnee..."
"... any news concerning my father?"
Indigo winced at the question, hesitating for a few moments before finally answering.
"No, I'm afraid not, my lady... unfortunate as it is, we have yet to establish contact with his group. With the CCTS down, we can only depend on old devices that rely on radio signals, and those have very limited range. A couple of hundred meters at best..." The older woman must've noticed the sudden change in her demeanor, for she quickly added. "I wouldn't worry too much, though... Master Schnee has two whole huntsmen teams protecting him, so I'm sure he's doing fine. I'm certain that it won't be long before he makes contact with us."
Weiss nodded slowly, doing her best to keep her composure in check. Though it was something she had been expecting, it is still disheartening to hear it confirmed nonetheless. Her gaze turned towards Indigo, and she gave a bitter chuckle when she saw the expression on the older woman's face.
"You seem surprised... and you can drop the honorific, Indigo..." Weiss waved her hand in dismissal, the corner of her lips quirking ever so slightly as she spoke. "It has been a long time... and we are in private."
Indigo visibly relaxed at that, allowing her lips to curve into a small smile.
"I know, Weiss," she said in an almost playful tone. "And it's just that your... dislike for your father is quite infamous among the staff and personnel of the SDC."
Weiss rolled her eyes and snorted at that, amused despite herself. It wasn't exactly a secret that she didn't see eye-to-eye with her father often, but it was still strange to hear it being talked about openly like this.
"I do not hate him, I think... or maybe I do... I honestly do not know..." Weiss said quietly. "I confess, I find most of his methods... questionable, yet I cannot deny that he succeeded in elevating the SDC to an even greater height. His approach may be... unconventional at best, but it has nonetheless brought us here. Admittedly, a part of me wants him to try a different approach. A gentler one. Still, in the end, his decisions are his own, and I cannot force him to think like me or do what I want him to do."
The Heiress closed her eyes and paused for a moment, trying to find the right words to express her feelings.
"Despite all his faults, he is still my father, and I cannot deny that..." Weiss continued eventually, her voice barely above a whisper. "He is far from perfect; there's no arguing about that. He also made a lot of mistakes, and I don't agree with most of his decisions, but... as unlikely as it is, I still wish that one day we will both be able to find a way to make things right..."
'I never loved you!'
Yes, even after he said those hurtful words on that fateful night...
Weiss opened her eyes and gave a hearty laugh when she saw Indigo's incredulous expression.
"Do not tell anyone about what I just said, alright? Let us keep it just between the two of us..." She said with an eyebrow raised, the corners of her lips curling up into a mischievous grin. "I am serious, Indigo... not even a single word of this to anyone else, okay?"
Indigo quickly nodded in agreement, though she still couldn't help but be taken aback by the sudden display of vulnerability from the normally composed Heiress. While this certainly wasn't the first time she saw the girl like this, it still felt like she was seeing a completely different person, one who had been hidden behind the walls of propriety and duty for so long. It was something that was both comforting and distressing at the same time.
"Well, would you look at that?" The older woman chuckled with an earnestness that was hard to miss. She then paused for a moment before speaking in a teasing tone. "Sure thing, Princess. It's not like anyone is going to believe me if I tell them anyway..."
"Oh, come on... I told you to stop calling me that!"
She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms in feigned indignation, but before she could continue her banter with Indigo, they were interrupted by a strange sound, like a high-pitched humming, coming from outside. The window in her room provided them with a perfect view of the outside world, and as Weiss and Indigo looked out, they found their attention taken by the glowing figure — a young woman, she realizes — floating far above the City of Argus.
The fire that rages across the city seemed to flow towards the figure like a raging torrent, dancing around the young woman like a living, breathing entity. It was as if they were bowing in reverence to her, and Weiss could almost feel the raw power radiating from her form. It was a beautiful yet intimidating sight, and the sheer magnitude of the young woman's presence filled her entire being with fear and awe...
"It's her, isn't it?"
"If by 'her', you mean the mercenary that my father hired to become my private bodyguard, then yes, I believe so..."
The flames surrounding her figure began to grow even more erratic with each passing second, twisting and turning in a mesmerizing display of power and beauty. It started to expand, stretching in every direction, until it completely engulfed the young woman in its fiery embrace.
"No, no... I mean the, uh, what was it again? Hmm... the Crimson Avenger? The Purifying Flame? Or was it the Maiden of Light? Nah, that's not it... the Radiant Blaze? Yeah, the Radiant Blaze, that's what they call her, right?"
"Yes, that is indeed the title the people call her with..." Weiss can only watch with bated breath as the fire surrounding the legendary figure suddenly dispersed and separated into hundreds upon hundreds of burning orbs that continue to hang and float above the city like stars in the night sky. "And before you ask, yes, I believe that the one currently floating out there is indeed the Radiant Blaze..."
"Huh... you don't seem too surprised by the revelation." Indigo pointed it out, her voice filled with curiosity.
"Surprised? Why should I be surprised?" She raised an eyebrow in confusion, a scowl forming on her lips as she watched the burning orbs grow in intensity. "The ability she displayed during the bombing incident, the one she used to save us? While I may not be much of an expert in matters regarding semblances, I still know enough to recognize that her abilities are in some way related to spatial manipulation... and as far as I'm aware, prior to her appearance, there were only six people in the entirety of the Remnant who possessed a semblance akin to such a thing. Thrum Atratus and Hickory Cathartes of Vacuo, Brilliantine Goldenrod of Vale, Heron Ardea and Raven Branwen of Mistral, and lastly, Vulpes Lagopus of Atlas..."
Admittedly, there had been a time when she was more than a little curious about this mysterious figure. Scouring the entire SDC database for any information related to the Radiant Blaze has been somewhat of a pastime for her. From people's speculation regarding her semblance and identity to pictures and videos of the young woman, she had combed through every single shred of information she could find about the legend. While it bore no significant results, she still considered the experience to be educational one...
The Heiress had surprisingly learned more about semblances and auras during those few months than she ever had before, allowing her to gain an insight into techniques that should enable her to utilize her aura in a way that would be beneficial to her. In addition, she also picked up a few tips and tricks regarding weapons and combat, along with comprehensive knowledge of the various breeds of Grimm that lurked in the shadows of the Remnant.
"Raven Branwen and Brilliantine Goldenrod are the only women among the six. One is a leader of the Branwen Bandit Tribe, and the other is some sort of minor celebrity. The reports in the SDC database tell me that Raven Branwen has been operating in Mistral for the past few years and has shown no sign of leaving. Brilliantine Goldenrod, on the other hand, has enough fame that working with the SDC would most likely end up damaging her reputation instead. That is not even mentioning her horrendous fighting capabilities..." She continued after a beat. "And it is not as if I could not see the wisps of white hair that peeked out from the edges of her mask. It was damaged after all..."
"You noticed that?" From the corner of her eyes, Weiss noticed Indigo scratching the back of her head with an almost sheepish expression on her face. "Huh... I thought you weren't paying attention..."
"I am not so 'out of it' that I would not be able to recognize something so... blatantly obvious. And even if I did not, I am still more than capable of deducing her identity given enough time." The Heiress scoffed, her gaze still locked onto the figure flying far above the city. "Besides, I am no longer the naive and ignorant child who does not know anything about the world that you once knew, Indigo."
"I never said that..." Indigo shrugged nonchalantly, her lips turning up into a small smirk.
"But you did suggest as much..." Weiss crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "But I digress..."
"You know," her bodyguard started, the older woman's eyes turning in her direction with a questioning look on her face. "I'm actually more surprised by the fact that you know all of that. Me? Personally, I’ve never even heard of this 'Hickory' guy..."
"I... do not know what it is that you are implying." She replied, her voice calm even as she struggled to keep her composure. "It was simply a part of the homework my personal tutor had assigned to me a few weeks ago. If I were to be honest, I did not find such topics particularly interesting either, but there is no denying that they might prove to be useful in the future."
Indigo simply hummed in response, the corners of her lips turning upward in amusement. Weiss tried her best to keep her expression neutral, though she knew that the small twitch that had appeared on her face was a dead giveaway. She quickly shifted in her seat, trying not to fidget as she continued to watch the legend float above the city.
"No need to hide it, Princess..." The older woman finally said with a smirk. "You're a fan of the Radiant Blaze or something?"
"W- What!? No, I'm not!" The Heiress hissed, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment as she quickly turned to glare at her bodyguard. "I was merely curious about her! That's all!"
"Whatever you say, Weiss," Indigo simply replied with a chuckle, the sound echoing through the room as she shook her head in amusement. "Whatever you say..."
"I hereby declare..."
A thunderous voice stole their attention away. It rang across the City of Argus, each syllable carrying a weight and authority that could not be denied. They both watched as the Radiant Blaze slowly raised her blade to the sky, her fiery cape fluttering in the wind.
"The Time of Judgement Hath Come..."
"... well, she certainly seems, I don't know... dramatic? Or is it theatrical? Something along those lines..." Indigo chuckled softly, shaking her head before turning to look at the Heiress. "You don't seem too happy about the whole thing though..."
"It is not as if I had a problem with her..." She sighed, her shoulders slumping as she cast her gaze downward. "I simply cannot understand why a person of such renown would end up working for my father of all people..."
"It can't be for the liens, right?" Indigo asked with a smirk on her lips.
"No... the bounty for taking down Wulfgar alone should have been enough to sustain her for years to come, even if she were to live her life in luxury. I also heard that she only took a couple  thousand liens from the bounty and ended up donating the rest to the city." The Heiress frowned, a note of confusion and frustration in her voice. "Besides, if lien is indeed what she is after, then I can easily think of several other jobs that would be far more... lucrative. At least, as far as I know, those jobs would have gotten her far more money compared to what my father could have reasonably offered..."
They both returned their attention to the sky and watched in apprehension as the legend brought her weapon down, the tip of her blade pointing straight towards the city. The hundreds of burning orbs in the sky started to come alive and descend upon the city with great speed, each one with its own mind and purpose. Their dazzling light spread across the darkness, illuminating the night sky with a brilliant display of colors...
"Well, at least she's on our side..." Indigo's voice broke the silence, her tone soft and filled with relief. She smiled and glanced over at the Heiress, a hint of hesitation creeping its way onto her face as she waited for the girl to confirm or deny her statement. "... she is on our side, right?"
The Heiress chose to stay silent, much to the older woman's growing dismay. Her eyes stay transfixed on the sky, following the majority of the flaming orbs that are now heading towards both Sanctum Academy and Argus Military Base. Their flight paths were as precise as they were graceful, each one tracing its own line of fire in the night sky...
Weiss remained composed even as she watched the orbs hit several groups of Blood Fang that had been attacking the military base, every single one of them seemingly avoiding the soldiers that were desperately trying to defend the facility. The ground shook as they made contact, sending a wave of dust and debris into the air that even she could see from her position aboard the SDC Private Airship. Even from this distance, she could see how effective it was in driving back and preventing the Blood Fang from making any further assaults on the base. The soldiers seemed to take the intervention as an opportunity to get a much-needed relief from the battle and were now able to take the time to regroup and reorganize themselves.
"She gave me enough information to get a general picture of her plan, if only to a certain extent, that is... but yes, I do believe that she's on our side..." The Heiress nodded slowly, her lips pursed into a thin line as she turned her sight to the bottom of the hill, towards the entrance of the airport. She noticed that some of the flaming orbs simply lingered and danced around some members of the Blood Fang that chose to surrender and lay down their weapons, almost as if they were thanking them for their decision. It was oddly... poetic, and Weiss couldn't help but find the sight strangely beautiful. "Though I do have to admit that this whole situation may cause even more panic and that it might attract a horde of Grimm towards the city..."
"True..." Indigo chuckled softly, her voice filled with relief. "But well, we don't really have much of a choice. Mounting a proper defense would be next to impossible with the Blood Fang prowling around the city, and it's not like the Grimm had been sitting idle either."
She had no choice but to agree, her gaze slowly shifting towards the horizon and the barely visible silhouette that can be seen in the far distance. Even the Heiress had heard the primal roar that had paralyzed the entire city less than an hour ago. An attack was imminent, and it wasn't hard to guess which of the thirteen would be the one leading the assault upon the city... and while the Ancient are still a good distance away, there is no doubt in her mind that the beast will arrive at the city within the hour...
"If her words were to be believed, then I think we could leave the Hydra and its horde to the Radiant Blaze." Weiss said, turning her gaze away from the horizon and back to Indigo. "I am more worried about the possibility of a horde approaching from the south..."
"Oh, they will be coming... can't be too certain about their number, but I've already sent a bullhead to scout in that direction. They should be back within a few minutes. No need to worry though... Argus' wall is sturdy enough that even a Goliath would have a problem with it. The only thing we need to worry about are the airborne types, the Nevermores and the Lancers, though even those shouldn't pose much of a problem once we get the turrets on the wall operational." Indigo reassured her with a confident smile before a faint scowl took its place on her face. "I still can't help but feel a bit miffed that she chose to share her plan with you and not me."
Weiss chuckled softly and shook her head in amusement as she turned and walked towards the cabinet, unable to hold back a smirk.
"She probably thought that if she managed to somehow convince me, then you will have no choice but to go along with her plan..." She said it teasingly. "Which is true, by the way..."
"Very funny, Weiss... very funny..." The older woman rolled her eyes with mock irritation before turning around and looking at the Heiress. "And where are you going?"
"I am going outside to help with... well, anything really. I will not leave the airport, so there is no need for you to worry. Besides, the Blood Fang will not be a threat for much longer anyway." She took the revolver from the desk, using a piece of cloth to start cleaning the blood from its surface. Receiving no response, the Heiress turned towards her private bodyguard with a questioning look. "What? You cannot expect me to just sit around doing nothing, twiddle my thumbs, and wait like a princess, can you?"
"That... does sound like a good idea, actually..."
"There's no changing your mind, is there?"
"..." Weiss continued to stare at Indigo without saying anything, a blank expression on her face.
"Okay, okay!" Indigo loudly exhaled and threw her hands up in exasperation, though she couldn't help but marvel at the Heiress' unwavering determination. "Geez, since when did you get so cheeky?"
"I knew you would come around!" The Heiress said with a smug smile before she turned around and continued to clean the revolver.
"Yeah, yeah... Anyway, I still need to--" Suddenly, a device on Indigo's belt buzzed to life — some kind of small radio, if she remembered correctly — causing the Heiress to turn her gaze towards the bodyguard with a curious look. With an apologetic smile, the older woman gestures at Weiss while reaching for the device. "Hold on a moment, I'm going to need to take this..."
The Heiress simply nodded her head in understanding before turning her attention back to the revolver. She took a moment to check on the ammunition and found out that she had two shots left, something that caused a furrow of confusion to appear between her brows as she inspected the bullets. Weiss had to admit that she had never seen ammunition like this before. Not only do they weigh a bit more than usual — especially for such a caliber — but they also lack both the marking and the mandatory opening on the shell casings that should allow their user to identify the type of dust contained within.
Shaking her head in puzzlement, she turned towards the window just in time to see the Radiant Blaze swing her blade and send a stream of fire down a street. Weiss could've sworn that their eyes met, if only for an instant. It was a fleeting moment, one that quickly passed as the figure proceeded to fly towards Sanctum Academy, leaving a trail of fire in her wake.
'You cannot change what has already happened...'
The words echoed in her mind as she watched the Radiant Blaze fly away; her fingers rose unconsciously and brushed against the spot where the legend had patted her head earlier.
'But I know that you are more than capable of facing it. Be brave, and push on...'
A tiny smile crept its way onto her face without her realizing it as she returned her attention back to the revolver in her hand.
"Control Tower said that some of our bullheads are going to be returning for a resupply. The scout should also be back soon, but in the meantime, they need me to provide authorization and sign some stupid documents. Apparently, being assigned as your personal bodyguard also comes with the advantage of gaining a certain level of authority... and responsibility." She could hear the older woman scoffing in mild irritation. "I swear... we have Grimm knocking on our doorstep and they're still concerned with some damn signatures? I honestly don't know whether I should praise them for their dedication or insult them for their stupidity."
"Definitely the later..." The Heiress chuckled before letting out a soft sigh, taking a few calming breaths as she tried to compose herself.
"That was sarcasm, Weiss..." The older woman spoke impassively before her expression softened. "Anyway, I'm going to need to go and take care of that. You want to come along?"
"Sure, just give me a moment..." She turned to her luggage and began to rummage through its contents until she found a box containing over a dozen dust vials. "Oh, and Indigo?"

"... thank you."


Author's Note: So, it kinda ends up being longer than I anticipated. It was supposed to be a 6k chapter covering everything, but then it ends up with… what? 42k? Not sure about the exact number, but it was so long that I ended up splitting the chapter into one interlude and three other chapters. I’ll just post this one first. The other two chapters will be posted in a few minutes… or hours. Gotta check the grammar. Last chapter before the epilogue is still not done yet. I swear watching RWBY Volume 9 is a mistake. It’s so… horrendous, that I pretty much lost all of my motivation to continue writing. And since I don’t know when I will be able to finish that one chapter, I’ll just follow my brother advice and share these three chapters with you. Fair warning, though, I don't know how to write a good character development. Hell, I don't even know how to write a good story, but I'll try my best. This... interlude? I’m not even sure if this thing can even be categorized as an interlude… and honestly, I think it's just... so-so? Not sure, really... Anyway, I only plan to write 1k of content for Weiss, maybe 2k at most. Somehow, I ended up with this instead. Am I high? Who knows!? Lalalala~ There was supposed to be a flashback scene about Weiss’ interactions with Kiana at the end, around 3k-ish long if I’m not mistaken, but then I got too lazy and decided to just take a little bit of content here and there before deleting the rest. Eh, who cares... like Pardo said, laziness is an art... Oh, and just so you know, someone said that my grammar sucks… and I agree! Ended up spending like a month just trying to improve my grammar before I started to write the stupidly long chapter. I'm not really sure if it's any better, though I think I’m relying a bit too much on 'as', semicolons, and em dashes now. Well, enjoy~ On a side note, does anyone know if the Herrscher of Reason can recreate food and drinks? and I mean something like synthetic food.
Disclaimer: Honkai Impact 3rd belongs to miHoYo; RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth.

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