Truth Doesn't Change The Way...

By dylanreuben18

89.1K 2K 1.1K

Amelia Stone has a hard time fitting in, until she meets Mr James Buchanan Barnes and everything starts to pi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 40

323 25 2
By dylanreuben18

"Are you sure I can't get you anything dear?" May Implored, Sitting down on the couch next to Amelia with a fresh cup of coffee. 

"Really, I'm alright, thank you Ms. Parker. You've done enough just letting me be here." She replied, almost feeling guilty, intruding in her home. 

"Honestly, call me May. I already feel old enough as it is." She laughed it off. Peter continued to move some things around in his room, trying to make it acceptable for Amelia to sleep in there. She had already told him that she was fine staying on the couch, but May and Peter both agreed that she should take the bed. "Okay Sweets, I have to go to work now. You two going to be okay?" 

"May, c'mon, Of course we will" Peter reassured her, almost embarrassed that she had to ask that.

May threw her bag over her shoulder and opened the door before grabbing her jacket. "Of course sweetie. If anything happens, anything at all, please call me." She did a final pocket check to make sure she had everything, "I mean it Peter." She closed the door behind her. 

Amelia let out a deep breath, meeting new people was always hard for her, let alone now with her constantly being paranoid about everything. 

Peter hopped back in to his room and came out carrying blankets and pillows, as well as a couple other comfy things. "Okay, right, what movie do you want to put on?" He seemed cheerful, as if he was having a childhood sleepover. 

"Actually Pete, do you mind if i use the bathroom real quick?" Amelia got up and Peter showed her where to go. She closed the door behind her, leaning against it for a few moment before going over to the mirror above the sink and taking out some moisturiser. She carefully lifted off her eyepatch and began to apply it, taking deep breaths as she did. Amelia could barely look at herself in the mirror, it still bringing back horrid memories of her captivity. She held her hand over her other eye, trying to see if any of her vision has come back. All she could see was pale blurs of shapes, everything was fuzzy. 

She moved her hand to cover the blind eye, layering her other hand on top of it, "Okay focus." She inhaled a few times trying to concentrate. Amelia had been trying to heal her eye herself for a little while, since the doctors told her that it would be permanent, but she hadn't had any luck. A sharp sting pierced through her head, behind her eye, causing her to stop, "Fuck." She sighed in a whisper. She rinsed her hands under the taps and tried them on her sides. Forgetting to put her patch back, she left the bathroom and headed back to Peter on the couch. 

Sifting through the selected DVD's peter had picked out, he called out to her as he heard her coming closer, "Okay so I've narrowed it down to 'Ash vs Evil Dead', 'Zombieland', And 'Bridesmaids' if you're not feeling the zombie theme." He looked back towards her, "Woah." He sounded concerned. 

"What? What's wrong?" She responded, not thinking. 

Peter realised he shouldn't have said anything, but he knew it was too late now, "Uh, nothing. I just didn't realise, uh... Your eye." 

Amelia now realised that she left her eyepatch in the bathroom, "Oh crap. Sorry, I'll go put it back on, I forgot, Sorry." She kept feeling the need to apologise to him. 

"Wait," He said before she could go and get it. "Come and pick out a move." He tried changing the subject but Amelia insisted on going to get it. "Amelia, It's Okay honestly. Just come sit down..." She stood there, hesitant to do either. "Amelia, Please. I don't care about what you look like. If It's any consolation, I think you still look beautiful."

This made her smile a little bit, Peter was was sweet to her. "Are you flirting with me Pete?" She joked. 

Peter started blushing, his cheeks turning a peachy colour, "I, uh, No. Pfff, of course not, what makes you think that. god can't I give someone a compliment." He scratched the back of his head, flustered.

This cheered Amelia up a bit more, "Pete. I'm fucking with you, It's okay." She went to go sit down next to him. "Ash vs Evil Dead, The first one's terrible, I love it." She picked it up and handed it to him, smiling. "And thank you...You're not too bad yourself. If you were a couple years older, maybe you'd have a shot with me." She laughed, nudging him with her elbow, Peter getting flustered again.

About half way through the movie, a loud thudding sounded at Peters door. Amelia's heart began to race, her instantly thinking the worst. She jumped up from the couch and started backing up, until she hit the wall. Peter paused the movie and looked at her concerningly, "Hey, It's okay, just calm down, it's fine." He tried to reassure her before checking who was at the door. 

"I swear to god Parker if you don't open this door Right now!" Amelia heard Bucky shouting from the other side of the door.

"I'm sorry, I had to tell him you were here, Mr. Stark made me." Peter innocently apologised before opening the door. 

Panic struck through Amelia's body. Bucky was the last person she wanted to see right now, especially when she was just getting comfortable with out having to cover her eye. She jolted to the bathroom, locking it behind her, sitting at the bottom of the door, trying to control herself and not burst out in tears. Somehow, hearing Bucky just reminded her of being back at the awful place. Everything did just lately. 

As soon as Peter unlocked the door, Bucky barged in, Same and Steve following behind him. Bucky's eyes scanned the apartment, "Where the hell is she?" He scarpered around the rooms, checking for her.

"She just locked herself in the bathroom. I, I don't know why, she was fine a minute ago." Peter explained to them. 

Steve lay a hand on Peters shoulder, "It's okay kid, don't worry. It's good to see you again, glad you're okay." 

"Uh, Thank you, Sir." Peter nervously responded. During Peters recovery, Tony was made sure to be informed of his state. Once he was stable, he let the rest of the group know he was still alive. Amelia was the last one to find out. 

Bucky cautiously made his way to the bathroom door, gently knocking on it, "Amelia?" His voice softened. He looked over to Steve and Sam worryingly, who then decided to give him some space, leaving the apartment, taking peter with them so that it was just Bucky and Amelia in there. "Amelia, please? It's just me, the others have left." He leaned on the frame of the door, his head pressing against it. He tried to twist the handle but it wouldn't budge. "I just need to know you're safe, please?" He begged, a lump simmered in his throat.

A click sounded from the other side of the door, unlocking. "Thank god." He whispered, slowly trying to open the door, cautious of her. It only opened a few inches as she was still sitting in front of it. "I went to the facility this morning..." He gulped, "When I heard you left, I thought the worst. I, I thought Murphy had come back for you." He perched himself on the floor, just next to the door. "I was terrified." He admitted. 

Amelia's had slipped through the gap in the door, his hand carefully joining hers, their fingertips touching in such an innocent way. "I'm sorry for everything, This is all my fault, everything that's happened to you. I can't explain how sorry I really am." He confessed. 

Amelia let go of his hand. The door slowly opened as she moved to lean against the bathtub. Bucky turned the corner, looking in at her, her head buried in her knees. Bucky could hear the muffled sobs from her as he moved closer. "You don't have to say anything okay, we can just sit here." He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and laid a gentle kiss on her head, letting her know he was there for her. She leaned in to him, letting her emotions take over, sobbing in to him, realising that it hurt her more to be apart from him than trying to keep her distance. 

Amelia paused for a moment, sniffling and wiping her puffy red eyes. She gazed at Bucky, his face saying everything that he couldn't. She brought her hand up to his cheek, her thumb caressing his skin, missing being close with him. She cautiously moved in closer, Bucky doing the same. Their lips so close they could feel each others breathing meeting. Their foreheads gently leant on each other, the tips of their noses barely meeting. Amelia softly pushed her lips against his, embracing this longing she'd felt for him. 

Bucky pulled back slightly, just far enough away to look in to her eyes, enchanted my her. "I love you, Amelia." His soft voice echoed in her ears. 

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