My Friend Taylor

By smelly-lelly

15.2K 552 191

It all started with a letter. A 10 year old girl had no idea what she would be getting herself in to by sendi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors Note
Chapter 12

Chapter 2

1.7K 56 21
By smelly-lelly

Luna woke early the next morning in a confused state. She found herself with no blanket, curled up in a ball in the top corner of the bed, using Baxter to rest her head instead of a pillow. She slowly blinked her eyes open and took a minute to realise where she was. She then rolled out of her sleeping position and tolled over to find Taylor asleep next to her, remembering exactly what had happened last night. She looked at the time on her phone, 8:00am, she rolled over to try and get a little more sleep when the singer woke up.

                "Good morning." She yawned. "How did you sleep last night?" she added, groggily. Luna held Baxter close to her and felt the bandage that Taylor had wrapped around her leg last night.

                "Good morning, I slept well, thank you." Luna paused for a second, "how about you?" There was worry in her voice as to last night's occurrences, of course it had to happen like this, she couldn't have opened up when she felt like it, no, she had to ruin everything. She was just hoping Taylor had forgotten about it, there was a chance, right?

                "I slept well." She smiled, sitting upright, as the young girl nervously followed. "I'm sorry, I fell asleep in here, I hope you don't mind. I was just worried about you Luna." She took a moment to let the young girl take it all in. "Now, this isn't something we can just ignore, please open up to me. You can tell me anything okay, I need you to know that." Luna just nodded at what the singer had to say as tears started rolling down her cheeks. Taylor moved in and wiped at her cheeks, "talk to me. What's been going on?" she smiled.

                "I'm really really really sorry about last night Taylor. I should have told you when it happened earlier, I guess I panicked. I'm really truly sorry." She lowered her head into her teddy's as she felt Taylors warm arms wrap around her.

                "It's okay. That doesn't matter, what matters is why you're doing this to yourself. You are such a wonderful person, you don't deserve to feel like you need to do this to yourself okay?" Taylor held the young girl tightly in her arms. "Okay, when you're ready, start from the beginning. Open up to me, I'm always going to be here for you to talk to." She rubbed the crying girls back.

                "Okay, I started when I was 13, it started off with just scratches, and then it got more and more intense." She paused realising Taylor probably wanted more, "I started because life had gotten too much and it was the only way I found to cope, and it's just been there for me ever since." Her voice had become even shakier than it was before. "I haven't really cared about life for a long time and I have felt numb for ages, this was the only way I could feel something, and I haven't wanted to let go of that." Luna peeled herself away from Taylor and looked into the singers now watery eyes. She took a deep breath as she continued with the hardest part of the story, the part she didn't want to say but knew it would help her. "Things have been so bad this past year that I tried taking my life." She hung her head in shame as the singer gasped in shock. Luna tried to continue but the tears had gotten the better of her. She was pulled into Taylors arms once again and rocked from side to side.

                "It breaks my heart that a wonderful person like you could ever feel this way. You come across as so happy in all of your letters and text posts, I would never have guessed this in a million years." Taylor took a deep breath as she rested her chin on Luna's red hair. "I'm going to help you fight this, I'm going to be by your side through all of this, just let me know when you're ready." Luna snuggled her face into Taylors shoulder.

                "I think I'm ready to let go of this habit." She whispered into the singer's ear as she felt a smile grow on Taylor's face.


                "Are you ready for this, I don't think you're ready for this." Taylor said as she picked the pancake filled pan up and set it up to flip it. She then flicked her wrist and flipped the pancake in the air and caught it back in the pan. "Aw yeah!" The both laughed, "Austin is never going to believe I just did that so I'm counting on you to back me up!" She said as she put the frying pan back on the stove.

                The both sat down and ate their fruit covered pancakes at the breakfast bar together. "So, what do you want to do today?" Taylor asked Luna, using her fork to roll a blueberry around her plate. "I think Karlie's coming round for pizza tonight, if that's okay with you that is?"

                "Of course that's okay Taylor! It's your apartment, why did you ask?" Luna said just before she placed another piece of strawberry in her mouth.

                "Okay, she's coming at about 7, so we've got all day. We could go exploring, or, we could go shopping, or we could go on a hike, or we could stay at home and chill. It's up to you!" She smiled, finishing up her last bite of pancake. "Oh, and nobody knows you're here yet, so we might want to make that a thing, quick, smile!" She said, running around to Luna's side and taking a selfie with her. "Cute!" Taylor added, reviewing the picture then posting it on all of her social media.

                Luna's phone pinged with the alerts as Taylor posted the photo, she opened the picture up on Instagram and read the caption, 'Got this lovely lady staying with me for the next two weeks! So excited to show you our adventures!' Luna couldn't help but smile, then her notifications went wild with her friends seeing the post. The both of them were still in their matching pyjamas, despite Luna's blood stains.

                Taylor looked over at Luna smiling down at her constantly buzzing phone. Luna soon put her phone face down on the table and took both hers and Taylor's plates and began to wash them up.

                "So how are you feeling?" Taylor asked, grabbing the towel to start drying the dishes. Luna knew exactly what she was talking about, Luna hadn't cut in 24 hours, which must have been a record for her, and was planning on keeping it up for as long as she could.

                "I'm actually feeling great. I don't think I've been this good in my whole life, and it feels awesome!" Luna smiled. It might have something to do with having Taylor Swift stood beside her doing dishes with her but even so, Luna could get used to this feeling. Taylor's smile shone brightly at the other girl.

                "I really am glad." She smiled. "I would like to take you shopping today if you don't mind." Luna smiled back at her, "we'll get more matching pyjamas, and some for Karlie too!" Taylor said, chasing Luna around the kitchen playfully, chasing her up the stairs and to the doorways of the bedrooms.

                "Okay, so I want you to re-dress those battle wounds of yours before you do anything. There are bandages in the bathroom, I would like you to cover anything that might want to fight you again."

                "Yes nurse Swift!" Luna said in the voice of a soldier, raising her hand to salute. She knew this wasn't a laughing matter and Taylor was being serious, but she had to have some fun with it right? She went into her room and grabbed her wash bag, then walked into the bathroom to shower and start getting ready.


                Luna and Taylor both finished getting ready at similar times and met out on the landing, both wearing a white dress with different flowers printed on.

                "Okay, so maybe we should have planned what we were going to wear. I'll go change." Luna said, walking back into the room that Taylor had set up for her to change into a different dress. She grabbed a blue polka dot dress from her wardrobe and exchanged it for the whit floral one as she went and greeted Taylor in the hallway again, slinging her purse over her shoulder.

                "Ready?" Taylor smiled as she led them down the stairs and towards the front door. "Now there are going to be a bunch of paparazzi again, just a pre warning." She said before opeing the door and leading Luna down the stairs to get outside. The camera flashes where a little overwhelming at first but she realised that this was what life would be over the next 2 weeks, and she wouldn't change it for the world.

                "So what do you need to get?" Luna asked Taylor, who looked like she was on a mission.

                "So you're going to be 17 this week right?" Taylor smiled, avoiding the question. Luna had to jog a little to keep up with the long legged girl, but managed to match her pace eventually.

                "Yeah, on Friday." She had completely forgotten about her own birthday in the midst of all that had gone on. "Wait a second. It has only just hit me that I'm going to be in New York, with you, Taylor Swift, on my birthday." Her jaw dropped and Taylor couldn't help but laugh.

                "And you can't not have a party for your birthday." Luna shook her head, "It's the law!" Taylor explained. "Therefore, we need to get it sorted."

                "I've never had a birthday party before." Luna said to Taylor as she stopped in the middle of the path. "I've never been to a party either." My first party experience is going to be organised by Taylor Swift, and she's going to be there, and it's for my birthday. What even is life.

                "Seriously?" She asked, looking down to Luna, as the young girl shook her head. "Well this is going to be the best party in the history of parties. We don't have long to plan, c'mon!" She smiled, grabbing Luna's hand and pulling her to the first party shop she sees.

                The shop was full of all of your standard party bits, banners, balloons, all sorts of weird stuff.

                "So we're going to need, 5 of these. Is 5 packs of banners enough?" She looked at Luna, "I don't care, we're going to get 5, what colours do you prefer? Oooh, I know! We could get 7 packs and get one in each colour of the rainbow. Yes, we're doing that." Taylor had gotten far too excited about this party planning business. She picked up multiple packs of balloons, party poppers, probably about 100 paper plates, cups, and cutlery sets. "Okay, so are we doing costume party or cute outfits? Obviously we're having a photo booth, maybe we should have planned what we needed before we left."

                                "Who is coming to this party Taylor?" Luna asked, confused as to why they needed so much stuff, "I mean, it's going to be awesome but it's a bit short notice, isn't it?"

                "Little do you know, your mom and I have been planning this for ages, for as long as we knew you was coming. She told me to ask you who you'd want to come when you got here, so write a list and we'll see what we can do." Taylor smiled. Luna didn't know what to say to the singer, the only people she'd really want to be at her party, one is organising it, and the other is her mom, who can't get to New York. "We'll get these and go and plan the rest before Karlie gets there if you like?" She placed the basket that she'd filled down on the counter and paid for them, refusing to let Luna pay for any of the party bits. "I also need a new lipstick, it's just across the street, won't be long in there."

                They left the party store and crossed the street to the Sephora where Taylor would buy her signature red lipstick.

                "Okay, give me your hand." Taylor said, pulling a tester lipstick from the rack and drawing with it on Luna's hand, "I was right, this colour does compliment your skin tone." It was a dark red colour that, Luna had to admit, looked beautiful. "That's it. I'm buying it for you." Taylor said, and before Luna could say anything she was on her way to the counter with it.

                "Taylor no, you're letting me stay with you, don't go buying me lipsticks too, let me buy it!" Luna said, trying to wrestle both of the lipsticks out of her hands, but Taylor kept a tight grip on them.

                "No, I insist. If I can't treat my best friend, then what can I do?" Taylor said with a menacing grin on her face.

                "Taylorrrrrrrrrr." Luna said, the end of the name turning into a pterodactyl screech, instant fear struck Taylor's face.

                "Okay, that was terrifyingly brilliant." She said, the whole shop was silent and Luna could feel her face going red. "That doesn't mean you win though." Taylor added, paying for the items.


They got back to the apartment and placed all of the bags on the breakfast bar. She then turned around and grabbed a notepad and pen and threw it across the table to Luna.

"Here, write a list of people you would like to come Friday. Any friends or family." Taylor said, getting the party bits out of the bags and then handing Luna her lipstick.

"Umm. Taylor. I don't have anyone I would like to come to the party." She paused, fiddling with the pen and looking closely at it. All of Luna's friends were online, and even then she didn't know if she could trust them, not after last time. "I don't have any friends, my mom would never be able to handle a party even if she could get here." She looked up to Taylor who had stopped what she was doing.

"Okay, so what we're going to do then, I've invited a few of my friends already, people I feel like you'd get along with, Karlie, Cara, Jaime, Selena, etcetera. I would like you to write down a list of your favourite celebrities, and I'll see what magic I can work from there." She smiled, rubbing Luna's arm. "Also, look through my following list on Tumblr, if you're friends with any of them, write them down too and I'll see if my Swift magic works." She unlocked her phone, opened up Tumblr and handed it to her.

"Ah the squad! Thank you for reminding me, I'd completely forgotten to check on them!" Luna said, grabbing her phone and checking the conversation. Taylor looked across at her, confused. "Just as I expected. They're freaking out over candid's. And me. They're only talking in capitals. This was expected." Luna said, laughing to herself.

"The squad?" Taylor raised an eyebrow at Luna, still pretty confused.

"Okay this is embarrassing. I'm part of a Swiftie Squad on Tumblr." Luna laughed again. "I muted them for a bit and now they're freaking out because I didn't tell them what was going on." She paused and shrugged her shoulders "oops."

"This is adorable. Do I follow them all? Can I talk to them?" Taylor had gotten extremely excitable about this too, Luna's original thoughts of Taylor weren't at all wrong so far.

"I don't think you follow them all yet, some of them you do though." She smiled, handing the phone to Taylor, waiting to see what she was writing and how the group responded.

"Okay, go and follow them on my Tumblr for me please. Operation freak the squad out is a go." Taylor laughed. "I think I killed them all. We've had no reply..."

"Oh wait, I promised I'd do something if I ever met you, can I have my phone a second?" Taylor handed Luna her phone, she then got the drawing pad up on the group chat. "Could you sign your name on this and send it to them please?" She asked and Taylor immediately signed her name and sent the message. Luna's phone was going crazy with messages.

"These are the cutest people ever. Please tell me you want to invite them? I want to invite them!"

"Sure! They're my best friends." Luna said, still following them all from Taylor's phone. Message after message came through on Luna's phone, 'TAYLOR SWIFT JUST FOLLOWED ME HELP' 'ME TOO I CANT' 'WE'RE FORGETTING THAT TAYLOR IS TALKING TO US. ACT CHILL. So thanks for following us Tay. OKAY I CAN'T ACT CHILL I FELL OUT OF BED.'

"This is the funniest conversation I have ever been in." Taylor laughed. Luna handed her back her phone and began to write their blog names down. "Okay, anyone else?" Luna shook her head, "Celebrity crush, go."

Luna thought about it for a second, she had just realised she couldn't say her original one, as she was sitting across from her. "Jennifer Lawrence." Luna said quickly, to make up for the time she'd taken to think of one.

"Good choice!" Taylor laughed as she added her to the list herself. "We'll try and get hold of the squad and Jen and see what magic we can work by Friday." She smiled, flipping the page on the notepad.

"Wait, you can't tell Jen that she's my celebrity crush." Luna pleaded, realising what had just some out of her mouth. Taylor threw her a menacing look.

"I can't promise anything when there's alcohol around." She said mysteriously. Luna looked slightly worried that Taylor was condoning alcohol at a 17 year old's birthday party. "Don't look so worried, I won't tell her!" She laughed.

"No, I'm just excited to see drunk Taylor. Obviously, only being 17 I'm going to be sober." She laughed as Taylor's hands covered her eyes.

"Not on my watch you won't be. I got permission from your mom, you're drinking!" They both laughed, Luna was slightly worried. She'd never been drunk in her life, she'd had a few glasses of wine when her mom could, but not much at all.


                The pair laughed at the conversations they were having on the group chat with the squad, they didn't realise the time until Karlie phoned Taylor.

                "Oh, is that the time, I've got to answer this." Taylor said, sitting up and answering her phone. "Karlieeeee!" Taylor squealed down the phone. "Okay, I'm putting you on speakerphone, Luna's here." Taylor said, as if to warn her that she wasn't alone.

                "Hey Luna, I've heard so much about you, I can't wait to meet you!" Karlie said through the phone.

                "Hey Karlie! I can't wait to meet you either!" Luna said, as she saw Taylor smile over at her.

                "Okay, so I'm going to start walking over, I'll be there in about 15 minutes, do you need me to get anything on the way?"

                "I think we're all set ba-" Taylor interrupted herself. "We're all set Karls. I've got enough snacks, we'll order pizza when you get here!" Luna couldn't help but get suspicious at Taylor's red face and how she stopped herself.

                "Well I'll be over soon, speak to you both later!" She smiled, you could sense that Karlie's face was red on the other side of the phone too.

                "Byeeeeeeee!" Both of the girls said down the phone as Taylor hung up. Luna gave her a suspicious look and glanced back at the conversation happening on her phone.

                "What?" Taylor smiled, in a slight high pitched  tone. She knew how red her face had gone, she just didn't want to admit it.

                "Taylor, you're bright red." Luna said, raising her eyebrows. "What's going on?" Taylor shook her head as if she didn't have a clue what she was talking about.

                "Between me and Karlie? No!" You would never have thought it, but Taylor was a terrible liar.

                "Hmm okay." Luna smirked. Taylor had answered a completely different question to what Luna had asked, but she went with it. If sober Taylor wasn't going to tell her, drunk Taylor probably would on Friday. They both continued laughing at the squad conversation as they waited for Karlie to arrive.


"So if we get 2 pizzas and a side of chicken dippers, do you think that would be enough?" Taylor asked, constantly looking down at the menu.

"And I'll make cocktails, what a great idea Taylor!" Karlie laughed at herself. The tall blond was behind Taylor looking in the cupboards for some alcohol for the girls' night in as Taylor ordered the pizza and Luna watched them both in awe, she couldn't believe she was sat in a room with Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift. She still wasn't over the fact that she was staying in Taylor Swift's apartment. "Do you drink Luna?" Karlie asked, pulling a bottle of vodka out of the cupboard along with some pre-made Bloody Mary mix.

"I haven't had much before, but Taylor's going to try and get me drunk on Friday," Luna smiled then put a hand to the side of her mouth to block the words from Taylor "I think she's scared of me laughing at her while she's drunk!" Luna whispered to Karlie.

"I heard that!"

"I think you were supposed to!" Karlie laughed and copied Luna "she's hilarious when she's drunk." The tall girl whispered.

"Karlie Elizabeth Kloss are you pouring drinks or what?" Taylor said, ordering the pizza. Luna's Kaylor heart couldn't bare it anymore and let out the biggest smile. Karlie poured the drinks and handed one to Taylor and one to Luna.

"Thank you!" Luna said, taking a sip of the concoction.

"So, here's to Luna, our wonderful guest!" Taylor toasted, raising her glass.

"And here's to Taylor, for letting me stay, and for putting up with me last night." Luna added as she raised her glass and Taylor smiled brightly at her.

"I want to join in!" Karlie raised her glass in the air, "and here's to pizza, which should be here in 45 minutes." They all laughed and clinked their glasses together, taking a sip.

Luna wasn't going to admit it, but she felt drunk after her first Bloody Mary. She wasn't used to drinking and she was sure Karlie had made hers really strong. Taylor's phone rang, it was her security guard.

"Hello. Okay, send it over!" She pranced over to the door to collect the pizza from her security guard and bringing it back to the kitchen. "Pizza's here!" She sung. Karlie was mixing more drinks, these ones had peach schnapps and cranberry juice mixed with the vodka.

"Pizza and Woo Woo's," Karlie said, bringing the drinks over.  "and two amazing girls, who could ask for a better night?"

"Cheers to that!" Taylor said, raising a slice of pizza in the air and bashing it against the other two girls' slices.

The girls ate their pizzas and chicken, and moved the party to the sofa with fresh drinks. Taylor had to carry Luna's over to the coffee table for her though as she was stumbling.

"I think this should be your last one tonight Luna, it's gone straight to your head." Taylr said to the extremely giggly Luna.

"I'm okay! I do need to pee though, be right back." She ran up to the toilet and left the two girls alone to choose a film.

"I should probably see if she needs someone to hold her hair." Taylor laughed, following behind Luna, "choose a film."

She knocked on the door, "Luna, you alright in there?" She waited a minute but heard no reply. "Luna, I'm coming in!" Taylor said, opening the door, luckily it was unlocked. She looked around to see Luna sitting in the bath with tissue pressed against her leg.

"It happened again. It won't stop bleeding." Luna was crying. Taylor wiped the young girls eyes and grabbed more tissue to press onto her leg. "I've ruined everything again. I'm so sorry."

"You haven't ruined anything okay. This isn't going to stop us having fun tonight." She said, replacing the tissue as each one got bloodier than the first. "Now, these aren't new are they?" Luna shook her head.

"I haven't felt the need to, so I haven't." Taylor was still replacing the tissue. "I felt it go when we were moving to the sofa. I'm so sorry." Luna was crying even more now.

"I am so proud of you." Taylor said. "I'm going to have to get Karlie in here, she knows first aid, we might need to get these looked at." She smiled, wiping tears from Luna's face with her non bloody hand, "everything's going to be okay." She changed the tissue one last time before shouting for Karlie.

"What's wrong?" She ran up hearing the urgency in Taylor's voice. She poked her head around the door and saw the situation "okay, what's happening?" she said, kneeling down next to Taylor to see how she could help.

"An old cut has torn open, it happened last night too, but it won't stop bleeding tonight. I've not had a look at it, I was just trying to apply pressure to stop the bleeding." Taylor explained. Karlie took hold of Taylor's hand and lifted it so she could see the cut, which had doubled in width from what it originally was.

"Luna, this needs stitches, we need to get you to the hospital." Karlie explained as Luna put her hands to her head. Karlie ran and grabbed a bandage and tied it tightly around the young girls wound.

"Am I calling 911 or should I call security to get us a car ready?" Taylor ased, extremely worried about the young girl.

"911 would probably be best." Karlie replied quickly, "they'll get here quicker." Taylor nodded and called an ambulance to her apartment, then called security to explain the situation.

"I've ruined everything. I'm so sorry." Luna cried. "I'm going to get in trouble too, aren't I?"

"You haven't ruined anything, we're going to get this sorted, then we're going to come back and have some more fun." Karlie explained, "and you're not going to get into trouble, I'll get you some more food and water, we'll sober you up before the ambulance gets here." Luna nodded.

"They'll be here soon, Luna, can you walk?" Taylor asked, standing up, "we should probably sober you up a bit." The two older girls lifted Luna up, out of the bath and helped her hobble along to the kitchen where she ate some bread and drank lots of water.


It wasn't long before the ambulance arrived, and Luna was sober enough for it to be believable.  Security had sent the paramedics up and Taylor let them into the apartment. At this moment, Luna was sitting with her leg up on the sofa.

"Hello, I'm Rob, what's happened?" He asked, looking to Luna on the sofa.

"An old cut of hers has torn, I think she needs stitches." Karlie explained to the paramedic, "we've tied a bandage around it tightly to keep pressure on it but it wouldn't stop bleeding." She added.

"Okay, what's your name?" Rob asked Luna.

"Luna." She said shakily.

"I'm just going to take a look at this leg and see what I can do for you." He said, taking the bandage off of her leg to examine the cut. It had stopped bleeding finally. "Okay, you don't need stitches, I can give you some butterfly stitches to close this up, could I get some warm water please?" he asked Taylor as she went to the kitchen and grabbed some.

Taylor brought the bowl back and stood by Luna's head, Karlie and her both held one of the young girls hands as Rob put the sticky stitches on.

"These can be soaked off in about 7 days, you mustn't get them wet otherwise they won't work." He said as he bandaged her leg up.

"Thank you." Luna said as they began to fill out paperwork and sort out insurance details.


                "Les Mis?" Taylor asked, as both of the girls sat around Luna.

                "Sure!" Luna and Karlie both said together as Taylor put the film on, the three girls sang as much as they could, still drinking their drinks from earlier and giggling over silly things.

                "Karlie, you're staying tonight, right?" Taylor asked, a massive grin on her face. Neither of the girls were drunk, but they were still fun to be around.

                "Of course." Karlie giggled and winked to Taylor, as Taylor put her finger on her own lips, telling Karlie to shh.

                "Okay, what's going on? I'm not stupid." Luna asked, knowing what was going on but not wanting to assume.

                "Nothing's going on." Taylor said as the film finished. It was 3am. "Now I don't know about you, but I'm going to bed." She looked to Karlie, "I'll get you some blankets so you can sleep there, the guest room's taken."

                "I'll sleep on the sofa if you like, I don't mind!" Luna replied to Taylor's statement.

                "It's okay, I'm good here." Karlie replied, kicking her legs up onto the sofa as the other girls walked towards their rooms. "Goodnight!"

                "Goodnight, Karlie!" Luna called across the room, limping up the stairs as her leg still hurt from earlier. Taylor made sure Luna had finished in the bathroom and was in her room before bringing some blankets out to Karlie.

                "You can come in with me in a bit, let Luna go to sleep first though." Taylor whispered to Karlie, throwing the blankets over the younger girl as she nodded.

                "See you in a bit." Karlie said, staring romantically into the other girls deep blue eyes.


                Luna woke up in a cold sweat, shaking and crying. She'd just had a horrifying dream about her mother. She looked at the clock, 5:00am, "water" she whispered, holding her dry throat as she walked to the kitchen to get some water.

                On her way back she walked past the sofa to check to see if Karlie was awake, she knew she probably wouldn't be but Luna didn't feel like she could go back to sleep now, but Karlie was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she's gone to the bathroom. I could do with a wee she thought, confused about the models disappearance. She slowly made her way up the stairs to the empty bathroom, no Karlie. She used the bathroom then went back to bed.

                Nothing going on my ass Luna thought, knowing the only other place she could be was Taylor's room. Olivia had found her way into Luna's room while she was gone.

                "Hey dibbles." She whispered as the cat jumped onto the bed and cuddled into Luna. "Can't sleep? Me either." She grabbed Baxter and lay next to the white kitten, petting her as she slowly fell back to sleep. 

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