The Good Girl's Bad Boy

nat518 द्वारा

201K 5.5K 1.5K

Spencer has been through more pain than most girls her age. Tyler has endured more hardships than most boys h... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13- Friends? Friends.
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33

Chapter 32

1.7K 49 10
nat518 द्वारा

Last chapter

"Thank you, Tyler, that feels so so good."

"Don't thank me. I meant what I said earlier too. About you."

Im quiet because I don't know what to say and I don't know what to do about it. I know he just said all that to make me feel better, I mean there is no way he actually believes all that right? He can't. It's not possible. I can't even keep my eyes open any longer so I close them, and I am lulled into a deep slumber just before the darkness consumes me I can hear Tyler say, "Good night angel, you are loved.".

Chapter 32

Tyler's POV

I woke up sweating and the sun fucking hit my eyes. Fuck the sun bro.

I am about to get up, but I feel something next to me, looking down I see Spencer curled up in a tiny ball with the blanket over herself as well as me. Cute.

I want to move to make breakfast, but I also want to stay here forever. Last night was... intense, emotional, and unexpected. I didn't know that she had a brother. Or that he died. Or anything. Her asking for pills honestly made me feel some type of way because I didn't know she knew about any of that. She's a good girl. She is the one with good grades, the teacher's pet, in bed by ten. But apparently, she wasn't always. This girl is so intriguing and fascinating to me that I just want her to tell me everything. I want to know all of her, every fiber of her I want to know about. I feel for her, especially after last night. It breaks my heart that she lost a sibling, and she blames herself, it makes me so fucking mad that her mom blames her because it was an accident and no one should blame their own flesh and blood for something like that. I don't have any siblings that I know of, but I can't imagine losing Mac so I can't even comprehend how she must feel. I used to never feel or think of others, but I feel for her, and I think about her, and I just want to make her happy, to make her smile. That's why I got her the drugs. She honestly took me aback when she asked and shocked me that she even knows what Xanax is much less what it looks like. My instant reaction was to say 'No' or straight up lie saying I don't do that kind of shit, but she read me like the fucking books she reads. It's unnerving how much she has become a fixture in my life. Looking at her curled up next to me with her dyed hair hitting the light, her face looks soft and relaxed. That all changes in a split second when she sneezes. And I'm not talking like a little "ahchoo." No, I'm talking a "Holy fuck did I just shit myself?" sneeze. It was so loud I didn't even know if it was a sneeze or a yell. But I see her eyes blinking up at me with her cheeks red.

"Hi." She says in her morning voice. Damn, I have never wanted to kiss someone more in my life.

"You okay there?"

"Yea sorry, just a sneeze."

"More like a fucking scream but okay babe."

She laughs and rolls her eyes, "Water."

"What the magic word?"

"It's get me water or I'll sneeze again."

I was up in an instant.

Handing her the water she graciously accepts and gulps down the whole cup.

"I always get cotton mouth after pills."

"Always?" I question.

She looks at me, "Enough to get cotton mouth I guess."

Once again I am speechless, I want to know more but like where do I even start?

She gets up off the couch, "So I know you do a whole lot for me and I am so sorry to be a bother to you but can you drive me to my moms so I can change and then drop me off at school please?"

"Why do you want to go there."

"To school? Because I need an education."

"No. To your moms?"

"... Because I need a change of clothes?"

"No absolutely not. Not after what you told me last night. You can wear my clothes."

"NO!" She screams.

"Why not?"

"They won't fit! Plus, I want my clothes Tyler! She isn't even home trust me!"

"Why would you even want to go back? If you need clothes, I will get them for you. We can go to a store. Anywhere you want. In fact, I don't think you should ever go back there again."

She scoffs with her eyes wide "You are insane!"

"I'm INSANE? You want to go back to where your abusive mother is?"

"I told you she won't be home!"

"That doesn't matter! You get hurt there and I don't ever ever want you to get hurt again, therefore you can't go back there easy."

She looks like she is about to cry, "Tyler... my brother is still there. Not him. But his stuff, everything he loved, all his trophies and toys. His smell... everything Tyler, you can't just tell me to never see my brother."

Oh shit.

Tears are falling now and she's shaking. Shit shit shit.

I grab the baggie and give her a pill; she takes it and swallows it dry.

"I'm sorry Spencer. I'm sorry Spencer."

She's calmed down now but looks up at me with "Tears in her eyes, don't make me leave Luke, Please, I can't leave him."

"I won't Spencer I'm sorry I'm an idiot and I didn't think I would drive you there, but I want to come in with you, okay? Just to make sure you're safe."

She nods, "Not that I need protecting but I would like that. I will warn you though.... My house isn't.... nice, not like yours."

"What? I didn't care about those things. I just care about y- I care about getting you to school in one piece."

She smiles, "Okay deal. But we have to hurry cuz I can't miss third period."

We get down to the car and the drive was mostly silent with her smiling at me and humming.

"Take a picture it'll last longer," I say knowing she will roll her eyes. She rolled her eyes.

"I just wanted to say thank you for last night."

I smirk, "You know usually when girls tell me that, the night is very different."

"What do you mean?" She asks, still reminding me how innocent she can be sometimes.

I wiggle my eyebrows at her suggestively till she gets the hint.

"EW! You pig"

"Oink oink," I say making her laugh loudly.

We pull up to the street where she usually has me drop her off, "Just go till you see the shitty house with dead grass. You'll see it." She sinks into her seat.

I pull up to a house that almost looks abandoned. There are tall weeds growing in the yard but not green grass, it's all brown like she said. There are a couple of huge trees to the left with an old worn-out swing that looks like it hasn't been touched in years. It probably hasn't. The house itself looks like it used to be yellow, but the paint is peeling and it's brown pretty much everywhere. There looks like no life in this place. This isn't even a house, it's just a building.

Spencer lets out a deep breath, "See I told you, dead grass, dead brother now come on let's get this over with."

She opens the car door leaving me speechless. Well all right then. Damn.

I chase up to her struggling to open the door, "Sometimes it gets stuck, sorry." I can tell she's embarrassed, though I don't know why, it's just a door. I push her to the side and give the door a quick shove, so it opens, I step back letting her go first since it is her house.

She takes her shoes off by the door, "Take your shoes off. Don't worry the floor is clean."

I follow suit and then she grabs my hand pulling me with her, "Come on we gotta be quick."

"Why? It's just school."

She scoffs and even though she's ahead of me I know she is rolling her eyes. "I'm going to pretend you didn't say that."

The first thing I noticed is it's dark, the only light comes from the open door and a small light from the kitchen. There's a couch, a TV, and a table with chairs, but other than that it's... empty. It struck me as strange to see someone else's home. My apartment is way different and the first place I ever took Spencer to, even though I won't go back to that house of lies it was still... well nicer than this. There's no life in here, no happiness.

I feel a warm hand grab mine and I see her bright smile and I get it. She's the light in this house.

"Come on!"

She takes me upstairs and I see a bathroom, a closet, and a door that says "L-U-K-E" in blue and orange.

"Those were his favorite colors." She says sadly.

I don't know what to say but we are in front of what I assume to be her door, "You know usually when I girl takes me to her room we don't leave."

"Well, this girl has class."

And then just like that she opens her bedroom door and runs in behind her, locking it.

"I don't even get to see your room?!"

"Not after that last comment dickhead."

I nod, fair enough.

Checking my phone, a weight is off my shoulder seeing no new messages from Catherine, or Mark. I'm relieved honestly, I don't want to talk to them at all. Mac knows what is going on and he has been quiet about it for the most part but a few nights ago he said I should maybe try and talk to them, family is family is what he said. But they aren't my family, they are strangers.

Looking at my messages, I have texts from some girls, I never remember any of their names, but they remember mine. And my dealer asked if I wanna pick up. I reply not now.

I hear the door swing open and for a moment I see inside Spencer's room, but she closes it quickly and stands in front of me, "If you go really fast now, we can get there for English."

Standing in front of me she is wearing jeans and a black band shirt and hello kitty socks which makes me smile.

I look up and I see her look down fast covering her face with her hair again.

"Nice socks."

She smiles "Thanks! They are Hello Kitty."

"They suit you," I say, and she grabs my arm hurrying down the stairs fussing about how we are going to be late, and I don't have the heart to tell remind her that we already are late.

Getting in the car she is humming to herself, Stairway to Heaven. This girl.

"So, I'll just drop you off, and then I got to take care of some shit," I say, knowing exactly what I wanted to get.

"Uhm no... you are coming to class."

I scrunch my face up in disgust. "Why would I do that?"

"Cuz we have class together."

Oh shit.

Mulling it over I figure at least if I am near her I don't have to think about all my other life bullshit.

"Aw you want me there. How cute." I say, teasing her.

She slaps me on the arm, "I just want to actually see you graduate dickhead."

I laugh, "What the point?"

She looks at me with wide eyes, "Graduating is a ticket out of here. At least for me."

"You want to leave?" I say.

"Yea of course I do."


She looks at me blankly, "No point in staying. As soon as I get my diploma, I am getting the hell out of here."

I don't say anything but inside my mind is racing. She wants to leave. Something about that bothers me but it shouldn't because it's her life and she can do whatever she wants. But a very small part of me says if she leaves that means she leaves me too. I tune that whiny part out. Thankfully we got to school so I park.

"Ugh we have to go to the office to get a pass." She groans.

"Don't worry about it I can get it for us," I say.

She follows me to the office even though I am walking fast and she has to speed walk to keep up with me, I still hold the door open for her while she tries to catch her breath.

Seeing Brit, the TA for the front office that gives out passes and also one of my previous flings I had for a while. When she sees me, she sits up straighter and gives me a wide smile.

"Tyler hey! How are you?"

"Good. Two passes please." I say not wanting a long meaningless conversation.

She looks confused, "Two...?"

"Yea, one for me please," Spence says coming out from behind me.

Brit's smile fades and she nods slowly, "Sure! Two passes. What class?"

I look at Spencer cus I have no clue where we are supposed to go. She smiles and rolls her eyes "English 4 with Ms. M."

Brit nods, "For both of you or...?"

I roll my eyes, but Spencer says yes.

I can tell Brit is already making every scenario in her head and I think Spencer sees it too but she just wants to get to class. As soon as Brit rips off the two passes Spencer leans over the table and grabs them out of Brit's hand.

"Thank you! Okay, come on!" She says grabbing my arm and pulling my arm with her.

Once we leave the office, she is already halfway down the hallway leaving me in the dust. I quickly jog up to her, "Damn what's the rush?" I ask her.

"Nothing I just figured I'd let you get a taste of what it feels like trying to catch up." She winks at me.

I laugh. This girl man.

We reach the classroom and she's about to open the door when I grab her arm, "Wait."

She turns back and is about to say something but before she can I lean in and kiss her, I can feel her tense for a split moment before relaxing into me. Pulling away I smirk at her, "Try to catch up babes." I say giving her a wink.

She's staring at me with her mouth open in shock, walking past her I open the door to the classroom and hold the door open for her. She walks right past me and goes to the teacher's desk and slams her pass on the table. Then she sits down Right in front of Fallon, looking at me she gives me such a stare.

"Nice to see you back again Tyler." Ms. M says calmly.

Handing her my pass, "Good to be back." Heading to the seats I walk past Spencer and give her a wink, I go to the back row and sit down, laying my head down and closing my eyes.

What a day.



There yall go! Sorry this took forever, I am in my last few weeks of the semester and its been crazy. 

Hope yall enjoy it

Vote, comment share :)

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