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Queen_AngelAce tarafΔ±ndan

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I looked at Storm as she looked me. "Now alls that's left is little Stormie," Vinnie says. She glared at me... Daha Fazla

Author's Note:
Chapter 1: Change
Chapter 2: Killer
Chapter 3: Where I've Been
Chapter 4: Partnerships
Chapter 5: New Friends
Chapter 6: Time Together
Chapter 7: Strange
Chapter 8: Saviour
Chapter 9: Discoveries
Chapter 10: Vinnie
Chapter 11: Magical
Chapter 12: Mate
Chapter 13: Bad Day
Chapter 14: Badass
Chapter 15: Party
Chapter 16: Despise
Chapter 17: Ruthless
Chapter 18: Worlds Collide
Chapter 19: Pleasure
Chapter 20: Break
Chapter 21: Savage
Chapter 22: Rivalry
Chapter 24: Go Deeper
Chapter 25: Captured
Chapter 26: Escape
Chapter 27: Make A Deal
Chapter 28: Hannibal & Will
Chapter 29: That Bitch
Chapter 30: Revenge
Chapter 31: Obsessed
Chapter 32: Unhappy
Chapter 33: Powerless
Chapter 34: Untold Secrets
Chapter 35: Conflicted
Chapter 36: Welcome Home
Chapter 37: Armed & Dangerous
Chapter 38: Bout Time
Chapter 39: All Is Revealed
Chapter 40: In Too Deep
Chapter 41: Secret
Chapter 42: Gone Too Far
Chapter 43: Don't Underestimate Me
Chapter 44: Crazy Day
Chapter 45: Problems
Chapter 46: Wrong Target
Chapter 47: Devastated
Chapter 48: Madness
Chapter 49: Dirty Deeds
Chapter 50: High Alert
Chapter 51: On The Move Part One
Chapter 52: On The Move Part Two
Chapter 53: The Key
Chapter 54: Trails And Tribulations
Chapter 55: What's Next?
Chapter 56: Us
Chapter 57: Decision
Chapter 58: Never Safe
Chapter 59: What's Poppin?
Chapter 60: War

Chapter 23: Wonders

69 9 1
Queen_AngelAce tarafΔ±ndan

Storm's POV:

"You sure you have to leave?" I ask, sadly. I loaded Bailey's last suitcase into the trunk. She slammed it shut before looking at me. She smiled at me.

"Yes, I have to leave. My Dads want us to spend some time away from Lucky Springs. Don't worry, I'll be back," She says. I smiled sadly. It's best we both got away from our home life.

Everyone was sent home by the Principal Garcia. Some kids pulled a prank on the cafeteria staff but the prank went wrong and now the school has a gas leak.

We can only attend school online for now until the school has been fumigated and Principal Garcia gives the 'ok' to go back to school.

Dad has been more than pleased to have me back home. Apparently I've missed a lot of meetings he's had with vendors.

Brooklyn has been going but since I'm here now, Dad's giving her a break. I was snapped out of my head when Bailey hugged me. I hugged her tightly.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Bailey," I whisper. She squeezed me.

"I'll be back as soon as I can. Just try to stay out of trouble. At least wait til I'm back in town. After that last fight with Brittany and her jumpahoe friends, I'm a little worried about you," Bailey replies.

"I'll be fine. I can handle being jumped. And Brooklyn stopped being friends with Brittany, thank God. I really hated her," I say. She smiled.

"Ready Bailey?" Someone asks. It was one of Bailey's Dads, Roger. Bailey nodded before getting in the car. She closed the door before looking up at me smiling.

"I'll call you when I get to my hotel room, Storm," Bailey says. I waved as the car drove away. I watched as it disappeared over the horizon.

I sighed deeply before getting in my car. I drove back all the way back home. I pulled inside the gates and parked my car. I dragged myself up to the front door.

"Bad day Storm?" Someone says.

I turned to see my Dad standing by his truck. "Bailey is going out of town for awhile and now I'm sad. I don't know when she'll be back," I reply.

"You've got other friends, correct?" He states.

"Yeah but not they're not close like me and Bailey," I note.

"Well now's a chance to make that happen," He says.

"Well I can probably call Lucille and see if she can take Bailey's place just until Bailey gets back," I mutter.

"Before you do that, come with me. I want you to come with me to one of my meetings," He says. I rolled my eyes.

"Dad, I really don't want to. I don't have the energy. Bailey just left me. Can you give me some time to recuperate?" I ask.

"Get in the truck Storm," He demands. I sighed loudly before walking over and hopping in the truck.

"Brooklyn doesn't have to go?" I ask.

"Brooklyn is still reeling from the fact that her sister and ex best friend fought in the parking lot of the mall," He states, eyeing me. I rolled my eyes.

"She swung on me first, so self defense," I retort. We pulled off and drove a long ways across town into a secluded park. "I don't like the look of this," I mutter.

"That's part of the job, Storm," Dad replies. The guards stepped out and did their job. They're scanned the area of any threats before we got out.

We went inside an abandoned warehouse. There was already a man inside. Now I'm no mafia boss expert but even I could tell this guy was just a rookie.

He didn't look the mafia boss look: he looked nervous; he had his gun shown on his waist; his few guards weren't hidden. He most definitely wasn't a mafia boss very long.

Most definitely not. Dad and I walked up to the man and he stood up. His gun fell down and it fired automatically. I immediately ducked.

Dad moved in front of me. He glared at the man. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" He shouts. The man grabbed his gun.

"I'm sorry! I'm having a bad day right now. I didn't have time to get my stuff in order. I've kind of been rushing things so far," He replies.

"You couldn't just reschedule?!" I exclaim.

Remember to keep a cool head Storm. You are still a UniHybrid. Your powers could be exposed if your emotions are not in check.

I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths. "You okay?" Dad asks. I nodded. "Alright, let's get down to business," He says. The meeting went off smoothly.

Apparently the guy hadn't been a mafia boss for long. He's been one for three months so far. His father passed it on to him after he retired but this isn't what he wants.

He wants to be a baker but his father says no. So now he is secretly passing the mafia gang on without his father knowing. "And sign here," Dad says.

The man signed every lined Dad pointed at. "Thank God. Now I can do whatever I want without having to worry about a bounty being put on my head," The guy says.

"Exactly. You won't have to worry about that." Dad says, before snapping his fingers. A guard aimed his gun at the man's head and shot him.

I jumped back in my seat. It was a few seconds before I spoke. "Dad..." I say, before looking down.

He jumped over to me. "ARE YOU HURT?!" He cries.

"No! There's blood on my new jacket," I say. He stared at me. "Bailey got it for me," I add, sadly. He rolled his eyes and smiled.

"I'll get you another one," He says. Then we heard footsteps coming towards us.

"I'm sorry to interrupt a tender moment Lorenzo but it's too cold to be waiting outside." A man says, as he approached us. I stood up and looked up at Dad but he didn't have a reaction.

"Sorry bout that man. Storm, go wait in the truck," Dad orders. I quietly walked out the door but not before looking back at the man. Damn he fine.

I waited in the truck for what felt like hours. Dad & the man came out and took us home. I eyed the man the whole ride home. We went inside where we found Brooklyn sitting in the living room.

"Why'd you call me Dad? I was about to go to a photoshoot," She says. I went over and sat down beside her.

"Girls, I've been meaning to introduce you to someone for a long time now and I feel like this is the perfect time," Dad began.

I looked at Brooklyn as she looked at me. "Okay," Brooklyn says, slowly.

"Girls, this is my best friend, Henry. But he goes by Grey." Dad says, as he dabbed Grey up.


"Uh, hi," I say.

"Hey," Brooklyn says.

"Girls, Grey is my best friend. We've been boys for years, ever since middle school really. He has my back just like I have his. And he needs my help now more than ever," Dad continues.

"What?" Me and Brooklyn both say.

"Look girls, some organization called Silver Essence is after me. They've basically have a bounty on my head and I've been on the run from them for years. And quite frankly, I'm tired of running. Now I can handle myself but I've heard rumors that they've upped security lately. I'm not tryna get caught lacking by getting some breakfast or something," Grey explains.

"So, what, he's gonna be staying with us for awhile?" Brooklyn asks.

"No. He has his own place. Earlier, Storm and I went to a meeting. The man I met with unwittingly signed away his mafia gang to Grey so now Grey has his own mafia gang to help protect him," Dad explains.

"So that's what happened," I mutter. Brooklyn looked at me.

"Did he have his guard shoot someone in front of you too?" She asks. I nodded. She rolled her eyes. "Dad, you are a show off," She says. Dad shrugged.

"He's always been one for a 'flare'," Grey says. Dad laughed.

"So girls welcome Grey with open arms and treat him like an uncle. You're gonna be seeing a lot of him from now on," He says. I nodded.

"Okay. Well can I just say, I love your hair!" Brooklyn says, standing up. Grey ran his fingers through his long, luscious hair.

"Thank you," He says. He looked at me. "You seem sad, Storm," He observes.

"Her best friend just left town," Dad notes.

"Bailey's gone?" Brooklyn asks. I nodded.

"So now I have to go get close with Lucille. Not complaining about it but we kind of—" I was cut off by Brooklyn's phone.

"Oop! Got a photoshoot!" She squeals.

"Come on Grey. Your new mafia awaits across town. I'll take you. Let's go get your suitcases," Dad says. I rolled my eyes. So fuck me huh? "You'll be all right by yourself, Storm?" Dad asks.

"Yeah. I'll go out and get something to eat," I say. I stood up and walked out. I got in my car and drove around town. I pulled up to a café and walked inside.

I bathed in the warm air. I sat at the counter and ordered a hot chocolate. I heard singing behind me so I turned around and to my surprise, it was some people singing.

Turns out I wandered into a karaoke bar. I looked up and I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw Cain on stage singing with a girl. I felt a strong sting of jealousy.

Everyone clapped as they finished the song. I clapped a little louder than everyone else, catching Cain's attention.

He walked over to me with a frown on his face. "Hey," I say.

"Hey. Haven't seen you around lately," He notes. Looking down at my hands, I struggled to come up with an excuse.

"Yeah I've been down in the dumps," I say.

"Really? You seem to have a lot of energy lately," He says.

"What makes you say that?" I ask, curiously.

"That fight outside the mall?" He replies. I stared at him. "My cousin is dating one of Brittany's friends. You got some mean hands," He says.

I gave a half smile. "Thanks," I mutter. I turned around and grabbed my hot chocolate. Cain sat down in the seat beside me.

"What's up with you?" He questions. I sighed deeply.

"Bailey left town today and I don't know when she'll be back," I say.

"Ah. So your number one friend is gone and now you have to hang out with someone else?" He guesses. I looked at him.

"I don't want it to seem mean but yeah, that's pretty much it," I say. He nodded. "I'm looking to hang out with Lucille. I really like spending time with her," I add.

He scoffs. "Lately she's been wrapped around Cyrus's waist. Every time I see him, she's not far behind," He says. I couldn't help but notice the jealousy in his tone.

"And you feel a way about it?" I guess. He looked at me. He leaned towards me. I thought he was gonna kiss me but instead, he grabbed my hot chocolate and drunk it.

"I'm over Lucille. I hope she's happy with someone who is with her for her heart and not her pussy," He says.

"Well damn," I say. He's not wrong. The mind can want wonders from someone if it knows it can benefit from it.

"You know it's true Storm. We both know that's all Cyrus wants from a woman: pussy. Never her heart," He adds.

I reached out to touch his hand but then I retracted mine. "Well I guess Cyrus will never be happy if he's only chasing coochie," I say. He looked at me and smiled.

Then he turned his head around. I followed his gaze to see a girl enter the door. I watched as she approached the bar. "Two shots of vodka with cranberry sprite," She says.

Then she walked away. I looked back at Cain. He was still staring at her. "What, you know her?" I ask, curiously.

"Who doesn't know her? Oh yeah, you. I forgot you're American. That's Giselle. She has such a beautiful and angelic singing voice. She's even studied under Beyoncé a few times. And she bad as hell; I'd get with her if she wasn't a magic," He explains.

I looked at him. "You do know I'm a magic, right?" I say.

"My bad. But she's a TriLing. So cool," He says.

"What's a TriLing?" I question. He stared at me.

"You're a magical being but you don't know what a TriLing is?" He says. I shrugged. "A TriLing is a magical being that three supernatural beings in one. For example: a mermaid, vampire, witch. Combined into one. Now the Mutant Council and Magic Council warned everyone of these guys. Hybrids are dangerous enough. But a TriLing? Forget about it. You never piss off a TriLing. They are powerful...not as a powerful as a UniHybrid but powerful and strong," He explains.

I looked back at the girl as she sung on stage. She finished the last line, resulting in an applause from the audience. She approached the bar & downed her two shots of vodka.

I looked back at Cain. I leaned towards him. "Do you like her?" I ask, quietly. He stared at me.

"I had a small crush on her but now she and I are just singing buddies," He says. I nodded before turning around.

"Hey! I'm Storm!" I exclaim. The girl looked up at me. I held my hand out. "I'm Storm and before you say anything, yes that's my real name. You were amazing on that stage," I add.

She eyed my hand before shaking it. "Hey, I'm Giselle. But you can call me GiGi," She says.

^Giselle (GiGi)

"Wow. How long have you been singing?" I ask, curiously.

"Since I was four," She replies, distantly. I could tell she wasn't interested in talking to me. But I wasn't either.

"Really? Four years old?" I ask. She nodded. "Well you did amazing but sounded a little flat at times. Maybe take a few more lessons," I say. She snapped her head up at me. I stood up and looked at Cain. He stared at me with his mouth gaped. "Go ahead and talk to your singing crush Cain. She's all yours," I say.

I slowly walked out the door and headed for my car. I heard the door behind me open. "Hey!" Giselle calls. I turned around and saw her glaring at me.

"Yes?" I say, nonchalantly.

"Who the hell do you think you are?! I've been singing since I was four years old!! I've taken lessons and those lessons helped me get to where I am now! I don't need them anymore because I've mastered my voice—" I cut her off by holding up my hand.

"Clearly not because you're still yammering." I say, rolling my eyes. She stared at me. "Look sweetheart, I was just stating my opinion. That boy I was just talking to in there really likes you. Why don't you go talk to him?" I say.

I turned around to leave but she grabbed my arm harshly and turned me around. I must admit her grip was strong and tight. Cain wasn't wrong.

You don't mess with a TriLing. They're very strong and powerful. So am I Riley. Storm, don't fight her, not here anyway.

"I'm aware Cain has a crush on me but I'm not interested in him! And if your opinion on something is negative or isn't helpful, maybe keep it to yourself!" She yells.

"Or what?" I ask, crossing my arms and getting in her face. She got closer to me. We glared at each other.

"You don't want me as your enemy....Storm," She says.

"Same....Giselle," I reply.

"I said, call me GiGi," She says. I shrugged.

"I'll call you what I please," I say. Cain came running over.

"Ladies, can we calm down please? Cops are right across the street," He says. We both ignored him. GiGi and I never broke eye contact as Cain grabbed my arm and pulled me away. He put me in my car and drove away. "What the fuck was that Storm?! You just put me on the spot!!" He yells.

I rolled my eyes. "I was just tryna help you out," I mutter.

"But why would you do that?!" He yells. He pulled into the park and looked at me. I crossed my arms.

"If you think we're gonna have sex, you're dead wrong," I say, nonchalantly.

"I don't want to have sex Storm! Why the fuck would you do that?! You just pissed off a TriLing, after I explicitly told you why you shouldn't do that!" He says.

I rolled my eyes and sighed in frustration. "Cain, I'm not scared of her or no other fucking TriLing," I reply.

"You really are reckless and don't give a fuck about the consequences of your actions," He retorts.

"And don't," I reply. We glared at each other. Then he scoffs.

"I knew I should've slept with Lucille," He mutters. I grabbed his shirt and slapped him. I punched him, causing him to throw me into the back seat.

That was the beginning of angry sex. The best kind of sex. He laid on my chest as I played in his hair. "Did you really mean that Cain? What you said about Lucille?" I ask.

He sat up and looked at me. "Of course not. I just said it to hurt you. But why would you set me up with Giselle?" He asks. I sighed.

"After what you said about her and how you boasted about her, I figured you liked her more than me. So I tried to play matchmaker...obviously I'm bad at it," I say, sheepishly.

He laughed. "Like I said before, I had a small crush on her. Keyword: had. Giselle is just my singing partner. We never did anything. She's made it clear we're just friends and I'm okay with that," He explains.

I kissed him. We got dressed and I took him home. I went back home to find Dad pacing back and forth. "Dad? What's up?" I ask, curiously.

He looked at me and sighed in relief. "Don't ever stay out that long again!" He says, as he hugged me. I just stood there in confusion.

"Dad, I just went out for a bit," I say.

"Storm, you left around two. It's eight o clock," He states. I looked down at my phone.

"Sorry. I lost track of time," I say, sheepishly.

"Well come on and eat. I made your favorite: lasagna with corn on the cob, garlic bread and a salad," Dad says. As soon as he said that, my stomach growled.

I ate my dinner then headed upstairs to my room. Brooklyn entered my room just as I got finished getting dressed for bed. "What?" I ask.

She entered my room and closed my door. "Storm, who else do you fuck besides Cyrus?" She questions.

"What?" I ask.

"Storm, I'm not stupid, okay? Anyone can tell you and Cyrus be fucking. But you also have a thing for someone else. Who is it?" She says.

"Why you say that?" I question. She held up her phone and my eyes widened. Giselle DM'd Brooklyn a pic of me and Cain in my car.

"Oh that bitch!" I growl.

"So who is it?! Because GiGi threatening to leak this!" She hisses.

"So you know her?" I ask.

"Yes! Anyone who is anyone knows GiGi. Now answer my question. Who else are you talking to?!" She says.

"Brooklyn please leave it alone," I say.

"Fine! I'll just go find Cyrus and show him. Maybe he can tell me who this is," She threatens.

"DONT!!" I cry. She stared at me. I sighed in defeat. "His name is Cain. He goes to my school and please don't tell Cyrus. Him and Cain hate each other. They can't even be in the same room with each other without there being a fight," I explain.

"Storm, leave him alone. If GiGi has something against you, trust me, she won't hesitate to use it. She has powerful connections Storm! You don't want to mess with her," Brooklyn rants.

"Like I said, I'm not scared of her. If she wants beef, she got it. She got into it with me tonight and now she mad that I stood up to her. Guess she ain't used to bitches who bites back," I snap.

"You're making a mistake Storm. Don't say I didn't warn you," She says, lowly. She stormed out the door. I rolled my eyes and got on my phone.

I scrolled through Instagram and found Giselle's page. I scrolled through and saw many pictures of her with famous celebrities, including Beyoncé.

Wow. Cain was right. She met Beyoncé. Jealous? Very. Scrolling through the Instagram, I couldn't help but notice there were a lot of pics of GiGi and Brooklyn.

Most of them in exotic places. Seems like they're good friends. Could possibly be best friends now that Brittany is out of the picture.

It is a possibility Riley. But the question is: is Brooklyn really setting me up against her? I put my phone down and snuck into Brooklyn's room.

She was filming a TikTok so I left. I went back to my room and sat down. I DM'd Giselle on Instagram & told her to meet me in the park if she has a problem.

Less than a minute later she responded and said she'll be there in ten minutes. I quickly put on my shoes and headed out the door.

I went downstairs only to be met with Dad. "Going somewhere Storm?" He asks. He sat in his chair, slowly stirring a cup of tea. I froze and held my breath.

"I-I-I," I stammered. He simply stared at me.

"Storm, where are you going so late at night?" He questions.

"To meet someone," I answer. Yeah that doesn't sound suspicious at all. Shut up Riley! "I mean she and I agreed to meet tonight but I didn't...think...you'd still be awake," I add, nervously.

He stood up and stalked towards me, so I backed up into the wall. "Storm, you're not going anywhere tonight. At least, not by yourself. Brooklyn told me what happened. Now, I know who Giselle is. I know she has powerful connections and I know who her connections are. So you're not going by yourself," He explains.

I nodded. He grabbed his keys and we headed out the door. Dad drove us down to the park and parked in the shadows. Guards stood by in case something goes wrong.

A few minutes later, a car pulls up with three cars behind it. "I'm guessing that's her," I say, softly. As I unbuckled my seatbelt, Dad grabbed my arm.

"Still have that gun I gave you?" He asks.

"I left it at the house," I answer, sheepishly. He pulled out another gun and placed it in my hands.

"Storm, please always carry a gun with you. You never know when you'll need it. Better to have it and not need it than to need it but not have it," He notes.

I nodded. He made me put on a bulletproof vest underneath my hoodie. I hopped out the truck and walked into the lights. Giselle did the same.

She stepped out from the shadows and made her presence known. "So...What do you want?" She asks, crossing her arms. We walked towards each other.

"Look, I don't want beef with a bitch I don't know but it seems you want a problem. So if you want to fight, we can do it here," I say. She was taken aback.

"You want to fight me?" She asks. I nodded. "Well I don't want to fight," She says.

"Why not? You have some pics of me with Cain and told Brooklyn you threatened to release them. That sounds like you wanna fight so what's up?" I say.

She chuckles. "Storm, I highly doubt you'd win in a fight with me. Despite what you see, I'm stronger than you think," She says. I got closer to her.

"So am I," I reply, lowly. She smirked at me.

"Storm, I'm not stupid. I swing on you and I get shot," She observes.

"Same goes for me but I'm willing to take that risk," I say. She stared at me, looking me up and down. The way she was eyeing me, it was like she was examining me. "What the fuck are you looking at?" I ask, irritably.

"Storm, why don't you come out with me to Brooklyn's photoshoot tomorrow? I'd really hate to lose a good friend like Brooklyn because her sister doesn't have good people skills," She says.

Oooh bitch! She not wrong. Riley!! Don't Riley me. You know it's true. I scoff. "I invited you out here to fight and you want to reschedule it for tomorrow?" I say.

She shrugs. "It's up to you, dude. Be a real bitch or be a pussy." She says, before turning around and walking away.

I walked over to the truck and hopped in. "Well?" Dad says.

"She wants to talk to me tomorrow at Brooklyn's photoshoot," I answer.

"For what?" He asks. I shrug. He took us home but not before circling around town just to make sure we weren't followed. The next day, I went with Brooklyn to her photoshoot.

I didn't tell her what went down last night, mostly because she knew I'd make a scene and she'll try talk to me out of fighting. I get that she's just being a big sister but I want her to let me handle things my way.

We entered a building and was immediately bombarded by staff who quickly moved Brooklyn into a dressing room. Brooklyn quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me along with her.

I sat in the chair while she got all dolled up for her shoots. I sat behind the camera and played on my phone while the photographer took pics of Brooklyn.

She got in different poses in between camera shutters. I must admit: I was surprised at how quickly she switched positions and angles in seconds for the next pic.

Then again, she's been doing this for years. Just as we were finishing up her set, Giselle walked in. "Sorry I'm late." She says, as she sat her bag down.

"We have meetings for a reason Giselle. Don't let it happen again," The director says, glaring at her. She smiled at him.

"My bad," She says. Then she looked at me. I simply stared at her before rolling my eyes and turning my attention back to my phone. Brooklyn walked over to me.

"Hey GiGi. You've met my sister Storm, right?" She says.

"I have. And I would like to talk to Storm. A little one on one conversation, woman to woman," Giselle says. I didn't say anything nor did I look up at her.

Brooklyn nudged me. I didn't move. "She'll do it, AFTER the shoot. We're a little pressed for time since you're late," Brooklyn says. Giselle nodded.

It was about three hours before they were finished. I was standing by the food table looking around. I didn't see anything appetizing.

"See anything you like Storm?" The director asks.

"Hell no. This all looks gross," I reply, without thinking. Brooklyn pushed me and glared at me.

"Would you rather be eating something more your taste? Like pig's feet?" The director suggests. I glared at him.

"Ew no. Not all black people like that. For instance: neck bones and rice, hog maws, cow foot, chicken neck, man don't nobody want any of that slavery food," I retort. "I rather eat grass clippings," I add.

Giselle laughed hard. Everyone looked at her. She tried to contain her laughter but ended up laughing harder. Brooklyn glared at me. "I can't take you nowhere," She mutters.

Giselle stood in front of me. "Can we talk now?" She asks.

"Sure. I'm sure Brooklyn is gonna take an hour to get ready to leave just she did last time," I say loudly, looking at her.

"I was looking for my purse last time!!" She retorts loudly. Giselle laughed while shaking her head.

"You're funny," She states. I shrug.

"I just say what everyone's thinking and everyone just thinks I'm funny but thanks. So you ready to fight Giselle?" I say. She looked me up and down.

"Please call me GiGi. And look Storm, I really like you. You seem cool; you're funny; and you're the first person to actually step to me and not show any signs of fear. I've heard a lot about you. I'm sure you've heard by now that I've got connections. I know your father is the leader of the most powerful mafia gang in all of Ireland," She begins.

"So what? Don't tell me you're a bitch and scared of me now?" I say. She tilted her head as if she was looking for something. I did the same. That must've scared her because she jumped. "The hell wrong with you?!" I exclaim.

"You're not normal," She whispers. I shook my head in confusion. "Storm, can we talk somewhere else private? Please?" She asks.

"No need to. I know what you are...TriLing," I whisper. She stared at me. "Cain told me. I know he's a mutant and he said he would date you if you weren't a magic," I add.

She nodded. "Yeah. But you don't know what kind of magic I am, do you?" She asks. I shook my head no. "I'm part demon, part witch, and part vampire," She explains. I nodded. "So what about you?" She asks.

"Just a normal magical being," I lie.

"You're lying. I've been in many casinos and seen too many shit to know when someone's lying or bluffing," She says.

"I wanna tell you because you're a TriLing," I say. She suddenly grabbed my hand. Suddenly, a green aura flowed away from my hand briefly before something shocked her. "What was that?" I question.

"I used a spell. You're a UniHybrid. That really hurt." She exclaims, as she winced in pain. She examined her hand as it healed itself.

"You're not mad that I'm a UniHybrid?" I ask, curiously. GiGi looked at me. I honestly expected her to be pissed that I'm a UniHybrid but she wasn't.

It wasn't hatred in her eyes; more like curiosity. "Of course not. I'm a TriLing. I know how hard it to keep myself under control but a UniHybrid? Forget it. I'd blow my own brains out. That's too much responsibility," GiGi says.

I heard Brooklyn's approaching so I quieted down GiGi. Brooklyn was surprised we were getting along. GiGi was too. I didn't know how I felt about GiGi.

She was just another magical being just like me. But it's good having someone else know I'm a UniHybrid and someone understand what it's like having to constantly keep myself in control.

I looked over at GiGi as she and Brooklyn looked over the pictures and chose which pics they wanted. Maybe she ain't so bad....for now anyway.


Author's Note:

Remember to Vote, Comment, and Share! 🩵💚

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164K 8.2K 67
Book 3 of the Regal Eclipse Series This book contains spoilers for Book 1 - Alpha King's Missing Mate and Book 2 - The Alpha King's Slave After wi...
160K 4.5K 37
"Breathtakingly beautiful."he whispers against my ear. I can hear the anticipation in his voice. His lips crash up against mine, this being my first...
5.8M 31.6K 119
Clio's life hasn't been easy and she'd like to keep her secrets to herself but even when she's trying to pursue her happiness she find out her boyfri...
103K 1.8K 24
Semya Gonzalez is 21 years old working as a bartender at a strip club. It's very cliche til billionaire and mafia leader Carter Di viao shows up turn...