F1/F2/F3 Oneshots

By _anabsolutemess_

67.6K 635 63

I don't know all the drivers well enough to write about but I will try I will do ex-drivers and drivers who h... More

☁️Brad Benavides - Game Night
☁️Callum Ilott - Comfort
☁️Charles Leclerc - Holidays
☁️Clement Novalak - Date Night
☁️Clement Novalak - When the Seasons Change
💔Daniel Ricciardo - 51G
☁️Dino Beganovic - Gym Buddy
💔Dino Beganovic - Scars
☁️Frederik Vesti - Family Christmas
☁️Frederik Vesti - Mum Hugs
💔Jak Crawford - Who's Fault
💔Kimi Antonelli - Friends?
💔Lando Norris - Panic Attacks
💔Lando Norris - Depression
☁️Lando Norris - Dad Duties
☁️Lando Norris - Uncle LaLa
☁️Lando Norris - Chefs
💔Lewis Hamilton - Sensory Overload
💔/☁️Liam Lawson - Simulator Injuries
💔Liam Lawson - Beaten
☁️Marcus Armstrong - Papa's Favourite
💔Max Verstappen - Independent
☁️/💔Mick Schumacher - Crash
💔Nick Cassidy - Losses
💔Nyck De Vries - Under Pressure
☁️Ollie Bearman - Tired
☁️Ollie Bearman - Playmate
💔Pierre Gasly - Nightmares
☁️Ralf Aron - Adopted
☁️Ralf Aron - Disruption
☁️Ralf Aron - Trophy Wife
☁️Robert Schwartzman - Fun and Games

💔Jack Doohan - Hurt

1.5K 13 2
By _anabsolutemess_

Words 1040


You and your boyfriend, Jack were back in his hometown on the coast and decided to go for a surf. Hopping into the car, surfboards in the back, you turn up the music and head towards the beach. The swell was high but you were confident that you'd manage. You used to love going surfing before school and now you and Jack would have great days on the waves together quite often.

You got out of the car and helped each other into the terribly tight wetsuits before running down to the water and diving in with your boards. You paddled further and further from the shore until the waves began to settle past the breaks. The winds were still high but you still felt the swell was manageable. You caught a wave and rode it really far in, pulling off some impressive tricks, Jack following suit soon after. 

Deciding to make it a bit for fun, you made a little competition of who could do the most difficult tricks before you called it a day. Pulling off a perfectly executed first wave, you let Jack to respond, "Hah, try beat that, Doohan!" you tease. Not one to be beaten in anything, he responds, "Don't you worry baby, I will!" after one spin, he went for another but drastically misjudged the size of the wave and got slammed into the water, his body plummeting to the shallow reef below him.

Horrified, you paddled over, gently bringing his body to your board. "Fuck, fuck, fuck" he mumbles, drifting in and out of consciousness. Knowing this swell was no place to lose consciousness, you drag him the short distance to the shore. "Just a bit longer, babe. Stay awake for me. I've got you." You say over his sounds of intense pain. "My, m-my shoulder. Holy shit. It's out of it's socket. I can, I can feel it." He spits out between ragged breaths. 

When you reach the shore, you carry him on your board like a stretcher, and lay him on to the soft sand, well away from the water. "Talk to me Jack, what hurts?" say ask as you sit down next to his shaking body. "My shoulder, dislocated, on the, rock." He says between gritted teeth long breaks of gasping between each word. Someone sees the commotion, calling an ambulance for you. You only need to keep him awake until the paramedics show up, but it looks like that might be a difficult task. Just by looking at the shoulder and how it's pushing on the tight wetsuit, you know that he's correct, that is not the way shoulders should look. You grip his good hand and let him squeeze it as hard as he needs. Tears pour from his eyes and sobs wrack his ribs but he refuses to let out a sound to scare you. "Almost there, almost there. The paramedics will give you some painkillers and fix you up. I just need you to hold on for a little bit longer, ok?" You press a kiss to his furrowed brow as his pained body writhes on the sand.

Just when you think that Jack is going to fully pass out, the sirens are heard in the distance and paramedics come running towards you. "Hi, I'm Jessica. What's happened here?" She queries as her partner starts examining your injured boyfriend. "He got dumped into the reef and he's dislocated his shoulder I think." You reply, your composure slightly slipping away as you try to explain, it all starting to feel real. They hand him the green whistle and he begins to settle down, the pain subsiding. He gets rolled onto a stretcher and they lift him up the beach and into the ambulance.

You get into the back and hold his hand, trying to keep out of the way to let the professional look after him while also keeping him calm. His grip on you hand is weak but consistent, meaning he was fully conscious but very drowsy. He was murmuring to you but you couldn't understand a word he was saying. You tried to talk him down as you drew closer and closer to the hospital. 

They took him into the operating theatre to put the shoulder back into place and to make sure that the shoulder didn't move anything else like muscle or nerves. You were taken to the room where he would return to after the surgery and left to tell his family what happened. His dad agreed to go pick up the boards from the beach and to bring some clothes for you to change into since the damp wetsuit was certainly not your prefered outfit.

Before long, an unconscious Jack is returned to the room with a few bits of metal in this shoulder, as you are told how to look after him while he recovers. You hold his hand and wait around for him to wake up. 

When he finally comes around, you are sitting next to his bed, one hand on his good arm and the other softly playing with his hair. He smiles at you, his eyes barely open with only a skerrick of the pain his was in before still lingering in his eyes. "Hello again baby." you whisper. "Hello to you too, beautiful." He responds, voice rough from the breathing tube in the surgery that scratched his throat. "How are you feeling." He doesn't make any effort to move at all but responds with, "Well I didn't drown and I can semi remember what happened so I think all things considered, I'm a lot better than I could have been. Thank you for saving me out there, I don't know what I would have done without you." He says softly, seemingly quite calm about the events of the day. "It's my humble duty." You smile. Noticing how heavy his eyelids are, you tell him to get some more sleep. 

"I'll be here when you wake up, and your parents might be as well. I'll wake you up if you have visitors ok?" He nods.

"I love you"

"I love you too" and with a kiss on the cheek, he's straight back to sleep.



Taa daa, two days in a row with updates, omg! she's actually writing!

Don't get used to it, I should be studying for science but screw that. Anyways I hope you liked some more hospital stuff (There seems to be a bit of this going on but oh well). I'm still doing requests and hopefully putting out some stuff that you lads will enjoy but in the meantime...

Look after yourselves, stay hydrated, I love you sm :)

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