In the End

By Kyndal_Miethke

743 80 38

Hazel, a regular 14 year old girl has a great life. But suddenly things change. How will she handle these new... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chaper 18

14 3 1
By Kyndal_Miethke

Evan's POV

I've been hearing things throughout school saying that everybody hates Hazel because she's sick and she gets all the attention all of the time. Chelsea doesn't even talk to her anymore. She's always off with her new friends and the worst part about it is that Hazel doesn't even know.

I wish I could mask it for her but eventually she will have to find out. I go to my friend for help. He is probably one of the most mature 14 year olds you will ever meet. His name is Allen and in his free time he studies phycology and that therapy stuff but yet he is still a jock. He plays basketball and football but gets amazing grades.

"Hey um Allen, I kind of need some help with some thing, uh do you think you could help?" I plead. "Yea sure what is it? As long as you promise to play a 1 on 1 after school today, of basketball just in case I didn't make that clear." He replies. "Ha ha ha fine. Well you see, uh" suddenly I'm at a loss of words "everybody in the school is gossiping about Hazel and nobody talks to her and the all make fun of her behind her back and you have no idea how you are going to tell her because she has no idea." He takes the words right out of my mouth. "Whoa are you a mind reader because I was thinking that but I couldn't figure out how to say it." I reply in awe. " hmmm well you have to give me sometime to think about it but I don't think you should tell her at all. She should see for herself so that she doesn't feel angry towards you since she found out from you and then she will have sad and depressing thoughts when she's around you and I'm guessing you certainly don't want that." He exclaims.

Well he can have some pretty geeky nerd moments. But on the upside it can be pretty helpful. "Okay thanks. I'll let you think but I don't know if I like your idea that much. But I guess we will just have to see." I reply causally.

I get through the day but I wasn't all that happy, 1. Hazel wasn't at school 2. I kept hearing bad stuff about Hazel 3. I got a 68 on a science. I don't think that I'm doing that well. My emotions are getting in the way of life. Is this how it is for girls because it sucks. I feel bad for them. Especially my girl.

I go to Hazel's house because she invited me over to visit her. She seemed happy today but I noticed. She didn't have that normal sparkle in her eye or the normal flow in her skin. She was alive but lifeless. She was radiant but there was darkness, only a dim light shining through her.

She fell asleep and I was looking on her computer and I found she had a tab pulled up on her computer. It was about thyroid cancer. Like symptoms, side affects, what happens when it spreads and extra stuff like that. I'm kinda happy that she's trying to become aware but yet I feel like she has devoted her life to this.

I mean it's not like she has a choice but I wish she would focus on other stuff. I pull up her music. This is the one thing about her, she has thousands of songs but listens to the exact same one for 3 weeks then moves on and forgets about that song.

I see her most played song is "lean on me" by Bill Withers. Her style has changed in the past month. That's okay because no matter what I will always love her.

When she listens to music she is happier. He has the brightest glow in her skin and a blinding twinkle in her eye. She's so perfect when she's in a good mood. I wish it was like that all the time.

I close her computer, leave her a note, kiss her forehead and quietly walk out of the room. I need to see that glow and sparkle in my girl. I need the real her back.

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