The Ones I Hate The Most

By ur_anus_

384K 7.4K 1.4K

'The front door smashes open, and I hear three sets of angry, loud footsteps penetrate the first level of the... More

the ones i hate the most
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
Chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two
chapter forty three
chapter forty four

chapter twenty nine

5.4K 120 16
By ur_anus_

Although I don't want to, I know that I have to go to school today. Elijah said that the decision was up to me, and I decided that it would be best to go. You are probably thinking something along the lines of 'why would you go to school, where your psychotic, mafia brothers attend?'

Good question. It is the same thing I have been asking myself all morning. But I thought that if they didn't suspect anything then I will be one step ahead of them. This morning, I talked to Elijah with his parents, and we have concluded that we will leave the country together, in a couple of days. Apparently, Elijah's dad- Christian, knows some people who live in Slovenia, and who owe his family a favor.

So, for today, I have to go to school and act like a scared girl, who has just found out that her brothers run a mafia, and that she will be trapped forever in their dominating grasp. Well, the first half of that sentence is correct, and the second half couldn't be more untrue.

In a couple of days, I will be gone forever. That is the thought, holding me together as Elijah's sleek red car pulls up at the school. I clutch the bag that Eli let me borrow, and take deep, slow breaths to calm myself.

I open my car door and hold Elijah's hand. Then a couple of very nice black cars pull up near us. My eyebrows crease in confusion, no one ever parks near Eli, they all think that he is scary or something. That was one of the first things I noticed about this school.

Elijah quickly rushes me away from the cars, trying to get into the school, but we are too slow since I can hear the sounds of clicking shoes, following us. Someone grabs my arm gently, forcing me to spin around, and at immense speed, Elijah has pushed me behind his back protectively, spreading his arms out, in defense. My older brother chuckles coldly at Eli's brave act.

"Drop it, Jones. Give us our sister, and we won't make a scene." Marco's voice is menacing, and Xavier and Xander stand behind him.

So do five other people. Who are they? They even look like me... This isn't read. My monster of a father invited the rest of the Romano family over. These are the cousins who are still in school. That means that my grandparents are currently at the house.

No. I don't want to see them! I can't. They are all bad people for supporting such a dangerous and unforgiving cause.

"I am not going to give her to you. Beat me up if you fucking want to, but Ami has the right to decide whether or not she wants to go with you. So back off." Elijah's statement is strong, considering that he is talking to eight boys who are older than him.

"Don't give her nicknames, you pathetic boy. I'm sure that you don't even understand the definition of your family business. I can assure you that when Ami finds out who you are, she will be running back to us with open arms," one of my cousins says, his deep voice being very masculine.

His family business? Running back with open arms? Nah, I think that I will stay with Eli. He is not a monster like my family is.

"Cutie, I want you to go get the teachers, okay?" Elijah's voice is hot on my ear, and I feel like complying, but I know, that if I leave, then he will allow himself to get beaten up.

So I do the only thing I can think of. Launching myself into Eli's arms, I wrap my small hands around his neck. This takes him off guard, and he stumbles back, a couple of steps before regaining his posture.

"I am not letting you get hurt again," I whisper back to Elijah, securing my feet at the back of his waist.

"Succhiare il miele, please come home, our family isn't complete without you." Xavier's soft voice makes its way to my ears, and I feel like I am under his spell, before I remember the man he killed. The dead body is still inside my mind. Honey suckle.

"Well, you lived without me for ten years, I am sure that you will be fine. Besides, think about all of those families you killed, whose homes are now incomplete. That's your fault, not mine." I am surprised by my response because I am usually a very soft spoken person, but this is a topic that I feel strongly about.

I hear a huff, and the small shuffling of feet, and presume that Xavier has resumed his spot behind Marco.

"You just wait, principessa, we will have you back, and when we do, there will be no more running off." Marco's words hurt my head, and I refuse to listen to his confusing statement. Princess.

I wait until their footsteps disappear, before jumping off of Elijah. I grace him with a small comforting smile, and he returns it, as we walk to our first classes.

By the time lunch comes by, I just want to go home, before remembering that technically I don't have a home. I mean, yes. Mr. and Mrs. Jones were kind enough to let me stay in their house, (and in a few days we will be moving anyway), but I want a place where I can sit on the sofa after school, and complain to my mother about boy problems and how I got a C on my maths test.

But I can't do that, because one, my mother is living with my crazy father, and I don't want to be anywhere near her. Two, if I complained about boy problems to my 'brothers,' then the boy would probably be dead, and if I did it at the Jones' house, they might figure out that I was referring to their son, as my crush. Finally, if I told my 'family' that I got a C for maths, then they would probably lock me up in their house. Wait, no. If I ever went back to the Romano estate, they would lock me inside, anyway.


Lunch was scary because Elijah, Theo, and I were trying to avoid my brothers and cousins. We spent most of the time in the school's library, but eventually, they came looking for us, there. It was a terrifying experience, to say the least. If I was any older, I probably would have suffered a heart attack. But luckily for us, we didn't get caught.

In my class after lunch, Elijah and I situated our books down on one of the back desks, since three of my cousins and Xander were seated towards the front. I scowled at them the entire lesson until the intercom broke up my one way staring competition.

"Miss. Romano, please report to the principal's office."

My entire body went rigid, as everyone directed their gaze toward me. Elijah and I locked eyes, both knowing what was about to happen. At first, I don't stand up, but with a gentle nudge from Eli, I force myself to hesitantly get up from my seat.

From the front of the class, a smirking Xander, as well as my three cousins join me, much to my distaste. They follow behind me, on my walk to the principal's office. After ten minutes of walking, I stop, realizing that I have passed the same block of toilets four times, already. Of course, I am fucking lost.

"Did you forget the way there, neonata?" I expected Xander's voice to be said in a mocking tone, or a cocky one, but his voice comes out gentle as if he wants me to answer. Baby girl.

I am ashamed that I forgot the way there, but I have too much pride to admit that he is right, so instead of responding, I just keep walking, but now, in the opposite direction. Finally, after another twenty three and a half minutes, I come to a door that says Principal in large, gold writing. I am proud to say, that I found this door, all by myself.

Instead of knocking, as a normal, civilized person would, one of my cousins slammed the door open, alerting everyone inside to our presence. I am not surprised in the least when I see my father, Alex, Alec, Xavier, the two of my school aged cousins, as well as an old man, who I would presume is my grandfather.

The principal also stands there, looking more than terrified. Although his face remains blank, his eyes appear to be full of fear.

"Cosa ti ha fatto perdere così tanto tempo?" My father snaps. But when his cold eyes fall on me, they soften. What took you so long?

"Qualcuno ha deciso di guidarci nella direzione sbagliata e abbiamo camminato in tondo per dieci fottuti minuti, prima che capisse che non stavamo andando da nessuna parte." Xander bluntly blames me, and I can't help the scoff that leaves my mouth. Someone decided to lead us in the wrong direction, and we walked in circles for ten fucking minutes, before she figured out that we were getting no where.

"Avevi qualcosa da aggiungere, Amity? Per favore, sentiti libero di condividere." My grandfather says, sounding frustrated already, even though we have just started. Did you have something you wanted to add, Amity? Please, feel free to share.

"Actually yes, I do. Firstly, why am I here? I haven't done anything wrong, and secondly, why are you talking in Italian, I thought that we all spoke English?" The tone of my voice comes out as bored and uninterested.

"Sei stato lontano da casa per una notte e hai già perso ogni forma di rispetto. Per rispondere alla tua domanda, sei qui per discutere diversi motivi legali. In Italia è considerato illegale scappare dalla propria famiglia e cercare di farsi adottare temporaneamente da un'altra famiglia. Parliamo in italiano perché è la lingua della nostra famiglia, ed è un modo per rendere omaggio e dimostrare che siamo nobili. Ci aspettiamo che parli in italiano mentre sei in pubblico, a meno che non ti rivolgi alla tua famiglia." I snort at my grandfather's words, which I am sure he considers rude. You have been away from your home for one night, and already, you have lost all forms of respect. To answer your question, you are here to discuss different legal reasons. In Italy, it is considered illegal to run away from your family, and try to get another family to temporarily adopt you. We speak in Italian since it is our family's language, and is a way of paying respect, and demonstrating that we are noble. We expect you to speak in Italian whilst in public unless you are addressing your family.

"My family's native language is German, thank you very much, and I can currently not speak that language." I pass him a dazzling smile.

"Che ne dici di parlare solo attraverso le proposte legali." The principle says, looking back and forth. How about we just talk through the legal propositions.

Everyone obliges silently, and sits down, making me the only one still standing.

Let us talk shit, 'family,' then we will see who is talking...

A/N: Hey guys!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 7.5K, it means the world to me. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, if you did, please remember to vote, comment, and keep reading when I upload again tomorrow. I love you all!!! Bye for now <<<<<<<<3333

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