By Blackmermaid44

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Mystery.......That's what she is She can be light in darkness....also can be demolisher of every elation... More



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By Blackmermaid44

Guru dronacharya with mahamahim watches the battle and that Brahmin father's heart were beating madly...he holds bheeshma for support seeing his only son fighting with Arjun who is unsuppressable by anyone....

Bheeshmacharya says in a matter of fact tone, " Your fear is irrelevant!! Look the grace of your son....they both not gonna win each other!!! "

Still that Brahmin sobs, " I should be there in side of my son!! I have to......."

Bheeshma were expressionless....the sudden launch of war were unexpected. His kids fighting with udaysena.....a kingdom whose valor is hidden yet all know they are unbeatable. Their fortunate only a kid is there to represent them yet the strength of their army have swallowed half of the army of pandavas within one day........he would have helped pandavas but suyodhan favors the other party....all he could do is stay silent and watch the mess......

Even Arjun couldn't do anything....drauni showed what are of him is capable of......and that kid....he is can he battle like this at such an young age.....he is a baby who still need his mother's love and father's care....but here this boy being hero among millions.....

How his grandnephews struggling with this kid only...... Udaipur won't risk their prestige on this boy......even if Arjun defeats hridyanshu by any means.....udaysena will be hosted by it's true reign holders....also there a chance of this boy  belonging to the royals of if anything happens to this kid it will be like buying their enemity.....if Senapati harsh get involve in this battle then the end is predictable......

As he heard from his mother the empress is master of illusion...she may make his hastinpur a barren land and turns his family into ashes....who can stop this chaos???

As if reading his thoughts bharadwaj putr says, " He....only he can...."

Bheeshma raises his eyebrows which made the other one say, " The one for whom this battle happening!!! "

Bheeshma helplessly looks drona....that is one another thing...why  Udaipur even began a battle for karna?? Everything is complicated....even mother not revealing much and the one who know everything seems like disappeared..... Sreekrishna......

Drona insists, " Mahamahim we have to do something.....I should participate by my son's side!!! "

Breaking their convo of war the sound of hoof from far heard and they shifted their gaze to an approaching horse which rode by a terribly handsome man with well built body and radiant face with silver complexed skin....

Both the aged men were in a awe on finding one another man with godly features.....only Sreekrishna and karna could stand with him in terms of looks and maybe in war doubt he is a sculpted warrior......

That smirk in his face somehow made them remind of the audacity displayed by powerful people. Jumping down from his horse he took heavy strodes towards those two elderly warriors..... without minding to greet them he introduces himself,

" Harsh!!! "

The name itself were enough for them to understand who it is....the famous unbeatable warrior from Udaipur. When kuruvanshis fought for throne......this man served the throne along with his sister.....nightmare of asurs...... Prince from that peculiar premise......

Both bheeshma and drona were unsure of what to say. That youth infront of them didn't cared to greet them. Yet he is from powerful place and himself a undefeatable warrior with dominant aura.

Harsh spoke up in a very calm formal tone, " Gangeyaa!!! "

Bheeshma instantly looks at him and harsh declares,

" The war charged by Udaysena!! None of the kuruvanshis are allowed to partake...This war is ours!!

The war between pandavas and kauravas are no more....

And Hriday is my soul....a scratch on him...I will burn down the entire world!! "

Bheeshma's eyes were out of socket and drona's state were nothing the situation turned upside down... Udaipur..... truly a mystery....
Their interference is intentional...they offering army and now taking over the war....a true conspiracy......

However the elder people became numb at the hardened gaze and aura of king of a man infront of them. Harsh states as if it is an order,

" Gangeyaa!! Let that elder brat of Dritarashtra  stay away from king of Anga's shibir!!

We healed him and he is under our he is our responsibility!!

Don't dare anyone of you to cross this provision set by empress herself!! "

With that in a speed of wind he got mounted on the horse and sped it away...all they could do was look each other.....


Gandhari's son along with his hundred brothers were camped outside the tent where that one person who happens to be their true strength and deceived by Indra were resting........ Suyodhan got to knew of the news of  his mitr getting recovered from the deadly injuries by the hardship of healers from the land of mystification.....

But the thing is that now kaurva camp got taken over by them....they kinda stopped dare...but what worst is he couldn't reach his mitr....all of his brothers tried...but some kind of energy making them feeble to cross the door....and he know why.... it's the empress.....

At the end all he got understood is Udaipur were offering their support was not for him or for kurus.... it's all somehow related with mitr....but how.....even mitr were strange with the kingdom ruled by a lady and fogged by Mayas......

A story is there behind all that happening around him and it is a tangled one....he have to solve the puzzle....but how?? No more he could leave it up to destiny or time......
Now meeting mitr is impossible that left him with only one option.....that trickster.....he hate to admit the fact that now only that yadava could help and save him from this dilemma.....

He will put aside the entitled ego and pride of him to get a clear picture....what he heard was that boy from Udaipur is majestic and unbeatable in a cub of lion....and arjun's yadava friend is not there to assist him....make sense cause rumors says Dwarka and Udaipur are allied......

Anyway he favors the side of udaipur.... because at the end they fighting with his enemies and this war is raged for the injustice happened to adhiratnandan.....


First day of war.....half of the pandva troops crushed by Udaysena..... Arjun's eyes were burning in rage....Guruputr too were releasing all those hate and rage he held back for this archer all these days.......
All sons of pandvas with yudhistir and twins were fighting with high stationed warriors from Udaysena...even their foot soldiers were greatly skilled.......

Bheemsen the one who incapable of holding his ire chose bow to battle with the senanayak of Udaysena..... Hridyanshu insisted him to fight with mace itself, but bheemsen reminded him of how good of a archer is vayuputr is..... That was true....The battle were not easy for karnaputr....

Yet his upper hand over the duel made all others from pandava camp weak in their knees. Bheemsen is the pillar of their Sena and a little boy......the youngest among all warriors defeating him such easily........ An arrow released from Hriday's bow pierced the armor along with the flesh of second pandava that made him scream in pain......

Followed by that another arrow exploded the chariot of vayuputr and the mighty pandava jumped to the fire born prince's chariot and fled away from that boy in spite of saving his precious life......

Yudhistir who saw this gasps and gazes the boy who in his at most anger showering arrows of fire on his very army and burning down all of them...each kill added extra glow on that boy's face and he burned like a sun in middle of battlefield....

Hridyanshu jumped on a horse and picking up a sword in his hand starts to conquer the pandavasena. Blood splashed on his way and that boy screams in extreme satisfaction....that boy were fearless in middle of soldier circle which surrounded him.  He dispersed pure horror among his enemies and that sight made yudhistir remind of certain someone.....That man with the glow and radiance of sun....His nightmare........

The roaring lion among men caught the attention of certain someone....the one who brought up by his divine uncle. Subhadranandan who born to bring glory for himself with bow in his hands rode his horse towards that boy who is obviously younger than him yet caused a calamity of death....

Hridyanshu who were roaring out his fury for the injustice happened to his father came still at the approaching challenge in form of nephew of one of the few mens he ever payed respect. Everyone noticed the duo with breaths held and army moved away from them giving space for the destruction that gonna take place......

Arjun who so indulged in countering the arrows of ashwattama noticed his dear son and his chest dwelled with proud. Yet the sight of a moment back his brother running away from this boy for life made him cautious...he became more vigorous to reach by the side of his son as soon as possible....

Five sons of panchali came in aid of their brother who happens to be family's dearest. Abhimanyu with upapandvas were gathered like a wall infront of hridyanshu to stop him from killing their allies further. That young boy smirks arrogantly at words exchanged yet all could sense the heat of competence and enemity to that boy.

Nakul's son shatanika shown the courage to go forward with his sword as hridyanshu were on his horse with a sword. But that young boy were smart enough to notice all other five princes who are all raised their weapon too behind shatanika. As shatanika reached for the head of commander of Udaysena.... grandson of sun swished the sword in a whiz along with throwing five needle knifes together to other princes and in next second summoned a bow with lightening and thunder....

Abhimanyu the only one who successfully tucked the weapon thrown to him gaped at the divine bow on that young boy's hands, green fogs were there....make sense...who gave it to him.....empress.... afterall this boy is the commander of her army. Everyone caught the sight of that bow and immediately fell afraid...this boy gonna be the end of them.

Abhimanyu watches as that cruel kid swishes his sword by splashing blood of shatanika on both of theirs face. Shatanika had a big long gash on his stomach and back....he got severely injured and before the enemy could take his live other upapandvas who also injured by the knife taken him away with the help of king of panchal and their uncle......

Now it's just Abhimanyu and Hridyanshu..... Arjun's heart were in a race and other pandavas were still in the shock of sight unfolded just a moment back.....

With divine bows in their hand....two most youngest warriors smirked each other.......They have to mark a most terrific duel on the pages of history......


Fire born lady with her mother-in-law, Dwarka princess and other co-wives entered on the shibir were one of her injured son taken..... Her dark complexion along with unpleased circumstances made her aura dim......anger flooded in her fierce eyes as she flips her long untied dark hair back and walks out from that tent....

Subhadra who followed her along with kunti says, " He will be cured!! A warrior born to endure all this..."

Yudhistir's wife devika states, " As we heard the empress herself showed up to began the battle!!

That mysterious kingdom came in light by bringing destruction to others!! They won't stop until victory is theirs!!! "

Draupadi spoke up, " Where sakha is?? He have to answer they turned our enemy?? "

Drums pealed hard to announce the visit of queen of Hastinpur....Lady of Gandhar.....princess of kuntibhoj didn't wasted an moment to rush to welcome her elder one followed by all her daughter-in-laws and grand daughter in laws. Such a visit was absolutely unexpected........


Her sorrow were reliable throughout the life and she have accepted it as a part of her. The agony drenched the blindfold and her old pale arms inquisitively ran through the hair of nakul's son. Panchalkanya blankly stared the elder woman...none dared to question her purpose of visit except welcoming her warmly.

No more the kaurva mother have to worry over her sons long live...they didn't even participating.....winning over Udaysena is hard...that too without the aid of govind is impossible. Even if they make it... waging a war again to rest of the kaurva Sena is nothing less than suicide.

That lady of golden heart was happy at first for her son and finally someone there to stand for the injustice happened with her vasusen. But the consequences costs a lot..... pandvas too are her son......their lose too burdens her heart. That's why when suyodhan requested her for a favor she agreed.

Suyodhan too not seems fond of the idea of his enemies getting defeated by someone else. He promised her that he will put an end to this and for that he needs krishna's help...she is here for him.......sreekrishna.......

Dritarashtrapatni calmly says, " The waves of unawareness of Udaipur's hamper over our life blowing on both camps.......The rift between brothers have invited destruction of lineage from third party!!

May this be the path devised by Lord himself to bring together the brothers!!! "

While all other remain silent, the agnikanya spoke, " It not seem so....First place itself they were out of their clog for aiding kaurvasena and I can understand now why kaurva disappointed.....

They prohibited from participation and sharing the pride of victory!!! Though it's clear as crystal how kauravas favor this war of destruction..... "

Gandhari's heart fell at the rigid words and other ladies exchanged glances.....kunti sharply calls,

" Draupadi!!! "

Gandhari interferes, " Kunti!! I wish to meet krishna since he staying away from the calamity by taking  in account the relation with udaipur!!! "

Everyone's face dims....draupadi's heart to ached to get the sight of her sakha....only he could enlighten everyone about the reality behind this war and udaipur..... Draupadi politely answers the elder lady,

" It's quite sad that sakha got disappeared the day war declared by leaving us unanswered......"

Princess of Gandhar became disappointed as she stood and said calmly, "  I may leave!! "

" Should I accompany to kaurava quarters??? ",

A simple offer from entrance that made all of them gasp. Gandhari smiled in disbelief as she shook her head in a yes.... Draupadi felt the weight lifted off  from her shoulders....he is here .....he is back....

Before anyone else could bombard him with questions and complaints he led the blind queen way out from pandava troops and didn't failed to give an immediate acknowledging node to others .........

Though he didn't find anything soluble for the worries....he have to be here.....her interference already stored new chapter in the book of destiny and rubbed away many later occurings...... nonetheless he have to be here for the prevention of more alterations.........

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