Hold My Hand [Seek x Figure]

By thatlittlesimp31

67.5K 1.5K 7.9K

Figure has promised Seek, that he's going to stay by his side forever. But, will he manage to keep his promis... More

[Things you need to know]
Chapter 1 [Breakdowns]
Chapter 2 [Catchy Feelings]
Chapter 3 [Forced Confess]
Chapter 4 [Snow]
Chapter 5 [The Dark]
Chapter 6 [Interesting Fact]
Chapter 7 [Unexpected]
Chapter 8 [New Friends]
Chapter 9 [Lost]
Chapter 10 [Promise]
Chapter 11 [Race Starts]
Chapter 12 [Sudden]
Chapter 13 [Make You Suffer]
Chapter 14 [Forever Together]
Chapter 15 [Curiousness]
Chapter 16 [Meeting Her]
Chapter 17 [Human]
Chapter 18 [Chase]
Chapter 19 [Bet That Costs Life]
Chapter 20 [Minus One Trouble]
Chapter 21 [Psycho]
Chapter 22 [Fixing]
Chapter 23 [Plan]
Chapter 24 [Nightmare]
Chapter 25 [A Weird Day]
Chapter 26 [Beaten Up]
Chapter 27 [Sanity]
Chapter 28 [My Love]
Chapter 29 [One Painful Fight]
Chapter 30 [Black Pages]
Reel Chapter 31 [The End]
Chapter 31 [Note]
Chapter 33 [Villain]
Chapter 34 [Love You Forever]
[Thank You]
bad news guys
sup yall once again
hello again!
this book got them like-
one night spent together:) +a question again
sum doodles:D
hear me out-
i apologise:(
their silly conversation
little bittle fights
Fig is "crying" :(

Chapter 32 [The Hidden Truth]

1.4K 29 307
By thatlittlesimp31

Figure POV:

I kept holding onto the cold railings for them to guide me, in every step I took on the just as cold stairs I felt my heart beating more and more faster. As if I was going to meet Seek for the first time again. I don't know which would be more surprising, Seek gaining his so called sanity back and us having a normal talk again after a long period of time or me not finding him in his cage? It really hurts saying "his cage". To whoever forced us get in this fucked up situation, I won't be showing mercy.

While thinking densely, I didn't even realise I was already here. Putting my ear(😀) against the door, I muttered inside, not so loud, but loud enough for Seek to hear me- if he was awake of course.




Not getting an answer again, I pushed open the metal door quietly, but it still made that annoying squealing noise. And that surprisingly woke Seek up.

"Fucking nightmares..."

Well, this had to be the first thing he said when he woke up. Okay.

I walked up to him and put my hand on the slightfully rusted poles.


Quiet. Only silence.


"No it's freaking feetgure you dumba-"

(it feels so wrong to joke right now, and it feels even more wrong taking a look at the traumatizing things that happened in recent chapters- just pretend this sentence does not exist)

"Screech got your note, shortie. Soon you'll be able to get out of here. I hope. We already started trying our best to save you."

"FIRST, YOU FUCKING LOCK ME IN HERE, THEN YOU COME AND SAY YOU'LL SAVE ME?" He banged on the poles harshly that made them shake, I pulled my hand off with reflexes. Sighing, I faced towards the ceiling and talked in a sharp tone.

"Guiding Light."


"Get out of Seek's freaking brain."

Seek burst out a nervous laughter.

"HAHAHAHA, what are you talking about Figure?!"

"Oh well! I already know uhh- so um..."

I started playing with my fingers, wondering if Guiding Light will even come. Soon, the familiar luminescence sound filled my ears, and then a body falling onto the ground.

"Gosh..." Guiding Light mumbled.

"What the hell?" I muttered. "So it is true."

"I'm so sorry Figure. I swear to god I will explain everything." Guiding Light's voice shaked. "I- I... Void is busy right now, you guys have a small matter of time, please talk quickly and get it done after I wake Seek up."

I scowled and backed away. "Void?" My confusion was pretty visible.

"U-Um... I will explain everything." From what I understood Guiding Light kneeled down in the cage and started shaking Seek. "Seek! Wake up. Come on!"

"Oww my head..."

It was quiet, I heard Seek's heartbeats increasing.

Seek POV:

Awkward. Awkwardness in the air, awkwardness in this jail. I stood up. I was tapping my foot on the ground rapidly, trying to calm myself over nothing.

Guiding Light's eyes kept going between me and Figure. And then she said just what I was planning to say.

"Well, this is awkward..."

Figure took a step forward and placed his hand on the poles with hesitation. I walked up to him and put my hand on his fingers.

Playing around with his fingers, I mumbled. "So you guys found my note, huh..?" Figure nodded slightly.

"Pretty much."

I ran my eyes over the place and didn't see anyone else than Figure and Guiding Light. "Where's Screech?"

"Um... We kind of found a book in the library when we were searching for any possible information that would help us save you. The book was pretty much only black. I mean, it's pages and cover. Screech is checking up on that book." I looked at Guiding Light. She stared at a corner blankly, and suddenly her eyes widened open.

"DID THE BOOK HAVE SPECIAL WRITINGS IN IT?" She said. Figure rubbed the back of his neck.

"Um... It probably did, according to what Screech and Eyes said."

Guiding Light looked at me and I gave her a confused look.

"That book is written by Void to trick you guys and make all of you turn against me."

"Curious Light helped us find that book... I mean it was probably her." Figure mumbled. "She was also the one that told us not to trust you."

"Oh shit. She probably witnessed one of the conversations I had with Void and got everything wrong. But I think Void was the one that 'helped' you guys find the book. The timing is just a coincidence."

"I'm so fricking lost right now..." I mumbled. Figure held my fingers tighter through the poles.

"Me, Screech and Eyes will tell her about everything. But what about the others?" Figure said.

"Um... Looks like we have more explanation to do. You guys gather them in the cafeteria, and I'll explain everything to everyone from the very beginning." Guiding Light said. "We'll run out of time, so I'll make sure to explain as soon as possible today. But we should go, Void is coming back."

"You guys can count on me." Figure crossed his arms.

"Ready, Seek?" Guiding Light turned towards me. I shrugged and stood in place.

"Well, yeah. I don't really give a shit about what's happening anymore."

The last thing I saw was darkness.

Eyes POV:

"Um... Clight?" Curious Light turned her head around and glared at me for a disturbingly long time.

"...Don't call me that." She turned her back to me and kept doing what she was busy with before I came, watering the plants in the greenhouse. "What do you want?"

"Umm... I kind of want to talk with you about something important."

"No, I won't be your girlfriend."



"Wait, that's not the reason you came here for..?"

"Obviously not!" I facepalmed. "God, sometimes you're so arrogant."

"Well then tell me what you came here for and leave?"

"Why are you suddenly like this?"

"Don't reply to my question with another question. I'll face you." She turned around to face me after putting the watering pot on the floor. "There, now we can have a proper talk."

"Okay," I crossed my arms. "going in right into the topic, I shall tell you Guiding Light is innocent, and is being controlled by another entity, or something like that. Basically a being."


"Well, not completely being controlled, but being forced to do such bad things, like making Seek choke Dupe."


"I don't know much too, Figure is down there at door 100, talking with Seek and Guiding Light. I'm sure he'll gain some more information. Maybe Guiding Light could do an explanation, who knows."


"You probably understood everything wrong. So yeah, us, all of the entities will work together from now on. Eh, I mean we didn't decide that yet but... So we'll be real happy if you could work with us too! We're just as in danger as Seek is."


"Will you talk?"

"Um, of course I'll work with y'all. But- I still need to listen to Guiding Light's explanation."

"Sure thing. I'll be going now."

After waving quickly to Curious Light I went out the room and pulled out my walkie-talkie that we stole from some humans with Screech.

"Mission success. This is Eyes talking."

Screech POV:

"Hey, this is Screech and there's no any new sentences in the boo-"

"DON'T TRUST THAT BOOK!" Figure barged in my room, panting heavily as he held the door handle.

"Screech? Is that Figure?"

"Talk to you later Eyes."

"No no!" Figure rushed towards me and he almost tripped on the slightly curved carpet. "You both need to hear what I found out!"

I lifted up my walkie-talkie and held it close to Figure. "You can talk."

"Okay so basically this weird black book is written by Void. In the other name the guy who is controlling Guiding Light. It is made to trick us into hating Guiding Light I suppose, that's what she said." Figure said fastly.

"Chill, there's already no updates on the book. (reminded me of myself:'>) Take a breath." I said.

"Is Seek okay though?" Eyes talked through the walkie-talkie. "I'm almost there, where are you guys at?"

"In Screech's room." Figure said. "Also no worries, Seek seemed pretty fine to me."

"Of course he did, he's your little boyfriend after all." I smirked.

"Oh come on now!" Figure's cheeks turned red slightly. "Hate to admit it to troublemakers like you two, but I really missed the times when we used to sleep together. My bed feels so empty without him."

"Oh, I feel pretty relieved I don't have to listen to the moaning sounds that used to come from your room at night though." I said.


"I know right!" Eyes burst out laughing through the walkie-talkie. "I miss the times when their combined moaning sounds echoed in the hallway."

Figure gasped. "WAIT WHAT?!"

"Yeah lol! You remember that one time when nobody could sleep because of them, so we all spent the night in the cafeteria because of their loud noises?" I chuckled.

"Oh my god yeah I do! Rush was so pissed off he kept punching Ambush because of anger!"

"Poor Ambush... My man didn't deserve all that punches."

Figure turned his head away from me in embarrasment. "Were we really that loud..?"

"Yeah!" I said. "What do you think how all of us found out you were dating?"

"I'm at the hangout place! Gonna be there soon." Eyes shut off the walkie-talkie. Figure leaned towards me and whispered.

"You better stop making fun of my private life Screech. I have all your secrets, special thanks to Seek."

"Bro you're so bad!" I whined.

Figure kept slapping me until he heard the door being opened.

"Hello." We both looked at Halt in surprise.

"Oh, hello Halt!" Figure smiled. "What makes you come here?" Halt started tapping his foot on the ground nervously. It was pretty visible he was a total introvert.

"Uhm, well. My sister wants you guys to come to the cafeteria. She said she has some things to announce." Oh, so she was going to explain everything already? "And also make sure not to talk to Rush. He's pretty pissed off because he did all your work, I don't know where you guys were all day and I don't care, just warning you all. Not blaming or something." He smiled quickly and left the room. Just after him Eyes came in.

"What did Halt say to y'all?"

"Guiding Light will probably explain everything now. He told us to go in the cafeteria." I shrugged.

"I wish I could see everyone's expression when they find out about the truth." Figure sighed in disappointment.

"Well, I'm sure their sounds will do." Eyes started walking to the cafeteria. Me and Figure stood up and started following him.

Guiding Light POV:

That idiot Figure... First he says "You guys can count on me", then here I am! Gathering everyone myself using my precious gay brother instead of him.

"My legs fucking hurt."

"Rush, did you kill the humans in your humanoid form?"


"Then that's on you, not us. Stop trying to make us feel bad bro."

"Who told you to feel bad?"


"Shut up Hide."


"You forgot I exist Hide?"

"Yeah I did Jack, you are so lazy you literally don't show up anymore! At least you used to help us a bit before but now you're fucking sleeping 24/7."

"You guys curse a lot." I mumbled with a blank face.



"That's offensive."



"Listen here, you little shit-"

Well that's it. They won't shut up.

"Hey sis. I got them." I turned to Halt who was standing in front of Figure, Screech and Eyes. I smiled awkwardly and waved.

"Hi again, you guys can go take a seat."

They all nodded and sat at the very back of the table. Halt stood next to me and muttered.

"Sometimes I wonder if they even care about Seek."

"I know right, they all look so happy even without him. I thought Seek had a strong relationship with everyone here."

"He does, actually. You know how they are, they like to act like stupid." Halt smiled. "Not because they do not care about Seek."

"Yeah." I saw Curious Light approaching us. "You can go sit now Halt, Curious Light is here too."


I waited until I made sure everybody was present, and then shouted.

"LISTEN EVERYBODY!" Surprisingly, they didn't make me repeat myself, and the silence was covering the cafeteria already. Seek wasn't being controlled right now, and I didn't know when Void was going to come back. So it's the best if I keep this short. I thought about bringing Seek here, but that wasn't very safe. If Void somehow comes back I could just teleport inside Seek's brain but if Seek is here with me, it would take much longer to teleport him and get in his brain.

"So today we're all here to... talk about Seek."

Everybody's face turned from annoyed to worried, it was like some of them already forgot Seek existed.

"I know you guys were already terrified and scared by Seek's illness. But that was all fake."


Everybody looked at each other and Figure, but seeing him not showing any emotions they all started staring at me with a visibly confused look on their face.

"You mean all this was a joke..?" Jeff stated. Dupe shook his head.

"No it can't be. Do you mean Seek almost killed me because of fun?"

"I met that guy a short time ago, but I know perfectly well he wouldn't do something terrible like this just for fun düd." El Goblino said.

"Figure?" Rush raised his eyebrow. "And what about you? Why aren't you saying anything?"

Figure lowered his head. "Let Guiding Light explain."

"First of all, it wasn't a joke." I started. "I would never make a joke like that, and you guys should've known that if you knew me real well." Glitch stood up and smirked.

"I didn't believe it was a joke Guiding Light!"

"You can hit on your lady later, Glitch." Timothy said.


"Yeah you definitely didn't slap me to ohio in chapter 6."

"Bro broke the 4th wall💀"

"Bro said 'skull emoji'. Oh and also here it is for anyone that forgot that scene!" Timothy lifted up a paper.

"Bro literally printed a real life conversation."

Everybody started talking loudly, completely destroying the main reason they were here in the first place. That was the last straw.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I banged on the table with my fist, it cracked a little. Everybody getting scared immediately because of my sudden attack and backing away on their chairs, I shouted on the top of my lungs. "YOU GUYS SERIOUSLY WANT SEEK TO DIE? I AM TRYING MY BEST TO HELP HIM, AND I AM TRYING TO WANT HELP FROM YOU ALL BECAUSE THIS ISN'T SOMETHING I COULD GET DONE WITH ONLY 5 ENTITY, INCLUDING FIGURE SCREECH EYES AND CURIOUS LIGHT! DON'T YOU GUYS WANT TO HELP YOUR FRIEND? IF SO, THEN YOU ALL CAN FUCK OFF! Nobody is forcing you to stay, I can get this done with people that really care." My eyes were starting to water up and my voice was shaking. I've never shouted this much in my life.


Everybody lowered their head and stuttered.

"We're sorry."

I sighed and wiped my eyes quickly. I didn't want to seem like that attention seeker everyone hates. "Now... will you guys listen to me carefully..?"

"We will." Their answer was stable.

"...I will start from the beginning."

-Before Seek Started Showing Symptoms-

Third Person POV:

Guiding Light did her daily job. She helped the humans, had small talks with entities, cleared the hotel rooms, and checked up if anything was wrong.

When the night hit she was already so tired, like everyday. Sometimes she wondered if there was a way to get out of this hotel. Everyday was just the same, it was making her sick. She sighed and got up from her bed. Everyone was already asleep.

Tiptoeing to not wake the others up, she got in one of the tunnels and started walking to the library. She was way too tired to use her power and teleport.

Running her eyes over the dusty books, something caught her eye. A black book with various whispers coming from it.

"How come Figure did not hear these whispers and brought the book to us?" She thought to herself. She was too stupid to understand this book came here out of nowhere.

She opened the book and some black pages welcomed her. "Whoever wrote this book must like the color black very much." She took the book and went back to her room. She sat on her bed. Maybe this book had a way to escape...

"What now?"

She started turning the pages. Every page was blank until the mid-pages. She turned one more page and a weird symbol was there. She put her hand on the page with confusion and suddenly the symbol lightened up, so did her hand. She quickly pulled off her hand but the symbol was getting more and more brighter.

"Oh my fucking god..." Guiding Light whispered to herself. She threw the book on the ground but somehow the book landed open. Everything went pitch black and a black fog-like thingy came out of the symbol. It covered the whole room and it started whispering to Guiding Light.

"So you're the one who set me free? Pathetic."


"I can surely use a weak creature like you for my own advantage..."


"I'm the most powerful being in this hotel... That's why I was locked up in this book for years..."

"Ha, keep thinking that! Seek and Figure are the most powerful ones, and they will stay as that."

"Oh, so you're telling me Seek and Figure are the most powerful? How come you forgot me..? I am the one that turned them into powerful beings... I am the one that turned you into this creature..."


"You all forgot about me huh..? I am Void. I own this reality. AND I'LL MAKE SURE YOU REMEMBER ME!"

Just then the creature got in control of Guiding Light's hand, the hand that she touched the symbol with.

"I was a good person... I gave all of you my powers and wanted to make you all so powerful. But in the end you guys ended up locking me in this fucking book! And none of you remember this... You locked me because I was HURTING YOU! I waited years for revenge... And now that you are here, I'LL USE YOU TO GET ALL MY POWERS BACK! Starting off with Seek... You will make up a fake illness. You will make a book about it... And you will even act surprised when you find your own book! Figure cares about Seek the most, right? You will read that book with Figure. You will get in Seek's brain and try to convince others that Seek really has that illness. You will make Seek act like crazy. You'll confuse him. You will play with his brain and send him messages during his sleep... And in the end you will make the others kill Seek and get his power... Then you will bring it to me and we will go on with our next victim, Figure."


"Because if you don't..." Void pointed out Guiding Light's hand. "You'll snap your neck with your own hand. And we could even kill Halt and Curious Light with this hand, right?" It burst out a terrifying laughter. "You don't want your siblings to die, do you?"

Guiding Light was crying her eyes out. She had no choice but to accept. Also, her and the others were going to find a way to save Seek anyway, right? She trusted them with all her heart and nodded slowly.

"I will do as you said."

-Present Time-

Guiding Light POV:

"...and Seek somehow managed to learn all that. Void is also an entity that we didn't know about. It teleports the player or something... Also he is busy with that right now."


Everybody remained quiet for minutes. Realising we are going to run out of time, I mumbled.


"This is a lot to perceive."


"We only have 2 days left including today, or it will end me. We somehow have to find that book again to contact with him all together. But I don't know where the book is being hidden at, it hid the book because if someone touched the symbol, it is going to be locked in that again. And then we have to destroy the book all together with our powers, and then... we're free."

Everybody looked at each other and nodded, then stood up.



bro this book went from a cute little love book to a traumatizing mysterious psychopathic novel


theres no way im reading this again to check, so im so sorry for any mistakes.

the end is near.

Word Count: 3677

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