One Piece: Monarch Film.

By BrownSquidward08

4.4K 54 15

A normal day on the Sunny suddenly approaches a island which was populated and celebrated for the big star of... More

Adventure Awaits!
Reunite with Lemon and Lime
Reunite with Lemon and Lime (Pt.2)
Lost and found.
Flame Emperor Sabo Appears!
He's what..?
Reunite once more! Reconciliation later.
"Luffy's breakdown."
Character INFO: Jerold O. Totsch
The Hydra
Character INFO: Aoi Keneko
Imu wrath.
Glimpses his Past. The Cook has awoken!
Attack of the Daemon. Robin versus Aoi
Gold Film (pt1.)
Spin off #2
Coo News!

Cat and Mouse

261 3 0
By BrownSquidward08

Somewhere with Sanji:

Standing in a white void with no exits or a tiny clue for escape, standing there was BlackFoot Sanji, he sighs is hopelessness as he search for his stress pack.

He tried everything from yelling for his dear crew mates (Nami and Robin) to running around for a exit but it was just endless, he's stuck.

He searched his pockets to feel nothing but leather, "d*mnit... now my stress pack is gone, sh*t." he sighs as he sat down, he looks up to only see white.

"How am I gonna get out of here? Nami-swans and Robin-Dear is waiting for their prince and shining armor!" He exclaims as he remembers about them and was determined to try again, he jumps up to his legs and starts to run around and cupped his mouth.

"I have to try again! To find Nami-Swan and Robin!
"ROBIN CHWAN! NAMI- SWAN! WHERE ARE YOU MY DEARS?! COME INTO MY ARMS!" He yells as his voices echoes throughout the room.

"My My! It's so noisy around here- Chi!" A squeaky voice was heard, it was a guy who's a midget and had brown hair along with mouse ears, his nose was just a black dot with whiskers like a real mouse, he had a tail and was wearing male vintage clothings as if he came from the renaissance era, he wore a ring crown above his head, beside him was a tall lady with bluish-grey medium hair with cat ears, her sclera was replaced with yellow and her irises were green, she had deep red lipstick on and her tight dress was a black cross halter with long sleeves, and black heels, she also had a tail.
but Sanji didn't stop yelling for his love ones (Nami and Robin) "ROBIN-CHAN NAMI-SWAN!"

"If only someone would just shut up and listen to me!" The squeaky mouse pouted as he crossed his arms, the cat lady just smiled at him with adored eyes, she was moving her hips like those shy girls when they're with their crush . The mouse opened his eyes and see that the blonde cook was still running.

"Hey! Listen to me when I'm talking to you!" He yelled getting Sanji attention, Sanji stopped and turn his head with a angry stone faced. "What do you want pip-squeak can't you see I'm busy here?"
The mouse squeaked as he stepped back looking afraid, giving the turn for the cat to speak. "Master just wanted to talk to you, don't yell at him." She spoke deadly as she pointed with her claws, Sanji eyes widen as he had heart for eyes.

"A beautiful lady! What are you doing here lost? Come to me!" He said as he twirls to her, as she backs away but her wrist was grabbed and Sanji kissed it. "What a lovely fine lady you are, say how about we-" he was interrupted by a kick.

"keep your disgusting hands off of me! My heart belongs to one person and it's master himself!" She pointed to the mouse, she blushed while at it, the mouse sighs.

Sanji heart was stoned and was cracking, but he determined to stop it, "a beautiful madam like you shouldn't be going with a pipsqueak!"

"Hey I'm not a pipsqueak! Address me royalty you pervert scum-Chi!" The mouse squeaked as lady cat pointed to him. "He's royal so treat him with respect, I can't stand to have my sweet and precious prince Nezumi be insulted by a commoner!" She looks away as she pointed towards Sanji.

Sanji gasped in horror.. as in he can't believe it a beautiful lady is fallen for another. "but I can be better than him! Let's go out together, and.." as he twirls closer to the cat, he sticks his hand out and got down in a marry-me position "may I catch your name, fine madam?" She glares down at him with disgust, as she rolls her eyes she slapped his hands away.

"The name is Aoi Keneko, only master is allow to call me Keneko! And like I said I don't have any interest to you for master-Chan is my one and only true love! Right master-kun?" She turns to Nezumi as she sways her hips in a shy high school girl way, Nezumi sighs, "Keneko! Your suppose to protect me! That's what Imu-sama assign you to do! I can't go on a date right now when we're on the mission-chi!" He groaned then he realized his mistake.

Sanji was stoned with shock and despair, as he was in the floor on all fours banging on the floor with tears coming down his face. "It's not fair d*nmit!, why do they always get the good women!"

"Date? Date! UUWAAHHH! A date with master himself! Let's finished this mission and we can go on a date master-kun!" She excitedly says as she turn to Sanji with attack stances, she extended her claws as she ran towards the crying Sanji, she did a huge leap as she went in and attack, Sanji look up and see her jumping down to him. He gasped "Aoi-Chan is coming to me! She probably forgot about the pip-squeaked and finally realized her prince and shine armor was me!"

He got it all wrong, he spread out his arms into the sky,

"come to my arms Aoi-Swan!" He says with hearts for eyes, "would gladly do so!" As she swiped her claws across his face, making a huge scratch, Sanji then bounced back a few step and touched his face, he felt warm wetness pouring down to his hands, as he looks up to see her again for another, as he blocks it with his right leg.

"This must be destiny! Me and you fighting together is so cute like a real couple!" He swooned as he blocked another attack. "What kind of couple attack it's significant ferociously!" Nezumi comically fell face flat.

While Sanji was busy trying to black off her claws from touching him.

"Mausu Mausu-Chi! Mausu infestation!" As mice come out of nowhere and starts to climb on Sanji causing him freak out. "HNGH! Mice!" He screams in horror. "Gross! Get off of me!" He tries to kick them off but they kept coming, that he screamed.

"Marvelous Master-Chan! Now for the finishing touch! Tsume no Tsume! Poison claws!" As she jabbed it onto Sanji shoulders.

He let out a growled of pain, as he staggered back, he look at the two them, as the she cat was praising her master, and the mouse was just shoving it off with a shy smile. "N-Not fair...!" He stuttered as black dots starts to cover his vision, the she-cat looks at him and pushed him onto the floor. "Die you pirate scum." She said with great venom in her voice.

"Let's go on a date Master~!" She changed as she turn back running towards the small guy as he was flustered, and that was the last thing he ever saw since blacking out.

Franky and the others:

Franky set down Sanji onto a tree for a break, they kept getting lost due to Zoro dumb conditions of getting lost due to the point that he have to tie a rope around him, which makes Zoro uncomfortable.

"Why am I tied again?" He growled angrily as he glared onto Franky, who was just resting on a tree. "To keep you from running away bro, your *ss kept getting us lost and now we don't know where we are." He responded "Boutta get some shut eye, the sun is coming down quickly, we'll start moving tomorrow if he wakes up." He turned his head towards the sleeping cook.

"I keep telling you we should just leave him, he's wasting our time and now look! The sun coming down because of him." Zoro grumbled, "now now Zoro-San, Just because you got lost doesn't mean you have to blame your problems to others, trust me it won't make you feel better." Brook says as he raised his violin.

"I DIDNT SAY THAT!" Zoro barked, as Brook ignored him, "Tched..! Whatever I'm going to take a walk." He tries to walked but was suddenly pulled back because of the ropes tied around his waist.

"D*mnit! I cant even take a walk?!" He grumbled as Brook starts to play Binks Sakes, as he starts to sing.

"Whatever I guess I'll just get some shut eye." Zoro muttered as he went to the tree Franky's sleeping at and sat down to rest his eyes while listening to Brook playing his song.

Jerold and Nami:

Nami was holding onto Jerold's hand, to never get another incident like she had last time, she was still wearing his purple jacket as they walked through the  festive village. All the people left due to the sun coming down and some people went home, but some stayed with their stands with some games to play at night.

"We need to find a place to sleep, maybe a hotel or something.." Jerold said out of the blue as he looks around. "What about Robin and the others? We need to find them first." She says worryingly they still haven't meet up all day, wonder what they're up to.

She wonders

"Then call them." He suggested, "with what? Neither of us have transponder snails on us, or any way to communicate!" She return with glumly,

He stared at her unbelievably, like as if she's had two heads, she stared back with confusion. "What? Was it something I said?" She asked, "yes." He answered solidly, she was taken aback at the answer.

"Y'all don't have phones?" He asked nonchalantly, as she shake her head, "what are phones?"

"Oh my gosh.." he said it like she was living under a rock this whole time, but hey this is the new world so she doesn't know everything! Just the crazy dangerous weathers that happen around here that's all...

"Well what did I expect, your pirates so of course you don't know such things..." he sighs, he pulled dig his free hand to his pocket and pulled out a small black box, she tilted her head in confusion, as he did something to make it glow.

"Woah! What did you do?" She asked with interest, it showed a tiny picture of the sunset, "how did you get such small paintings in there?" "What do those numbers mean on top?" "How do you do that?" She bombarded him with tons of questions as he calms her down.

"Woah! Woah.. one at a time! Now this is a phone, a newfound technology that should be shared across the world and is only found at some places." He explained "but whatever it's not important I'm gonna find a hotel for us to stay, and when we settle in we'll find your friends along with your captain." He says as he scrolls onto the tiny black box, she watched him do it, as they both stand in the middle of the crowd with people walking the other way.

"Hey! Move out of the way lovebirds!" One shouted
"Uh-oh we gotta find somewhere else- Wait what did you call us?!" Nami screamed at the man but he disappeared, Jerold grabbed her hand as she turns to look at him. "It's fine, I already found the place anyways now come." He starts to lead as she pouted.

At the place:

They both just entered their room, the room looks very nice like her room back at the Sunny, they had s tiny bathroom and a little walk in closet.

But one problem...

"Why is there only one bed?!" Nami exclaims as she pointed at the king sized bed. Jerold scratch his head like as if he tries to say sorry but it didn't come out good enough.

"Uhhh— the review says there's only one bed and there are no rooms for two beds." He responded. she didn't believe this.

"And plus they were about to close all hotels and I have to improvise or else we'll be sleeping in the streets, and this place is nice too!" he says as he felt a bonk on his head. "Then be faster next time!" She barked with angry white eyes.

He barked back. "D*mnit Woman you never seem to appreciative about the things I do for you!" She gasped.

"If your talking about how you leave an cute girl all alone and almost get kidnapped by some weird alcoholics then no!"

"I said that was a accident! And plus I saved your *ss back there!"

She huffed as she turned toward the bed, she layed down. The bed was really soft not like the bed she had in the girls room.

"O okay, so how we gonna settle this?" He asked as he sat on the bed only to be kicked off and land onto the floor with his butt.


"You sleep on the floor." She commanded

"Bullsh*t! I pay for all this crap!" He yells as she thrown a pillow at his face, it fell onto his hands.

"Here's a pillow, now shut up and go to sleep!" She turned and closed her eyes, as he grumbles "this is why I hate b*tches." As he placed the pillow on the floor and closed his eyes to snooze.

In the middle of the night:

Jerold couldn't stand the cold and hard floor as he got up sleepily and layed next to the sleeping Nami, he was facing her as he felt the soft warm bed digging into his skin.

He heard Nami soft breathing.

The sound of her breathing soothed him to go to sleep until he heard whimper, he looks to see that she starts to whimper in her sleep, her face scrunch up in fear and sadness. Poor thing she probably dreaming about what happen earlier today.

He unconsciously snaked his arms around her and pulled her in on a warm hug, she seems to calm down by that movement as he whispered "it's okay, it's okay your okay." Above her tangerine hair, as her breathe hitches back to normal.

They both slept hugging each other until morning.

He didn't even remember all this.

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