The Coffee Shop Girl (Availab...

By iampaulvictor

392 97 83

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Author's Note - (A MUST READ) ☕️ ☁️
| 1 | - Morning
| 2 | - First Day
| 3 | - Espresso
| 4 | - Mystery Man
| 5 | - Waiting Room
| 6 | - Night Out
| 7 | - "You're The Coffee Shop Girl"
| 8 | - Library Texts
| 9 | - Lazy Saturday Mornings
| 10 | - Conflictions
| 11 | - Office Thoughts
| 12 | - Park
| 14 | - Cloud 9 Or 10?
| 15 | - Interupted Moments
| 16 | - Bittersweet
| 17 | - Bestie O'Clock
| 18 | - Nervous
| 19 | - Freaking Out
| 20 | - Fairytale And Fairylights
| 21 | - Bold Step
| 22 | - Sober Times
| 23 | - Time
| 24 | - Happy Moments
Note From The Author

| 13 | - The Park And The Kiss

8 3 2
By iampaulvictor

☕️ texts in Italics are past events ☕️

☁️ this chapter is a bit long ☁️

It's another one of those Saturday afternoon that's approaching evening time and Harry's seated im the passenger side of the driver seat in Zavisn's car.

Actually it's one of Harry's cars.

They both drive each other's cars depending on who's key is picked first from the key bowl. It's still very evident Zavisn has practically converted most of Harry's cars to his own as he drives them more often than his.

Harry doesn't pay much mind to it as this was his best friend after all and he knew he could easily afford as many as he wanted.

He somewhat doesn't want to be here as it's the weekend and he could still be either sprawled on his comfortable sofa catching up on a series or going though his office work.

He was doing the latter though up until Zavian practically dragged him out of his huge home office down to his car.

"You're working too much" Zavian says.

"I literally just started working in my new job on Monday and my job requires me to do actual work" He says trying to go reclaim his chair Zavian was currently sitting on.

"You've been working for so long... you might actually forget to do other basic needs like eating. Have you eaten today?" Zavian asks concerned as he examined his friend.

"Uh..." Harry tries to remember.

"That's it. You're coming with me"

That's how the duo are on their way to get something to eat and also feel the cool air of the outside world.

Although one still prefers to be inside.

Not too long after they arrive at a park.

They find a good truck soon enough and Zavian goes to see what they have and possibly order while Harry says he'll go for a short walk.

3 minutes or less into the walk he sees someone waking backwards towards his direction.

At first he thinks the person would turn around at some point but they doesn't happen as it looks like the person was having a conversation with some guy siting not too far away on a bench.

Before Harry could register that the person was merely inches away from him they had collided and he catches the person before they fall and spins them around facing him.

Harry looks wide eyed as the coffee shop girl stares back at him with a similar expression on her face.

Harry doesn't know what to say or why they keep running into each other like this. He's flustered nevertheless but albeit he hides it well and the shocked expression disappears on his face as he replaces it with a smile.

The coffee shop girl's cheeks however, has turned a visible shade of pink.

"Hi" Harry says but before the girl still in his arms could respond the same guy who seems to be younger than her pops his head sideways still seated on the bench.

"He's definitely A, isn't he?" A knowing smirk is plastered on his face which causes Harry to raise a brow in curiously what this could be about.

He had a feeling they were just discussing about him with the way the coffee shop girl's face pales when he says that.

"Hi, I.. uh.. I'm so sorry" She detaches herself from his grasp.

"It's fine, no worries" Harry says still evert so charmingly as ever.

"I should've been more careful and not have walked backwards in a park" the girl chuckles nervously as she tries to look at anywhere but him.

"Ah, it's okay. At least you ran into me" Harry beaks the more causing the girl's cheeks to redden once again.

"Yeah... we keep running into each other... actually, I keep running into you" the girl said this time finding the smallest courage to as her hazel eyes finally looks at him.

Harry couldn't deny it, no one can deny the fact that she's absolutely beautiful and this makes Harry's heart beat a new kind of rhythm anytime he's around her.

His eyes divert to the young man disposing his ice cream cup in the trash all the while his eyes not leaving the drama happening in front of him.

The girl seems to notice this as she follows Harry's line of sight.

"I'm so sorry, that's my brother. He says dumb things at times" The girl says referring to the earlier statement her brother made.

"Hey!" her brother calls out to her with faux annoyance.

"Hi, I'm Damien" Damien extends his hand for a handshake which Harry accepts.

"I'm Harry"

Damien gives his sister a side eye which Harry didn't miss at all.

"My sister Wendy doesn't like admitting some certain things"

'Her name's Wendy. That's a beautiful name' Harry thinks to himself.

"Oh I see" Harry looks at Wendy who looks like she could be anywhere but here right now.

"Damien... Go get something nice for yourself. We'll meet back here in 20" Wendy says to Damien as she slips some money into his hand through a handshake.

"You're the best. You two have fun!" Damien yells over his shoulder already racing to some nearby place store.

"This has been a really awkward and embarrassing evening..." Wendy shakes her head as she continues.
"I apologize un behalf of my brother. You know siblings how they can be" Wendy rambles.

Harry puts a finger on her lips and that stops her.

He doesn't know why he does it but what they know for shire is that they're both surprised by his action and he takes it away.

"I understand. You have no idea but I do" Harry explains as his mind goes back to Zavian causing him to turn around to see his best friend not in the line anymore but playing a ball game with some group of friends not too far off.

"I really do" Harry says as he shakes his head.

"Shall we?" He gestures for her to follow him.

"Yeah of course"

They fall into step as they walk to nowhere in particular, taking the time to just admire nature.

They start a discussion on random things about each other and they got to know themselves better at least on an acquaintance level.

"Why are you out here anyways?... I mean no offense but you don't look like the kind of guy who goes to the park" Wendy asks as she takes in his outfit, tho casual but it still flashed huge dollar signs making him stand out even when he doesn't want to.

"None taken. I do like nature but I wouldn't be here right now if not for my friend who brought me her" Harry admits.

"What kind of guy do I look like then?" Harry asks.

They come to a stop under a cherry blossom tree which surprisingly i one seems to be around this part of the park despite the fact it's the the only one around.

"Well Harry... I don't know. You still are a mystery man to me" Wendy saya as she looks into his sharp blue eyes that always seemed to dreamy her closer to him.

Harry takes her hand into his as he holds them gently. They were warm and soft.

Wendy is surprised yet again by his actions but Harry only smiles at her.

"Do you want to know the mystery behind this man?" Harry asks with a slight chuckle.

It tasked a few seconds for Wendy to respond as she looks like she has been caught off guard by his question.

"Yeah..." Wendy trails off as she's hipnotizas by the man in front of her.

Actually, her heart is going 209 miles per hour right now and the butterflies in her stomach are multiplying with each passing seconds and time seems to slow down at the same time.

She feels like she's in cloud 9 right now.

Maybe she is.

Harry and Wendy doesn't know what happens next or who did it first - Harry leaned in first by the way - but in a matter of seconds their lips were connected and they share a kiss.


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