The Disastrous Life of Saiki...

By HumainPoet

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This will contain oneshots and boyfriend scenarios for The Disastrous Life of Saki k characters! This is my f... More

Requests Page
Aren x Bullied Reader
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His First Thoughts
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He asks you out
First Date
How you Cuddle
When He Texts
A/N I'm Deeply Sorry
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Happy Halloween!
New Character: Guess who!
When Their {Coffee} Jelly
They Want Attention
You're on your period
Metori Saiko Addition!
When You're {Coffee} Jelly
How About PDA?
Aren Kuboyasu (Revised Edition)

When you're having a panic attack

1.5K 39 6
By HumainPoet

Kusuo Saiki

He can hear every thought you have, so he knows what you're going through in that regard. The depreciation, the fear of someone seeing or if you'll be able to breathe, the racing thoughts of everything going wrong or what could go wrong, etc. Saiki almost can't keep up with these thoughts, and they hurt his head, so they must be hurting you far worse. Despite the initial feeling of wanting to get away from the noise of your thoughts, he stays. He gently grabs your shoulders and pushes you to sit on the floor, wrapping an arm around you in his seat beside you. He has no idea how to help other than to be by your side and listen, keeping you grounded. He wonders if it's enough in this scenario. Goes out of his way to even give you his pudding for dessert that night to cheer you up.

Kusuke Saiki

He is a logical and realistic type of person. When you have panic attacks, he explains why you'd have one and that all the irrational thoughts you have are just that, irrational. When you cry worse or if you're demeanor becomes sadder, he stops his rambling. He replaces his words with affirmation, telling you that it will all be okay. If you have a panic attack due to stress or being overworked, he will not hesitate to do your work for you. If it's due to fear, he will destroy what scared you. If it's due to self-deprecation, he will worship you. He knows why they happen and will do anything to keep you from having them, going as far as to make a medical support robot.

Shun Kaido

He almost has one because you're having one. Petrified that you're experiencing this or are hurting. Though, Kaido isn't new to this. He will tell you how to breathe, counting for you if needed. Will give you space or cuddles depending on what you prefer or what he knows you'll prefer. Once you calm down enough, he'll make tea and wrap you both in a blanket to talk about it. If you don't want to talk, he'll sit in content silence. Buys a weighted blanket and extra calming tea after the first panic attack.

Riki Nendo

"What is going on?! Are you okay, buddy?! Babe? Can you breathe?! Please breathe!"

He means well, but he has no idea what is going on. The first time you have a panic attack in front of him, he won't be very helpful and might make it worse. He's not doing so on purpose. Once it's over, explain what happened. He will feel so sad he made it worse and that you went through that. Will make sure to do better the next time. If and when the next time comes, he will neal down to your height and say sweet words. "It'll be okay, my little naruto. You'll make it through this, so breathe for me." If you're around people, he will carry you somewhere private so you don't become scared of someone seeing. Ramen is a must afterward, he'll pay.

Aren Kuboyasu

This guy will make sure you feel safe. Wraps you up in his big strong arms, looking around to make sure no one sees. Gets rid of anything that will trigger you to have these episodes, within reason. Makes sure to buy calming toys, like stress balls and fidget spinners. If you're both on his motorcycle and you have a panic attack, this man will pull over and carry you to a secluded space. If someone else caused you to have a panic attack, he will beat the hell out of them later. He sometimes becomes too nervous to help because he fears he'd come off as overbearing or scary.

Kineshi Hairo

Becomes your breathing cheerleader. Will count for you and congratulate you when you breathe properly. If you tell him later that didn't help, he'll tone it done next time. These are some of the only times he isn't a ray of sunshine. He's petrified for you, hating what you're going through. Will grab a water bottle and towel, lightly dabbing your head, hoping it helps. He treats it almost like a cold in that regard. Sits you on his lap and rocks you both back and forth, because he thinks a body in motion is a happy body. (Dude never sits still.) He will later ask you what he can do for you in those scenarios, knowing he's probably not the best helper. Whatever you tell him, he'll remember no matter what.

Reita Toritsuka

He will be at your side in mere moments. He looks completely crestfallen. Will hug you close, asking if that helps or not. If it does, he'll hold you tighter. If it doesn't, he'll let you go and hold you're hand. Asks a spirit for help. Yells in his head for Saiki, hoping he will hear him. Reita knows he's not good with these things, and he'll panic over how to help you. Will gently kiss your head and the back of your hand, depending on if you're hugging or not. Once you calm down, he will be hugging you no matter what. Will tell you how he hates seeing you that way and asks what he can do to make it better. He's just so scared for you.

Touma Akechi

He's quiet, probably for the first time ever. He will already know what you need or want of him in these moments. He will always be open to talking about it after. He knows when you're about to have one and will lead you to a private area. Sometimes he'll whisper how brave and amazing you are. Touma goes out of his way to check in on you every week to make sure you aren't too stressed. If he notices trigger objects or words, he'll lead you in a different direction or covers your ears. He bends over backwards to watch over you.

Metori Saiko

He has no idea what is going on and calls someone over to help you. He's scared your injured or sick. Once he's told what happened and what it was, he'll apologize for not being able to help personally. He will even apologize for crowding you with his staff. If you need therapy, he will pay for a personal, on-call therapist. Will have a calming, safe, sensory room built in his mansion just for you. Buys every sensory toy there is and always keeps one on him now. Demands his staff do the same (probably telling them to keep two or more). He might not be able to help verbally or physically, but he will make sure you can have a safe and calming place to handle it on your own. If you ask for him to hug you or be with you when these occur he will make sure to do so the next time it happens.

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