His First Thoughts

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Hello again! I hope you liked the first chapter. Here we are again with our favorite boys~! Also, if you have any requests, leave them on the request page :3. Without further ado, let's get on with the story!

P.S. I'm sorry if they seem a little OC.

Kusuo Saiki

Yare Yare, why does someone have to ruin my only time alone? Since this is a rather quiet coffee shop, I normally come here. Too, bad more people are learning about it.

'Maybe I shouldn't bother him. He seems to want to be alone.' She was right. At least she is normal compared to most people. It seems she also likes coffee jelly. She got hers before me even though I ordered before her. When the waitress went to hand me mine she dropped it. 'Okay, now the world must end.' I look down sadly at my coffee jelly when I sense the girl.

"Here, you can have my coffee jelly. I don't need it anyway." I was shocked. Unlike Teruhashi, this girl really is an angel. Maybe there is a god.

Kusuke Saiki

I overheard there was another prodigy student around my age. This excited me and intrigued me. I kept wondering what he would be like when I saw a girl about to walk off the stairs. I grabbed her and she came back to reality. She turned around and looked at me with the brightest {C/E} I've ever seen. Must be something with her genetics.

"For someone who is supposed to be so smart, that was rather idiotic. Aren't you supposed to be that prodigy girl?" She gave me a dirty look and I kinda shuddered. It was just like moms.

" Sorry, I was thinking about something. And yes, I'm {Y/N} {L/N}. You are?"

"No need to be so angry, after all, I did catch you. I'm Kusuke Saiki, don't forget it Baka."

"I'm not a baka!  Thanks for the save, but I have to go." She looked furious. Though I must say it is fun to mess with her. Maybe I should do it more often.

Shun Kaido

Mommy says a girl is coming over to study and to not make fun of her. She says she isn't as well off as us, but really wants an education. As mommy was getting the papers and books ready, I heard a knock at the door. I rushed over to get it and cracked it just a little.' It could be Dark Reunion!'

" Who are you? Are you from Dark Reunion?"

"I'm {L/N} {Y/N}, and what is dark reunion? Are they bad guys?" I was shocked. This girl really wants to know about Dark Reunion! I open the door more and pose.

"Yeah! They are villains, but I, The Jet Black Wing, will stop them one day!" She giggled, but not like most girls did. She wasn't laughing at me, she was just happy.

"Then I'll be your number one fan! Every good hero needs one fan, right?"Number one fan?! I have a fan! Yes, she will be the girl I save and I must protect her at all costs. Dark Reunion cannot hurt her. Then my mommy took us to study before I could tell her.

Riki Nendou

I saw this super gorgeous girl walk into the room.' Hey! A new buddy!'

"Hello, I am Teruhashi {Y/N}. I just transferred to your class from my old one and can't wait to get to know all of you. Please take care of me."

'Teruhashi? Nah, she couldn't be Teruhashi's sister, they look nothing alike! Haha.' She sat beside me and I stared at her. She was really pretty, even prettier than ramen. Koriki No. 2 kept moving around in my jacket and popped out for a second. I smiled and ushered her back into my clothes. I can't let the teacher see her. After class, the girl walked up to me.

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