Taste (BangChan) 18+

By ChansFlow3r

156K 3.9K 3.9K

Being high up in the Mafia world was no joke to someone like Alicia Morelli. Forever putting business before... More

Chapter 1 - Be Careful Morelli
Chapter 2 - Sleeping with the enemy
Chapter 3 - Mafia Rebellion
Chapter 4 - Promises can't be broken
Chapter 5 - All Fun and Games
Chapter 6 - Oops
Chapter 7 - Heated Mess
Chapter 8 - Secret Secret
Chapter 9 - Old Flames
Chapter 10 - Alls fair in Love and War
Chapter 11 - New Beginnings
Chapter 12 - Red, White or Black?
Chapter 13 - You're Mine
Chapter 14 - Connected
Chapter 15 - Why?
Chapter 16 - Memory Lane
Chapter 17 - Pick a Fight
Chapter 18 - No more secrets
Chapter 19 - New Plan
Chapter 20 - Action Time
Chapter 21 - Take Down
Chapter 22 - All's Well that ends well
Chapter 23 - My Knight in Satin Armour
Chapter 24 - Time for a Vacation
Questions and Answers
Chapter 25 - Sight See
Chapter 26 - First Dates
Chapter 27 - I'm all yours
5- Star β˜†
Chapter 29 - Oh f*ck
Chapter 30 - No Labels?
Chapter 31 - I Love You
Chapter 32 - Moving On
Chapter 33 - Kiss me like you mean it
Chapter 34 - Wait, What?
Chapter 35 - Now or Never
Chapter 36 - Traitor
Chapter 37 - I'll kill them, I'll kill them all.
Chapter 38 - πŸ’”
Chapter 39 - Oh no you didn't
Chapter 40 - She's back
Chapter 41 - Let it burn
Chapter 42 - Torn between Two worlds
Chapter 43 - The Final Stance
Chapter 44 - A Greater Sacrifice
β˜†one year laterβ˜†

Chapter 28 - SURPRISE

2.6K 65 9
By ChansFlow3r

A/N; The fact I've written out 3 chapters in one day is crazy, clearly I have too much time on my hands or I don't sleep lol

We all need a red lights GIF after that last chapter 🔥



Alicia's P.O.V

A week had passed since staying in Santorini. Honestly I'd had the best time, to spending every night with Chan, curled up in the sheets together, binge watching friends or watching every single sunset from the balcony, his arms wrapped around me as we spoke constant sweet nothings.

To the moments spent with Jisung and Minho, having fun like old times, only this time with absolutely no restrictions, no curfew and no rules.

I've gotten to know everyone in the group so much better, we've all grown closer and become to trust one another like a family should...even San.

Him and Hyunjin had become surprisingly good friends, while Yeonjun and Changbin were almost inseparable...despite Felix's blatantly obvious jealousy.

Which I still hadn't had the chance to use against him. Although I had the perfect opportunity waiting after Chan had finished the group meeting he had called this morning.

"So, I'll start by saying I hope you've been enjoying your time here, I think we've all really deserved this break. And I for once am not looking forward to it ending" Chan started the speech off as I smiled.

I hadn't even thought about this daydream ending, going back into the drama and the dangerous world of the Mafia.

"Myself and Seungmin managed to get ahold of these phones for you all, once again the only contacts added are of us all present in this room. A standard burner phone to use while you're out and about. Just to check in, text and make us all aware about what's going on if anything were to happen. Under no circumstances does anything get posted to social media, understood?" Chan asked once more as Seungmin began handing out the phones one by one, everyone including San and Yeonjun.

"Understood boss" Felix answered, the others nodding in acknowledgement too.

Now I knew Chan had 12 phones in total. Yet there was only 11 of us.

So I had devised a plan of my own to sneakily use the 12th to catch Felix out.

Him and Changbin were completely oblivious to the fact I knew about their relationship. In fact the more I thought about it the more I'm surprised no one else had managed to catch on. They were so obvious about it.

Yeah they acted like the best of friends, they did everything together. But clearly Felix likes to leave a mark and Changbin was the worst at hiding them.

"What's everyone's plans for today?" I asked, switching the subject slightly as Chan took a seat next to me, draping his arm over my shoulder as I smiled at the sudden affection.

He didn't care who was watching anymore, in fact I'm pretty sure he wanted everyone to know I was his, even if there wasnt any labels attatched.

"Definitely another beach day" San was the first to answer.

"Yeah I'm up for that, I wanna go swimming" Jeongin answered.

"Me too" Seungmin added.

"I think we're gonna head out for lunch a little later, there's a place we passed on the way back from the museum last week that we haven't managed to check out yet. Minho was actually going to treat me" Jisung answered as I pouted at the cuteness.

"Oh you guys, you're so damn cute it makes my heart hurt" Jisung rolled his eyes as Minho couldn't hold back the adorable smile on his lips.

"I'm gonna chill here for a bit" Felix said, Changbin nodding too.

Of course they agreed with eachother, but I had to separate them somehow.

"What about you Yeonjun?" I asked, he seemed particularly quiet this morning, perched on the windowsill by himself.

"I'm not sure" He answered, shrugging his shoulders as I watched Hyujin finally stop painting before looking over at the boy.

"You could always join me, I'm gonna go into town, browse the shops again" Hyunjin spoke, making the boy smile slightly as he nodded.

"Yeah sure, sounds good"

He definitely seemed a little off today. Maybe it was him being homesick? I know he's been through a lot working for Mingi and I don't actually know when he managed to see his family for the last time.

"That leaves just us two, I forgot to mention. The doctor will be here around 1pm, just to check you over again, that okay?" Chan asked, rubbing his hand up and down my arm as I smiled.

"Of course it is, I think I'm gonna spend some time out in the garden, relax by the pool. Felix, Changbin, wanna join us?" I asked, devising my newly hatched plan hoping they'd take the bait.

"Oh yeah sure" Changbin answered first as I smiled, now looking to Felix as I awaited his answer.

"Yeah I'm good with that, it's a nice day today, look at all that sunshine" He finally spoke as I grinned.

"What you or outside? Get it? You're sunshine" Chan joked as Felix immediately shook his head, Hyunjin groaning at how painful the failed joke was as I couldn't help myself from laughing.

Chan didn't seem to care or be embarrassed though, it seemed to be his favourite thing in the world to wind Felix up. The two Aussie bro's, full of endless banter.

Eventually we all finally left the living room once the meeting had ended, each of us parting ways to do separate things as I headed into the kitchen, Chan closely following behind.

He hadn't left my side recently, which of course I didn't mind. I looked over his shoulder to see both Changbin and Felix heading outside to the pool.

Time to start phase 1 of my plan.

"Hey Channie" I cooed, throwing my arms over his shoulder as I took him by surprise, him quickly catching on though as I felt his hands back at my waist.

Pecking him on the lips with a soft kiss I looked back into his eyes, giving him a loving look which even he couldn't be fooled by.

"Alright what is it? What do you want?" He asked, smirking to himself as I pretended to be shocked.

"Why nothing at all, can I not kiss you or look at you?" I asked batting my eyelashes as I tried to hold back the laughter.

"Uh huh, you can do both of those but you're forgetting I know you Morelli, and I know when you want something"

"Ugh fine, you got me...so I was wondering if I could maybe borrow that spare phone you have?" I asked, his eyebrows quickly frowning as he looked back in confusion.

"The phone? But why would you need it? Is something wrong with the one I gave you?" He asked, seeming concerned now as I quickly shook my head.

"No no everything's fine with the other one, in fact I've actually not looked at it yet, it's still in my pocket. I kinda wanna just use it as a one time thing to prank Felix"

His expression softened once he realised, taking out a phone from his back pocket and placing it in front of me.

"Well why didn't you say that sooner? Only if I get to play a part in it too, what do I have to do?" He grinned, giggling at his sudden change of mood I peeked out of the window, watching the two outside as I thought about the plan.

Initiate stage 2

"I need you to distract Changbin, but Felix has to stay outside, I'll keep him there if you just take Changbin out the front or something, I just need them separated"

"Sure I can do that, but why?"

"Well I'm gonna text Felix from the phone and pretend I'm Changbin"

"Okay...but why?"

I thought about it for a split second, if they really were seeing eachother then I didn't want to be the one who outs it to the group, I just want Felix to know that I know.

"Well...I mean, because-"

"You think they're hooking up too right?"

I couldn't believe the words that left his lips. He was onto them too?

"Wait you think they are too??" I asked.

"Duh, I saw what you saw, plus Felix is bi anyways, Changbin clearly has the hots for him too. They're always together, it's obvious Liss"

"Wait, you saw all this coming with those two but never once suspected Minho and Jisung? And here I was thinking Minsung were the biggest lovebirds in this house"

"Oh I definitely knew about them, but they hid it more, business and all that"

"Chan you could tell they were in love just by the way they looked at eachother, like love at first sight everytime with those two"

He laughed, nodding his head as he agreed.

"Okay alright so, I'll distract Changbin, you cast your master plan on Felix then we meet up after and you tell me all about it, deal?" He asked, holding his hand out waiting for me to shake it.

I thought about it again, I mean I was obviously going to get Felix to tell me but I felt bad to share a secret that wasn't mine.

"As long as you promise to not tell anyone okay? Felix has to tell you in his own time if it's true" I asked, Chan instantly crossing his heart with his finger before holding his hand out again.

"Of course, you have my word" He answered, smiling I took his hand, shaking it before he pulled me closer, pressing another sweet kiss to my lips and resting his forehead on mine.

I mean Minho and Jisung say I love you all the time. And I knew 100% no 1000% I was in love with Chan. I just had this huge fear of rejection.

I knew now would be a nice time to say those three words I just continuously struggled to get them out.

Finally we headed out to the garden, Felix was in the pool of course, swimming without a care in the world while Changbin lay their, lounging on the sunbed with his shades on.

"Glad you could finally join us, Liss you coming in? The water's great" Felix asked, lying on his back as he floated in the pool.

"Gonna pass on that one, with the doctors check and all being soon, think it's best I stay dry. I'll happily chill here though" I answered, sitting on the lounger next to Changbin's as he smiled and gave me a 'sup' nod.

"Yo Changbin, mind helping me with something?" Chan called from inside as Changbin immediately nodded, following him through the house as the two disappeared talking.

"What was that all about?" Felix asked, trying to spot the two but they had now gone way out of his line of sight.

"I'm sure it's nothing, you know Chan, we all find out what conversations he has eventually. Speaking of, you and Changbin talk about anything interesting while we were inside?" Felix was quick to shake his head, even now I could see how defensive he was when it came to Changbin. At first he was always really laid back about it, yet now I feel he suspects people are onto him.

"Nothing much, Hey Liss don't you think this has been like the best vacation of all time? I can't remember the last time I got to relax like this" the subject change made me smile although he was right, this place is and always will be perfect.

"Yeah it's been amazing" I answered, lying back on the chair as I looked up into the clear blue sky. There was always something about that feeling of being abroad and on holiday. One of the best feelings in the world.

I felt the phone Chan gave me vibrate in my pocket, the one he gave me in front of everyone not the spare.

Pulling it out I noticed the message from him.

C - I've got him out front under the porch, talking to him about plans when we leave here. Good luck. X

I smiled, putting the phone back in my pocket as I watched Felix climb out of the pool and wrap a small towel over his shoulders.

"You alright?" He asked, noticing me put the phone away.

"Oh yeah I'm good, just Jisung telling me about his day. Hey I'll be back in a second, need to grab something from my room" I announced, Felix sat down on the chair as he laid back in the sun.

"Yeah sure, take your time"

I smiled, trying not to giggle as I started phase 3 of my plan. I ran through the house, upstairs to what I presumed would be Felix's room although I had never been in here.

Quickly hiding myself in his wardrobe I pulled out the spare phone and began to text.

Felix, I took this phone from Chan so we could text secretly, meet me in your room

Love, you know who

Covering my mouth I held back any laughter as I heard footsteps walking through the house not long after I had sent the text.

"Pssst, you sure you're up here?" I heard Felix call quietly as he headed up the stairs and was getting closer to his room.

I had to be deadly silent, I was obviously going to make him jump. He would never expect this.

"Changbin?" He asked as he peered open the door to his room, clearly puzzled when he found it was empty.

Confirming my suspicions with that one name I leapt out of the wardrobe, scaring Felix so hard he practically fell to the floor.

"Surprise!" I shouted, laughing so hard it practically hurt. Him holding his heart while trying to recompose himself.

"What, wait, what?!" He asked, now putting the pieces together as he looked shocked.

"I'm not Binnie unfortunately, but I knew you were his secret lover. This is payback for kicking the worlds greateat sandcastle down" I laughed again as Felix began to worry, his secret clearly out there.

"Liss, how did you, I don't understand, we didn't tell anyone" He asked, I started to calm down when I finally saw the look on his face, he wasn't laughing and I felt bad.

"Hey Lix, it's okay, I'm not here to judge plus I'm happy you're happy. But I mean come on, you guys made it so obvious. Changbin definitely doesn't know how to cover up the lovebites you give him" Felix immediately blushed, shaking his head he finally seemed more at ease with what happened.

"Well you got me" He started to say, still shaking his head.

"I really thought we were more secretive with it but I suppose you guessed it sooner than we hoped. Does Changbin know that you know?'

I shook my head as I watched him literally think over everything.

"Wait a minute...if this was all part of your prank then...oh my god, Chan talking to Changbin, he knows too?! Fuck"

I couldn't hold back the laughter again as I watched him pacing back and forth.

"Me and him were the only ones to figure it out. That I know of at least. Who knows, the others might of guessed it too. But don't worry I'll keep your secret, as long as you quit teasing me"

"Oh but Lissy that's the fun part"

"Lix! Stop!" I shouted, taking a pillow from his bed and throwing it at him for purposely using the nickname.

"Alright alright, I'll be nice to you as long as you and Chan keep quiet about me and Changbin"

"You Lixie, have got yourself a deal" I answered shaking his hand in mine as he ruffled my hair and laughed.

Regardless of the pranks and the deals we made. The teasing eachother would never end, that was just our friendship.

And honestly I wouldn't change it.

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