Book 4: Arcane [Thor]

By Animemadness101

3.4K 176 102

The destruction of Asgard plagues Thor's thoughts, while the god continued to search the Nine Realms for answ... More

Welcome Back!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Book 4: Final Chapter
Author's Note
Book 5 Now Published!

Chapter 22

97 6 2
By Animemadness101

The axe swung high overhead, already covered in blood, before it embedded into the head of a Skraeling. The crowd roared in approval at the brutal match. Anya placed a boot on the creature's shoulder before forcefully removing the weapon. This time, she didn't raise the object to show off to the audience. Instead, the young woman stood in a rather stoic manner to hold herself together. Once back in the holding cell, when the door closed, Anya dropped the weapon. A grunt escaped her lips from the severe discomfort she felt.

That Skraeling managed to claw an arm. It charged her mirages and with a great, wide swipe, cut through them all. She barely had time to move out of the way herself if not for the Aether. The claws caught the skin, which left three long gashes from elbow to wrist. The injury enraged the dark matter. Enough that the creature lost said limb a moment later.

The medical personnel rushed in to escort the champion to a more comfortable setting and quickly tended to the wound. Administered treatment to ensure the scarring would be minimal. Which would go against the Grandmaster's plans to keep her around in the higher society of Sakaar. She needed to look her best, despite being a warrior.

Hulk fussed a bit when she arrived back in her quarters. He wanted to see how the fights went. She waved off his concern despite the fact that the limb was wrapped from palm to shoulder. It was merely to make sure an infection set in. By the morning, the gashes would be sealed. Another three days and it would be as if she had never been in danger to begin with.

Both champions were put on a rest period for a week. While Hulk wasn't injured, the Grandmaster saw it as a good marketing ploy. To host a main event for the masses to get more attendees and bets at once. To have them all on the edge of their seats to see their matches. Instead, new contenders were introduced, and there were more roulettes among the lower gladiators. Anya attended a few in secret. To watch Silna in support.

She had been getting better, her fighting technique improved by their own sessions against one another in the training room. She held off Nusal rather well. Managing to gain the upper hand to flatten the Krylorian in the dirt. Her life would've been cut short, if the alien hadn't played dead. The fight ended. Clearly, no one was scared of Nusal or Bainea anymore. The other female gladiators put up more of a fight against them. Most likely looking for payback for however long they were in power with Yeilgra.

During that downtime from the arena, Anya was forced to attend every social gathering. The Grandmaster always had a new garment for her to wear. Which drew the eye of fashionistas, and the leery eyes of others. At least the ruler of Sakaar was smart enough to not ask her to accompany him to his private after parties. The young woman always managed to slip away at the end of the night under the guise of the mirages. One of those evenings, when an Amphibian was being a little too determined in his quest to win over the champion, Loki slipped in to interrupt.

"I trust I'm not intruding," the god spoke. "I believe that you promised me an audience before the night was up."

Instead of touching her in an inappropriate or unwanted manner, Loki offered up a hand for her to take.

"You're right," Anya answered.

She placed her hand in his and the god's fingers curled into a firm grip.

"I apologize, but it seems that I am requested elsewhere."

The answer didn't seem to please the Amphibian as Loki led her away. Anya was just glad that she didn't need to resort to violence.

"May I have the pleasure of speaking to the real champion," the god requested.

He sensed the shift when the agent stepped up to take the mirage's place.

"I appreciate the save," she said. "Unlike others, I had yet to shake him."

"How long have you had to deal with individuals like that?"

"Since my debut. No one was interested in approaching a champion outside meets and greets, since they only saw us as brutal fighters for their own entertainment. Once these people realized that I was approachable when the Grandmaster introduced me in a more private setting, I've become the latest side show. And I believe that now I've become a game of sorts. None have been able to convince me to indulge myself in after party affairs."

They stepped out onto the balcony, grateful to no longer have their ears assaulted by the music inside.

"The first night you came to visit me, were you present at the social gathering I came from?" Anya asked.

"Yes," Loki answered. "I began attending these events three days after my arrival. Once I found a way in. I saw your entrance, but I didn't realize it was your first party."

"Why didn't you approach me like the others?"

"I thought best to keep my distance for the time being."

"Gather intel on me?"

"In a sense. And once the others realized that you meant no harm to them, you became rather popular. It wasn't the time to approach you. It is in our best interest that no one is alerted to the fact that we've known one another before arriving on Sakaar."

"Because even though our relationship is... odd, in a sense, it can still be used as leverage against one another if placed in a situation that the Grandmaster can use to his advantage."

"Exactly. I'm glad that you noticed. If I had to explain that to Thor, he would never understand it."

Anya snickered. "Speaking of your brother, have you heard anything?"

"Nothing. I don't believe he is here."


"Sure, let's go with that. But his arrival isn't certain."

The young woman scanned the room beyond the doorway. She was ready to call it an evening, but that Amphibian was lurking by the exit. Anya sighed. He wasn't completely inebriated. Which meant it would be rather annoying to trick him after such a long day. She'd rather take an easy route if it presented itself.

"Do you mind escorting me back to my room?" the young woman asked.

"Very well, it's on my way," Loki answered.

She took his arm to continue the ruse as they left. Both were aware that they were being followed. Most likely to figure out where Anya was residing. To chat or ambush her, the agent didn't want to find out. They took three turns to gain the perfect blind spot before the Aether leaked out. It concealed them perfectly so when the Amphibian came around the corner, he searched wildly up and down the hall to figure out where they had gone.

"You're handy work?" Loki wondered.

"Of course," Anya answered. "I don't want strangers to know where I live."

"Then why not use it back there so I didn't get dragged into this?"

"Because given the layout and situation I weighed my options and realized this was the only one where I didn't have to have any interaction with him. Physically or verbally. And I do not have the patience to deal with any of that tonight."

Finally, they arrived at the door.

"I appreciate the escort," the young woman said. "Have a good night."

She was surprised that after that night, Loki had more check-ins with the agent. And not just at the Grandmaster's events. The young woman never saw where he was staying. Instead, he always approached her with what little or no information the god had to give. Anya knew not to expect much, but it still disheartened her to hear nothing of Thor's whereabouts.

Loki almost always stopped by in the early morning. Before anyone got up after half the raggers held throughout the city. The young woman began to request breakfast for the both of them before he arrived so that none of the servants gossiped about her visitor's presence. Though he never stayed long to draw attention to themselves.

"You never told me," Loki spoke one morning, "why you don't allow the Aether out at regular intervals. You no longer wear the obedience disk. What's stopping you from getting out of here?"

"I can't go anywhere. Or at least I can't escape Sakaar alone without a plan. Besides now that you've showed up, I'm waiting."

"Waiting for what?"

"Well, since you're here, there's still a chance Thor may show up too."

"But if he did, we don't know how long that will take. What if it's not a few weeks? What if it's years? We don't know how time works here exactly."

"Then I guess I'm in for a long wait."

Loki didn't understand it. "You love him that much?"

"I do, Loki. Is it that hard to believe?"

He scoffed. "Thor can be an oaf."

"Maybe in the past. Before we met. But that's not the man that I see when we're together. I'd wait ten, twenty, hell, fifty years if that's how long it took him to come here. If Hela did cast him out. Or if he came searching on his own. Because if I was in Thor's position... If I were the last one left in the Bifrost, I wouldn't stop looking for him."

"What if in your waiting period you are killed in the arena in the process? You are still a mortal. You will not remain in your prime as long as an Asgardian."

"That's a risk I'm willing to take."

His head shook. "Mortals... in love mortals... I'll never understand it."

Anya laughed. "Never asked you to understand. Just don't try to convince me to think otherwise."

"Why would I do that? You can make your own decisions. And I have no desire myself to leave Sakaar. You can do what you like."

The last comment intrigued her. "Settling in nicely to the Grandmaster's social circle?"

"You have no idea. Soon I will have his ear completely. Be an influential individual in his personal matters. Probably only need a few more days."

"And then where will you go from there? You never stop until you've reached the top."

A mischievous grin spread across his lips. "I'm working on it. But one thing at a time." Loki stood to leave. "I have to admit. My asking around to assist you has opened up more doors in a rather rapid manner."

Anya's brows cocked. "Faster than you anticipated?"

His eyes rolled. "Yes, yes, you were right."

She grinned at the admission. "Thank you. I tend to be from time to time. Even when you think otherwise."

Anya took a sip of her tea.

"I have to wonder, when you become the ruler or Sakaar, will you continue to host fights in the ring?"

"Of course," Loki answered without hesitation, "it's an integral part of Sakaar. By banning it, I will ruin my reputation immediately with the population."

"Then what will you do with me if I'm still here when you rise to power?"

"I'll give you a choice. If you wish to fight in the ring a while longer because it amuses you, then you can keep fighting. But if you are done with it, then I'd make sure you're... comfortable. For however long you're here on Sakaar."

Anya was rather stunned to hear that Loki, in a sense, would take care of her.

"If I retire though, you'll need to find a new champion to take my place," she pointed out.

"With all kinds of aliens falling through the wormholes in the sky, I'm sure that a replacement would be found."

"You'll also take a hit in the betting pool without me there. Are you sure that you don't want to use me for your own financial gain?"

"There are other ways to increase one's finances. And while it may be tempting to have you assist with that, I believe in reimagining under new leadership."

Anya grinned at him, which made him a bit suspicious.

"What?" the god asked.

"I've grown on you," Anya said.


"Come on, why else would you make sure I'm comfortable after you overthrow the Grandmaster? You could easy throw me out and not think of me ever again. Offering retirement is a kindness. So that is why I believe that I've grown on you. This is a safe space, admit it."

His eyes narrowed in warning. "Never."

The young woman shrugged. "Suit yourself. But I know the truth."

The God of Mischief rolled his eyes. "You go back into the ring tomorrow night, right?"

"Correct. It's going to be a hell of a time. Apparently, I'm going up against a Baluurian."

"Do you even know what a Baluurian is?"

"Not exactly. But from what Silna told me, it's a large beast with impressive strength and white hair." Anya paused for a moment to squint at the wall. "You know, the way she explained it, reminds me of the mythological yetis on Midgard."

"It is a yeti," Loki said. "And a fierce one at that. It'll be nearly three times your height, and ten times the strength of a mortal."

She cocked a brow in his direction. "Are you trying to scare me or is that your way of comforting me that I can handle this?"

"I'm warning you. I trust that you have a trick or two up your sleeve?"


"Care to share?"

"Hmm, no, I don't think I will. I prefer that you keep guessing. The anticipation of the fight makes it all exciting for my fans."

"I'm not a fan."

"Keep telling yourself that."


Anya dressed herself, ready to enter the ring. She knocked before opening the door to Hulk's living quarters. He was just strapping on the last bit of armor.

"Magic girl," the green giant greeted.

"Good luck tonight," Anya offered. Leaning against the doorframe. "Excited?"

"Yes. Hulk ready to fight."

"Do you even know who you're fighting?"

"No. New guy."

Her brows pinched in confusion. "New guy? Someone else that is challenging the title as champion?"


The Grandmaster was allowing a contender to face off against the Hulk who had never stepped foot into the arena before? What made this individual so special that the Grandmaster was willing to make an exception to the hierarchy of the ring? And why chance the grand return of Hulk to the arena on an unseasoned fighter that may turn out to be a dud?

"Well, good luck all the same," Anya said.

"You too, magic girl," Hulk responded.

The guards escorted the both of them to opposite parts of the underground arena to prepare. The array of weapons along the wall were at her disposal, and she made her choice. Never had she fought against a yeti, but she had a general idea of what she needed for assistance to fell the creature.

"Excited?" Anya questioned the Aether.

It clicked in response as she felt it move under the armor in preparation.

"I think I'm more interested in Hulk's fight than my own."

"Arcane," a worker spoke. "You've got five minutes."


She stepped into the holding area for the door to seal behind her. Anya jumped in place, shaking out the arms, rolling the head and shoulders to relax herself. Somewhat. Time to put on another show. A part of her felt bad for the poor soul that decided to go up against the Hulk. A newbie with a big head on their shoulders and eager to prove themselves. They wouldn't last long...

"All right, ladies and gentlemen, the last fight before the one you've all been waiting for," the Grandmaster's voice echoed on the other side of the door. "Not that this contender ever lets you down. She knows how to put on a show. The true opening act. You all know and love her. The fierce, the lovely, the brilliant: Arcane!"


Thor left the attached bathroom in Anya's quarters. She'd spent nearly all night talking about the events on Sakaar since her arrival. Thor blamed himself. For not being closer when Hela attacked her. He should have taken her place. Battled in the arena longer. Sustained the battle scars the young woman now sported. And Loki knew she was here. After saying that he didn't have eyes on the mortal. Didn't know of her whereabouts. The Asgardian should've known that his brother would lie to him. But why lie about Anya? That didn't make sense in his mind.

The young woman already laid in bed. Exhausted from the evening's fight. She sleepily looked to Thor, who now wore lounge pants delivered by a guard at her request, and held open her arms. He fell into them in a welcomed manner, elbows propping up his upper half to look Anya in the eye.

"I'm sorry," he murmured. "You had to do this all alone."

"It's okay," she reassured. "At least falling out of the Bifrost didn't result in my sudden death. Or a type of purgatory where I was doomed to fall in darkness. Forever."

"I should have showed up sooner."

"We can't exactly control time, Thor. You showed up right when you needed to. And now that you have, we can move forward."

"To escape Sakaar."


"And return to Asgard to save it from Hela."


"We need to reach that quinjet."

"And we will. Once we get some rest. Clear our heads."

His arms wrapped around Anya to pull her closer. His face buried into her hair, while hers pressed against his chest and inhaled his scent.

"It's only been a few days, but I have missed this," he said.

"Imagine how I feel," Anya said. "It's been months."

His hands tilted her head upwards to kiss her lips. "How can I make it up to you, milady?"

A smile touched her lips. "I can think of a few ways."

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