Ancient Cardos: The Knight Li...

By RadiantSnowStorm

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In the middle ages, many things seemed to exist. Mythology, dragons, even witches. Well they are not wrong. ... More

Chapter 1: Faldin and Claire
Chapter 2: Three Dragons?
Chapter 3: Training Gone Bad.
Chapter 4: Caged.
Chapter 5: Smoked out.
Chapter 6: Campfire
Chapter 7: No Going Back
Chapter 8: Soralis
Chapter 9: Soralis (2)
Chapter 10: Celebration
Chapter 11: Invasion
Chapter 12: Nightmares.
Chapter 13: Blood Is Spilled.
Chapter 15: The Elder Fellow.
Chapter 16: King of Cardos
Chapter 17: Chris and Cyrus
Chapter 18: The Red and Orange Dragon, Cyrus
Chapter 19: Shards of the Past and Presnt.
Chapter 20: Shattered
Chapter 21: Dark Magic.
Chapter 22: Scrambled Mind.
Chapter 23: Twisted
Chapter 24: Nightmare Or Hell
Chapter 25: The Third Stone
Chapter 26: The Third Stone (2)
Chapter 27: Choices
Chapter 28: The Trumpets Sound Off.
Chapter 29: Mistakes
Chapter 30: The End and The Beginning.

Chapter 14: A Dream

41 3 0
By RadiantSnowStorm

It felt like I had died. Thrown off of a cliff and plunged into the ocean. The contact was so intense I passed out.

I probably drowned and died or someone saved me. I don't know which.

I woke up in a garden. I had light clothes on. It seemed like I was on top of a cliff. The one I was thrown off of most likely. The sun was out, probably mid day.

I stood at the edge and I watched the waves crash against the cliffside. The peaceful waves crashing into rocks.

"Peaceful isn't it?" A voice said. I turned around to see another young girl with me.

"Yea it's lovely." I said. She walked up next to me. She wore similar clothes to me

"Claire. I thank you for following the dream we shared."

"We?" No way. I'm starting to think that this younger girl is my friend that died over a year ago.

"Kelly?" I said. She nodded and smiled. We hugged. "Some dream i'm having".

"I can't believe you've slain a dragon already." She said stepping back from the hug. Her white eyes and long brown hair was about all I remember from her appearance. The last time I saw her she had burn marks all over her body from a dragon attack.

"Well, I stabbed his mouth."

"I saw it all. You and Darwin are still a great team." She said.

"Yea, he has the skill. What exactly is this place. Where are we?" I asked.

"A turning point of your life. You have to decide to wake up or not. We are at midway. Between life or death. You can choose to wake up from your accident. Or let go of everything and join me.

"You already know my answer. I have to kill my brother. Chris is mad. Yea our parents betrayed the bad guys, but they became good. If he doesn't respect it then I have to end him for the pain he has caused people. He also burnt down my village."

"He didn't try to kill you though."

"He wants to. Before he does it to me I will do it to him. I have to wake up, Kelly. I miss you at my side. You were always the better fighter. Say hi to my parents for me if they are here."

"You are a dark mage Claire. Maybe you can bring me back to life."

"If I do. I'd have to bring back my parents as well. Then everyone else. I can't be selfish and everybody is destined to die at some point. I can't change that."

"I may have been the better fighter, but you are the smart one."

She left the area and I sat down on the cliff. Watching the ocean. I could die and enjoy this sight forever. Be with my parents again, and my best friend Kelly.

It was good thoughts. Just to give up and be at peace. I couldn't do it. I forced myself to wake up. As much as I wanted this...I had to leave it.

It was bright out and I was laying on my back. I could see the sky and the small spread out puffy clouds. I also felt the heat and softness of the ground. I was laying on the beach. I must of been washed ashore.

It hurt to move. The impact into the ocean must have been all the pain I needed for one lifetime. I'd rather be the statue again. I sat up and stared down the ocean. I could see the trail where I was dragged to shore. I looked around and no one was in sight. I didn't just wind up here. I was dragged her by someone. Who?

I stood up and began to walk down the beach. I limped for a bit and occasionally stopped to rest, but it was mainly because I was lost. I had no idea where cliffs and a beach like this would be.

"I'd advise if you didn't move little lady." I jumped and looked at the sound. It was an older man sitting in a chair.

He wore normal clothing and a giant stick at his side, buried into the ground.

"I dragged you to safety. Now it looks like you want to jump right back into the danger." He had that classic elder man voice.

"Yea, it's my job as a knight."

"A knight? A female knight. I am growing old. Nice to see change though."

"Thanks for saving me."

"Nothing to thank me for. I just pulled you away from the water. Shouldn't be sleeping so close to the waters. Especially in your shape. You have cuts and bruises like you survived a game of searching for the hay in the needle stack."

"What?" I didnt get his reference. "I was going to Cardos. Can you tell me how to get there."

"Cardos? You mean across the map. You are on the beach of Hollow Shores. To get to Cardos you would have to go east, for many nights without end. It will take seasons."

"I've never heard of Hollow Shores"

"That is a shame. Most peaceful place on this world. Enjoy yourself dear." Just like that him and his chair vanished. He must have been a dark mage. He didn't seem frightening though. Are all magic users dark mages? What even makes us dark?

I'm glad he didn't judge me for being a knight. I'm also glad he didn't question why I was going to Cardos. I'm just glad he helped me out on my travels.

I stepped forward and heard something weird like metal. I looked down and hadn't noticed that out of nowhere I was wearing knights armor that fit perfectly. I even had a sword and a shield.

"My scales..." I whispered to myself. I had my scales at home still. They were resting in my old helmet waiting to be cleverly crafted into a fine shield.

I kept walking the beach in my new armor. I played with my magic a little. Lifted some rocks and tossed them. Set a plant on fire. Froze the plant next to it. I was trying to be secretive about the magic.

I got off the beach and started walking into the forest. It was dark in there. The trees had blocked out most of the sun. I crept alongside the tree trunks and tried not to venture into the middle.

I must have walked forever. The sun had set and I fell asleep against a tree.

I've had alot of conversations in my head lately. This time Chris had returned to talk some more. He was persistent.

"Lovely dive wasn't it sis?" He mocked me. I only heard his voice and everything else was blacked out.

"I'm not joining you."

"I don't care anymore. As long as I can drag out the pain for you, the better. Like Faldin burning. That was a good one."

"I don't care. I will just have to rebuild Faldin when you are dead."

"Remember good old friend, Oliver. He just so happened to have died in that fire. A perfectly well made ash statue."

"Good for him, he gets peace and doesn't have to endure the pain of this planet."

"What about Darwin?"

"I lost my parents, my village, my closest friends. I don't care who you kill next, it will just piss me off more."

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