The Red Stone's Gleam (JoJo's...

Oleh Beanyboy2002

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The Stone Mask, a mysterious artefact capable of turning people into Vampires. Brothers Dio and Damian Brando... Lebih Banyak

Summary: O/C
Author's Note: Before We Begin...
Chapter 1: 50 Years Later, The Master's Mission
Chapter 2: The Man in the Pillar, Straizo's Ambition
Chapter 3: The Master of Venice
Chapter 4: Training at a New Level
Chapter 5: Two New Allies Arrive
Chapter 6: A Month's Training, Nearly Completed
Chapter 7: Esidisi's Burning Blood!
Chapter 8: Awakening and the Venture to Switzerland
Chapter 9: Catching a Train, the Soldier's Intervention
Chapter 10: Germany's Cyber Soldier and the Wrath of Kars
Chapter 11: The Hotel on the Horizon, Caesar's Resolve
Chapter 13: Picking up the Trail, 100 Vampires!
Chapter 14: Lisa Lisa's Story, the Prelude to Battle
Chapter 15: Battle in the Colosseum
Chapter 16: The Second Battle, Kars' True Nature Revealed
Chapter 17: Blinded by the Light
Chapter 18: The Power of the Ultimate Being
Chapter 19, Epilogue: Joseph's 'Funeral', An Artefact Recovered...
Author's Note: Thank You!

Chapter 12: The Last, Lonely Bubble

144 10 4
Oleh Beanyboy2002

Gyalzen POV

Every second that passed only served to make me more nervous. No word came from either Caesar OR Messina. It hadn't been long, but even so, I was growing concerned. Had they entered the old hotel? No, Messina had his orders and I doubt he'd go against them.

Lisa Lisa had told us Caesar's story, of his father. For a long time Caesar had believed his father had abandoned him. He'd turned to crime before finally coming across both his father as well as the still-frozen Pillar men. His father sacrificed himself to save Caesar, in his last moments he directed him to Lisa Lisa to learn Hamon.

With this knowledge, it made sense. His sense of family honour, his insistence on facing the Pillar Men head-on. Now that I knew WHY, I found myself agreeing with Caesar's motive. Had I been placed in his shoes, I'd have reacted the same way.

Once Lisa Lisa's explanation was over, Joseph spoke. "I see." Lisa Lisa stated "Caesar's misunderstanding led to hatred. But that became pride in his father and his family. So Caesar picked up where his father had left off." 

We looked out at the hotel, I voiced my thoughts "Had I been in his place, I'd have had the same reaction. I can tell where he's coming from. Joseph said "He wants to avenge his father. Forgive me Caesar, I didn't mean to speak ill of your family. If you want to go in there despite it being a trap, then you must have a way to beat Kars. I've changed my mind! If you're going in, I'm right behind you! Caesar Zeppeli!" I added "Then as am I! I'm sorry I am not by your side already."

Lisa Lisa gave a thin-lipped smile. No words came from her, instead, she just nodded silently. It seems this time, we were all in agreement.

We set off without a moment's hesitation...


Our own walk towards the hotel felt like it went on for an eternity. Even if we were now on the same page, my nerves hadn't calmed at all. There was no sign of either Caesar or Messina, but judging by the footprints in the snow, it was clear they'd come this way.

I'd only known Caesar for three weeks at MOST. And yet, he was a friend I'd grown to respect deeply in that time. Both as a warrior and a friend. I thought back, back to one of our little sparring matches during that three week period.



I was somewhat surprised as the bubbles around Caesar's hands took on the shape of sharp discs. They cascaded towards me, sparks of Hamon jolting around them. I just about managed to evade each projectile by leaping to the side causing them to soar past me into the distance.

Due to already having a build-up of steam coating my hands, I was able to swiftly counter attack. I swing my arm around, yelling "ZOOM PUNCH!" As my arm thrust out, my aim was to collide with his face and end the fight here and now.

Caesar though, saw this coming, of course he did. He jumped back and called out "BUBBLE LAUNCHER!" He extended his hands as a barrage of bubbles began spewing out. Each one approached at a rate slower than the earlier discs. Which ultimately made my next effort easier.

With a swipe of my arm, a trail of steam extended around me. The bubbles were engulfed by it and due to the nature of both the bubbles and steam being Hamon-infused, the bubbles burst instantly and the steam rapidly disbursed in all directions.

In an instant, Caesar went in for another attack, swinging his leg around as he channelled Hamon into it. I repeated the same movement, both of us swung our left legs around causing them to clash. Hamon conducted through both.

For a moment, neither of us spoke. However before long, we both smirked withdrew from our lock. We stood opposite one another, catching our breath before standing up properly. I complimented "I must say, you surprised me again Caesar. I didn't expect you to turn the bubbles into discs like that."

Caesar's smirk grew as he answered "Yeah, it's an old family technique. Apparently my grandfather could do it with wine." I stated. "That was a good match. You fought well." As we walked away, Caesar replied "Yeah, same with you."

We clasped firmly into a handshake, Caesar saying "In our next match, we'll settle the score. Find out which of us is truly a more gifted Hamon user." I nodded, saying "I'd like that..."

Back to present day...

We never got that chance, that was our last spar before Esidisi attacked. And of course from there things had just escalated to where we were now. We never found which of us was truly more gifted. Though I suspected it was him.

Joseph interrupted my thoughts asking "Gyalzen, you in there?" I snapped back to reality, shaking my head for a moment before saying "Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine." Joseph just said "Well okay then."

After that brief exchange, we fell into silence, no more words were spoken. We drew closer and closer to the hotel, even now there was no sign of Caesar or Messina aside from the lone footprints. 

Before long, we arrived in the courtyard to the hotel. There was no sign of anyone, all seemed quiet, too quiet. The door was still closed, pointing towards it, Joseph said "They must have gone inside, lets go!" We took a step forward only for there to be a suddenly gust of wind. The power of which blew the door from its hinges, creating a large hole in its place.

The gust also made the three of us stagger. I could hear Joseph stating "S-such destruction!" Lisa Lisa stammered "I-it couldn't be!" Joseph declared "That's Wammu's Divine Sandstorm!" Lisa Lisa said "That means Caesar is-."

I took a step forward, saying "Damn it! I'm going in there!" Lisa Lisa tried warning "Gyalzen no! It's too dangerous!" However taking a leaf from Caesar's book, I ignored her command, making my way towards the hole where the door had been.

Before I could get close enough though, the ground suddenly began to shake. A voice echoed through the air, unmistakably Caesar's. It sounded like it was calling out "JOJO! THIS IS THE LAST OF MY HAMON! TAKE IT!" This was quickly followed by a light that I quickly identified as a surge of Hamon. 

Joseph pointed out "That's Caesar! Did you hear that?" I nodded, "Indeed." As Lisa Lisa replied "Yes. Caesar can't be-!" I didn't want to believe it, me and Joseph both called out in unison "CAESAR!" However as quickly as it came, both his echoing voice and the light disappeared.

Without a second's hesitation, we both sprinted into the building, slamming the remains of the doors aside and getting a look at our surroundings. The entrance hall of the hotel was completely demolished, chunks of rubble were strewn all over the place. Joseph confirmed "A Divine Sandstorm did this! And Caesar was caught in it!" 

And that's when we noticed it...

A bubble, drifting gently through the air. There was an unmistakable red tint to it and when I saw what was inside, I couldn't stifle a gasp. Within the bubble was Caesar's bandana, there was no mistaking that, along with a ring.

Joseph reached out towards it. "C-could it be? No! It's Caesar's bandana! And, a RING?! Wammu's lip ring!" Grabbing hold of the bubble, Joseph channelled Hamon into it in order to make it burst.

Joseph dropped to his knees, both the bandana and ring in his hand. I could hear him muttering "I haven't called Caesar's name since we got here. It was because I was scared. If I cried out his name and there was no response, if there was only silence, THAT's what scared me. I wouldn't accept it, so I didn't call him."

I spoke quietly, I didn't know what to think as I said "I was the same, should there be no reply, I'd not know how to act. Where is he though?" Joseph stated "Now we know. The Hamon in that bubble told me everything. Right here, a moment ago..." He trailed off before revealing.

"Caesar DIED..."

It didn't matter that I knew this already. I'd tried to deny it, over and over. That he would step out of the shadows, acting all arrogant or triumphant. Maybe the bubble was just a trick? No, I couldn't delude myself, in that moment, I dropped to my knees next to Joseph and began breathing heavily.

Three weeks, that's how long I'd known Caesar for. And in that short period of time, he'd already become more than just a training partner. He was my FRIEND! My mind raced, every time I'd lost someone close to me. My parents died when I was a child, Straizo betrayed me and now Caesar...

I couldn't hold it back any more, tears began flowing from my eyes. I'd tuned out Joseph's ramblings, he was merely saying the same things that were on my mind, about how arrogant Caesar was, how much of a show-off he was.

It seemed Joseph hadn't grasped the reality, even with his declaration, he got up, asking "Caesar?! Where are you?! Where are you sleeping?!" I'll find you, I'll dig you up, Caesar!" Lisa Lisa sternly snapped "JoJo! This isn't the time to search or grieve!" As we both turned to her, she explained.

"There are three of us, two of them. Just above even numbers. But all that trail of blood says is that Caesar hurt Wammu badly. We're in enemy territory. Let's go finish this. Both of you! Come on! Take the antidote and we'll hunt them!" 

It was at this point both of us were twitching in anger. I even noticed steam appearing from where my hands touched the floor. Lisa Lisa turned her back to us, seemingly not showing any emotion toward Caesar's fate.

As she lit a cigarette though, I knew better. I knew people reacted to things differently. Even so, me and Joseph both stood up, Joseph spoke "Coach Lisa Lisa. Your cigarette is backwards." That was the only indication we needed. As our master, she had to keep a calm exterior, keep us driven and focussed. But deep down, she was still human after all.

I simply whispered "Master?" She didn't reply. For a moment, all three of us were silent before Joseph's eyes snapped open. In a determined tone, he declared "I will fight them like the devil! Your spirit rests with me!"

I gently placed a hand on Joseph's shoulder, making him jump briefly as I spoke. "JoJo. I believe  Caesar's last words were directed to you. He left the ring for you and I believe it's you who he wishes to defeat Wammu. But know this, if you need me, I will help you every step of the way."

Turning away, I looked up to the sky and muttered under my breath to myself. "Caesar. I'm sorry. I should have helped you, I should have been here THEN, not now! I wasn't there! I promise, I shall make things right my friend." My fist clenched and it was as soon as I said these words, IT happened.

Blood began to trickle from under a rock in the centre of the room. A rock shaped like a cross. This gave us the answer I don't think any of us wanted. Even Lisa Lisa couldn't hide it anymore, she dropped to her knees and wept "Caesar..." All three of us were crying now. Joseph screamed into the open room.


We were in enemy territory, but we couldn't help ourselves as we mourned the loss of our ally and friend. Joseph screamed Caesar's name, Lisa Lisa cried freely, as did I. But they were only met with silence. 

Caesar was gone. There was no changing that. But his soul would live on through us...

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, a bit of a sad one as well. From here, I believe we're entering the final stretch of Part 2. I really hope you enjoyed and as always, thank you for reading.

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