Survival Journal

By Ma1rhK

950 88 138

Victoria Ferrari. "The girl who woke up one day and decided to be a formula 1 driver" those were the cruelles... More

Chapter 1: Victory
Chapter 2: Tesoro
Chapter 4: Attraction
Chapter 5: Tension
Chapter 6: Forbidden kiss
Chapter 7: Headlines
Chapter 8: Family reunion
Chapter 9: Humiliation
Chapter 10: Flirting games
Chapter 11: Secret package
Chapter 12: Car battles
Chapter 13: Games
Chapter 14: Shopping spree
Chapter 15: Cocktail- Exposure
Chapter 16: Teammate troubles
Chapter 17:Wrong impressions
Chapter 18: Attention seeker
Chapter 19: Damsel in distress
Chapter 20: Naked
Chapter 21: Swap of places
Chapter 22: Aftermath
Chapter 23: Drops of Vodka
Chapter 24: Climate change
Chapter 25: Suffocate me
Chapter 26: Jealousy?
Chapter 27: Candy land
Chapter 28: Ecstasy
Chapter 29: Perfect boy
Chapter 30: Jet skis

Chapter 3: Premiere

41 3 2
By Ma1rhK

He makes his way out of the cool down room, everyone immediately starts screaming in the view of him outside as I stay there trying to chill down. To contain my anger as i stare the wall..

I feel like breaking every thing I see right now, yet i hold back the urge.

Every time he makes me feel the same shitty way with this unbearably annoying confidence spilling out of him. I shouldn't care, I never care about anything, this is the best quality about me.. Although he makes my blood boil and skin to shiver.

His stare always gets pinned on my mind and never leaves me for the rest of the hour keeping me in an intense state.

He is the definition of a motivation to be better, to show the world that money doesn't buy talent.

The typical sexist rich driver who believes driving with talent can be bought. But I'm the one being publicly called an outsider, a girl with a head of a bimbo trying to prove something. Thats what people say.

"The girl that came out of nowhere, leaving runaways and house work to become an f1 driver." My label.

Everyone's is and will be against me no matter my success. After all is a sport dominated by men, having a woman and being the single on top is something new.

I drive for myself, I dont need to prove anyone anything because no one opinions matters to me and I simply don't give a single fuck about it. Even if the whole world is against me, it just makes me do better.

As about Adrian. That man can make me go nuts with only one of his looks on my way, out of all the drivers I have met he is the worst one, I know him too well to express the worst opinion about him.

As i say an asshole can stop being an asshole but the asshole will never stop being in the asshole. And Adrian? He is an asshole on his own.

"What happened?" My friend, Diana came later as she saw how angry I was. I was basically doing circles around myself, around the room again and again.

"I'm Italian tesoro, not American!" I repeat in a mocking voice while I walk out of there at a back door with Diana following me.
"Is there a fucking difference, we both know he grew up in LA before he came to Italy!" I yell upset and overwhelmed enough.

"Tesoro?" She wondered with a hint of surprise.
"As like, he called you tesoro?" asking this with a weird look on her face that actually terrifies me.

"Yes?" I reply surely and unsure while I look at her with confusion pictured in my eyes.
"What? Is it Like a complicated Italian curse word, I wouldn't be surprised?" I utter, forming an eye roll.

Diana looks back at me, a cheeky grin on her bright smile that scares me. What the actual fuck, I think. What did this person called me to make my best friend smile at me like she is some serial killer psychopath!

I'm Terrified, and she sees it since I'm from Brazil I do not know Italian that well. I hardly speak the language although my.. My dad is Italian. I preferred mom's origin language, I used to spend every single of my time in Brazil until.. until I had to move out.

"What does it mean Diana!" I shout as I stop walking and grab her aggressively by her shoulders.
"Is it that difficult to speak?" My eyes stuffed onto her face as I let her no time to breath.

She giggles. "Teroso means Darling and Dalring means beloved." She pauses seeing my widen eyes and my entire body shaking.
"You know when you love somebody more than anyone in your life.."

"I think I'm going to puke." I state disgusted, he difinitely does this to piss me off.

"No." I say in disbelief as I step back trying not to get mad, but it was just impossible!

"Maybe he appreciates you more than you expect." She shrugs her shoulders.

"Dont you understand? He said that to upset me! He is a butthead, big time." I say as I cross my arms under my chest.

"Or.." She didn't get to finish her sentence as I cut her short with my fingers touching her lips preventing her from uttering another word.

"Shut up. He hates me, I hate him, we hate each other, meaning he will do anything to get under my skin." I declared to remind her of the situation.

"You have to admit though, under all this ignorance there is a really handsome man. I mean how are you able to look at him straight into his eyes without folding onto the floor?" She wonders while I can sense her daydreaming of his figure.

I faced her.

"Oh, easily, I just imagine I punch his mother fucking face and rip his eyes off." I said with a normal smile even if I said the most phsycotic sentence ever.
"It's easy you should try it." I gave her a smile before walking again.
"Don't support the enemy."

"You are really weird. But its okay because that means I have him all for myself." Says her devilish self.

"Don't even think about it. I won't have him more connected to my life anymore. Remember. We will stay as much away as required." I said snapping away this thought of hers right away.

I have ripped off every further connections with Mr. Perfect.

As soon as I am back home I start getting ready for the red carpet since Im attending tonight and after we are going to celebrate with Diana. Her first ever main role In a famous movie. She has made her own name in the acting industry, and we must celebrate. She insists in celebrating my victory as well but I do not consider second place as a victory, more like a lost.

I did a bath and then I had a team of hairdresses, stylists and make-up artists all over me so they can start getting me ready for the big event, in which we have to be in time.

Being in time isn't my thing.
Its always such a huge mess when we have to get ready in circumstances like these, the room is a mess with pile of clothes everywhere and people wandering around to pick stuff from around the room. Such a troubling situation.

For me they picked a blue fancy dress with a slit between my chest and at the right leg which made the dress more fancy and Sexy, also little diamonds combined on the open skin as details, I trust my stylist so I went Along with her choice.

I wore normal silver heels underneath the dress but I don't think the were going to be shown even if they had a great detail of blue rubber band tied around the calf. As for My hair, it was down into soft curls that were reaching my bottom private part and of course they were only allowed to stand on my back. Like that the front piece of the dress and the makeup were shown off better.

After I was finally ready Diana is already waiting for me downstairs inside her favorite Mercedes benz car total black famous jeep which costs a fortune but money was never the problem, we are one of the lucky children that had the opportunity to grow up in a wealthy financial environment.

I get in the car sitting next to my best friend and my manager sitting in the front seat. The bodyguards as well got into their own cars and waited patiently to follow us.

After a while of looking at the window I finally hear her pitch high device echoe through the closed space.

"We are here!" She announces.

My manager instantly got out of the vehicle as the driver parked wherever he found a free spot for the car. Leon then opened the door for Diana. She steps out.

While she got out and everyone started to scream her name with every kind of thrilling emotion when they noticed her presence before she even went on the carpet! Insane. Paparazzi went wild making my eyes hurt, also noticing her eyes hurting a little too from flashing lights.

"Smile Victoria. This is a big moment." Says Diana making me giggle from her little reactions during this day.

I try need around my head noticing the death stare washed with a fake smile as her elbow crashed on my poor arm and I constantly smiled because of the pain, I didnt want to experience it again..

She then started walking and waving to people while sending them kisses too. I stayed behind smiling at her with my joker Face before joining her.

The paparazzi started asking her questions before she stepped foot on the red carpet and I followed behind her not expecting to be asked anything although everyone's having an interview backstage.

After we walk pass the paparazzi round we run into the interviewers round after showing ourselves and cameras go insane fast making it really difficult for you to see anything.

We eventually enter the building Diana starts talking with the press and giving some more interviews for more publicity as I gave a look around to spot my manager.

"If it isnt for Victoria Ferreira herself." A stranger's voice sounds out of the blue and shortly i noticed how I was spotted by this interviewing crew.

Time for some more scandals perhaps?

"It is." My grin grows larger and answer. The interviewer seems fun by her way she  smiles softly in a playful manner and lights up the mood like her co-worker.

Even if it's fake.

"Oh my god, we are here with THE Victoria Ferreira on a premiere of the brand new romance movie!"


I giggle as a response.

"ATell me Victoria, are you a Formula 1 driver by morning and an actress by night?" She wonders of course as a joke.

My gaze runs to the camera and then back to the reporter.

"Oh god no. I'm day and night a fully one of the best Formula one's drivers." I uttered with a big smile and a lot of patient.
I enjoy proving people wrong because that would mean I am right, which I adore to be.

"Everyone Knows Ferreira, everyone. You have made quite big name for yourself as the first female who have entered the sport after centuries." She says while she mumbles.

"How does it feel though, being in a job dominated by only men? Do you feel isolated or lucky?" The other girl asks me in a smirk.

"No, not at all. Most of them are kind and welcoming so we get along. The only emotion I feel is competitiveness on the track. What I do like about them is that they treat me more respectfully because of what I have achieved in such little time." I stated. I hate interviews.

"Hmm. And what a Formula one Star is doing here, at the premiere of the best movie, thought to be, for the year?"asks the first interviewer.

"I was invited by my best friend which happens to have the lead role of the movie!" I said proudly and glanced at her who was happily answering questions.

"That's interesting." She says while she give her co worker a go for it gaze.
"We had some hope you were here with A nice and Handsome man.." They sound disappointed.

My eye would twist if it could. I laugh, I couldn't help it.

"No, no man. Not tonight."

"Ohh.." Says the second interviewer in a nasty way.
"So there Is a man in general? There are a lot of rumors.."

My eyes narrow. My smile gets harder and my annoyance is clear.

"No there is no man in general. I am currently happy and single." I informed and both of them smirk.

"But how is that possible!" The first interviewer shouts with disbelief but in a friendly tone.
"You are around so many men in your work environment. You must have found someone interesting.. "her attempt is funny actually.

That sounds like a tabloid headline. Or a cheeky storyline.

"Well im not in need of any man. If anything the man should be in need of me."  I pause with a grin formed in my face.
"However I dont mix work and my personal life."

"Come on, there must be someone you like.. Without of course declaring you wanting them as a romantic partner."
"Let's talk objectively who is the most attractive?"

My mind is forced to run into each drivers appearance, still it stucks on a specific figure that makes every inch of me intimidated from certain feelings.. Feelings of probably admiration?

"Ahm, spill that tea right now? Which man have made THE ferreira blushing?"

Am I blushing?

"Well to be objective, Lewis Hamilton is really attractive and young looking for his age."

"Oh my god! What's going on here! I would expect you to say something like Adrian Del Angelo or Charles leclerc but, w-o-w!" The first journalist comments.

"Adrian Del Angelo? You must be kidding."

"Are you insane? He is one of the most adored celebrities. Super hot, super talented and super good with ladies."

"You should get your resource guy fired."

Their surprisment was undescribable.. Like i was an alien talking chinese. Their escalated over me with a certain curiosity which made me wonder.

"Okay. Let me process everything you said right now." She said, a small pause before speaking again.

"Victoria!" Diana sounds, with a smile always on her face as she walks near us and accidentally hears some of our conversation.
"What are you all discussing over here?" She asks while she looks at all three of us.

My savior.

"Oh nothing really about how Victoria find her teammate attractive and the most adored Ferrari driver a poser." The journalist said with a smile and the other laughed hysterically changing completely my words and having me with my jaw on the floor.

"Thats not what I-"

"She, What?" Diana screams feeling sick and shocked.
"Well, Victoria has a lot of thoughts and as about the teammate thing I'm pretty sure she doesn't mean it like you understood since he is old enough to be her father." says her while in her last sentence she gave me a puring anger gaze. Trying to save the horrible situation.

I feel like I'm not good at this.

"Thanks though, but we must get going. Have a nice night." Diana quickly grabs me away from them before I do any unsuspected stupid thing again.

"What is It?" I wondered.

"We are going to discuss this later." Her voice reminded you of an angry mother ready to explode once we were alone, but right now she played it cool and collected herself from scolding me in front of reporters.

We went to watch the movie with the rest of actors producers and guests. We didn't speak a word.. And I tried to shove away the horrible words I used earlier, although they were on my mind all the time during the movie.

Other thoughts took over my mind as well. It felt weird to be in such place, dressed so nice, but it wasn't the place, it was the way I acted, so polite and happy when earlier this day I was cursing like a "man" being in my comfort zone. A zone where I can let my mouth say whatever it likes, nothing matters under the pressure of g-force and 20 more cars.

The movie soon came to an end like, it was as fascinating as I expected to be despite Diana giving me all the time these glares which kept me aware that something is going to be discussed Later when we were on our own.

We got out of there in no time after two maximum hours, and then there was the after party. Diana had organized her own party at a really expensive club here in Barcelona.

Afterwards we went into the Car as Diana yelled from excitement but then stopped and faced me in silence once we were all alone inside that car.

Her arms twisted around my throat as she fell on top of me and make an attempt on choking me but I managed to get her off of me. Our loud screams forced everyone to give us a critical glance.

"What happened?" Leon questioned.

"Ask Victoria." She utters Like a little child while she crosses her arms, staying on her side.

I exhale, "okay, tell me whatever you are free to. But first I need you to know. I didnt say any of those things nor meant them like that.."

Silence for a couple of minutes while she is in an attempt of finding the correct words to describe how big I have messed up this time in the start of 2024 season.. In one day. One day.

"With, fucking, Lewis Hamilton?" She screamed confused and insane at the same time making everyone attention turn on us especially Leon's. Her words, expression made it ten times worse for me, it wasn't easy.

"You fucked with lewis Hamilton? Thats hot." He comments as a tease.

"Oh for fuck's shakes, we did not!" I stated annoyed, like it must be obvious!

"Of course you did not, he could be your fucking father! How could he react to this statement of yours now, huh?" She wonders in a challenging tone.

"Don't tell me she did another fucking statement!" Leon wonders this times worried realizing that this is not just a between us matter but more of all the world matter.

"She said lewis Hamilton is attractive." Says Diana and as Soon as Leon hears this shit he slams himself on the forehead disappointed, frustrated as well.

"Every fucking year you have to create scandals with your stupid statements!"
"Why won't you keep those thoughts to yourself!" His shout firm and voice stern.

"I said the truth and she basically forced me! He is attractive after all, I didnt say anything too mistakable." I try to save my image in front of them as I also shrug my shoulders and refuse to admit, I screwed up.

I didnt screw up.

. . . . . . .

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