YU-GI-OH!!-Revenge....Till us...

By QueenofGames23

148 66 0

Is the Morning of Yami Sennen and Nixie Motou's wedding...What should be a day of Joy and celebration turns i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 5

4 3 0
By QueenofGames23

Atemu had been walking the streets of Domino city with the 3 kids looking around some of the toy shops, before processing to of his favourite ice-cream parlour.

"Hi I'll have my usual.. Atemu said then he Smiled looking down at the kids. "and it's up to these 3 what they want? "He was making sure he followed Nixie's rules with the twins.

"I want strawberry!!", I want raspberry ripple!!" "I want Banana!!"

The ordered where placed, while waiting Atemu spotted Anzu entering and smiled. "Hello Anzu."

"Hey, fancy seeing you here.. where's Yugi he not with you?"

Atemu shook his head with a smile "Ahh No he is at home with Nixie she just got back today." Anzu looked at him rather surprised by the news then she beamed from ear to ear that her best friend was back.

"Nixie's back!! Oh my god that's wonderful news." She said "Would Yugi mind if I pop by to see her it been so long."

"Of course, I'm sure Nixie would love to see you and the old gang again." Just then the order was ready and the kids came rushing back over to Atemu "I see your on babysitting duty."

"Well I thought I would take little Heba and the twins out to let Nixie and Yugi catch up" Atemu said. "Twins?" Anzu asked. Atemu nodded as he introduced her to Leo and Kimiko before they rushed off with Heba to eat .

"Nixie must be so proud of them, I know Yami would be too, I can see a lot of him in them." Atemu agreed with her, he knew Yami would of loved too of seen his little ones grow up but sadly it wasn't meant to be. "Say would you care to join us?" Atemu Offered. "Sure if you don't mind."

"Not at all." As everyone sat down to catch up and enjoy some ice cream.

Outside a strange hooded figure sat across from the parlour. watching Atemu, Anzu and the children's every move...gripping Yami's deck close. A smirk graced the figure's face.

"The game has just began..."


It was late that evening, everyone were sleeping peaceful within the Senna household, apart from one member Nixie who was still up.

She sat at her vanity mirror brushing her long tri colour hair. Just then she suddenly heard the sound of a Creek on the floor from outside her bedroom.

Nixie stood from the mirror as the sound seemed to be getting closer. Slowly her bedroom door opened.

Nixie felt her heart racing in fear, gripping her hair brush ready to spring. Just then her little daughter appear from behind clutching her little toy bunny with tears running down her face.

Nixie breathed a sigh of relief then automatically rushing to comfort her with picking her up. "What's wrong my darling... tell mummy why your crying.."

"Had bad dream the monster was trying to get me and Leo again..."Little Kimiko sobbed into her mother. Nixie cradled her daughter close. " awww sweetheart... your safe now no monsters will harm you Mummy is here."

Nixie cooed as she held her daughter stroking her hair.

"Mummy, I want Daddy too..." It broke Nixie's heart at her daughter asking for her Father. Kimiko sobbed into her mother clinging on to her toy bunny. As Nixie sat with her daughter she had a strange feeling that she and Kimiko weren't the

only ones in the room. She felt like someone was sitting close beside her and her child.

Kimiko looked up at her mother her little amethyst eyes filled with tears...

Nixie smiled softy at the feeling she was sensing. " Don't worry my darling, I know your daddy is close at hand watching over us."

"Will Daddy keep the monsters away just like you do..." She asked. Nixie nodded "of course he will sweet heart." She gently kissed her daughter forehead. The little girl started yawning.

"Mummy can I stay with you." Nixie smiled and nodded as she cradled her child in her arms. Within 5 mins little Kimiko fell fast sleep. Nixie carefully laid her down with out waking her before laying down herself.

"Sleep Well Princess. "she whispered. Before putting the light off and settling down for the night.

A few hours had passed the clock on the bedside table softly struck 2am. Little Kimiko slept peacefully beside her mother.

As she slept she dropped her little bunny toy to the ground. Unknown a transparent hand reached down for the stuffed toy and placed back beside Kimiko who didn't even stir.

Nixie slowly moved in her sleep, her head slowly moving side to side.


Nixie slowly opened her eyes to find she was in the suite she was staying in on the day of her wedding. The room felt dark gloomy and damp, an icy cold breeze blew around... she shivered a little. "Where am I?" From the corner of her eye she saw something what looked like a figure hiding deep within the shadows near the fireplace. "Who's there...?!"

The figure slowly came forward from the shadows of the fireplace slowly " Well this is an odd place for us to meet once again? "the deep familiar voice spoke as he came fully in to view in front of her. It was Yami still dressed in his wedding suite, which was dirty and still covered in blood stains where he had been attacked that that day. His skin was a pale shade of grey his once crimson eye's which were full of life were dull and colourless.

Nixie stood speechless and frozen in fear looking at the sight before her. "Y...Yami..." she finally muttered.

Yami nodded to her. "Yeah it's me my love, I've never been fully at rest and brother dearest is either in denial that I'm around or he just doesn't want to believe it? "He spoke with sadness in his voice.

Nixie slowly approached him taking his icy-cold hand into her, looking into his eyes she could see how tried he was and the sadness deep within. "oh Yami, Atemu knows your around him, we all still feel you... you will never be forgotten about."

She turned her head way from him, "I was the Coward leaving Domino trying to run away from all those memories we made, When I should of been here with Yugi and Atemu."

Yami gently cupped her chin. "You're not a coward my love I understand why you left it brought back memories of us, But Yugi's right on one thing though he's really not doing ok He's struggling and won't let his husband in he's afraid. Please talk to him if he carries on the way he's going to be joining me without warning if he keeps going like this."

"Ill try and talk with him you have my word." She said.

"I also understand you want to help him as well but just be careful I want answers on this hooded cloak person he did take my deck after all... " Nixie's eyes widened at his words. "Hooded figure?" Yami nodded. "Is the last thing I remember before I died, he happened to make an appearance when Atemu was out with the children." This now worried Nixie she couldn't believe what she was hearing. "This hooded figure he isn't planning on coming after us and the kids."

Yami shook his head at her. "I don't think he's after the kids... but I do believe Atemu's in danger though it's possible this hooded person was after the both of us I have no Idea what their motive is of the attack...

he doesn't want the kids but he is planning something to get to my brother he possibly may try and harm your brother too.

I'm fairly sure me and Atemu both weren't supposed to leave that room that day " he spoke sadly as he took her hand in his. " That's all the information I was able to pick up upon I don't remember anything else I'm afraid everything's blank."

"Now I am scared... I'll speak with Atemu and Yugi... weather they believe me or not but I will make them listen to me one way or another." Yami could see the determination in her, he knew Nixie was strong something he loved about her.

"I know you will my love" he said bring her close to him. She smiled softly at him.

Yami looked to her Nixie with a sad smile. " I don't have very much time left I can sense the morning approaching...." Nixie clung to him his eyes filled with sadness as he held her he thought turned to his little ones when the dream world was being to fade around them back into the real world, he saw his little daughter who was still sleeping soundly beside her. "You've raised them well my love, I've been watching the twins grow and I'm very proud of you for doing it on your own, I'll make sure no harm comes to them."

"Thank you my love" she said some tears fallings, "Tell our little princess that I will keep the monsters at bay in her dreams." Yami smiled before she and her beloved lent in for a loving kiss."


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