The Fear of Falling Apart | J...

By DarkHighness_Alt

110 17 3

Sequel to Just One Regret (Posted on SecretJungle666) The Urie family is cursed. Murphy's Law doesn't even be... More

Chapter 1 - Disequilibrium
Chapter 2 - Off One's Rocker
Chapter 3 - Deja Vu
Chapter 4 - The Inclusion Kid
Chapter 5 - Sleepover Shenanigans
Chapter 6 - Hospital Policy
Chapter 7 - There's No Closer Bond Than Family
Chapter 8 - Pickles
Chapter 9- Kabutos In The Hospital
Chapter 10 - Food Babies
Chapter 11- This Was No Accident, This Was A Therapeutic Chain of Events
Chapter 12- Please Don't Leave.
Chapter 13 - It's Just Not A Good Day.
Chapter 14 - Even When I Doubt You, I can't Live Without You
Chapter 15 - I Don't Play With Meanies
Chapter 16 - If Home Is Where The Heart Is, Then We're All Just...
Chapter 17 - A Single Spark Can Burn The Whole Place Down
Chapter 18 - The Urie Curse
Chapter 19 - Nothing Will Ever Be The Same
Chapter 20 - The Twitch
Chapter 21 - Genetic Inheritance
Chapter 22 - One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Chapter 23 -
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - Meanies
Chapter 27 - Little Urie's, and Little Ross'
Chapter 28 - We're Here So Much, We Should Just Move In.
Chapter 29 - The Undead
Chapter 30 - Back To The Music Scene
Chapter 31 - The Urie's and Ross's Hit Japan!
Chapter 32 - The First Concert
Chapter 33 - What Even Is Normal?
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - Home on The Range
Chapter 36 - Study
Chapter 37 - Confrontation
Chapter 38 - Support
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 - Happy Birthday Kaitlyn
Chapter 41 - Stay With Me
Chapter 42 - The Verdict

Chapter 26 - The Wonderful World of Fanfiction

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By DarkHighness_Alt

****Brendon's Point Of View****

"Hello Brendon, come sit down." Dr Farnsworth greeted.

"Hello." I mumbled, sitting down.

"I see you're excited as usual."


"If you just give me a second, then you'll have my undivided attention." He murmured.


He printed out a few pieces of paper and stapled them together. He grabbed a folder and the papers before coming over to talk to me.

"Alright, so how are you?"

"Pretty average."

"Why only average?"

"Because I'm still here."

"Okay." He murmured, writing something down.

I tried to lean over to see what he was writing, but he covered it.

"How do you spell your last name Brendon?"



"What are you writing about me?"

"I'm not writing anything about you, truthfully. Except your name."


He turned the paper around and handed me a pen. "You need to sign here." He said, pointing to the bottom of the form.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Forms." He stated.


"If I told you it wouldn't be as fun Brendon."

"It better not be ECT." I muttered as I signed the form.

"It's nothing of the sorts." He assured, taking the forms back. "Now come on, we're going for a walk."

I was confused, but followed him anyway.

He took me to my shared room. "Take anything that's yours with you."


"If you have any belongings in here, put them in this bag." He said, pulling out a grocery bag.

I collected my things and put them in the grocery bag. "What are you doing with this?"

"Nothing." He said, holding the bag out to me. "Now let's go."

I followed him unsurely, hoping he wasn't going to murder me or anything.

We ended up at reception and he was giving the forms to the receptionist.

"What's going on?" I asked again.

"Hush. Jackie's on the phone."

"But I want to know what's going on!"

"You will soon if you shut up."

I huffed in annoyance.

"I swear to god." He sighed. "Brendon you are so close, don't blow it now."

I just remained silent.

The receptionist hung up the phone and gave Dr Farnsworth a silent nod. He walked over and took my arm, before pulling me outside.

"What are we doing now?" I asked.

"Waiting for your wife."


"The forms you signed were your release papers Brendon."


He nodded.

"So I'm going home?"


I grinned. "Awesome."

We were waiting for quite awhile until Gerard and Sarah arrived.

I pulled her into a hug as soon as I saw her. "I-I've missed you."

"I've missed you too Bren."

I pressed a kiss to her lips. "I can't wait to get home."

"Uh... do you want to get changed first?" She asked, glancing over my colourful scrubs.

"I don't really care."

She shrugged. "Okay, let's go home."

I hopped into the car and Gerard changed the station. I didn't really know why until one of my songs came on, but it was one I hadn't even released yet.

"Why is this on the radio?" I asked nervously. "I haven't released this yet..."

"Apparently it was leaked. Robert called me because he couldn't get in touch with you."

"Who leaked it?!"

"I don't know."

"The only place it was, was on my home computer. So either we were robbed, I was hacked, or someone who has access to my computer has leaked it."

"I was in hospital." Sarah defended.

"I haven't touched your computer Brendon." Gerard stated.

"What about the girls? Did they do it?"

Gerard shrugged. "Unless your computer is at my house."

We arrived at Gerard's house, and I went on a scout for my computer. But not before hugging Kaitlyn and Nicole.

Kaitlyn started to follow me around. "What are you looking for?"

"My computer. You haven't seen it, have you?"

She shook her head. "There was this man who came over yesterday asking where it was though."

"Huh? What did you say?"

"There was this weird man, Gerard invited him in so they must know each other and he was asking where your computer was."

"Gerard!" I called, walking to his studio.

"What's up?" He asked. "D'you find your computer?"

"Who's the weird man who came over and asked where it was?"

"Well Ryan came over. He never asked me about your computer though."

"Kaitlyn!" I yelled.

She raced into the room. "Yes?"

"What happened when Ryan asked you where my computer was?"

"I told him I didn't know and he w-walked past into the spare room?"

"And did he find it?"

"I'm not sure. I just went to tell Gerard."

"Gerard?" I asked.

"I honestly don't know Brendon."

I took his phone and dialed Ryan's number, angrily tapping my finger on the desk.

"Hey Gerard!"

"Where the HELL is my computer Ross?!"

"Why would I know?"

"You were here, and you took my damn computer and leaked my song. I want it back, now, or else I'm reporting you for theft."

"It's with Robert. I was just tryna help you."

"You leaked my damn song! It wasn't even finished!"

"Sounded finished. Anyway, I was trying to help because of all the stuff on TV about you in the nuthouse."

"Hell yeah. I'm bloody insane. And you know what they say about crazy people? DON'T STEAL THEIR DAMN STUFF!"

"Never heard that." He murmured. "And besides, I didn't steal it. As I said, it's with Robert."

"I'm going there now. If it's not there, you're dead meat Ross."

"I think you know the real reason I did this Urie."


"You replaced me with Sarah! I was helping you get better! Look where you ended up!"

"Don't you dare talk about my wife." I growled.

"Seriously, she's bad for you Brendon! How many times have you been to the institution now?!"

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" I screamed into the phone.

The blood drained out of Kaitlyn's face and she ran out of the room.

"It's true though! I was helping you Brendon! You were doing so well!"

"Ross, I'm going to go back to my wife and daughters now. I'll see you in hell." I smashed the end call button and threw the phone to Gerard, before storming out to Sarah.

Kaitlyn looked at me and saw I was still mad before curling up in tears.

"It was Ryan." I grumbled. "Ryan bloody stole my computer and leaked my song."

Sarah frowned. "Are you going to take legal action?"

"Not this time." I muttered. "It was finished anyway. If he does it again, then I'm going to sue his ass for every cent he's got."

Sarah nodded. "Alright, but you scared the living daylights out of Kaitlyn."

I sighed. "I'm sorry little worm. I didn't mean to scare you."

"I-I feel bad for him." She whispered.


"B-Because you're really scary. H-He was in your band right? W-What'd he do to make you hate him? He s-seemed really nice."

"I-It's complicated..."

"I h-have no reason to hate him, b-but you're really scary Dad." She stammered.

"I'm sorry. I'll try not to get angry again."

She just walked away.

I sighed. "20 minutes on the outside and I'm already lashing out."

"It's alright Bren. You didn't come out in ideal circumstances."

"I guess so." I mumbled.

I sat down and just watched TV for a couple hours before Kaitlyn came back.

"S-Sorry for l-leaving Dad."

"It's alright little worm." I assured.

She sniffled and sat down next to me. "I-I've really missed you."

"Same here."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

She smiled and snuggled into me.

"I'm going to go for a drive to Robert's to get my computer, wanna come?"

Her eyes lit up and she nodded.

We went out to the car and I drove to the office, where I came face to face with the man who leaked my song.

"Ross." I muttered, grabbing Kaitlyn's hand.



"Still on his desk."

"Come on Kaitlyn" I muttered, pulling her past him.

He looked at her for a moment, before realising. "Damien and Lydia's kid! Oh wow! You're so grown up! Last time I saw you, you were tiny!"

"I-I didn't realise we'd met, well before yesterday. Was that even meeting though?"

"I didn't realise! Oh wow, you were only 4 last time. Do you remember me?"

"K-Kinda...R-Ryan's your name, right?"

He nodded. "It's good to see you again. Gosh, doesn't she look just like them Brendon?"

I nodded. "She does, yeah." At this point, I was more nervous than angry.

"You didn't tell me you took her in Bren." Ryan looked up at me, looking slightly hurt.

"We haven't talked in a long time..."

"Yeah, but I was as much Damien's friend as you were. I thought I told you to tell me if you ever did."

"I'm really sorry Ryan." I murmured.

He held his hand out to Kaitlyn. "Well, it was lovely meeting you. I hope we can stay in touch."

She nodded. "Hopefully."

He opened his satchel, grabbed a notebook, scrawled his number on it and handed it to her. "Call, or text. Anytime."

She smiled. "I will."

"Well, I guess I'll see you around mini Lydia." He laughed to himself. "Little Urie. I don't know, see you around. You too Brendon."

Kaitlyn giggled. "See you around."

He tipped his hat at me, before leaving.

"Okay, let's go in."

She followed me in, still smiling.

We got to Robert's desk and he breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad you're here."

"Do you have my computer?" I asked.

He nodded. "I wanna talk first though."

"What about?"

"The song and Ross."

I frowned. "I don't want to talk about Ross."

"I'm aware."

I just frowned and waited for him to start.

"We'll start with the song. We can't just get rid of it, or take it back. It's already all over the internet. We can tell the stations to stop playing though. What do you want to do?"

"I guess we just leave it." I sighed.

"Alright, now...What are we going to do about him?"

"Restraining order." I suggested.

Kaitlyn shook her head. "He's nice!"

I sighed. "Well he hasn't stopped causing issues."

"He wants to be back in the band." Robert sighed.

"No." I answered.

"His contract, Brendon. I don't have a choice."

"Find something! He's not coming back!"

"I'm afraid he is, for two years until his contract runs out."


"I'm sorry Brendon. And that means he's coming to Japan with you."

Kaitlyn grinned. "Awesome!"

"Alright, can you get him to come here tomorrow so we can practise in the spare studio?"

"Sure." Robert nodded, putting on a headset.

Kaitlyn sat beside me, swinging her legs around as she looked around the room.

"What are you doing little worm?" I asked.

"This place is cool."

I nodded. "It is."

"I almost wanna work here when I'm older."

I smiled. "Well, I've got the connections."

"I imagine you would."

Robert got off the phone. "9am, here."

I nodded. "Awesome. I'll just have to make the most of this."

"That's wise." He nodded. "Anyway, I'll see you later."

I nodded. "Computer?"

"Oh, right. Here."

"Thanks." I smiled.

"See you later Brendon."

"Bye Robert."

Kaitlyn smiled as we left the building. "So now Panic! Has two members!"

"Yep. And then everyone's gonna come back." I sighed.

"But that's good, right?"

"I don't know. It just means if I have an episode or something, more people will be disappointed."

She frowned. "It also means you have more friends Dad."

"Yeah, I guess so."

We drove back to the Way house and I went and hugged Sarah.

"Everything sorted?"

"Ryan's back in the band."

"Why? I thought you two weren't on very good terms..."

"He wanted in, he had a contract, Robert couldn't say no, and he's back in the band!" I cried.

"Hey, it's alright Bren. It'll be alright."

"T-Two years! A-And he's c-coming to Japan!"

"It's alright Brendon. It could be fun."

I sniffled. "If he messes up Nicole's holiday, I'm gonna kill him."

"He's too nice to do that." Kaitlyn interjected.

"You don't know him like I do." I muttered, walking out of the room.

"What has he done Dad?!"

"Nothing you need to know about little worm. Don't worry." I told her firmly.


"NO!" I yelled. "GO AWAY!"



She looked up at me. "You dated?"

"No...?" I whimpered.

She grinned and ran off.

"Why did I blurt that out?" I frowned.

Gerard walked up beside me. "I don't know"

"I can't do anything right lately."

"I'm sure that's not it. Anyway, do you want to come and play some music with me?"

I smiled. "Cool."

***** Kaitlyn's Point of View *****

I ran into Nicole's room to tell her what I'd found out.

"You know Ryan, the guy who came here yesterday?"


"Dad dated him."

Her ears perked up. "Seriously? I didn't know he was bi."

"I guess he is."

She grinned. "I can't wait to blog about this."

"Isn't there a huge thing where people ship him with his old bandmates?"

She grinned. "Oh yeah. Brallon and Ryden. There's heaps of that. Wanna read some fanfic with me?"

"Yes!" I giggled.

She sat down next to me. "Have you heard of the milk fic?"

"No? Do I wanna know?"

"Nope. Don't even look it up. Here... let's find something cool." She started googling on her ipad.

That's how we ended up reading fanfiction about Dad for 8 hours.

Mom walked in on us giggling. "What are you two so happy about?"

"Nothing." We said unconvincingly, trying to stifle more giggles.

"Uh oh... I know that giggle. You're not reading fanfiction, right?"

"No." We grinned.

She sat down next to me. "Which one are you reading at the moment?"

"It's called 'But.' on wattpad, by some writer called DarkHighness. It's pretty cool, but honestly pretty sad." Nicole shrugged.

"How about I get my laptop so we have a bigger screen?"

I giggled. "Okay."

She left for a little while before coming back with her laptop, as promised and some candy.

"Some fanfic reading supplies." She smiled, throwing it between us.

"You seem to be an expert at this. Do you wanna confess anything?" Nicole asked.

She giggled. "I always enjoy the one shots. They keep me company when Bren's away."

"I see." We grinned.

We proceeded to read many more fanfictions until Dad walked in.

"Hey Dad." I tried to greet casually.

He looked at us. "What are you three doing?"

"Nothing." We all answered at the same time.

"Dammit. You're reading fanfiction, aren't you?"

"No?" I said innocently. "We'd never."

He sat down on the other side of Nicole. "Which one?"

"Which one are we on now?" I asked.

Sarah shrugged. "We're just reading one-shots."

"Brendon Urie X Reader." Brendon read. "Nice. Hang on, let me get my glasses. I want to experience what it's like to be shipped with myself."

We all giggled as he left the room.

He came back and started reading aloud.

"You get home from work. It's been a rough day, but you're glad to see your husband Brendon is cooking dinner. He leans over the stove, stirring the pot with the wooden spoon, the steam ever so slightly blowing his luscious black hair."

We burst into laughter.

"I'm home Bren!" You call, putting your bag down and walking into the kitchen. He smiles, and presses a light kiss to your lips. "It's so good to see you babe."

"Aren't you glad you joined us Dad?" I asked.

"Shh. Brendon Urie just kissed me." He giggled, before reading on.

"Did work make you hungry?" He asked, pulling you to the kitchen. "I've been cooking all day."

"Oh, yeah. I didn't have lunch." You say, rubbing your hands into his back. "What else have you been doing?"

"Thinking 'bout you."

You giggle. He's flirting again. You know what he wants.

"Alright, next one." Sarah said. "We're not reading the bad bits."

"Aww, that's the best part!"

"Dad, eww." I stated.

"Bands get bored on tour, alright?"

"Still disgusting."

Sarah found another fic. "Here, this looks cool. You read any Ryden?"

"That's where we started."

"I don't want to read any of those." Brendon said coldly. "Let's do an adopted-by fic."

"Alright." Sarah said, opening up a different fanfiction.

"There's like 50 thousand on this exact topic." Nicole stated.

Brendon laughed. "You two are living the dream of 50 thousand teenage girls."

I giggled. "I know."

"This one looks good." Sarah said, clicking on a new one.

"What's it called?" I asked, pulling out my phone.

"Uh...A Fear of Falling Apart by Crazy_Fangirls17."

I found the book and saved it to my library, along with everything that was suggested.

"Fanfic is great. We should write one." Nicole grinned.

"It's probably just end up being an autobiography."

She giggled. "Nah, we'll write a one shot. We should! Hang on, let me open a word document."

We wrote a bunch of one-shots and Nicole decided it'd be a good idea to post them to the internet.

"What should our username be? Uh... Urie_Family."

"So creative." I giggled.

"Damn, that's taken. Uh... Breadbin_Urinator's_Daughter"

"What?" I started laughing uncontrollably.

"Damn! That's taken too!"

"Try putting real in front of it."

"Also taken."

I frowned. "Let me try. Uh... Breadbin_Urie_Ryden_Daughter_Real."

"Hey, it's not taken!"

I grinned. "Awesome."

We put them online and a few people read it.

Breadbin's_Real_Daughter: This is fabulous! It's like you actually know him! The character is spot on!

Nicole decided to reply.

Breadbin_Urie_Ryden_Daughter_Real: We're glad you enjoy it. We tried to make it as real as possible.

A few minutes later, we got another reply.

Breadbin's_Real_Daughter: And you succeeded! You might be my new favourite author!

Breadbin_Urie_Ryden_Daughter_Real: That's awesome!

"We have a fan!" Sarah giggled.

Brendon sighed. "This is strange,"

"Hang on, we need to take a selfie for a profile pic." Nicole said, opening the webcam.

"That'd reveal us though!"

"So?" She giggled. "This is fandom land. They'd just think it's photoshop. And you can't really zoom in, so it would just be little."

We took the photo and our 'fan' messaged us.

Breadbin's_Real_Daughter: You met Brendon AND Sarah?!

Breadbin_Urie_Ryden_Daughter_Real: Oh yeah, it was cool. They're really nice.

Breadbin's_Real_Daughter: I want to meet them so much!

Breadbin_Urie_Ryden_Daughter_Real: It was weird how I met them. I mean, Sarah moved in next door and then she met me and my brother. It was cool. And not long after I met Brendon.

Breadbin's_Real_Daughter: Your life sounds like a fanfiction in itself.

Breadbin_Urie_Ryden_Daughter_Real: Yeah, it seems so. I thought about writing something like it, but I figured it would be uninteresting.

Breadbin's_Real_Daughter: Sounds pretty interesting to me.

Breadbin_Urie_Ryden_Daughter_Real: Eh. I might just stick to the one shots.

Breadbin's_Real_Daughter: Fine by me.

Breadbin_Urie_Ryden_Daughter_Real: So what's your name?

Breadbin's_Real_Daughter: Gretchen.

I froze.

Breadbin_Urie_Ryden_Daughter_Real: That's cool. I'm Nicole. Where are you from?

Breadbin's_Real_Daughter: California. You?

Breadbin_Urie_Ryden_Daughter_Real: Same here. Have you ever met Brendon and Sarah?

Breadbin's_Real_Daughter: I did once. Never properly though.

Breadbin_Urie_Ryden_Daughter_Real: Just, saw them from afar or what?

Breadbin's_Real_Daughter: Well I'm living in a group home, but one of the girls I used to live with were adopted by them so whenever they came for her I saw them.

Nicole looked over at me. "Is this the kid that used to bully you?"

"I-I think so..."

Breadbin_Urie_Ryden_Daughter_Real: Kaitlyn, right?

Breadbin's_Real_Daughter: How'd you know?

Breadbin_Urie_Ryden_Daughter_Real: Well, she's sitting right next to me.

Breadbin's_Real_Daughter: Oh...

Breadbin_Urie_Ryden_Daughter_Real: She says hi.

"I do not!" I objected.

"Too late now."

Breadbin's_Real_Daughter: Sounds like a lie. She hates me.

Breadbin_Urie_Ryden_Daughter_Real: Yeah, she did get mad when I sent it. Anyway, now she's scowling and trying to snatch the computer.

Breadbin's_Real_Daughter: I'll leave you guys alone.

Breadbin_Urie_Ryden_Daughter_Real: Hey! No! I like you! You're cool!

Breadbin's_Real_Daughter: Online, yeah. In person, not so much.

Breadbin_Urie_Ryden_Daughter_Real: I don't think you'd like me in person either. I snap a lot.

Breadbin's_Real_Daughter: So do I.

Breadbin_Urie_Ryden_Daughter_Real: Sounds like we're twins.

Breadbin's_Real_Daughter: Eh, something like that.

"This is weird." Brendon stated.

Breadbin_Urie_Ryden_Daughter_Real: Brendon says Hi.

He sighed and left the room. I followed him, on the verge of tears.

"Hey! Guys! Wait! I was gonna burn her so hard!" Nicole tried to say, chasing after us.

I sat down on the couch and just started crying as I relived every horrible memory of her.

Nicole sighed and sat down next to me. "I'm sorry Kaitlyn."

"I-It's not your fault." I whimpered.

"Yeah it was, I'm sorry."

"I-It's okay." I mumbled.

No it's not! How dare she bring up your past like that.

She hugged me before retreating to the bedroom.

"D-Dad?" I whispered.

"Yeah little worm?" He asked.

"C-Can you get my emergency medication?"

"Sure. Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah." I stammered.

He threw me the bottle of pills and a water bottle. "Here."


I took two and tried to calm down.

I kept getting worked up. I felt pathetic. This was the first time in weeks since I had my emergency medication.

Sarah came and sat beside me. "Everything okay bub?"

"I-I guess." I choked.

She hugged me. "Bren told me what's going on."

"I don't even know what's going on."

"That's okay." She assured. "We can just sit here until it gets better."

I nodded and rested my head in her lap.

She gently stroked my hair. "You're okay bub."

"I love you so much." I murmured.

She smiled. "I love you too."

"This is nice." I whispered.

Sarah nodded. "Yeah, it is."

I started getting droopy eyes and fell asleep where I was.

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