The Bad Batch: Oneshots

By ChopSyndulla_457

187K 6.2K 4.3K

I'm obsessed with TBB (Dad Batch). This show means everything to me and I'm so sad it's over. I entered high... More

Nature Can Be Dangerous
Gone P1
Gone P2
Bored at the Bar
Life and Death P1
Life and Death P2
First Fight
Never Too Busy
Clouded Mind
Day Out
Not So Well P1
Not So Well P2
Never Misses
Reality P1
Reality P2
By Your Side P1
By Your Side P2
Hand to Hand
Temporary Change P1
Temporary Change P2
Finding Trouble
Handprint On My Heart
For A While P1
For A While P2
Used To
No Escape P1
No Escape P2
What A Day
The Market P1
The Market P2
Unlikely Comfort
Malfunction P1
Malfunction P2
Til Death
Small Talk
Both Ways P1
Both Ways P2
Both Ways P3
Long Day
Secrets P1
Secrets P2
Conflicted P2
A Little White Lie
Bounty Hunter
Blessing P1
Blessing P2
Right Moment
Close Calls P1
Close Calls P2
Close Calls P3
Ice Cold
Back to You
I'm Here
Trust P1
Trust P2
Anything for You P1
Every Now and Then
Gone Wrong P1
Gone Wrong P2
With You
Not Another Day P1
Not Another Day P2
Trickery At Its Finest
Talk To Me
No Negotiations
Two Worlds, One Family
At Last
Twin Bandanas
Forgive Me
Not This Time
Whatever is Necessary
Like Poetry
In This Together
Figure It Out
Ghosts of the Past
The Hatch

Anything for You P2

862 32 48
By ChopSyndulla_457

Tech hadn't realized he dozed off. He was rudely reminded that he wasn't back on Pabu with his brothers and Phee by the faint sound of marching growing louder by the second. Guards dressed in white armor approached his cell, deactivating the dim red barrier. Tech rose to his feet almost immediately with a stern expression. Standing between the troopers was a slacked Omega, looking far worse for wear. The anger inside him burned hotter than the lakes of lava on Mustafar. Her escorts pushed the young clone inside the small brig, leaving in haste.

"Omega?" Tech rushed forward, catching the girl before her legs gave out.

"I'm...okay," Omega muttered, attempting to scramble out of his grasp.

What she had endured was horrifying—the constant questions, the large floating droid packed with sharp needles, the threats—but she wouldn't let her pain fall upon her brother. After all, she was a bad batcher.

Tech only tightened his grip, helping Omega up on the cold slab of concrete meant to represent a cot. He quickly took note of the multiple punctures on her arms placed over larger and more noticeable veins, the vague purple outline of fingers around her neck, and few minor bruising to the face, more specifically her eye. Tech was careful to where he set his hands, not wanting to accidentally hurt her further. Omega curled into herself once seated, refusing any sort of eye contact. Tech silently sat next to her.

Omega stared at the blank wall, head on her knees as she tried to suppress her tears.

"Why is this happening?" she spoke after a few long minutes. "What do they want from me?"

Tech looked down at his little sister, hearting throbbing in his chest. For once, he couldn't provide her with a sufficient answer because he didn't know. He couldn't tell her why the Empire wanted her—was hurting her for their own benefit—all he knew was he would give up everything to take her place, to take her pain away. Let it fall unto him, just leave her alone.

" uncertain, Omega," he slowly admitted. "However, I promise, I won't let them hurt you again."

Omega didn't bother looking up. "You can't promise that," she whispered.

Deep down, Tech knew she was correct. He didn't want to accept it, but if those troopers were to come back, who's to say it wouldn't end the same way it did before. He should know better than to make empty promises, yet the surge of overwhelming protectivness told him otherwise. He wouldn't let them take her.

"Omega." He scooted off the bench, kneeling down, capturing her absentminded stare. "They won't lay another hand on you again. You have my word."

Omega's glassy eyes met his. She gave him a sad smile, nodding her head in the slightest.

"They talked about Crosshair," she said shortly after, catching Tech off guard. Crosshair had chosen not to share much about his time with the Empire. He assumed the guilt was partially to blame. What he hadn't considered until recently was just how inhumanly the Empire acted outwardly with no shame. He wondered what Crosshair had to live through as a traitor to the Empire living within the Empire.

"They asked me if all defective clones were as stubborn as him," Omega continued, freezing for a brief second. "I didn't tell them anything, by the way."

Tech silently sighed. If only she had. Maybe they wouldn't have harmed her further if she did.

"What did they ask you?" Tech curiously questioned. Perhaps the next time they came for her, he would be able to negotiate.

Omega shuddered as a chill ran down her spine. Thinking about her encounter with Dr.Hemlock made her uncomfortable. The man truly scared her. His face held no emotions of sympathy as he tortured her, yet his voice remained calm and almost charming.

"The doctor asked me about the others." How her heart yearned to be back on Pabu. "But the questions mainly centered around my relationship with Nala Se." Omega shrugged. "I don't know why she needs my help. I was only a medical assistant, and even at that, she rarely let me near anyone."

Tech finally understood. He had a few ideas tossed around, but now it all made sense. Omega was being used as leverage over the Kaminoan. How dare the Empire use a child as a bargaining chip. Tech clenched his fists at his side. Omega wasn't some pawn in a game between scientists. She's a kid. One who should be living a normal life away from war and pain.

"Tech?" Omega gently shook his shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Tech could only stare at her with a great sense of grief.

"I-I am—"

Just as he was about to explain, the ray shield lowered. Exactly as before, the infamous doctor came strutting in, hands clasped behind his back as he fixed his gaze on the two clones in front of him.

"Hello again, Omega," he greeted with a wicked grin.

Tech watched as Omega's breathing turned rapid. He felt her take his hand, latching on with a vice grip.

Hemlock chuckled darkly. "Now, no need for any of that. Nala Se is in need of your help more than ever."

Tech shot up, still squeezing Omega's hand. "If you don't mind, I would like to have a word."

Hemlock's eyebrow rose, studying the goggled clone. "Since you asked so nicely, I suppose I could make time." He motioned towards the hall.

"Tech, no!" Omega pulled on his arm. "He's evil," she tried to say quietly, glancing over at her previous interrogator.

"It is okay, Omega. I know what I'm doing." He gently pried her fingers off him. "I will be back before you know it." Tech gave her one last reassuring look before exiting the cell. This was something he had to do. For her sake above all.

"You have five minutes, clone," Hemlock said, walking briskly down the corridor.

"I am aware the reason Omega was brought here is to be used as motivation for a greater cause," Tech stated.

"Very good," Hemlock congratulated. "Your gift is truly magnificent. However, if you are looking for an award for this discovery, you will be disappointed."

Tech fought the urge to roll his eyes. "That will not be necessary. I am here to offer my assistance in exchange for reassurance of Omega's safety."

"Is that so? What could you possibly offer that is of high value?"

"Myself," Tech responded with no hesitation. "As I am sure you are aware of my squad's differences and our enhancements, I am the most equipped to help Nala Se in her studies."

"I am aware, yes." Hemlock glanced at his watch. "But as you uncovered, Nala Se is only interested in Omega's well-being, not yours."

"I figured." Tech adjusted his goggles, a nervous habit he never could shake. "While Omega's physical health is valued, I would also argue that her mental health is just as of importance."

The doctor stopped dead in his tracks. "Just what are you suggesting, Tech?" The clone hated the way his name sounded on the tongue of that monster; the one who hurt his ad'ika.

"Hurt me if Nala Se refuses to cooperate. Omega..." Oh, how he hated the way it sounded. Tech silently apologized, but if this was the only way to protect her, so be it. "Omega will suffer psychologically."

Hemlock didn't speak as his thoughts processed, but a faint smile slowly began to grow across his lips. "How noble of you. Who knew a clone such as yourself and your demeanor could be so paternal?" He smirked, almost as if mocking their deep bond. "I will agree to your offer, however, if it doesn't persuade the scientist, I will revert my method back to its original origin."

"Of course," the technician agreed through gritted teeth.


    Days passed without incident. Tech would occasionally leave the cell to attend to the Empire's research. Nala Se was surprised to see another member of Clone Force 99 on Mount Tantiss. The two hadn't exchanged many words, though the longneck did find it relaxing to have someone else working with her. After hours of reading and experimenting, Tech stared at the scans with a frown. This cloning process was not possible. The probability, even if they had the right resources, sat at a low percentage of 0.00000000001.

"I know," Nala Se said with a grim expression as she slowly strode toward Tech. "Dr.Hemlock expects impossible results." The tired Kaminoan sighed, the intense sadness in her eyes was evident. "I've tried to extend my research for Omega's sake, but I don't know how much longer I can drag this out."

Tech shut the datapad off. "Is there a deadline?"

Nala Se diverted her gaze to the ground.


"Today?" Tech's heart stopped. "When is he—"

Nala Se turned her head at the sudden sound of the lab door sliding open. Standing before the two, was a posse of troopers, surrounding the head of the Advance Science Division.

"Nala Se," he spoke evenly. "I require your progress."

"Doctor," the Kaminoan began. "I requested more time. What you are asking of me, it is not easy to accomplish."

Tech watched the interaction between the scientists. A knot in his stomach started to grow. Nala Se's failure wouldn't go unpunished.

"I'm afraid our deal has been broken." Hemlock insincerely shook his head in a dismissive manor. "I warned you what would happen if you failed to complete your task." He gestured his guards at the clone. "Tech, it appears you are needed."

Tech didn't struggle as a pair of cuffs were roughly slapped on him and he was shoved out of the lab. This was his choice, and he wasn't going to risk anything. He was led to a cell that consisted of a medical table, accompanied by restraints built-in. He wished he could say he wasn't nervous for what was to come, but that was far from the truth. One of the troopers pushed him against the table, removing his binders only to strap him down mere seconds later. Tech didn't resist. Knowing that he was in Omega's place brought him peace.

The sound of ray shields lowering became a normal sound now. He didn't need to look to decipher who it was entering.

"Tech?" Omega's voice broke the terrible silence. "What's going on? What are they going to do to you?"

Tech could see her small figure out of the corner of his eye. Her wrists were shackled together as a commando held her still, preventing her from running over to him.

"Everything will be okay, Omega," he tried to convince. Tech didn't dare spare Hemlock a glance (Nala Se in tow) as he stepped into the cell, followed by an IT-O Interrogation Unit. The 'hurting droid' as Omega later admitted to.

"I am so sorry, Omega," the Kaminoan said mournfully.

"What did you do?" Omega wanted to scream at her old caretaker. "What are they going to do to Tech?"

Hemlock wrapped an arm around the young girl's shoulder, leading her toward her brother. "You will see. The Empire doesn't take kindly to broken promises." He used two fingers to lightly force Omega to look at him.

"Don't. Touch. Her." Tech sent him an icy glare, wishing his hands weren't strapped down so he could personally strangle the man.

"How touching. You were willing to switch places with this child, and for what? A life of endless suffering?" Hemlock nodded at the droid. It's clamorous metal parts whirled into action, echoing throughout the chamber.

The torture had begun.


    Tech couldn't tell how long it had been. Five minutes? Ten minutes? An hour? Everything hurt. He was certain he had cried unintentionally around three times. One injection after the other, no break. His body felt sluggish. Any sudden movement sent excruciating pain through him. He had tried to drown out Omega's cries, remembering why he had put himself through all of this. Every needle, every scratch, every broken bone, every bruise, was for her.

"Please!" Omega sobbed. She couldn't take anymore of his pained gasps. His heart nearly stopped twice already, almost sending her into a full on panic attack. Omega dropped to her knees, hitting the ground hard as she groveled at Hemlock's boots. "He can't take it anymore! Please! Stop!" She watched as her tears fell on the floor, creating a small puddle that mixed with splatters of her brother's blood, causing her to cry harder.

Nala Se stepped forward, pulling Omega up.

"No!" Omega ripped herself out of the Kaminoan's grasp. "Make them stop! Make them stop!" her voice tore uncontrollably from her throat, overflowing of desperation.

"Dr.Hemlock. Please, I require the clone in order to complete my research at a faster rate," Nala Se tried to reason. "He has had enough."

Hemlock smiled. His plan had worked better than imagined. "As you wish." He ordered the droid's deactivation. "Mistress Nala Se, a word?" Hemlock gave her a stern stare. Nala Se was hesitant to leave, but was eventually forced out of the room.

Omega didn't waste a second. She ran to Tech, almost afraid to touch him. His ragged breathing scared her to the core.

"Oh, Tech," she whispered, tracing a hand down his face. He had multiple lesions scattered across his body. Blood had soaked into his blacks, making the fabric stick to his neck. His goggles were shattered as well. To Omega's relief, it didn't seem to have harmed his eyes.


"I'm here, Tech. I'm here." Omega gently held his hand before undoing his restraints. "Why did you do this for me?" Omega couldn't help but feel the new round of tears welding up in her eyes. She never wanted this. Never in a million years.

Tech sat up, holding his waist. His world spun. He could barely make out Omega's silhouette.

"Are you okay?" he asked with a rasped voice.

Omega wiped at her eyes. "Yeah." Physically she was okay. She wasn't sure if she would ever recover from watching her brother being tortured. His screams, Hemlock's voice, the droid, would haunt her dreams for a long time.

"We...need to...get out," Tech tried to stand, almost slumping to the ground immediately.

"Tech!" Omega dropped next to him. "You're shaking."

"I-I am fine."

"No, you're not!" Omega shouted, startling Tech. "Why did you make that deal with Hemlock!" She turned away from him, no longer able to look at his bloodied body.


"No! You shouldn't have done that!" She's angry at him. Broken. "That was...horrible."

Tech didn't answer. He wanted to explain to her, but he just couldn't. He wanted to close his eyes and never wake up at the moment. Omega was his reason for staying awake after such an intense round of torture. He didn't care that she was frustrated with his decision. He would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

"Tech," Omega shook him slightly. "You need to stay awake," her voice shook as she spoke.

Awake. Right. Because they were in an imperial prison with no way of knowing what would happen next.

Just then, a loud blast was heard from outside their cell. Omega jumped to her feet, protectively standing in front of Tech. The second a body stormed in, Omega charged at them.

"Stay back!" She slammed into armor—kicking, punching, screaming. "Don't go near him!"

"Omega!" Hunter's voice sounded, struggling to catch her vigorous attacks. "It's us. You're okay." Hunter knelt down, cutting the binders in half and gently picked her up. Omega collapsed into his embrace. "Tech. He's hurt. You need to help him," she wailed into his shoulder.

Hunter's stomach churned when he caught sight of his brother. What had they done to him?

"Wrecker, get Tech. Hurry!" Hunter shouted. "Don't worry, kid. It's all over now."

Omega didn't know what to believe, but she was too exhausted to think. Her world darkened, her thoughts focused on Tech as she drifted off.


    A small house on Pabu was complete again. The batch would eventually have to relocate, but for the time being, everyone was back; safe together.

"I'm sorry, Tech." Crosshair sat at the end of his brother's bed. "I should have been there. I should have been quicker." Watching that imperial shuttle take off with Tech and Omega was a gut-wrenching feeling. It had taken a little over a week to come up with a plan and retrieve them. Too long for his liking. He had lived the nightmare of being in possession of Dr.Hemlock, but he feared what the scientist would do to his siblings in a single week. He was almost glad he wasn't the one to find them. He wouldn't know how to respond to seeing that torture room again.


The sniper snapped out of his past thoughts. Standing in the doorway of the tiny bedroom was the little blonde girl, holding Wrecker's stuffed tooka. Her long ears shielding the child's face.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Crosshair scanned her over. Thankfully, she was looking better than Tech, but she still needed to recover from the traumatic stay with the Empire.

Omega quietly sat down next to the marksman. "I-I couldn't. I kept seeing..." She glanced over at Tech.

"I see."

Crosshair stared at Tech's face. It was faintly twisted with pain even as he slept. He had more fractures than he cared to remember. It was almost like cadet days back on Kamino...except, Crosshair was able to protect Tech then. Why was the Empire targeting his family? What made them so special? They were defective clones. Defective. That term was used as an insult all their lives, degrading them. Now, they were wanted. For what cause? To further wipe away any last bit of individuality? Crosshair grimaced at the thought. He had wasted away his life fighting for what he thought was an idealistic political group. A chance to feel powerful over those who had discarded them. Never had he wished more for the opportunity to go back in time and accept Hunter's offer so eagerly. He had made the wrong choice and he served that punishment for months. Months of brutality, discrimination, deaths...Crosshair moved his toothpick from side to side as he reminisced. How could he have been so stupid? A soft snore broke him from his memories and self sorrow. Omega's head laid limply on his shoulder as she slept. Crosshair couldn't hide a smile. The poor kid had been through enough. So had Tech.

He gently picked the girl up, carefully placing her next to his brother. He knew after all the time they spent together the past week had bonded them tighter than ever before. Sadly, that's what trauma did. Crosshair overlooked his siblings as they slept. He wouldn't let anyone tear apart the little good in his life.

The sniper took hold of Tech's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. The Empire could come. They could bring troops, weapons, ships, anything. Crosshair would be ready. He would die, if it meant keeping his aliit safe.

This was a much longer chapter than intended😅 Thank you again so much to MandolorianJedi for the idea!!!

Happy Easter to those who celebrate!🐰✝️🌸

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