The love between idols (Taenn...

By Yeonjuns1

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Kim Jennie, a popular K-pop idol, has never experienced love before, but when she is forced to become Kim Ta... More



293 8 0
By Yeonjuns1

Jennie's POV

"Jennie, come on, I will press start when you come," Taehyung said, from the other side of the room. We have been living here for pretty much a week now, and our relationship has been better, and now the jobs of getting fans to know we are together are a lot easier. 

"Wait, I just need to apply a bit more mascara," I said. Reaching into my makeup bag and get out a dark shade of mascara. 

"Jennie, you look pretty, even without makeup also it's only like a ten-minute vlive," Taehyung said.

I apply the mascara and quickly run over to where Taehyung was. I sit next to Taehyung and Taehyung press start. 

"Hello Army, this is BTS Taehyung," Taeyhung said, to the screen. I smile at the camera "Hello Blinks, this is Blackpink Jennie"

Taehyung nodded, meaning I should start talking about our relationship. 

"Blinks, I missed you so much, last night, Taehyung was comforting me so much," I said. I turned to Taehyung and beamed. Taehyung hold my hand and showed it to the camera.

Taehyung lean forward, looking at one of the comments "We have actually been sleeping together, we started to sleep with each other a few days ago, I am having way better sleep when Jennie was next to me"

I cover my face, acting embarrassed. This is going really well, if we carry on like this the fan are going to convince the fan really soon. 

"Okay Blinks and Army, we are going to shopping now, we love you guys, and we will meet you in our next vlive, bye," I said, waving my hand. Taehyung pressed the end button and we lay on the sofa. 

"We have already done our job today and now we can relax, we not actually going shopping are we?" Taehyung asks. I laughed "No, absolutely not, let's just stay at home, want to bake something together?" 

Taehyung sits up "Baking, no way, last time I bake, I nearly burned the house on fire" I laugh, Taehyung is so funny. 

"Come on, let's go biking, it's fun, there's a local bike around the corner," Taehyung said. Biking does sound fun, I nodded, and get up from the sofa. 

"Let me go and get ready, see you at the entrance of the door in 5 minutes?" I said, running up to my room. Taehyung and I have decided the first 2 floors are Taehyung, and the top 2 floors are mine. I went into my room, and take off the dress I wore especially for the vlive, I changed into a V-top and jeans, and get out a necklace Jisoo had brought for me. This is our first proper hangout, without doing it for fans, so I am dressing up a bit better than usual. 

I smile at the reflection in the mirror and ran downstairs. Taehyung was already there, he was wearing a suit and a trouser, look like he changed too!! I am so excited about this, hanging out with Taehyung is better than hanging out with some of my other friends. 

I grab my mask and hat, but before I can do that, Taehyung grabs my hand to stop me. 

"No need, we want to let fans know we are hanging out with each other, so why not take this opportunity, to act real," Taehyung said. I smile, Taehyung always has plans on his hand. 

"Ok boss" I joke. Taehyung laughed and we went out of the door. 


"There are exactly two bikes left, let's go," Taehyung said, excitedly. I hop onto one of the bikes and scan the barcode to pay.  

"Why does it say this bike is out of order and I can't ride on it?" I asked. Taehyung takes my phone, and looks at it for a while, before handing it back. 

"No idea, let's just ride on this one, we can both try, sit down, there won't be enough space but this will have to do," Taehyung said, hopping onto his bike. 

"You sure, I mean, is this a good idea?" I said, even though I know this is the only idea. 

"Just make the fan happier," Taehyung said, smiling. His smile was so sweet, there was no way I can reject this offer, with this smile on. I laugh and climb on next to him. 

"Hold my waist," Taehyung said. I hold out my hand and slowly put it on Taehyung's waist. 

"You ready Jennie" Taehyung said, then start riding. The wind brushing through my hair feels so relaxing and calming, this feeling probably I will never have again. Either Taehyung or I speak, it's not awkward, we are just being what we are. 

When it was my time to ride the bikes, and when Taehyung put his arm on my waist, my heart skip a beat, why am I feeling like this? Around ten minutes after, Taehyung finally speaks. 

"Let's stop here, and have ice cream," Taehyung said, pointing to an ice cream van, across from us. I stop and park in an area where other bikes are parked.

"What flavor, you can sit on the grass, I'll buy ice cream and come over," Taehyung said. 

"Oreo and cream please, thanks Taehyung," I said, Taehyung smiled and I walk over to the grass. This is properly the best day of my life. Taehyung comes over with two Oreos and cream ice cream and sits next to me. Taehyung hand me an ice cream, and bite Into his own ice cream. 

"It was really fun today, I enjoyed it," He said. I smile to myself "I'm glad you did"

We caught eyes for a second before I look away. 

"No awkwardness, Jennie" Taehyung laughed. 

I laughed, feeling slightly embarrassed. 


Jisoo's POV 

It has nearly been a week since the CEO tells me I would act in a K-drama, and I am more than excited. And it's also a romance drama, and with BTS Jin, maybe we can actually grow a relationship together. I am moving to New York for two months to start our K-drama and finish it. And hopefully, when I get back home, Jennie would be back! Today, Jin and I would meet up and tomorrow we would leave for New York, this is way too exciting. I got dressed in my best dress and went down to the kitchen where Rosé and Lisa are talking about their duet. 

"Hey Jisoo, looking gorgeous" Lisa chuckled. I laughed "Come on Lisa, we are the only ones left, I got the feeling Jennie and Taehyung are going to be together, and Rosé and Jum are already a couple, now it's just us, maybe try Jungkook?" 

Lisa sigh "Jungkook is sweet, but we don't make a couple, he's not really my type" I am shocked if any boy Lisa called sweet, then he has to be the one, Lisa is so picky with boy, but he never called any boy sweet before. 

I look over at Rosé, she doesn't really look okay. Yesterday, when she didn't come home, we were all so worried, I cried the whole night.  I went over to Rosé and hug her tightly. 

"Rosé, I know you and Jum are going to be alright, you guys are a couple, don't worry" I comfort Rosé. Jum seems like a really nice guy but I don't think Rosé is too sure about the relationship yet. 

"Good luck Jisoo, I love you, tomorrow I'll give you a proper goodbye," She said. I smile and walk out of the house.


I look at Jin, sitting across me at the table in the new bubble tea shop, he looks angry. I'm not too sure about him now. 

"Jin," I said. Jin looked up.

"Don't call me that, Seok-Jin, only my best friend can call me that" He said, I rolled my eyes, what do you mean your best friend can call you that? I stand up from the table, already fed up with this whole situation, how can I ever talk to him properly?  

"I don't want to act, this is a disaster, and also do you think I even want to moved to NewYork, I won't get used to the food there, I am forced to act" He said, he sound so angry, look like he really is forced  to do this.

"Well, do whatever you want, if you don't want to act then quit," I said, even though the sentence sounded rude, I meant it. I don't want to act with someone who doesn't want to. I left the shop, feeling like I failed something. 

My phone beeped nosily as I walked further away from the shop. It was from Lisa. 

Lisa: Unnie, we and BTS are having a party, I planned it, it's at home, so try and come home before 7:00. Love you Unnie. Also, Jennie is also coming with Taehyung this evening, they are going back after the party. Rosé is inviting Jum, and Jennie is inviting Irene. You can invite so one too. 

I sigh, I am happy, Jennie is coming back, but it also means I have to meet Seok-Jin again. 

Jisoo: Sounds great, I am coming home now, this day went terribly, hopefully, the party will cheer me up a little.


Jennie's POV

"Taehyung, have you heard, we are invited to the party," I said when we get back home from biking. Taehyung look at me shocked.

"What, gosh no," Taehyung said. I sat down on the sofa, what did Taehyung means, does he not want to go to the party?

"I thought tonight we can watch a movie together, it's a lot funnier playing with you than the others," He said. I smiled to myself, I am really enjoying hanging out with Taehyung, and he looks like he is too. 

"Taehyung, come on, the party sounds great, also I'll be there, and after a few hours, we will be back," I said, Taeyung grab my hand and smiled. The silence went on as Taehyung's hand are on mine. I pull my hand away and stand up. 

"I'll get changed, it will be a few hours to get there, so we better get ready, you should get change too" I said

I went to my room, and sit down on my bed. I feel like Taehyung and I have a lot more going on than friends, but the thought of falling in love, I don't want to. Jennie just remembers this is for your job. 

I wear my dress and put on some makeup. But the thought of Taehyung kept disturbing me. I went down the stairs, where Taehyung was waiting for me. I look at him, my heart beating fast again. Taehyung leaned into me and whisper "Jennie, can I tie your hair up, you'll look a lot nicer"

I push him away and give over my hair bubble. Taehyung laughed and hold my hair, he looks really skilled. When he's done, he hands me a mirror, wow. He can be a hairdresser. It's better than any hairstyle I had.

"Wow Taehyung, it looks really nice, thank you," I said. Taehyung smiled "Yeah, I used to tie Irene's hair a lot"

Irene. She would be here today. I don't know why but I don't want Taehyung and Irene to mend their relationship. I walked out of the house, feeling heartbroken. I shouldn't be feeling like this, Irene and Taehyung, are a couple, and I shouldn't stop them. 

"Jennie" Taehyung shouted, he runs over to me, making me feel embarrassed. 

"Sorry, it's just time is running out and we better go," I said. Taehyung shakes his head "No, I should be sorry, Irene, she is my ex"

"She would be here today, you guys make a good couple," I said, I look down at the floor when I said that. Taehyung steps away from me and runs back into the house. What is he doing? I hop into the car, waiting for Taehyung. 

Taehyung come back a few moments, his hair fixed, and his clothes changed. Look like I thought wrong about our relationship. When the car drives, Taehyung was keeping looking at his reflection on his phone camera. I look down at my hands. He still has feeling for Irene. 

When we get there, Taehyung and I step off the car, and I turned toward him. It's fine Jennie, you don't have a crush on him, just act normal. Don't mention Irene. 

"Let's go in" Is all I manage to say. Taehyung nodded and I opened the door. The music was buzzing loudly. Before a minute, all my best friends start running toward me. They hug me tightly, and I smile and hug them back. 

"I missed you guys, every single one of you needs to tell me what I missed," I said. They laughed and hugs me tighter. Taehyung walks off and went to his friends. Rosé and Lisa walk off, and Jisoo stays behind. 

"What's up, Jisoo?" I asked. Jisoo doesn't looks right. Jisoo shakes his head "I'll tell you after the party, please would you stay for one night, we all miss you" 

I nodded without hesitation. maybe it's the only way to get Taehyung off my head. Jisoo and I walked over to the kitchen, where the BTS member was laughing and talking. I spotted Irene and Taehyung, they are talking. And Rosé, well she's hanging out with a guy. I did miss a lot that happened, during this past week. 

Rosé and the guy and Lisa and another strange guy walked toward me. 

"Got some boyfriends to introduce" I joked. They laughed. 


Rosé's POV

"This is Jum, my boyfriend. Remember him, my high school crush" I said, Jum laughed, and put his hands around my shoulder. Jennie looks at me, shocked. 

"This is Kai, from EXO. not, my boyfriend, after my mum recommended me to Jungkook, and I reject it, she recommended me to Kai, which I haven't rejected, I got no idea why she kept recommending me to Kpop idols " Lisa said. Kai nodded and laughed. 

Jennie shakes both Kai's and Jum's hands, and lead me and Lisa to her room. 

"Rosé, have you forgotten about Jimin?" She asked. I take a deep breath. Jimin is at this party and I don't dare to even walk up to him.

" I didn't forget about him, I figure out Jimin wasn't my type, and also Jum, he's my high school crush, and I've been wanting to date him for a long time, now this is the chance," I said. 

Jennie smiled "Glad you figure it out, if you're happy then why not try a new relationship" I hug her tightly, oh how I missed Jennie, Jennie always help me with everything

"Lisa, Kai, he's so hot, go ahead, date him," Jennie said. Lisa laughed "Yeah, he is pretty hot, gonna try" 

There was a knock on the door, and Jimin come in. The person I least want to see. 

"Rosé, can I talk to you," He asked. Half of me wants to say 'No' and half of me wants to say 'Yes' I look over at both Jennie and Lisa, they are both nodding. I stand up and walk with him out of the door. I follow Jimin as he walked into my room. Jimin pushes me into the wall and leans in, toward my lip. I wanted to go forward and kiss him, but I know this isn't right. I push him away hard, harder than I thought. 

"Jimin, I need to tell you this. Jum, the guy I was with, he's my boyfriend" I said. Jimin look at me, angry and disgusted. I look down at the floor, wanting to escape. 

"Rosé, you decided to just get to him. He pleased you when you are dunk to go to him, guys do that, they go and find you when you are drunk, and ask you to date them" He blurted out. 

I look up, how did he know?

"Look, I got no idea how you know those detail, but Jum, he's not like you say, also I know him since high school and he's not the kind of person who does that," I said

"Rosé, we haven't been dating for long, and I am sorry, I still love you. I don't know why you're so fed up. And this Jum, will he look after you, as I do, we have the same dream Rosé, being an idol" He said. I shake my head, he will never fix this. 

"Jimin, my everything before was you, and now it is Jum, he's my love now, and you can't control that. And also I become an idol, not because of you, because of my friend, and you called them that, which really upset me" I said. 

"Now, please leave this room" I continue. Jimin walked away. I know it now, Jum is the guy who I actually love, Jimin, he is not and never will be. Jum entered the room, in the next few minutes.

"Jum, I am sorry, I wasn't too sure about our relationship but now it's clear to me," I said. Jum laughed "Babe, I am sure our relationship will work out" 

I hug him tightly, not wanting to let go. Jum smooth my hair and hug me back 


Lisa's POV

I look at Kai, he look so handsome, and his eyes were like a star. Kai looks at me and catches my eyes. 

"Lisa, I know I look hot and everything, but every 10 seconds, you are always looking at me," Kai joked, Omg, he saw? I cover my face, embarrassed. My face is burning, what am I so weird when I am with Kai? 

"Oh yeah, you're best friend with Jennie right, she looks really cute and pretty," Kai said. Wait what, did he just say Jennie is cute and pretty, why is Jennie so popular around guys? 

"Kai, you have a crush on Jennie?" I asked. Kai looked at me "I'm sorry Lisa, but think about it Jennie and I we make a great couple, and me and you, well we don't" 

I know the answer, but I was just really hoping it would have been a different one. Maybe I should just stop trying to find love, one day it will come to me. 

"Hey, Lisa, can I talk to you for a moment" Jungkook come over to me. Jungkook, why him? 

"Yeah, I was wondering do you want to come over to my house, someday?" He asked. I rolled my eyes, almost every single time, he would ask me out. I used to think I had this small crush Jungkook, but he started to act really annoying 

"No, and the answer would always be no, stop asking me out. I am not in a good mood" I said. Jungkook sighed "Okay, well if you changed your mind come over tomorrow at around 3:00"

I look over at everyone, everybody is seen to be hanging out, I feel so lonely. I look at Jungkook as he walked away. Something suddenly twists inside me. 

"Jungkook" I called out. Junkook turned around "3:00 pm tomorrow, meet you there" 

I laughed and smiled. 


Jennie's POV

It feels so nice to be at home. I look over at Taehyung, he seems to be happily chatting with Irene. I walked over to them and waved at Irene. 

"Taehyung, I would be staying here for a while, you can go back once you're ready," I said, angrily to Taehyung. I was supposed to stay here for only one day, but seeing Taehyung and Irene, I don't want to. 

"Sure. Irene, I think I need to go anyway, see you in a bit" He said. Irene smiled and waved bye to him.

"Jennie, what's up, Irene, well she's my friend, and only my friend," Taehyung said. I don't think they are only friends. They look like they wanted to mean the relationship. 

"Taehyung, just go, it's getting late," I said. 

Taehyung walked away, maybe I do have a crush on Taehyung, and it's already showing 

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