Obey Me - Twilight // Emmett...

By AceOfSpades_2002

43K 1.3K 162

//compulsion: an irresistible urge to behave in a certain way, especially against one's conscious wishes.// ... More

New Moon~


1.4K 55 4
By AceOfSpades_2002

By the time they pulled up to the Cullen residence, it was already almost midnight.

Alex hopped out of the Jeep as Emmett jumped from the back of Bella's truck. The two met and went off to find their other siblings.

They had to prepare. The next few days would be hectic trying to get Bella to safety. They had to be ready for everything.

In the mean time, Alex was debriefed by Jasper on Laurent's status in all this. Apparently he separated himself from the hunter and red head, and came to tell Carlisle all of what he knew.

Alexander nodded along to the new information.

It would definitely give them the advantage when the time came.

They strategized and planned meticulously, all the way down to the last detail. In situations like this, Jasper and Alex knew what they were doing.

They continued this conversation into the garage with the rest, soon after being joined by Carlisle, Edward, and Bella again.

"We've had to fight our kind before." Jasper reminded him, "They're not easy to kill."

"But not impossible." Alex countered as they opened the cabinets and grabbed the spare bags of supplies. "We'll tear him apart and burn the pieces."

The boy tossed a bag over to Emmett who happened to be passing by, "I love when you get all feisty." He smirked, sending a wink Alex's way.

"I don't relish the thought of killing another creature, even a sadistic one like James." Carlisle cut in, stepping passed Alex and Jasper to grab something from the far wall.

"What if he kill's one of us first?" Rose chimed in as she sat herself on top the counter. She didn't see a point in wasting energy to help.

Alex rolled his eyes at the girls blatant disregard for the humans safety, but at the same time he couldn't blame her either. Edward had already promised he'd be responsible for if something happened to the girl.

And that is true. If anything happens to Bella, it will be on his hands. But that doesn't mean that while she's still with them, they can't do anything to protect her.

"I'm gonna run Bella South. Can you lead the tracker away from here?" Edward told the group. Was he really trying to leave them all with his mess... again?!

Carlisle turned to Edward win stern look, "No, Edward. James knows you would never leave Bella. He'll follow you."

The man turned to Jasper who nodded before rushing over to his mate. "Alice and Jasper will take Bella. You are going with us."

Alex could barely recognize the doctor. It was weird to see him be so assertive, especially towards Edward. But it was a needed step up; no way was Carlisle going to let the mind reader just run away this time.

Edward was at a loss for words. His idea was shut down to quick for him to think of anything convincing.

"Jasper and I will drive her south." Alice stepped in, taking his own plan as hers. "I'll keep her safe Edward."

But the mind reader just stared down at her, images of the possible future making him grimace, "can you keep your thoughts to yourself?"

"Yes." She told him as she took Bella's arm and led her over to the Porsche.

"Rosalie, Esme...," Edward muttered, shuffling through the bag of Bella's clothes that contained her scent, "could you put these on so that the tracker will pick up Bella's scent."

He basically threw the clothes into their hands and expected them to go along with it. Edward was already pretty frustrated with not getting much of a say in what was happening, so at this point he was still trying to hold out on whatever sense of control he had.

Rose looked down at the jacket that was tossed into her arms, "Why? What is she to me?"

"Rosalie," Malek said softly, coming around to her side, "Bella is with Edward. She's apart of our family now, and we protect our family."

The male pulled the jacket over her shoulders, staring her in the eyes before leaving her with a kiss on the cheek.

Edward was grateful for the males interference. If there was anyone Rose would listen to, it was going to be her mate.

She stared at the fabric that now laid on her shoulders before sending a finale glare at her brother and walking away.

Alexander finished packing the trunk and waited while Malek got the door for Rose then climbed in after her. The four of them would be riding together, including Edward which made five.

He climbed into the passengers seat and a little later, Emmett was in the drivers. All they were waiting on was Edward to finish his hero speech.

If he was Alice, Alex would have rolled up the window.

Besides, what's the point when their going to see each other later anyway.

The hand on his thigh pulled him out of his glaring thoughts and shifted his gazed to his mate, who stared back at him. He hadn't noticed but he was actively sending the gloomy couple a disgusted look.

Emmett chuckled and leaned over to kiss the boy on the cheek. Alex took the distraction gratefully, the grin on his mates face was always calming.

Even after he pulled away, Emmett's hand still remained. It was reassurance and reassuring.

They had each other.

Edward entered the Jeep just as Jasper opened the garage hanger. He was in the backseat with Rose and Malek. The latter acting as a wall between the two.

They were on the road soon after.

Alice, Jasper, and Bella heading south for phoenix, while everyone else parked outside of town to mark the humans scent along the winding road.

"Rose, mark that tree." Alex ordered as the five of them rushed through the brush.

Though this seemed to be pointless as James failed to be fooled.

He picked up on the smell of vampire and ran the other way.

"He's figured it out." Edward stated as they stared after the tracker as he changed course.

Quickly, they ran back to the car and sped off down the road. They would have to get to Bella before James did.

Rosalie went off with Esme, and Edward switched cars to ride with Carlisle. This left only Alex, Emmett and Malek in the Jeep.

They followed the coven leaders car out of town.

The woman, Victoria was still in the area which meant she was still a threat, that is why only Rose and Esme stayed behind.

The rest of them would chase after James.

Alex stared through the back windshield of Carlisle's Mercedes and could make out Edward on the phone, most likely on call with the human.

If he thought he was getting out of this, he is dead wrong.

Though, it wasn't till later into the drive did Alex's phone suddenly ring. He stared at it as Alice's name came across the screen before picking up.

"Hello? Alice?" He answered, Hearing Alice's panicked voice from the other line. "Hold up- what?! Wait!..how? But I thought-.."

Alex groaned under his breath. This human wasn't thinking at all, was she?

"We're on our way!" He reassured her and hung up the call. "Malek, I need you to rush ahead of us to some old Ballot studio! You're the fastest so you'll get there before us. I'll send you and Edward both the location. He'll be coming in shortly after you."

"Why? What's happening?"  The faster Vampire asked in concern, coming forward from the backseat.

"Bella took off on her own. James must have contacted her when Alice and Jasper weren't around, and all they know is that she's heading for her old ballet studio alone." Alex explained, all the while texting Edward at the same time, though he was sure the mind reader would hear from Alice very soon.

"Got it! I'm on my way!" Malek immediately took off out the moving car without a second thought.

The car slightly shook from the force of the males speed. "Jeez, that dude is fast." Emmett huffed, shifting gears and speeding up when Carlisle pulled off to the side so Edward could take off as well.

The taxi Bella took, pulled up to the Ballet studio and let the girl exit before driving off.

Bella was alone and she was scared, but she had no idea what this vampire would do to her mother, and that terrified her more than anything else.

The moment she got that phone call at the hotel, it was as if her heart dropped to her stomach. The thought of her mother being in danger because of something she was a part of was a hard pill to swallow, and she wasn't going to let her mom suffer because of her own bad choices.

Was it a dumb decision? Yes. But so were the decision's she made leading up to this, so why stop now?

'I'd never given much thought to how I would die.' She reminiscing on her past recollection of what she thought once before, 'but dying in the place of someone I love, seems like a good way to go.'

In this instance, it's not Edward she's sacrificing herself for... it's her mother. Her life for the person she loves most.

'I can't bring myself to regret the decisions that lead me here. They were my own.' Bella narrated to herself, pushing herself forward into the building, 'I don't regret meeting the people that I have either. They are my friends and my family. But my mistakes also brought me Edward and the world around him... that world is not my own. I know the fault is not all mine to take, but to save the people I love, I feel I must face this alone."

Every step she took into the studio was like weight falling on her shoulders. Especially when she entered the double doors to the main hall.

She had no idea what to expect.

Bella walked further into the large room full of mirrors, no sign of James in sight.

Though she heard a voice, one she recognized.

"Bell? Bella? Bella, where are you?" The voice of her mother. She seemed panicked, as if she was in danger.

"Mom?" Bella answered rushing to where the voice was coming from.

The girl followed the echos of the voice to a closet that sat to the side of the main hall.

When she opened the doors, she was baffled by the video playing of herself when she was younger and taking classes in this exact studio.

"Bella? There you are. What are you doing in there?" Renee cooed as the video played back, finding her child hiding in the exact same closet.

The only problem was...there was no Renee. Her mother was not there. Just a video recording of herself from years ago.

It went on as young Bella told her mother how all the other kids made fun of her because of her dancing while her mother tries to console her.

James laughes from somewhere behind her, startling the girl effectively.

She turns to see almost all the mirrors are filled with his reflection staring back at her.

"That's my favorite part." He makes himself know not a moment later as they come face to face. His grin evil and sinister as he approached her closely. "You were a stubborn child weren't you?"

Bella tried to back away from the vampire, but with no room behind her, she was forced to stay still. "She's not even here."

"No." James confirmed, pushing her away from the closet and pinning her to the side wall. His senses over stimulated at the rush of catching his pray. "Sorry, you know, but you really made this too easy."

She whimpered as the man hovered over her. This was too much. Her mother wasn't here, and no one knew where she was.

She was terrified.

And the worst part about it, she would never get to tell her friends and family goodbye.

"We're going to make this entertaining." James suggested.


"I'm going to film our time together." He said sickly, pulling away from the girl with a smirk and showing her the camcorder, "I borrowed this from your house. I hope you don't mind."

You would of had to be one twisted bastard to play the game he was laying out.

He wanted to record her demise, to film her last moments before he killed her.

Why? Bella didn't know, but that didn't stop the fear that was coursing through her.

"Good. And..." James brought the camera up to eye level and press record, "action."

Bella's face contorted into one of dread and hopelessness. "Oh. That'll break Edwards little heart."

"You have..." that struck a nerve. Why was he bringing Edward into this? "Edward has nothing to do with this!"

It didn't make sense. He told her to come here and save her mother in exchange for her life, and now that she was here, he wanted to bring up Edward? But she was the goal, wasn't she?

James pushed the girl back after her initial reaction to her boyfriend's name, "but he does. His rage will make for more interesting sport than his feeble attempt to protect you."

So this wasn't about her at all.

James was just playing Edward to see what kind of reaction he could get from him. Back on the field when the mind reader stepped in front of the girl to protect her, it set James off.

The tracker wanted to see how far the vampire would go for the human, even if she was already dead.

"Let's continue." He smirked, once again backing away from the girl as he filmed her.

But Bella wasn't ready to give up just yet. This isn't how her life was going to end. So, with the last bit of courage she had, Bella took the can of pepper spray her father had given her and sprayed it into James's eyes, before making a run for it.

Of course that wasn't going to hold the tracker for more than a second. James growled and chased after the girl, gliding over head and land in front of her.

He grabbed Bella by her neck and threw her across the room, hitting her head on one of the stone pillars as she slid on the floor.

She reached back at the pain that resides in the back of her head, now cover in her blood.

"Beautiful." James remarked, now filming the girl lying on the ground. "Very visually dynamic. I chose my stage well."

The man snatch her hand into his as Bella quickly looked away, preparing herself for the worst.

"It's too bad he didn't have the strength to turn you." James regarded harshly as the girl was able to snatch her hand away, "instead he kept you this fragile little human. It's cruel really."

Bella met his eyes. They were dark, almost black and had a playful yet evil glint to them.

Like he was just playing with his food.

Just then, he brought his hand down, crushing the bones in the girls leg under the force.

She let out a piercing scream from the sudden pain.

"Tell Edward how much it hurts." He told her sadistically, enjoying the pain in her voice, "Tell him to avenge you. Tell him!"

"No! Stop!" Bella cried as he pressed harder.

But James wasn't satisfied, he wanted more. "Tell him! Tell him!"

It was right then, he himself was being launched across the room.

Malek had rushed in just in time to push the tracker off the girl.

Turning to her, he could only feel sympathy.

He could see how much pain Bella was in, and more than that, smell the blood that was coming from her.

Bella tried to cover and wipe away the blood as much as possible but with how much there was, she could only do so much.

James growled and tackled the vampire before hanging him up in a choke hold. "You're alone cause you're faster than the others. But not stronger."

The tracker slammed Malek's head into the mirror he was held against, smashing the glass to pieces. The faster Vampire groaned in retaliation and fought against James's grasp, "We're strong enough to kill you."

We? That confused James. Malek was the only one here.

A quick kick sent James flying into a stand alone mirror, shattering it. But the kick didn't come from Malek.

Edward landed not too far away from where Malek had been held, he was the one who separated the two.

He lent out a hand for his brother to take before pulling the male to his feet. Edward then turned his attention to Bella on the side and rushing to her add.

"I'm sorry." He told her as he lifted her into his arms.

Edward jumped to take the girl to the second floor for safety but James taught him by the leg, yanking him down.

This action forced the male to let Bella go.

Malek was quick to catch the human, not wanting to add more injury to what she already had.

Just as he set her down, he himself was thrown into a window and away from the girl, who was then pushed into the pile of shattered glass. James had put enough space between the two brothers and himself to move ahead with his plan.

He walked closer to the girl as she pulled a large piece of glass from her leg.

Bella held the wound as James stepped over her, his bare feet coming into view.

Both Edward and Malek, stared in horror as the track took the girls arm and made eye contact with them. As if he were mocking them.

And yet... neither brother was fast enough to stop James from sinking his fangs into Bella's bare wrist.

Edward wasn't done. He rushed the vampire and tackled him away from the girl as she rived in pain, Malek taking to her side.

James was bashed against the floor boards as the two slid, a huge crater in their wake.

Malek tried to keep the human calm as she groaned and screamed from the venom coursing in her veins. Where was Carlisle? She needed medical attention, now!

Mean while, Edwards fight with James continued.

Edward kept the upper hand while the tracker relished in the reaction he was getting from the mind reader. This is what he wanted.

Even as Edward pressed him further into the broken glass beam, and growled in his face, it was all he wanted and more.

Though, things took a sharp turn when Edward tore into a chunk of his neck and ripped away. It was his turn to scream in agony.

James hadn't felt real pain or fear in so long, that he had forgotten what it felt like. Only that he enjoyed to see others in that position.

So why was he feeling it now? Why was he suddenly filled with fear?

Was he about to die?

Carlisle stopped Edward before he could go any further, his hand resting on his sons should.

Alex, Jasper, Alice, and Emmett jumped down from the balcony and into the main hall, coming face to face with the situation at hand.

So much damage and destruction.

So much pain.

Alice and Alex were at Malek's side, helping him to stabilize the girl.

"Bella! Bella, it's okay." Alice told her as she took the girls hand into her's.

Jasper and Emmett went for their brother.

"Son. Enough." Carlisle told the male who still held James by the throat, "Remember who you are."

Edward let himself see the man in front of him, instead of the rage that consumed him. Not only that, but he could now see Bella...

Bella, who was on the floor crying out for help. That, in of itself pained him.

Carlisle too turned his attention to the girl, "Bella need's you."

"Oh, god." Alice gasped, her hands now covered in the humans blood. She lifted one to her nose, but was stopped by Alex who grabbed her wrist.

"Don't." He told her. They already had one vampire on the fritz, they didn't need another one. "Carlisle? She's losing blood."

"You're brothers will take care of him." The doctor told Edward as Jasper and Emmett dragged the struggling James away.

"I got him!" Emmett exclaimed, gaining a better hold on the tracker.

"I'll start the fire!" Malek called out as he rushed to help his brother's as well, "Get the floor boards!"

He and Jasper ripped up the floor and piled the wood up.

"Alex, go." Carlisle addressed the boy as he and Edward arrived for Bella.

Alex was skeptic but left as he was told, with a reassuring nodded from Alice.

He ran to his mate and brothers who held James in place, Emmett and Jasper at his arms while Malek lit the fire.

Using the bend in the trackers knees as leverage, Alex climbed him like a stair case, grabbing and twisting at his head until the boy heard a satisfying crack.

He tore the head from James's shoulders and threw it into the fire, the same going for his body.

The three took turns ripping James apart piece by piece. Arms, then torso, and then his legs.

They were focused on making sure no part of the tracker survived.

Alice joined them soon after, throwing wood into the fire so it didn't go out. The flames growing and roaring as the fuel was thrown in.

Each of them watched the fire with a primal animosity. Like animals who finished the hunt and had taken the kill.

None of them were keyed into what was happening behind them. Carlisle was the doctor, he would take care of this.

But it was ultimately Edwards decision whether she lived... or turned.

Short chapter I know but I wanted a separate chapter for the end of the first movie.

Sorry for barley any dialogue or Alex x Emmett today, I'll spoil you in the next chapter, I promise!

I'm gonna tell you guys this now, James freaked me the hell out. Not only rewatching this but also when I was younger and I watched this movie for the first time.

Like, what the hell were you thinking Stephanie?

Also, I love how they bring up how Victoria is still an issue buuuut she's not here to help her man...

Yeah, some mate you got there James.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed!




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