The Billionaire's Wife |✓

By sia_fictional

632K 29.1K 5.2K

"No! Don't-- Don't touch me." Her voice was trembling now because of her so much of crying session. She's get... More

Chapter:- 1
Chapter:- 2
Chapter:- 3
Chapter:- 4
Chapter:- 5
Episode:- 6
Episode:- 7
Chapter:- 8
Chapter:- 9
Chapter:- 10
Chapter:- 11
Chapter:- 12
Chapter:- 13
Chapter:- 14
Chapter:- 15
Chapter:- 16
Chapter:- 17
Chapter:- 18
Chapter:- 19
New book
Chapter:- 20
Chapter:- 21
Chapter:- 22
Chapter:- 23
Chapter:- 24
Chapter:- 25
||Introduction part: 2||
Chapter:- 26
Chapter:- 27
Chapter:- 28
Chapter:- 29
Chapter:- 30
Chapter:- 31
Chapter:- 32
Chapter:- 33
Chapter:- 34
Chapter:- 35
Chapter:- 36
Chapter:- 37
Chapter:- 38
Chapter:- 39
Chapter:- 40
Chapter:- 41
Chapter:- 42
Chapter:- 43
Chapter:- 44
Chapter:- 45
Chapter:- 46
Chapter:- 47
Chapter:- 48
Chapter:- 49
Chapter:- 50
Chapter:- 51
Chapter:- 52
Chapter:- 53
Chapter:- 54
Chapter:- 56
Chapter:- 57

Chapter:- 55

8.3K 398 112
By sia_fictional

Writer's POV

"You see this...yes! This is your handprints, I stained them with red colour and parched them before starting my production house." Raivath says while pointing towards polaroid picture in the album as daughters are considered as Goddess Laxmi.

Avni grins in excitement as she coils her hands in her father's left hand leaning more on him. Slowly and steadily, their bonding is growing and getting strong. Not too fast, not too slow; both are redeeming their mistakes.

"Dadda, this is so tiny." She mumbles getting a soft pat on her left cheek from his left hand.

"You were just three. So tiny and soft. I still remember, you know, I gave you your name?" Avni nods her head in answer to Raivath's question.

"Yes. Mom told me when I was fifteen and asked her what I have of yours? She answered my name 'Avni'." Avni mumbles lowly earning a heartful chuckle of Raivath.

"Didn't she told you that why I named you 'Avni'?" Raivath asks turning his face towards his daughter, facing her fully.

Avni shakes her head in 'no', "Why?"

"My baba use to call my aai 'Avni'. I named you after my mother's name." Raivath says while witnessing the spark in Avni's brown eyes.

She realise something and murmurs, "Dhavani...Oh gosh! I never thought that way." She squeals in triumph making Raivath smile, "This is so beautiful to hear, isn't it?" She asks making her father nod.

"Very beautiful. You just look like your mother. Beautiful, opinionated, brave and strong; way too precious for me." He says with his heart filled with love.

"You still love mumma like you used to?"

"Yes. I love her, even more than before. She still have that spark that make me go on my knees infront for her." His eyes lits.

"Why didn't you ever told us anything, Dadda?" Avni asks in sadness, "We were seperated for whole twenty-three years."

"Bete, sometimes you have to suffer alone. I know, if Neela would've got to know about the problem I was in, even though I am the one responsible for falling into that problem, she would've been never left me to suffer alone but, Avni, I couldn't able to take risk on my family, on your lives. I was ready to take the hate coming from you people but putting you in radar of some mafia man; no. I know, I made everyone suffered because of me and I am sorry for that, princess. Just can you stop hating me now?" He asks vulnerably.

Avni gasps, "Dadda, please. I forgave you a very long time ago. I don't hate you. I am sorry if you feel like I still hate you, but I love you, dadda."

A smile graced his lips again, "This feels so new to hear it from my all grown up daughter."


"I love you...I still remember how you use to go grumpy when I would say 'I love you' to your mother, and you would imitate her words to me in jealously." Raivath snickers making Avni bite her lower lip and give him a cheeky smile.

Now when she is close to him, and look into his old eyes, she can see the pain they hold. The struggle he had. The pain he suffered.

"How are you so strong, dadda? Didn't felt ever exhausted of keeping everything above your happiness? Keeping us above your happiness?" Avni asks with pity and curiosity in her eyes. Her father is way more different from all of she thought. Strong-headed comes no. 1 on his characteristics list.

Raivath shakes his head and smiled, "You people are my happiness, and what would have I done if they would've took the woman I loved then? I love her like everything. Your mother turned me from a workaholic jerk to a family man. I still wonder, how much I would've turned into a maniac if they would've done something to her. You know, Avni, for your mother; her pride and dignity is above everything. She doesn't stand and beg for it from someone, she owns it and that's what I admire the most in her." He says with love in his eyes. Love for the woman which belongs to him.

"You love her that much?"

Raivath look into Avni's eyes and asks, "How much do you love Neil?" His question made her spellbound, "What? Can't define? Or measure, right?" Avni bite her lower and nods earning chuckles, "That's what I feel for your mom. And have been feeling for years."

"You know, how many men have tried on her after you people got divorce?" His daughter smriked. Ofcourse, Neela was a gorgeous, twenty nine years old woman standing straight in the world of business which was dominated by men only at early 90's.

Rolling his eyes, he huffs loudly, "Don't remind me of those days. I use to gone insanely mad over the fact that creepers are roaming around my wife in hope of getting her."

"Ex-wife precisely."

"Oh! No, beta. Neela is still my wife." Raivath says correcting his daughter, making her eyes goes wide.

Avni abruptly stands up, "WHAT?" She yelled at top of her lungs shocking the oldman.

"Shush! Princess, shush. Your mother will think I have had done somethin wrong again. Sit down." Raivath peeks into the door then turn his eyes to Avni.

"Dadda, what are you talking about? You aren't joking right?" She asks unbelievably.

He shakes his head, "Sit down first, woman. And yes! I am not lying. I never submitted the divorce papers we signed in court. My manager just announced our divorce and people believe that. And about your mom, Ashok handled her questions well."

Avni fall on the couch, "So...Like you said, you both are still married? As in, you hide it from us?" She whispers.

"I had to. How can I leave her?"

Avni slap her forehead. What her father thought before lying this much to them, especially his wife!

"What if she would've really found her interest in someone else?" She asks him.

He let out a deep breath and says, "I had my confidence on love."

"Didn't you had too much confidence on your love?" Avni challenges.

He smiled at Avni, "Who said it was mine? I have had confidence on her love. You know what speciality your mother have? Loyalty to her loved ones, and she is very kind-hearted. Advik and your nature of forgiveness, you both inherited it from your mother. Even whatever her parents did to her, she forgave them when they asked for her forgiveness."

"She shouldn't have had." Avni twists her lips.

"They're on their deathbeds, Avni." Avni's head snaps at his direction, "Yes! Soon after when Kirti got to know that your biological father got to know about her reality, and he already told everything to your grandparents; she murdered them. They're coming to my mansion, to Neela, but a truck hit their car badly. Kirti planned the whole accident." Raivath informed her making her brain blew.

"I don't understand that why witch hated mumma so much!" She muttered in anger.

"Jealousy, doll, jealousy." Ofcourse!

Avni shakes her head connecting her family's history, "But did mumma know about you people being still married to eachother?"

"No. And I am afraid of her reaction."

"You should tell her because you know already, how hyper she gets." Avni tilts her head making Raivath chuckle. He still remember how Neela threw a knife at him when he told her the truth in USA.

"I know. Seems like she will be murdering me for keeping this secret." He says pressing his forehead because of his nerves kicking ache.

"She definitely will." Avni analyse his actions, "Headache?"

Raivath smiles at his daughter's worried face, "A little bit."

"Come on---" She pats her thighs making Raivath blinks his eyes in perplexity, "What are you thinking? Come on. I will give you massage."

"Thankyou." He didn't even layed down, but she pulled him making his head gently ground on her lap.

"Don't thank me. Now close your eyes." Raivath obliged what his daughter asked him.

After a minute, Raivath speaks but still his eyes were closed, "Is your mind still stuck with that awful word in your mind, Avni?"

Illegitimate. The word have stuck into her head glue.

Avni lookdown at him and nods frantically, "Sorry!"

"Don't be sorry, beta. Just forget it. It was just piece of paper filled with words which have zero meaning." Raivath says remembering the scrambled piece of paper Kirti planted on Avni's hands in the party, "Remember one-thing forever, princess, I am your dadda. Not a name sake father, because you called me one. The first time I held you in my arms, from that moment you were mine. You made me realise what a man feels after being promoted to the rank of father. Not by blood, but you're my daughter. Only mine." The words he said were loud and clear. Necessary to be spoken and heard, respectively. Indicating her to remove the word illegitimate from her mind.

Telling her, she has a father and a mother.

Telling her, her life wasn't a lie. It just had a tragic start. A rollercoaster ride of several emotions through out her life, but still she was sheltered and shielded by her parents.

Raivath somehow able to say this. When they say, father are best at hiding emotions and worst in showing; it's true. He just couldn't muster up the courage to say this till today, until he kept his head on her lap feeling his little daughter who won't judge his vulnerable words.

"I promise, dadda. I am your daughter." She mumbles making his muscles relax as she massaged his head and it didn't took him even more than five minutes to fall into slumber.

Avni watches her father's relaxed features which are always slightly tensed when he talked to her. She is still in guilt for never trying to understand him, and he still is awkward engaging his relationships again.

She let out a deep, shaky, heavy breath as her eyes blurs with warm tears replaying his last sentences in her head. Blinking the tears away, she sighs. Once there was time she hated her father to her core, now when she knows the truth she is embarassed and feel guilty for saying words against the man who suffered his whole life just to keep his family happy.

On a point, he could've walked away from Neela after getting to know what happened with her, but Raivath accepted her. His love was that strong, it still is stoned like a mountain enduring the pains. Infact he accepted Neela's daughter like his own, he loves Avni like his own. Infact, he is possessive fatherly instinct says Avni is his. And then, their comes the Advik; the whole package of entertainment of their family.

"Both of you---" Neela loud voice dumps into the void seeing Avni's head snapping in her direction who gestured her to keep quiet via keeping her index finger on her lips.

"Shush! Dadda is sleeping." Avni whisperes making Neela suddenly felt deja vu witnessing the view.

A frustrated, two months pregnant Neela walk into the living room, "I swear, if you both aren't going to bed--" Her words died when she witnessed Raivath sleeping soundlessly on the lap of their three years old daughter who kept her tiny right finger on her lips, watching her mother with her twinkling happy eyes.

"Shush, Mumma! Dadda is sleeping." Avni whispered to her mother making Neela smile at the scenario.

How cute they looked to her. His big head covering Avni's tiny little lap, snuggled into her soft covered stomach as her small hands kept tapping his cheek and head.

Avni giggled when Neela imitated her action via keeping right index on her lips.

"Mom?" Avni's worried voice broke Neela's trance.


"What happened? Are you crying?" Avni asks getting bewildered.

Neela blinks the fresh tears away and shakes her head chuckling, "Happy tears, Avni. You and your father are getting along and comfortable. Thankyou for understanding him."

Avni shakes her head in 'no', "Mom, please. You're thanking me like I did some favor. I am his daughter who just needed time to develop that relationship with him. You know already, I had to pretend months ago because it was Neil's plan."

Neela nods her head, "I know. Now...get up and change your outfit. Aren't you feeling exhausted?"

"No. Instead I like this lehenga so much." Avni grins ear to ear.

"But it's already two in the morning. Get up and change." Neela orders her daughter who pouts earning a glare from her mother.

"Okay! But I want Neil."

"What?" Neela quicker her brows in surprise.

"Your son-in-law."

"That I know---hey! What are you doing?" Neela asks as Avni scrolls her mobile screen.

"Calling him?" Avni words come out more as a question when she watches Neela ambling towards her direction.

"Are you insane? He must be asleep by now." Neela whispers as she help Avni getting up.

"But I want him." Neela smack her forehead seeing years brimming in Avni's eyes.

"That man has spoiled you completely." Neela grits her teeth seeing Avni make a call as she ushers out.

"Heeee!" Avni gives her mother a cheeky smile as wipes her tears who in return shakes her head at her daughter.


Neil groans in sleep while streching his hands to the nightstand where his phone is ringing.

Without seeing the caller I'd, he answered, "Hello?" His gruff voice echoes on the other side.

"I knew, you would've slept without me." A very whispery, disappointed voice of his wife made his eyes flew open and he checked the screen to confirm his wife's name and time.



"Baby, why are you not asleep till now?" Neil asks closing his eyes and pressing his forehead a little.

"Because I miss you." Her sweet words made him smile.

"Baccha, I miss you too." His husky, sleepy voice made her womb flip.

"Then come to me." She says innocently making Neil sigh.

"Why?" He asks calmly.

"Because I want your help." She says little seductively. She can imagine her husband raising his left brow in amusement.

"Help for what?" Neil asks getting up from the bed as he walk towards closet already getting ready himself to go to his wife.

Her wish, his command.

"To remove my dress." With that seducing voice, she hung up; making Neil stood slack-jawed.

He look at the phone screen which went blank then to his impression on the mirror.

'She didn't just said that and hung up?'

Yeah, she did.

His shaft already growing hard imagining himself undressing his wife as he eyes watches his reflection.

"You gotta fix this now, my little kitten." Neil growls looking at his crotch.




Open the door.

Neil's message pop up on Avni's mobile screen making her lick her lower lip.

She ran towards the door as she was already in living area waiting for her husband's arrival who was way too quick on his way. On opening the door, a very sinewy husband of her was standing in black cladded button up shirt with loose jeans on with his both hands on either side of door's wall.

When their eyes met, it's the moment they knew, what they both are craving for.

In no time, Neil push her back inside and locked the door. And without wasting any time, he tucked her bangles cladded henna hand, and pulls her to her room without making any noise.

He turned around after latching the lock of her room with smug and dark look on his face while she was already standing near the window of her room with thudding heart.

" I am here, kitten, can you repeat what you said on call? Hm?" Neil says darkly, his eyes roaming on her beautiful figure who is still in her lehenga making her toes curl as he stands just opposite to her leaning against the door with his arms crossed to his chest.

On hearing no response from her, Neil fix his gold rings meanwhile his eyes were casted on his long fingers, "Or should I make you open your mouth, love?" He asks, suddenly looking up with sinister desire lurking on his eyes.

"I like the second option better." Avni says making a smirk grew in his lips.

"Nice choice, babydoll." He says with his fast steps towards his wife, decreasing the distance between them whilst increasing their carnal desires.

Slowly and gradually he remove her long, net scarf from her chest, witnessing her popping swells as her chest heavies. Removing her jewellery, his hands caressed her belly. All the time she has her eyes closed feeling his touch over skin.

Cupping her right cheek, "Open your eyes, Avni." His deep, icy voice made her curtain up her lashes which are showing all of her horny wills.

Her lust filled eyes met his when his thumb traces her luscious lips. The desire to taste them was obvious when he pushed his thumb into her mouth opening it.

"Suck." He commands making her warm, saliva glistening mouth circling his skin making his eyes turn more deeper in shade as she sucked them slowly, "Wider." He whispers making her lips access open more in space. He insert his two fingers inside which she sucked sensually.

"What do you want, baby?" Neil asks thrusting his fingers mouth making her gag. He pull out his fingers making her breath as his hand travelled back to her blouse opening the thread.

"How about sucking it, hm?" Avni says meanwhile rubbing his hard shaft with with her left palm.

"You, woman...." On a swift of motion, their clothes were stripped off and scattered around the floor of chilly room, and them hungrily kissing eachother. Eating eachother like a mad person.

"Are you sure?" Neil asks after pulling out from the breathtaking kiss. His eyes wandering to her pregnant belly then to her lusty beautiful eyes.

"Yes. Now, don't be scared; I know you aren't claustrophobic." Her mocking seductive whisper challenged him as he groaned.

"Challenging me, love?"

"Earlier, I wasn't but after seeing you afraid..." She smirks kissing the corner of his lips.

"On your knees." He orders her with cold expression which excited her more.

Perhaps she obliged.

She wanted to taste the lust of his soul on the tip of her tongue. She fell on her knees and wrote an erotic prose upon his cock that was forever carved into his soul like everytime. Thrusting in and out in her mouth with his hand fisting her hairs, controlling the later flow of lust they've; lastly he came on her mouth and she drank every essence of him.




He thrust strongly and passionately inside her hitting her g-spot making her eyes roll back in pleasure as his warms lips over rap her hard nipples.

"Ahhh---Neil..." She suppress her moans keeping the fact in her mind that her room is not sound-proof and her family can hear her.

"You said, you missed me, hm?" Neil growls over skin and met her hooded gaze as her breast bounce up and down with his every thrust.

A smile adorn her face, "I did. And I am sorry for today. My hormones don't keep my mood in check. I really throw a lot of tantrums---ummm." She says with guilt filled voice which ended up with her sweet moan.

Neil kissed her forehead as he keep moving inside her and squeezed her luscious bossoms, "I love every bit of it, sweetheart. I love how you demands anything and everything from me. I love your tantrums, love. Don't apologise for being my dramatic woman." Neil says with a chuckle as a smile commands Avni's lips.

"Are you sure because your eyes said something else when I said I am going away from you for two days?" She says with heavy breaths.

"Is it?"

"Yes. They're relieved like they wanted this moment from the long time." She says with stinky eyes making Neil impress.

She did read him through his eyes.

"A bit exhausted. But because of a buisness deal, never because of you. Just your tantrums make things tough sometimes." Neil says, slowing his pace seeing her extremely breathless, keeping her pregnancy in his mind.

"Sorry..." Avni says streching his back with her nails as Neil dios his head in her neck which is adorned with her nupital chain leaving various lovebites over silk skin.

"I love you much, baby. So fucking much." Neil groans over soft ivory skin.

"I lo...I love you too, hubby." Avni says as Neil thrust her more.

She has the chaos, only he can calm and he has the darkness that only she can brighten.

They're so lost in eachother now that, there is no way out from this universal soft yet strong gentle feeling called love.
They're trapped in eachother's souls so messily and willingly that no one can untangle them. They're bound to eachother till the end of time, to eternity.


"So, one day you know, dadda, what this stupid did?" Avni says in teasing mood.

"Shut up, dii, you already told him so many embarrassing stories of mine." Advik grumbles making Neela and Raivath laugh at his sulking expression.

Neil is attentively listening to them while eating as everyone was seated on breakfast table.

"Oh come one, Adi, you also told so many childhood stories of mine to him when I wasn't dadda, what he did one day; he was around maybe like...six or seven years old and he was eating happily but on the very next minute he started to cry like a maniac---"

"Dii, stop it. That was so stupid of me." Advik grumbles.

"Oh yes! That's the reason we call you stupid." Raivath laugh out loudly on Avni's answer, "At first, mom thought he ate green chillies that's why he was crying but he was crying because he ate cauliflower and on asking what's wrong he answered 'now a tree will grow in my stomach too because I have eaten a tree'." Neil scrunch his nose stop chuckling on the way as Avni mimicked Advik.

"Uhh! Wait---oh!" Raivath laughs at his son's red face who is actually eating gobi ke parathe.

Avni and Neela attacked Advik today's morning. The banters gone along, and at last Neil couldn't able to hold his smile.


"Why was he this near to you?" Armaan keep his palm infront of his face trying to show the distance between the actor Ryan and Sia had.

"Maybe doing his work because we're shooting a scene and you barged in like a owner and pack up the whole shoot." Sia glared at him.

"I was here to surprise you because we haven't met from last fifteen days, but instead of that I got the surprise. Nice!" Armaan grumbles moving away from Sia who kept her hands on her hips.

"Armaan, I was already going to comeback next week after the shoot of this song." Sia says showing her displeasure of him barging into her workplace in Ireland.

Armaan turned around in amaze, " mean I did wrong. Willing to meet my woman is wrong? Fine. I should've waited more. Okay! I am leaving. Enjoy your shoot." He raised his hands dramatically and started to walk out with his bag from her suite room.

Sia shakes her head, "Armaan, I didn't meant that way. It's just that I was working and you came in between--"

"Don't you come when I use to be in office in between my works? But did I ever expressed displeasure like you! You're behaving like I embarrassed you." Sia eyes widen hearing him.

"What the hell? Why would I get embarras about you? Armaan, you are making things sound stupid." She glared at him.

"And that's why you're embarassed because of me." He mumbles, and started to walk out but the moment he was about to cross her, Sia clasped his wrist.

"Armaan..." He didn't looked at her.

"Please, I am sorry. I didn't meant like that." Sia push the bag out of his hold, still zero response from his side.

"Armaan, say something?" She put his hands on her waist meanwhile coiling her hands around his neck.

Armaan still didn't spares her the glance. Sia cups his jaws and gently bring his face towards her.

"Aaru, I am sorry." She says whilst pressing an open mouth kiss on his cheek making him sigh.

"I didn't knew, you would be so disappointed if I would surprise you--"

"I am not disappointed or angry because you came to surprise me because I was genuinely happy. It was a genuine reaction when I threw up myself on you infront of so many people in my own suprise and happy state but, Armaan, the thing is; you called off the whole shoot." She reason quite subtly, afraid of his reaction.

"Because I am the owner of production house so I can do that." He shrugs.

Sia blinks her eyes, "You aren't but Mr. Biswas is."

"Malika-ae-Armaan, this production company comes under Khanna Entertainments." Armaan shrugs hauntingly.

"Since when? I remember when I signed the agreement, it belonged to Mr. Biswas." Sia says trailing off remembering her contract paper.

"Oh-well, I brought it after you signed the contract. No! I am not interfering in your work but it was already on our list to buy from last seven months." Armaan ends clarifying it.

"Then why they didn't told us?"

"Because I asked them." Armaan says.

Sia knitted her eyebrows, "May I ask why?"

"Just... I didn't wanted you to know or else you would've suspected me for intruding in your business." He reasoned.

"Well, you already did."

Armaan give her a tight smile meanwhile tightening his hold around her waist, "You were shooting intimate scenes?"

"Seriously, Armaan? That wasn't even near what intimacy called. It was just a shoot for a romantic song today." Sia pecks his lips to calm him. She assessed his anger already. She knows, this man is way too protective for her.

"Isn't this a action movie?"

"Bollywood movies without a romantic song or item number is nothing. I had a choice, so I preferred romantic because I don't do too much into intimate scenes, my strict rules of doing movies. That's why many people don't want to see me, and also admire for the same thing." Sia says smilingly.

"But that actor! Chee!" Armaan snort, "He isn't even that good looking. Why would this director choose him on first place? Have you seen his face, he look like a red monkey! Stupid ass. Chee! He even didn't looked good with you. You always look best with me. By the way, what's his name? Must be something cliche like him or maybe worst like his face. Have you seen his face when I looked at him? He was scared for nothing. As if I am going to eat him. Such a stu--" His rambling took a halt when he heard Sia giggling. He squints his brows at her who laughed out seeing his red face.

"Ohh--my sweet sweet Armaan, calm down already. First of all, he is Ryan Qureshi; one of the very successful and good-looking actor of Indian film industry. Why do you think that director will choose him for this big-budget movie? Secondly, I indeed always look best with you. Thirdly, he was scared out of shit because you were glaring at him like you're gonna kill him on that instant." She laughed at his scoffing face.

"Sia, for you I should be the most handsome man of the planet." He says pressing her away but his hands on her waist supported her as she took stepback consciously with him following her path.

"That you are, but that doesn't mean I would be calling other men ugly." She says smilingly obilivion about his vengeful mind searching ways to kill Ryan in jealously.

Armaan tilts his head, "Just because it's you, Rapunzel, I repeat myself, darling, this pretty mouth of yours should be complimenting your man only, because if you would not listen me then I can make you scream my name whole night, and that's only thing you would be remembering next morning." He says huskily making her skin peppers.

Sia felt the back of her knees colliding to the edge of bed, and she couldn't understand as she fall directly on the fluffy bed with Armaan over him.

Armaan admired her face as her eyes were closed and her hands around his neck, "Did I make myself clear, Rapunzel?" He whispers ducking his head in the nook of her neck.

She slowly opens her eyes, "Yes!" Her breath heavies as he left soft kisses on her neck making her hold tighten around him.

He stopped at the left side of her neck and longed the kiss over her skin. Soon, his body relaxed over her and he dropped his face snuggling into her neck.

"I am tired." He says making Sia smile as she soflty graze his hairs.

"Ofcourse! You don't like to travel. I know. Let's order something for you till then take a shower." She suggests making him groan as he nuzzles his nose on her skin.

"When will you get married to me?" He asks making her sigh.

"Remember, Armaan, we decided to not rush things for marriage?" She asks him.

"Yes." He whisperes lowly.

"Then please don't feel sad. I am yours but we need to work on us more." She says making him pout as he felt his heart getting dense but nonetheless agreed.

She is right.

"You aren't going to shoot today. I called a day off till next day." He says.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because we're spending time together. And that's final." He pulls his head looking into her eyes.

"Armaan---" Before she can deny, Armaan slammed her lips with his making her shut as she give in immediately.


"Pick up the phone, Kia." Avni mumbles as her third call went into the voicemail. She was waiting for Kia as both the women has planned on a movie eve, "You can't ditch at last moment." Avni mumbles.

She is wearing a white elegant dress with her belly on show.

She was busy messaging threats to Kia when someone hugged her from behind making her squeals surprisingly when a pair of strong hands engulfs her from behind. On tilting to her head to left she found her man with a smile and a bouquet of roses which made her grin ear to ear.

"Neil!" She turns around hugging which made Neil chuckle as he returned her gesture.

On pulling apart, "Surprise, love." Neil says in his cold voice kissing her forehead as she smile up at him.

"What surprise?" She asks with a grin.

"A date. First movie, then dinner and after that a long drive." Neil says tucking her hair tendrils behind her ears.

"But Kia---"

"I asked Ms. Sharma know!" Neil says scratching the back of his head.

"For help?" Avni giggles making him kissing her cheeks.

"So... let's get going, babydoll." He says circling her shoulder and making her heart joyed in excitement.

"I want two large bucket of butter popcorns and a chocolate ice-cream." Neil nods his head ushering along with her.

"Whatever you want, wifey." He says kissing her hairs.

"You know what happened today in hospital!"

"What?" He asks getting to hear ramble about her day.

She wasn't supposed to go hospital today as it was sunday and her leave day because of pregnancy but due to an emergency case, she have had to go.




"Are we too early for the movie?" Avni asks munching the popcorn as she leans on couch.

"No. We're on time." Neil says sitting beside her.

"Then why there's no one in the theatre?"

"Because I booked the whole theater for next slot of movie." He shrugs making her eyes widen.

"You didn't?"

"I did, Avni."

"Why?" She whines.

"Because I wanted to have my wife by myself tonight." He says squeezing her in his strong arms.

"But you destroyed the fun of theatre." She says showing her displeasure.

"Oh-bellissima, I will make sure you won't feel bored." He says.

"Ofcourse! As if you're the most bubbly personality." She mumbles to herself in sarcasm, inaudible to him.

"You said something?"

"Yes! I love you." She says kissing cheeks as the lights gets off.

"I love you too, baby." Neil says focusing his attention to the useless movie.


" I forgiven, mother hen?" Abhinav snickers seeing Avni stuffing oily chips in her mouth which her husband especially hate.

Finally after another two months and five months of Avni's pregnancy, Abhinav and Avni are talking, and clearing things between them. If Krishna wouldn't have had put so much of efforts for him, he wouldn't be sitting beside Avni for maybe like next year atleast.

Krishna became a good listener to him. Her heart pained everytime whenever he would talk about his love for Avni but she understood his perception rather putting her feelings above and that's what she indirectly told him regarding his relationship with Avni. Krishna's lectures, understanding, trust, honesty and her love made him little free via opening his heart and balming his wounds.

It's not that he don't love Avni anymore, he still does but now he is clearly a sane from mind. His mind have had started to takeover his heart. It took the time of eight whole months for him to stand wisely infront of Avni. He don't let his heart rule him anymore, it's his brain now.

But all in this process, Krishna has fallen deeply in love with him and he is very obilivion about this reality. It's like his history is repeating; but discrepancy is, it's Krishna who fall in love with his just friendly approaches while he was seeing her as a great friend who supported him at his bad time.

"There's is nothing to forgive about but, Abhi, you should've cleared this before. I never wanted to make you feel that way." Avni says with huff whilst munching the stuff in her mouth.

"I'm sorry----Ayee! Don't talk while talking or else if something happens to you, your husband will have my head." He jokes making Avni giggles.

"He doesn't hate you, Abhi."

Abhinav rolled his eyes, "Yeah! Same as me." He says in sarcasm making Avni shake her head.

"Ever my childhood friend and my husband is going to get along in this life?" She murmurs.

"Yeah! Definitely in parallel universe." Abhinav shrugs.

"Shut with your sarcasm, dude, will you?" She glared at him.

"It will take time, Avni. I am know?" Abhinav hushes lying on the grass admiring the clear sky.

"You know, I wish you find a woman who would be more understanding than me." She mumbles leaning back on tree as they're sitting in the garden of Abhinav's mansion.

More understanding than her? Never. Avni's understanding is what makes her very different from everyone and he doesn't think that he will ever find a another woman with same trait, but he didn't said that aloud. He have had stopped doing that. He only says those things when Krishna use to be with him.

"Well, this isn't going to happen atleast in next five years or else, the rest time will tell." His small statement made her smile.

"You know, Abhi, time is a fickle thing. You can be with someone for years and never know what real love is. While you can fall in love truly and completely after spending weeks with someone who literally redefines what it meant to be loved, to be happy. Love doesn't always fit into a timeframe." She says looking at the endless cover of sky making Abhinav sigh.

"Maybe but I don't know. For me, it never reached its equilibrium state. But what I know at this moment of life is, time is a ghost who traps you in its loophole for a particular timeframe making you experience things in the form of terror and horrify you to take another step ahead in that path thinking this might be the another loophole of ghost. Seems like my karma is hitting me for breaking so many hearts." He chuckles looking at sky then turning his gaze towards Avni who look down at him.

"That's so thoughtful honestly." A soft silence fall between them until she speak again, "You know what's the most powerful thing about surrounding?"

"What?" He questions.

"It naturally knows how we are going to react. It knows our fear, and it works accordingly. Just what we need to do is, understand it. Our fear is what empowers the ghost of our life which is true, it's time but we can overpower that via taking right decisions, and for that you need to keep on walking on the path until you find what you're looking for. Abhinav, this is life. This isn't going to stop same as time, and what you have to do is accept the challenge and win over your fear. As long as you do not walk on the path, you will not stumble, and until you'll not lapse, you will not learn to get up, and how will you win over your fear until you'll not learn to get up?" Avni says wriggling her brows.

Abhinav nods in understanding as he sat up facing her, "So you're trying to say that I am afraid of love? And I am afraid of falling in love again?" He asks as his eyes follows her actions of opening the bottle of soft drink.

"Yes. But I am not asking you to fall in love just like that. It should happen naturally, the way course happens. Fall in love with someone who will take care of your heart and keep it safe from every kind of harm. Find someone who opens up their soul and doesn't keep any secrets from you. Someone who brings you happiness and make you laugh." She says before taking the gulps of drink.

"This is what love feels like?" He asks with aching heart but he hide it. But his pretence is what, is lurking in his eyes which Avni caught.

"Yes. It brings me sanity and solace. Did you ever felt it while lo--loving m-me?" She asks consciously.

Abhinav bite his lower lip, "No. I mean the happiness I felt with you was wholesome but sanity and solace---well, I always lacked that."

"And believe me when you'll feel your true lover's love, you will experience it." She says with a smile.

"Neil made you typically wise."

Avni eyes goes wide, "What do you mean by that? Wasn't I sober before whilst advising you in past?" She gets offensive, "I didn't knew you would say this to me---"

"Geez, woman! I didn't meant that--"

"I know what you meant. So, shut up." Her eyes brims with fresh tears making Abhinav smack his forehead.

"She, and her hormones." He murmurs underneath making her sniffs.

"I know, I irritate people a lot. You can say it on my face. I wouldn't mind." She says wiping her tears.

"That's a good thing if you know that--" His sentence received a blow smack right on his face as Avni thrown a pillow right in his direction, "---OUCH!"

"Shut up, Abhi. That was very rude of you. I am gonna tell this to Sia." With that she pulled out her phone.

Abhinav slap his forehead cursing, "How does your husband handle your mood swings?" He was done with in an hour with her hormones. It will be like they're having some serious talk and she will be going all emotional, angry or laughing.

"He is very calm and patient with me." She says dialling Sia number.

"For having a chaotic wife like you, he should be." He says dialling Krishna's number and asking to inform Neil, to come to Roy mansion to his wife.


Neil opens his eyes feeling moment on the other side of the bed of his wife tossing around in bed quite of few times with her heavy eight months belly. She moans lightly on feeling the pain as their children is playing football inside her womb giving hard times to their mother.

Neil abruptly sit straight with sleepy head, "Baby? Are you okay?" Neil asks putting his hand over Avni's arm and another over her swollen belly, rubbing it to make little ease for her.

A tear left Avni's eyes, "Neil, my head is aching. My back is aching. My feets are aching and these two little beans aren't making things any less painful for me." She says sniffing. His eyes soften at her complaint.

"You should've wake up me, baccha." He says whilst massaging her forehead a little.

"You already came back after a week from your business trip, Neil. I already saw how much your body needed sleep. I didn't wanted to make things any tougher for you." She mumbles closing her eyes.

A pang of guilt hit Neil for not being there for his wife. He has to leave for another two days to Dubai tommorow, but seeing her state; he immediately dropped the idea.

"Avni, we both are pregnant. Ofcourse, you should wake me up when you're feeling so much pain--"

Avni cut-off him, "But tommorow you're leaving again. You have another meeting--"

"I am not going anywhere. I am sorry, I wasn't there last week." He says while kissing her chubby cheeks.

A smile grace her lips, "Really?"

"Yes, sweetie. Now, let me massage your feets. Yes?" He asks shifting his position as he kept her right leg on his thighs.

"Please. It's paining a lot."




"This feels so good." Avni moans as Neil massaged her back while he was sitting behind her menspreading his legs on either side of her whilst she is seated in between the space.

She leans back on her husband as her clothed back grounds his naked mascular front. Neil wrapped his hands around her belly and rubs it propping his chin over her right shoulder.

"Don't trouble your mumma so much, champs. Let her sleep." Neil mumbles making Avni smile at his hush voice he use every time when he scold them for troubling her.

"They don't trouble me, hubby."

"Yeah! Yeah! You should've seen your painful expression an hour ago." Neil scoffs patting her stomach, "So my munchkins wants to eat something?" He asks in baby voice enlightening Avni's mood.

"Yes! Can I have chole-bhathure?"

"But I asked them." Neil says teasingly, indicating towards her womb.

"I am their mother. I know what they want. They told me already." She says happily shifting a little to face him.


"Just now. Are you going to bring me chole-bhathure or not?" She aks eyeing him.

Neil kissed her hairs, "Let me ask the chef." He says while pulling out his mobile and dialing the number.

He especially hired a night chef just for Avni. It was three-thirty in the night when the chef left after delivering the food in their room while Avni happily ate and let out a burp making her husband satisfy.

He finally made her sleep at four in the morning after massaging her head with the oil, and admired her sleeping figure after adjusting the pillow below her swollen pregnant belly.

"You are so so beautiful." He mumbles to the sleeping figure of his wife whilst kneading the diamond pendant of her nupital chain and kissing her head just above her vermillion.


"So...Harsh is final. If it will be boys or I'll have a nephew then you'll name him Harsh." Advik announces making Avni scoff.

"Absolutely no. I already decided names. Please Adi..." Avni pouts making Advik and Sia chuckle but she kept he names to herself.

As everyone was busy today, so Sia and Advik came to spend time with Avni, and takecare of her as her due date is in next two days, so leaving her alone is not an option for anyone.

Avni was lying like a whale on the couch meanwhile kneading her baby bump as she has been feeling pain from last night itself.

"Yaaarrr, dii! This is going to be my nephew or niece, atleast give me some authority." Advik grumbles in annoyance.

"Shut up, Adi." Avni glared at her brother who is stomping his foot like a child.

"Let it be, Adi. Let them come out first. What if both of them are she?" Sia questions eating a bite of apple.

"Then we'll name atleast one of them; Harsha or Harshika or Harshita." Advik shrugs making Avni shake her head.

"His obsession with Harsh...what a stupid brother I got. God!" Avni says standing with so much efforts.

"Excuse me? I am offended." Advik complains.

"As if I care." Avni shrugs.

Advik put his right hand over his heart, "Aaahhhh! That's rude, and hurts right here."

Avni bite her lower lip at the sudden painful contraction waving in her body making Sia stands up hurriedly seeing her very painful expression.

"Hey, Avni, sit-down. Are you okay?" Sia asks grabbing her hands.

Advik too stands up seeing Avni's face getting pale, "Dii-------Ohh-shoot! You peed yourself!"

Avni and Sia lookdown to her long lavender floral dress wet which made Avni eyes widen.

"No....this isn't pee. The amount of liquid....AAAHHHHH---my wa--water broke." She suddenly screams in pain as another contraction wave in.

Advik gulp seeing her and Sia eyes goes wide hearing her.

"Mummmaaaaa----" She cried throwing her head back on her brothers shoulder who is standing behind her to support.

"" Sia says meanwhile Avni sit on the couch holding her brother's hand tightly.

"This can't be... Your due date is in next two days."

"Is it my mistake? Shut up, Adi! Aaaahhhhhhh!" Avni shouts on his face whilst Sia run out to ask driver to pull the car on driveway.

Seeing her in pain and screaming; Advik panics, "Shit...shit...shit! What should I do....what should I do? Dii, calmdown! Can I do something for you? What should I--" His ramble earned a slap on his face which abruptly made him shut.

He watches Avni with a pout with his hand on his left cheek, but anything for his sister and the new guests.

"SHUT UP----AAAHHH! Call Neil right now, stupid!" His sister screams making him nod his head hurriedly.

"Adi, pick her. We need to go to the hospital right now." Sia runs in making Advik look towards Sia then Avni then to his phone.

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT? Pick me!" Advik again nods his head like a obedient child on Avni's order.

"Dii, tell me if I make you uncomfortable." Advik says and slides his one hand under her knees then other around her shoulder picking her heavy body, "Girlfriend, call jiju and ask him to reach hospital." He says to Sia.

"I am calling. Let's get into the car first." With that Advik walkout holding Avni in bridal style.

"Adi, it's paining a lot." She sniffs making Advik look towards in distress.

"Don't worry, dii. You are strong. Just sometime... please." He mumbles lovingly seeing her tears and red face.

"I want Neil... aaarrghhhh!"

"He is coming. He is coming." Advik repeat himself, seeing her pain.




The door of meeting room open with a loud thud grabbing attention of everyone.

Neil who is sitting of the chair of CEO of the company, turns his emotionless face towards DD who is huffing loudly with his phone on his hand.

"Pre--president, Mrs. Khanna is in labour." The moment the words left DD's mouth, Neil's heart thud against his sternum.

He stands up abruptly, and look towards his younger brother who nodded his head while Neil runs out of the meeting room without a word leaving people over there in bafflement. Krishna stayed back doing her job in absence of Neil.




Neil regretted putting his phone on silent as now his wife is screaming on the phone, "---where are you when I need you the most? Where the hell is your pho---aaahhhh! Neil, I swear it's paining--"

"I am coming, baby. I am coming."

"Why aren't you here yet? Is this how--" Her complains goes along as Neil smack DD's head and glared at him.

"Drive fast." Neil grits.

"Ye--yes, president." DD says seeing the arrow kicking 100 indicating the speed of car.

"Oh-yes, babydoll. You can do whatever you want to do with me." DD hear his boss consoling his furious wife on call who is having extreme contractions.

"Ah! Yes. You can ofcourse push me in the pool again." DD had the urged to chuckle hearing his boss but he refrain himself form doing that.

"Ofcourse, Avni, I love you a lot."

"What?---you want poha now?"

"! Don't get me wrong. You can eat all you want. Yes! I am bringing it."

"Okay...I am sorry, Avni."

"How many minutes?----In thirty seconds? You want me there in thirty seconds?" Neil stare blankly at DD and again smack the back of his head, "Drive fast."

DD nods his head whilst rubbing his head.

'Now how much more fast do you want me to drive? I have already broken three signals, now shall I hit the car?' DD wanted to say that aloud but kept it to himself.

"Yes! Yes, Avni. I know, I am bad."

'Bad? You are devil. A Cold-hearted devil.' DD says in his mind gulping as Neil stare at him all the time.

8353 words.

Here's the chapter.

How was it?

Father-daughter moment, liked it?

Neela is still married to Raivath.

Then hehe! Avni wasn't liking Neil's peace.😁

Avneil's sensual smutty romance.

And his surprise date.

The conversation between Avni and Abhinav.

Advik getting slap.😂

My poor boy, such superb brother he is.

DD- that's also a pour soul stuck between his boss and wife's banters.

Avni's scolding to her husband 😂

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Till next update, bye!
So here is my another episode of The Billionaire's wife🦋

Hope uhh ppl will like it!!
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