Star Chaser

By AuthorCassidyKate

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Alina doesn't trust the new ranch hand. And it's more than Orion being too attractive to wrap her head around... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Twenty

346 48 78
By AuthorCassidyKate

I entered the half-finished barn, my heart beating fast. I adjusted my cowgirl hat, tilting it farther down over my face to block out the bright lights that were strung all along the walls. The roof had not been put up yet, and the full moon shone brightly, casting a pale light on the plywood dance floor that had been brought in.

I looked across the room trying not to get my hopes up. I knew Orion wouldn't be at the town dance. I hadn't even bothered to go and see if he wanted to ride with me. Although he had promised to come, I wasn't sure whether he would keep his promise after the conversation we had. I was never sure what to expect from him. Tugging on the sleeve of my long blue flannel, I tried to ignore my disappointment when I didn't find him.

The crowd of dancers had grown large, the music upbeat and loud as the people cheered when the band played a familiar song. Seeing two of my friends, I made my way past several checkered tables until I reached them in the far corner next to the dance floor. Susie and Ashley sat sipping sodas and checking out a guy at the table next to them. I smiled as I sat down. "Is he your new eye candy?" I teased.

"No," Susie said defensively. "I like Mark. Ashley here is the one drooling." Susie was a short quirky girl with long beautiful black hair that was pulled back in two braids, her eyes a dark green. She lived on a farm close to our Ranch. I'd known her my whole life and found her calm presence a good balance to Ashley's bright chaotic energy.

"Oh please, Susie. You spotted him first. I saw you taking in the nice view." Ashley rolled her bright blue eyes, tilting her head full of long blond locks to the side. She was the more confident of the two.

"I have eyes. Anyone can see that he is gorgeous, but Mark and I are pretty serious, so he is all yours," Susie insisted.

"Thank you. That is exactly what I was after," Ashley said sarcastically, "your blessing."

I laughed. "You two are crazy. Always on the hunt."

"Well at least I have someone, and Ashley here goes out on regular dates. But you Alina, don't even try." Susie looked at me with worried eyes. "I want you to find someone. And I don't mean someone you can call a friend. You've friend-zoned every boy in town. Someone you can love."

"Something tells me that she already has," Ashley said observing me, her eyes glinting with excitement. 

If anyone could read me like a book it was Ashley. "A tall, handsome boy from class perhaps? A rancher guy who isn't easily dissuaded by your sassy remarks, maybe? Are you finally willing to admit that you aren't dying from a disease, but from being lovesick?"

I laughed, but it came out hollow, fake. "What?" I scoffed, trying to not look utterly flustered as I shook my head. "Why would you think that?" I asked innocently, hoping that for once in my life that my terrible lying ability wouldn't get me caught before I was ready to admit anything.

"Your eyes. They always tell the story. You've been scanning this barn looking for him ever since you first walked in the door. And look! Now you're blushing." 

Ugh. I hate how easy I blush. It always gives me away.

"What's his name?" Susie asked intrigued. They both leaned in, waiting for me to say something. 

I wasn't sure what to say. Yes, I like Orion, but that doesn't change the fact that he has suddenly become a jerk overnight. Or the fact that he is going to be leaving town. Or the fact that him being around me is dangerous to my sanity. But as I looked at my friends, eager to learn more, I gave in. I wanted to tell someone, even if I could only share small bits.

"His name is Orion."

"Yes?" a beautiful voice asked behind me. 

Turning, I looked into those black eyes that I had begun to fall in love with and had to fight back another blush. He wore a cowboy hat over his jet-black hair. The streaks of color that often filled his hair were nowhere in sight. He wore a dark blue flannel shirt that was striking against his dark skin. He wore boot cut jeans with dark brown cowboy boots. He looked the part but pulled it off better than anyone else in the room. He looked more like he belonged here than I did.

"Hi," I said startled. "You came." I felt flustered, my heart jumping into another level of speed.

Orion looked humored by my statement. "Of course. I said I would." He gave me a bright smile that lit up the entire barn, like our previous conversation had never happened. 

Pulling a chair out of nowhere, he whipped it around and sat down with such speed and grace that I was not aware that he was right next to me until he readjusted his hat. He sat in the chair backwards, making him look more like a silly boy than the disciplined alien adventurer I knew he was.

I looked over at Ashley and Susie to find them openly gawking at Orion. I felt a pang of jealousy but quickly pushed it away. He isn't mine. Besides, who wouldn't stare? He was terribly, tragically, overwhelmingly handsome.

Orion tilted his hat down towards them. "I'm Orion. It's a pleasure to see you again Ashley and to meet you," he nodded at Susie.

They giggled. "This is Susie," I said, trying not to laugh as he looked at them, confused by their reaction. Clearly, he still had a few human lessons to learn. Combusting into giggles was a classic reaction when we came into contact with something that hot. 

"Hi," they replied in unison, not taking their eyes off of him.

I stood. "I'm going to go get something to drink. Want anything?" They didn't hear me.

Orion stood, "No, no let me. What would you like?" he asked me, his black eyes sparkling bright like the stars above.

I could barely get the words out. "Sprite please." He nodded, with a smile. "You ladies want refills?" he asked.

"Coke." Ashley piped up.

"Just water, thanks." Susie smiled. 

Now they want something. I kept myself from rolling my eyes until after Orion was gone. 

"Oh, My Gosh Alina! I had no idea he was sooooo good looking! I didn't even know you met someone!" Susie squealed.

"He's nice. Good choice. You have my hardcore, one HUNDRED perfect blessing. No one can focus in any of the classes he's in." Ashley looked after him with interest. "I'm surprised anyone's passing."

I laughed, turning red. "Come on, he works at our ranch and is getting used to everything. Don't scare him away. And DON'T STARE!" I hissed as their eyes gravitated back to him. 

"But seriously. You like him! Are you guys going out or what?" Ashley asked. "You went on a date and you two have had some serious chemistry in class. It's nuts!"

"YOU'VE GONE ON A DATE?!?! AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?!?" Susie scolded.

I shook my head. "No, no, no. It's nothing like that. I like him but I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me. He's just passing through." The last sentence was more for me than them. I needed to remember that I couldn't keep him. No matter how much I really want to.

"Oh come on Alina. Who wouldn't like you? You just have to let him know that you're interested," Susie said.

I sighed, staring down at the checkered table. "I can't. He isn't here for very long. I don't want to go through a messy romance just to find myself alone again."

"Here's your sprite, your coke, and water." Orion said, coming up behind us and gracefully putting down our drinks, silencing our conversation. Susie and Ashley started to glance between Orion and me, their expressions expectant, like they were waiting for their favorite romance show to get interesting. 

The song changed to a beautiful acoustic version of Drops of Jupiter, by Train. Orion beamed, recognizing it as he turned to look at me. "I love this song." Standing up, he held out his hand. "Dance with me." It was not a request, but more of a burst of excitement as his dark eyes locked with mine.

Pulling my eyes away for a moment, I forced myself to catch my breath and collect my thoughts. I was tempted to say no. To demand an explanation for the way he had been acting, but another part of me wanted to live in the moment. To enjoy those eyes, that smile, the illusion of never ending time with him while I could.

Finally, I looked up again and nodded. He nearly pulled me out of my chair as he grabbed my hand and tugged me to the dance floor. We found a pocket of space in the center, the lights hanging washing across us and cutting along his features.

"I have a confession to make," I said looking at him nervously.

"Oh, and what is that?" he asked, tilting his hat back.

"I don't know how to dance very well," I admitted

He laughed. "You come to these things regularly, right? How is it that you don't know how?"

"I never said I couldn't. I said I couldn't dance well."

"So?" He smiled, looking moderately confused. "How does that matter?"

"I—" I really couldn't think with him looking at me. It didn't matter what the look on his face was, I couldn't get my mind to think for itself when he was around. Useless brain.

"Give me your hand." I obliged. His hand was extremely warm as he wrapped his strong hand around mine. He placed my other hand on his shoulder, and his free hand on the small of my back. 

And just like that, he led me around the dance floor with ease. I didn't have to think or look around, worrying that we would bump into others. The room washed away, blurring out of focus. Orion was all that was left. Nothing else seemed to matter.

"How do you know how to dance? How do you know this song?" I asked, growing curious. "Train is from our planet."

He chuckled. "Well I can't answer the first question, it's classified. And as for your second question, I told you we get radio signals from earth all the time. This has to be my favorite though."

"Oh, and why is that?"

"It talks about a girl's journey. And how she has traveled all over the galaxy, to the moon, the Milky Way, and past the world. But in the end, what the boy really wants to know is whether she missed him while she was finding herself." 

Orin shrugged, looking away. "I like all the places she goes and sees and how the guy calls her the most beautiful thing he can." A ghost of a smile overtook his mouth. "There is nothing more beautiful than drops from Jupiter."

He spun us around, blurring the room around us again. "They remind me of you," he said quietly, still not looking at me. "You are so full of fire, and passion. Hair the color of flames, eyes the color of the forest. A living breathing tapestry of life."

I looked into his warm eyes, surprised as he finally looked back into mine. "Who are you and what have you done with the Orion I talked to earlier?"

He swallowed. "I'm sorry. I have been distant and that's not fair to you. You've kept my secret." He spun me around and then placed his hand more firmly on the small of my back. "You have been wonderful. I just... being with you... it scares me," he admitted quietly, sending blood roaring in my ears.

"But I shouldn't have pushed you away." He looked up at the sky through the unfinished barn roof for a long moment, eyes distant. "I have been wanting to tell you something," he said, determination furrowing his brow. "I came here in search of something. Something important."

My heart raced. Our eyes locked for a moment, causing me to forget how to breathe. His warmth filled my entire body. He spun us around again, causing my head to grow a little dizzy, his fingers sending fire through the fabric against my bare skin. "I have found what I was looking for," he said, his eyes sparking. My heart swelled. My face turned red.

"You did?" I asked hoarsely.

"I did." He searched my face. My heart raced faster. We stood so close that I had a hard time processing words. "I found it. I found the material."

My heart stopped and a cold wave of pain washed over me. "What?" I asked, coming back to myself.

"Yes. The material I need for Lucerno," he said.

"Congratulations," I said. My voice sounded hollow, echoing the emptiness inside. 

He's leaving. 

The song came to an end and we stared at each other for a long awkward moment as unspoken words filled our expressions. 

Another song started and we began to dance again, a strange energy sparking between us. "So when do you leave?" 

I had to know. I needed to know. I didn't want to know, but I needed to know when my heart was going to leave my body and disappear forever.

He looked down at me, his eyes unreadable. "I leave tomorrow."

Tomorrow. The word was like a slap to the face. 

I let go of his hand and took a step back. "Tomorrow?" He nodded, his hand still placed on the small of my back, but the distance between us felt like miles. Galaxies.

He took a step towards me, running a finger across my cheek tenderly. "I wish I could stay longer. But I don't want to endanger you, or anyone else, and my planet needs what I found." His eyes filled with sadness.

"When did you find it?" I asked quietly.

He hesitated, taking a long pause before answering. "When I was gone for several days. I had it on me when you saved me from the Destrocomets."

I moved back from him again. "That was over a week ago! Why didn't you tell me?"

He moved towards me again, taking my hands. "I didn't know how... and then when Ashley talked about this dance... I wanted a chance to make this a good last night."

"So why have you been so cold 'til now?"

His eyes filled with pain. "I... I've never wanted... I didn't know how to be with you and then let you go," he admitted. "So I tried to push you away but I couldn't do that either." 

I didn't know what to say. His eyes dimmed slightly at the look on my face, a cloud covering the sun. The silence grew between us as we stood frozen in the middle of the dance floor, others swaying around us. He cleared his throat and attempted to restart the conversation as we began to dance again.

"What were you talking about with Ashley and Susie before I came? You seemed a little flustered." He looked down at me, forcing me to look away.

I couldn't answer his question with his eyes on me. "They were asking me who I was interested in," I answered quietly, growing deeply embarrassed by the red that leaked into my cheeks. But I preferred the red in my cheeks to the tears I knew I would shed later.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. The chant was painful and insistent.

His expression grew more relaxed. "Oh, and what did you say?" he asked.

"That's when you arrived," I said, keeping my gaze down. I attempted to change the subject. "You're a pretty good dancer... for an alien."

He smiled sadly. "Thank you. You're not so bad yourself by human standards." He placed his hand across the back of my neck, leaning my head against his chest. I rested my head willingly onto his warm body. "But you do like someone," he remarked.

I sighed, regretting it almost immediately. He smelled too good for me to be breathing this close to him. "Yes." I couldn't keep anything hidden could I?

"Tell me about him," he asked, placing both hands around my waist as we continued to sway to the music. Does he really have to play this game with me? Do I have to spell it out?

"Well, he is smart."

"Of course," he murmured.

"Brave," I continued.

"Interesting," he added, tilting my chin up. I looked up into a pair of twin eyes filled with sparks of green. He searched my face, his brows furrowed.

The look of frustration caught me off guard. "Do you want me to keep going?" I asked hesitantly.

He shook his head, a muscle working in his jaw, seeming incapable of speaking. Then he leaned in and moved his mouth over mine, kissing me with an urgency I hadn't expected, surprising me. 

His hands cupped my face, shooting warmth into my cheeks and down my body. I melted under his touch. My heart erupted into a chaotic rhythm, impossible to control. His lips were incredibly soft as they pressed firmly, desperately to mine. My body hummed under his touch. A moment later he took a step back, his eyes wide. "I shouldn't have done that."

Confusion filled me. He kissed me. 

My head was spinning. "Why?" He looked terrified by what had just happened. "I don't regret it," I added assuming he felt bad for not asking first. I pulled his hands into mine, thrown by his strange reaction, wanting him to understand that he had done nothing wrong.

Orion grew pale. "You don't?" I shook my head slowly, deliberately. Confusion cut across his face. "You like someone else. And I kissed you in a moment of jealousy." He shook his head looking embarrassed.

I smiled up at him, amused, and flattered by his jealous impulse. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"Would the boy who you like be okay with what I have done?" I took his hand and led him off the dance floor and outside. "It's not fair to try and pull him from your mind. Tell me more about him," Orion said once we got a few feet away from the barn.

I tried not to smile, amazed at his level of cluelessness. "Why does it matter?"

"It matters to me. Tell me more about him. I..." He shut his mouth forcing himself to stay quiet.

I took both of his hands in mine, forcing myself to be serious. "He knows how to dance." I felt him grow slightly tense. I stopped talking.

"Go on," he said quietly, his voice dark.

"And," I hesitated. "He's outta this world."

No sooner had the words left my lips, I felt Orion pull himself away from me. He looked down at me, shocked. Sadness filled his face, and streaks of amber filled his jet-black hair. His eyes sparked like fire, filled with amber.

"What?" he asked, his voice a little harder than usual. "You mean me?" 

I felt all the breath leave my body, as I realized that I had made a mistake. He didn't view any of this as a good thing. Slowly I nodded my head and watched his face turn a shade lighter as he stumbled backwards, fear overtaking his expression. "Then I've killed us both." 


Thank you for reading chapter twenty! I hope you are enjoying the story! Or are at least curious to see where it goes!


What is going on with Orion? Why is he so afraid? 

What did Orion's final set of words mean?

AAAAAAAHHH! Orion is set to leave tomorrow! Will this new set of information change things?

What will happen next? 

If you haven't heard Orion's favorite song, take a listen to Drops of Jupiter by Train below! 

CHAPTER QUESTION - Have you ever told someone you liked them only for them to react poorly? Were you able to repair your relationship?

Continue Reading

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