Taste (BangChan) 18+

By ChansFlow3r

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Being high up in the Mafia world was no joke to someone like Alicia Morelli. Forever putting business before... More

Chapter 1 - Be Careful Morelli
Chapter 2 - Sleeping with the enemy
Chapter 3 - Mafia Rebellion
Chapter 4 - Promises can't be broken
Chapter 5 - All Fun and Games
Chapter 6 - Oops
Chapter 7 - Heated Mess
Chapter 8 - Secret Secret
Chapter 9 - Old Flames
Chapter 10 - Alls fair in Love and War
Chapter 11 - New Beginnings
Chapter 12 - Red, White or Black?
Chapter 13 - You're Mine
Chapter 14 - Connected
Chapter 15 - Why?
Chapter 16 - Memory Lane
Chapter 17 - Pick a Fight
Chapter 18 - No more secrets
Chapter 19 - New Plan
Chapter 20 - Action Time
Chapter 21 - Take Down
Chapter 23 - My Knight in Satin Armour
Chapter 24 - Time for a Vacation
Questions and Answers
Chapter 25 - Sight See
Chapter 26 - First Dates
Chapter 27 - I'm all yours
Chapter 28 - SURPRISE
5- Star β˜†
Chapter 29 - Oh f*ck
Chapter 30 - No Labels?
Chapter 31 - I Love You
Chapter 32 - Moving On
Chapter 33 - Kiss me like you mean it
Chapter 34 - Wait, What?
Chapter 35 - Now or Never
Chapter 36 - Traitor
Chapter 37 - I'll kill them, I'll kill them all.
Chapter 38 - πŸ’”
Chapter 39 - Oh no you didn't
Chapter 40 - She's back
Chapter 41 - Let it burn
Chapter 42 - Torn between Two worlds
Chapter 43 - The Final Stance
Chapter 44 - A Greater Sacrifice
β˜†one year laterβ˜†

Chapter 22 - All's Well that ends well

2K 63 33
By ChansFlow3r

A/N; I'm so sleepy and sick lmao, but heres another update because I'm nice :-)


Alicia's P.O.V

Nighttime had turned to daylight and I was still here alone in some sort of prison cell awaiting a possible rescue, though I shouldn't rely on others having to rescue me it was a nice thought imagining Chan swooping in here and saving the day.

I tapped my foot away at the floor, growing impatient and quite frankly missing that human companionship.

Hell I didn't even have Mingi in here to annoy once last time before kicking his ass.

The metal chains around my ankles seemed to be getting tighter or I was just becoming really uncomfortable. Tied to a boring wooden chair I quickly thought of an idea.

I began to push myself forward and backwards in an attempt to push the chair over. Letting it start rocking as my plan seemed to be working.

I mean this was definitely going to hurt but it meant I could at least try and break free.

I continued rocking the chair, but right as I finally managed to tip the chair backwards, Mingi and his men walked back through the door.

I quickly managed to pull my arms free from the chair as it broke but my ankles remained tied by the chains.

I persisted in throwing a few punches towards the men but without the use of my full body it seemed pointless.

Mingi stood there laughing at my struggle as his men grabbed either arm, holding me still on the floor.

At least it was comfier than that awful chair.

"Nice try Liss, but you're not as smart as you think. You're gonna need a key to get those chains off and lucky for you, I'm the only one who has it" Mingi reminded as I sighed, irritated already by his appearance.

"And I suppose you're not going to give it to me, are you?"

"Well I could, if you tell me where your boyfriend is"

"Boyfriend?" I asked, him smirking at the realisation of striking a nerve, I knew he was talking about Chan.

"I knew it...goodie two shoes Alicia Morelli has been sleeping with the enemy, you're fucking Bang Chan aren't you? That's why you won't give him up" pulling the same stool up from earlier he remained sitting in front of me, amused at the sight of me being restrained on the floor.

"It's none of your business"

"I have to hand it to you Alicia, I didn't see this coming. Although I bet I could fuck you better than he ever could, you're-"

"Get it into your head that me and you will never happen, ever. I warned you, you come near me I will cut your dick off"

"That's a bit extreme, considering you don't exactly have a say in it right now, do you Liss?" Him pointing to the two men, still holding onto me as I rolled my eyes.

"I'll kill you Mingi"

"You couldn't and you won't. Now, I have a proposition for you"

He smiled, pulling his phone from his pocked as he placed it in front of me.

I looked from the phone back to him, confused but still keeping my guard up.

"You get one free phone call, but that's to Chan and Chan only. Tell him to come and rescue you. On the condition he brings San back too"

Again I remained confused, but I knew this obviously had a catch to it. He wanted to ambush him just as we did to his guys back at the dock.

"Come on Liss, I know you wanna talk to him. Plus I could take San away and you'd never have to see him again. No more heartache from all those bad memories"

"And you'll just let me go? Chan also?" I asked as he started to shake his head. There was the catch.

"You can go, I have no interest in handing you over to Ricardo anyways, he always has been and still is a complete dick. But Chan's gotta get what's coming to him, so he comes alone, just him and San, none of the others. You make sure to tell him that too" He said sternly, once again looking at the phone waiting for me to make my decision.

Now I knew Chan, and I knew there was no way he'd listen and do anything Mingi wants. I knew even if I told him only come with San he would figure out a plan to have the others close by, ready to pull another stray kids stunt.

"Sure, I'll call him, but don't be surprised when he blows your head off" I smirked, looking to the men to release my arms. Mingi signalled for them to let go so I grabbed hold of the phone.

Luckily I had memorised Chan's number in case of emergencies.

I typed in the number and anxiously awaited for him to pick up.

Chan's P.O.V

I paced backwards and forwards around the room, I was losing it.

Mingi had Alicia, if he handed her over to Ricardo then that would be it, she'd be dead and this would all be over.

I'd already demanded an address from San, knowing him and Mingi were close and he gave us one possible location.

We planned to head out there ASAP, scope out the location then get revenge on everyone involved in her disappearance.

"Chan, calm down, we'll get her back" Changbin said calmly as I sighed.

"We better, I swear if he's even touched her I'll kill him"

"Not if i beat you to it Channie, we'll make them pay for going near her" Jisung added as I nodded.

I was trying to remain calm, but inside I was freaking out. I just wanted to know she was safe.

Suddenly my phone rang, interrupting me from my thought as I didn't recognise the number.

Everyone paused talking and looked up at me as I answered the phone immediately putting it on speaker.

"Who is this?" I asked, anticipating and answer.

"Chan? Please tell me that's you"

I let out a sigh of relief as I heard her voice, she was alive, at least for now.

"Liss, are you OK?"

"Chan don't worry I'm fine, look, I'm here chained to the floor and stuck with the absolute worst company"


"Mhmm, anyways he has agreed to let me go free If you bring San here, he's obviously just lonely without his best friend"

I smirked laughing it off as I heard the phone fumble around.

"Afternoon Bang Chan, if Alicia didn't make it clear enough you come alone, just you and San. If I even so much as smell those other minions I'll slit your pretty little girls throat"

I gritted my teeth, fist clenching as the rage began to build up.

"You don't even get to look at her Mingi, send me the address, I'll bring your boyfriend back"

All of a sudden the phone call ended, swiftly followed by a text containing the address, matching up with the location San had given us previously.

"You're not actually going there alone are you? He wants you dead, you know that" Felix questioned as I shook my head.

"Obviously not, we have 30 minutes to figure out a plan, obviously I need you guys there as back up but you cannot be seen"

"Sure boss, we've got this. We'll get Liss back and put an end to Mingi" Jeongin added.

"And what about you San? Where do your loyalties lie in this?" I asked San who had remained quiet so far.

"Even with Mingi being a close friend of mine, I don't agree with him taking Liss, but I also don't think he would actually hurt her"

"But he would happily turn her in right? To Ricardo and the rest of the Morelli's, San if you wanna help us then this is your main chance to prove it, help us take him down"


Alicia's P.O.V

Unfortunately I had to put up with Mingi's threats and boring conversations for the next hour until he finally left me alone in the cell again.

I was feeling hopeful though, and Chan sounded pissed, so Mingi would pay for what he did whether he likes it or not.

But then part of me knows that Mingi must expect him to still bring the guys regardless, so what was his plan in case it backfired on him?

I sat twiddling my thumbs, anticipating the fight about to happen, while I was grateful to have my arms free, my feet were still chained to the floor.

I don't know what's worse really, the floor or the chair. Neither of them comfortable.

The door opened once more to reveal Mingi yet again, the keys in his hand as he tossed them over to me.

"Here, undo those nasty chains and come with me, figured you'd wanna know when your boyfriend's dead" He smirked as I just glared back at him, how I wish I could just kill him myself.

I reached for the keys, fumbling around to find the right one for the lock as I heard a commotion from outside. Mingi turned around, speaking to a couple of his guys you could see he was anxious about something.

I managed to undo the locks to the chains, letting myself free, and tucking the keys away in my pocket in hopes that he'd forgot about them.

"I'll see to it" He started to speak, still In conversation with his men as he turned to another, "take her into the main hall, I'll deal with it all there".

With that Mingi left with two men and I was left alone with a young, kinda cute but not very intimidating man. Clearly not built for the job as he didn't seem to know what he was doing.

"Uh, follow me" He spoke, ushering me to get up and follow him out of the room.

I mean does he not know I could easily run away? Or kill him? Or both?

Curiously I followed him, walking through the spacious house and peering into rooms to check them out, all of this information could be useful later if there was an ambush waiting to happen.

I wanted to get the upper hand on Mingi, make him regret ever taking me. No one messes with Alicia Morelli.

"In here" the guy spoke as he lead me into what was named the 'main hall'. A large chandelier hung from above lighting up the room as we stepped into it. For what it's worth it was a beautiful house, just a shame about the owners.

The walls painted a crisp white with a large circular black rug covering the wooden floor, the guy in front gently grabbed my arm as he made me stand in front of the desk, awaiting Mingi's return.

"You've not been here long have you?" I asked, hoping for a response from the guy as he shook his head, his black hair slightly falling over his eyes as he brushed it back.

"Do you even want to be here?" I asked, this time he didn't give a response but no response was enough of a response for me.

"I won't tell him. My friends can help you, they don't believe in all this Mafia shit either" I explained as I swore I saw a small smile play at his lips.

Silence drifted over the two of us as he remained quiet, still choosing not to answer although I knew he didn't want to be here. He stood guard, holding a gun in his hand as he awaited his next orders.

I on the other hand was growing impatient, Mingi was dumb, leaving me alone with a guy that didn't know what he was doing nor did I want to be here, holding a gun that he didn't even seem sure of using. Honestly what was he thinking?

"My names Yeonjun" the guy spoke again, taking me by surprise as he turned to look at me briefly.

"Alicia, but you knew that already. For what it's worth it's nice to meet you Yeonjun" He smiled back at my answer as finally we became rudely interrupted by Mingi and the rest of his men.

"Well well Alicia, looks like your man finally came through" I glared at him walking in but my expression softened when I realised who was walking in behind him.

His lips curved into a smile, obviously happy to see me as I was to see him.


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