The 'Dead' Hanagaki


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"She's my sister. She took take care from the moment I was born. She fed me, cleaned me and played with me. N... Еще

Introductions/Character profile
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
10K Special Chapter
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors Note, Please Read!
Black Ring Fighters
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 29

243 6 6

Hey Guys! I'M BACK! Finally, that dreadful month is over and I'm now back to writing.

During the month that i was off, I noticed how hectic this fanfic is. Like with all the various subplots I've put in it. How that made the storyline a tad bit confusing for some people. I've made some edits to a couple of chapter during my hiatus. If any of you lot are confused by the plot, tell me and I'll be more than happy to write a quick summary. I tried my best to explain things as much as possible in the this chapter. However if some things are still unclear write it in the comments and I'll answer.

Also the new characters in the story have already been shown in the chapter I made before titled 'Black Ring Fighter'. You'll find their information there.

That's all I have to say for now. Hope you guys enjoy the chapter!

"Guess so, but shouldn't you start getting ready. It's almost time for you meeting with the ther fighters. You have to make your official appearance as the number 1 fighter. It's a crucial part of our plan, remember"

"I know that. This meeting is practically like your debut all over again. Your appearance in this meeting is what everyone in the ring will remember you as and I've gotta use that to my advantage." I say, pushing myself off from the comfort of my bed. Treading my feet towards my closet, looking through my clothes to try and find the perfect outfit. "I brought your new wig and contacts like you asked. Let me go an grab it" sighs my raven head best friend. Also getting off my bed and walking in to the living room to retrieve the items.

Hito returned shortly after , a bag in his hand, which he just tossed onto my bed before jumping right back on it. Laying down in side, head propped by the palm of his hand. Watching me struggle to find the perfect outfit. "Damn N/N, all these different identities of yours are seriously doing a number on you. You even have a certain style coordinated to each persona" comments to lazy boy. "Mhm. It reduces the chances of them ever being found out. Like with the different wigs and contacts. A single fuck up and those two will be able top trample all over me. I can't let them get away with what they've done too me." I say pushing back each item of clothing, still trying to find something to wear. "I know, I'm just still sorta surprised. You've stayed so docile about it for all these years and now suddenly your going on about revenge." says my best friend, worry evident on his face.

"I get what you mean. Back then I thought that if I remined the quiet and obedient daughter that they 'wanted', that everything you remain fine. I was scared back then. They knew about my friendship with you and they knew how much I loved Michi. I was scared that they would do something to the both of you to get me to do what they wanted." I reply, turning around on my heel so I was now facing him. "But don't your parents like..Love Takemitchi?" questions Akihito, raising a single brow. "They do, but you gotta remember those two are still a couple of psycho criminals living under disguise as a sweet and loving couple. They'll do whatever it takes to get what they want, even if it means sacrificing the ones they love. I mean don't you remember how my dad practically threw Sunako under the bus when she was getting arrested. He was able to fool the court in to believing she was delusional and under the influence of intense drugs, claiming he had no siblings." I say. "Oh yeah, I remember that. Her face when hearing that was absolutely hilarious. Served the bitch right" cackled Hito.

"It was. But it just goes to show what length the two are willing to go. I mean Sunako and him killed their father together. A relationship involving something like that, is not something a person could so easily give up." I shrug. "I'm assuming you meeting your aunt was the start of all of this" "Part of it yeah, I think I began devising my plan back in the first one when Rika told me about the court case." "Oh yeah, what happened to that? I swear it was about your parents trying to prove innocence of not being aware you were alive"  asked Hito. "Oh for that,I asked to uhm send in my documents of being officially disowned by them as well as my adoption papers. That was able to null everything over and the court case was cancelled, as I was disowned by them. Meaning they legally had no right or involvement of my life anymore. I also put in the word that I just never told them about me surviving the crash. Did them a favour" I chuckled at the last part. But I noticed his wife and cheeky grin upon hearing me say the word 'dad'.

"What about the police officers that drove you back to your old house to grab your stuff?" he asked again. "They were officers that were on my parents side. You thought my aunt had influence over the police, what till you see my parents. Me taking them down is gonna take a lot longer. " I explain. Akihito didn't ask anymore questions, and instead got his lazy ass up and decided to actually help me for a change.

It a about 40 more minutes till I was finally ready. I had decided for my Hana of the Black ring, Identity to have red hair and grey eyes. It's appearance is completely different from my others so it would be a lot harder for people to connect the dots. Since I'll be using this disguise for a bit, I had the wig have a few white highlights underneath. I know this all for the plan, but I gotta look good when carrying it out. 

Once I finished putting in the grey coloured contacts. I took one final look at myself in the mirror. Impressed with how well the disguise turned out. I can hardly recognise myself. "Damn, didn't even realise that your for a second. It's almost creepy how good you are at these things" nervously chuckled Akihito from behind me. "I guess it sorta is, isn't it" I laugh.  "Well, seeing as that you're meeting is about to happen in about 6 minutes and your finally done. I guess it's time for me show you the little surprise I have for you. It's how you'll be getting there." says the black haired boy. Walking up behind me and covering my eyes with his hands.

After almost killing me about 4 times, Akihito finally guided me to a stop. "Hold for a sec, whilst I get it out" he instructs running off. I stand their still for a half a minute, confused as to what is surprise is. I hear something large being dragged out in front of me, followed my Hito's instructions to now open my eyes. And I do.

Letting out a gasp of sunrise I stare at the thing before me in shock. "Since this meeting thing is like practically you debt all over again. I gotta have my best friend ride their in style. So I got you this bad boy. I remember you telling me about how this is your favourite model. So when I saw it out in the shop, I knew I had to just buy it for you." He smiled, patting the seat of the motorbike. "Oh my god! Thank you so much. Your the best!" I squealed hugging him tight. "I know I am" HE huffs smugly. But I'm too happy now too give a snark response. "Hop on it. It's your's now" says Hito, handing me the keys. Wasting not even a second I snatched the keys out his hands and mounted the bike. Wrapping my hands around the handles, my feet pressed hard agaisnt the pavement on either side of the bike to keep it steady.

Akihito smiled at me as he watched me stare at the bike with a wide smile on my face. "Shit! I'm late!" I curse, frantically fixing my skirt so it doesn't start flying up whilst I'm riding. Once I made sure that was done, I took off shouting a final bye and thank you to Akihito, Who waved back.

I couldn't help but smile during the whole ride towards Kana's cafe. I've been wanting this bike for a while now, but never got the chance to get it as it's always sold out. I should probably get him something in return for this and I think I got the perfect idea as to what.

Breaking a few traffic laws, I was bale to get to the cafe in under 5 minutes. Parking my next to the others, I got off my bike and walked off to the entrance of the cafe. Grabbing a black surgical mask and placing it onto my face, before opening the door of the cafe and walking in. The small little bell hovering above, chiming at my arrival. The silence was heavy.

I turned my head to the left and saw eights pairs of eyes directed towards me. We all remained still ans silent for a second. I could feel all their eyes scanning my up and down, trying to figure out exactly who I am. Not being able to help the little pride I felt, for my new disguise that's working so well. Deciding it be best to break this awkward silence, I removed the mask from my face, aware of all their watching my every move with suspicion.

"Sorry for being late, there a bit of traffic on the way", I lie in a sort of monotone voice entering my Hana of The Black Ring Persona. "There's a couple of new faces so I guess I'll introduce myself first. Names Hana, The Red Moon Wolf, Rank 1" I introduce with a slight bow. "Ah, Hana! For a second I thought you weren't gonna make it. Come on" happily states Kana, shooting up from her seat at the table. Grabbing onto my arm and guiding to a vacant seat at the end. I take the seat, and look around at the people on the table. On the right of me is Hekima who's looking at me with slight surprise, and on my left is Kana. Seating next to Hekima is a female with short black hair and blue eyes, oddly looking a lot like the male beside her. Then next to the girl was a boy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, he seemed to have a very cheery aura like Kana. Next to the blonde was boy with greyish/silver hair and blue eyes, he seemed like the much more reserved type.

Then on the other side, next to Kana was a guy with dark red hair and grey eyes, the shit eating grin on his face seemed permanently stitched on. Next to the red was a boy with brown hair and similarly brown eyes, he seemed be happy but I could very much see the hint of annoyance in his eyes. Possibly directed towards the raven head next to him. He has golden eyes and very much looked like he didn't want to be here. Not bothering to hide his displeasure.

"Hi Hana, the names Isamu. Rank 10. I gotta say you look a lot different from what I've heard" greets the dirty blonde, giving me a small wave. I reciprocate the wave with a small nod of my head, not saying anything more. "He's right. You look a lot different from the last I saw you" adds Hekima. "Well Touma, It's something called a change of appearance. You should try it some time. You've looked like your same basic ass self for a while now." I say with a fake smile on my face. I internally smirked as I heard the others on the table either laugh out loud or attempt to hide their giggles, whilst Touma/Hekima sends an irritated glare my way.

"Ahaha, your funny Hana. I like you. Names Kenji by the way, Rank 5" Winks the red head, grabbing my hand and pressing a kiss on my knuckles. Feeling his lips I couldn't help but think that they weren't't Takashi's. His lips feeling colder in comparison to the purple head. I shake any thoughts of the boy from mind, and harshly pull my hand back. Whipping the knuckles of my hand, in slight disgust. "Play hard to get as well I see" Smirks Kenji.

"No she isn't, she simply understands just how disgusting you are. Like every other girl you tried to hit on." snarls the black haired girl beside Touma. The red head 'Kenji' only laughed harder, somehow finding this whole ordeal amusing. "Now, Now little dragon, I think there has been some sort of misunderstanding. Only you and number 1 over there have ever rejected. Women swoon over a handsome face like mine" he boasted the grin never leaving his face.

The black haired girl only rolled her eyes at the boy and turned her attention towards me. Me doing the same to her. "Ryuji, Rank 8" introduces the female. I nod to her in acknowledgment. I look straight and notice the seat opposite me being vacant. "Kira ain't here yet?" I ask motions towards the empty seat. "Motherfucker thought he was royalty or some shit and decided to ditch" said the brunette with a smile on his face, completely contradicting the words that came out his mouth. "I'm Katsu by the way, Rank 7"

"T-to be honest we were kind of e-expecting the same thing from you" spoke up the silver haired boy at the end. His face turning in to various shades of red when I turned my eyes towards him. "I-I don't mean to say it as bad thing or anything. i-it's just tha-" to stop the poor boy from embarrassing himself further I cut him off . "It's quite alright, I get what you mean" I reassure. The boy smiles wide at me, in response. "O-oh yeah, I'm Rin. Rank 9" adds the silver head boy, tilting his head slightly to the side in a oddly cute manner. His shyness weirdly enough reminding me bit of Takemitchi, but now isn't the time to think about him.

"So does that mean Miss Number 1 is aware that a large majority of the black ring believes you have the same arrogant personality as Mr Number 2" Comments the male with black hair and golden eyes. "Dude, shut it" hisses Touma. "No" , I say against the number 3 before turning my attention back to the unnamed male , "What do you mean?" I say slightly confused but still keeping my face neutral. "So you actually don't know" chuckles the golden eyed boy in mockery.

I furrow my eyebrows but remain silent. "Mr 2, decided to break one the rules and fight Number 4. Though majority of it was one sided" he starts. I look at Kana beside me for a second and took note of obvious anger and displeasure on her face. "Usually breaking a rule like that would lead to permeant expulsion. But Number 2's master was able to convince the board to only give him a month suspension. Using some bullshit excuse that by removing such an essential fighter less viewers would come. Number 2 believes he is the sole reason that the viewers come to the Black Ring. So tell me Number 1, do you think the same? Do you think that you're the beating heart of the Black Ring?" Questions the boy, a certain glint in his eyes as they begin to stare me down.

Any normal person would falter when in such a situation, but I've gotten use to these kind of things. When your whole life has practically been involved in the dark side of Japan, you experiences so many things to the point you become numb/immune to things. "Why? Do you think you're a better fit for the position of fan favourite? But to answer you question, isn't it rather obvious" I scoff, leaning back into my chair, crossing my leg over and crossing my arms over my chest. "The Black Ring's main source of income is the top 10. The viewers mainly come to see us beat each other's asses. Our ranking is just based of our capabilities to fight one another, if that's what your so insecure about" I shrug.

The Raven head looked at me for a bit, hard, golden eyes squinted as he tried to read me. Before relaxing and letting out a small sigh. "Mei, Rank 6" introduces the boy. I couldn't help the feeling of slight warmth in my chest, of finally being able to get everyone's approval here. Meaning I've completed yet another step of my plan. And that is to gain the trust and approval of the fighters, so that in the future they may become powerful allies of mine.

For the next hour or so, we all discussed about random topics. Getting to know a little bit about each other, along with unlimited beverages -courtesy of Kana. Although the board suggest not revealing any sort of private information. None of us really knew what to do at this meeting as quite frankly speaking we all joined the ring this year. With Katsu being the newest one, joining only about 3 months ago. We've all also agreed to not use any sort of information agaisnt each other or announce it to others. But deciding it be best we kept our real names a secret.

"Wait, wait, Hold on. You two are twins?" ask Katsu for conformation, referring to Touma and Ryuji. "Yup, but we had to split cause of our parents" nods the black haired male beside me with a smile. Whilst his sister remined silent beside him. "Wow" says Isamu and Rin surprise. "I mean wasn't it rather obvious the two look practically identical" sates Mei, looking at everyone on the table as if their stupid. "I-I mean yeah I though they looked similar, but I thought it was just a coincidence" nervously chuckles Kana, rubbing the back of her neck. "Yeah man, no need to make it sound like we're a bunch of dumb fucks" tchs Kenji, glaring at the raven head boy and seat away from him.

I just sat back in my seat, watching the scene before me unfold. Kenji standing up from his seat about to punch Mei. Katsu trying the hold back the red head, whilst Mei continues to insult Kenji. Rin trying to get the crow to stop. Ryuji now adding fuel to the fire by egging Kenji on to fight me. Kana assisting Katsu ion stopping the brute fox, whilst also yelling at the black haired girl to stop. Isamu and Touma just laughing and shouting the words 'Fight, Fight'.

Just in the moment where Kenji was somehow able o overpower both Katsu and Kana, grabbing Mei by the collar of his shirt, the door of the cafe Opened. The bell ringing at the arrival oft he unknown newcomer. "Well, well. It seems like you kids are havin fun" Lightly chuckle's a familiar deep voice. In an instant I ship my head in the direction of the door and low and be hold he was there. My dad, dressed in his usual suit.

"But I think it be best you put Mei down, Kenji. You know how strict the board are with rules, your master ain't gonna be able to get you out of punishment like Kira's did. So refrain yourself from fighting the others outside of the ring" sighs Akuma. Kenji mutters a small 'sorry sir' and drops Mei, before plopping down in his seat. Akuma sends us all a warm smile before walking over, standing behind me. Lifting a hand so he can ruffle the fake locks on my head, though he doesn't say anything about it Which I'm silently grateful for. I don't say anything he continues to ruffle my hair, already used to this gesture. It's something he always does when we see each other and honestly I've started to enjoy it.

Removing his hand from my head,. I could feel his demeanour behind me begin to turn from calm and playful to serious. I turn in my seat so I was now facing him, my front pressing agaisnt the back of the chair. My legs on either side of the seat as my arms crossed on top of the seat. Chin rested on the makeshift pillow I amide from my arms. "Seems that all of your apart from Daku's kid is here, so I'll just have that dick explain it to him." grumbles Akuma, reaching a hand in his pockets. Pulling ot a pack of cigarettes. He looks at Kan for a second eyebrows raised, silently asking if he's allowed to smoke in her shop. The brunette girl nods at him, expression stoic like the rest, as well awaited for the news we were about to receive.

"All of you guys are newbies, so you most likely aren't aware of the annual tournament that takes place" starts Akuma, putting the cigarette in his mouth, lighting the end with a lighter which Kenji provided him with. "U-Um, isn't that when all fighters participate for a spot in the top 10" says Rin, slightly unsure. "Your correct, this tournament is a fighters only opportunity to change their ranking until next year when the tournament happens again." nods Akuma, breathing outa puff of smoke, turning his head to the die as he did so. Aware that I find the smell of citrates pleasant.

"Everyone is allowed to participate, but for you top 10 it is mandatory. The tournament will begin with the other fighters participating in matches until a 10 make it out on top. Those surviving 10 will then participle in matches against you lot. For example the 8th strongest from that 10 will go agaisnt our Ryuji. Who ever wins in these matches will move onto the next 3rd selection of the tournament. Here is were the official rankings of top 10 are made. So lets say you all win the matches of the 2nd selection, you'll be fighting one another to move your ranking up. If your current rank is 5 you can move it up to 3rd or 2nd." explain Akuma, taking in a drag of the cigarette at the end.

"Hold on I was told that during this tournament something called 'The Dance of the Grim Reaper' " interrupts Mei. I notice how Akuma's visibly flinches upon what the crow said, making me more curious as to what it is. "I've heard of a similar thing, but I don't know what it is" agrees Isamu. "It's....It's an old tradition of the ring, dating back to when it was first formed. It's a God forsaken thing, and one we as the board agreed to no longer carry on doing. That's all ya kids needs to know." He sighs clearly distressed. Though all of us still have question abut the topics, we all decided to not press for anymore.

The rest of the meeting continued, with us asking Akuma questions about the tournament. From what we got, it's gonna be taking place in 2 months time. The tournament will be taking place over the span of 2 weeks. All 10 of us need to present for each day whether we have a match that day or not. Something about us being the 'face of the ring'. For each match we win we get 1,000,000 yen. This tournament can be viewed by anyone, the police is unable to interfere. That members of the board- our masters- will be spectating the event. No weapons of any sort are allowed, if caught with one you will be fined 10,000,000 yen and banned from the Black Ring.

After the meeting, I left with Akuma heading back to my apartment. Where Akihito was waiting for me. I told him everything that was happened at the meeting, and he very much worried about the tournament but knew it was part of the job and there was nothing I could really do. I didn't see Takashi that whole day and I was oddly enough quite disappointed. He called me out as soon as he got home though, which was around midnight. The meeting for some reason went on for the whole day, and from what Takashi told me it was because there many disagreements going on. Some which haven't been resolved yet so they all have to meet up again but this time all the division captains, vice-president and president. There they will make a final decision and announce it to the rest of the gang. He told me that the meeting was about finding someone to fill in the role of an old member, and from there I instantly knew it about me. Which works perfectly in my favour.

Me and Takashi stayed out a the front of our houses for another 3 hours, talking about the most random of things. The hours passing by feeling more like seconds, when in each others presence. We both then went inside our respective homes, bidding each other a good night.

The next day rolled in, and Akihito had stayed over the night. Just like old times I made breakfast for the two of us as we watched movies on the Tv. When the movie was finished and the end credits were playing, Hito turned to me and smirked. "You ready for tonight?" he asks smugly. Clearly excited for the what's about to take place tonight. I couldn't help but smirk back at him, feeling the same excite but also nerves.

"Tonight, we're crashing the Toman Meeting"

FINALLY!! After 29 chapters, we've finally reached the main plot of the book. I honestly didn't think it would take me so long but hopefully you guys will enjoy what I have instore.

Also is there any particular scene you guys wanna see between Y/N and Mitsuya. If so, write them in the comments and I'll try my best to add them.

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