The Other Halfa

By Vigilante24

758 28 2

What if Danny wasn't the only Halfa? How would the story unfold? Angelina (Lina) Fenton is adopted and offici... More

I. Lives Change After Such Accident
II. Ghost Lunch Lady
III. Attack of the Meat-Monster
IV. Meat-Monster VS Halfa-Kids, part 1
V. Meat-Monster VS Halfa-Kids, part 2
VI. Ghost-Dragon
VII. Unexpected Prom Dates
VIII. An Eventful Prom Night
IX. Failed Biology Test
X. Skulker: The Hunter
XI. Ghost-Kids vs Skulker, Round 1
XII. Ghost-Kids vs Skulker, Round 2
XIII. The 'In' Crowd
XIV. Yard-Sale & Movie-Marathon Night
XV. Here Comes Technus
XVI. Family Trip
XVII. Vlad Masters
XVIII. Meet Plasmius
XIX. Reunion Under Attack
XX. Divorce?!
XXI. Under Arrest
XXII. Ghost Prison
XXIII. The Enemy of my Enemy, is my Friend
XXIV. Revenge is a dish best served Cold
XXVI. Chased
XXVII. Walker's True Plan
XXVIII. The Aftermath of the Battle
XXIX. Training & Bonding between Father & Daughter

XXV. The Return of the Ghost Warden: Walker

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By Vigilante24

The next day came and half of it flew by, torturously slow for our heroes. Even during lunchtime, they could have no peace. Maddie was shouting at people through the megaphone to eat, while also embarrassing the two siblings by giving them their lunch in front of the full school as if it wasn't clear enough that they were related to the two people that made the new rules.

At the same time, there was Jack, who had brought the RV and used it to have a ghost-repelling shield around the lunch area, ensuring the kids were safe from any surprising ghost attacks.

"Ha! This portable ghost shield only has enough power for fifteen minutes, so chew! Chew like the wind!" he shouted through the megaphone.

Everyone obeyed but Lina, who could only stare at her food. That bad feeling had not left her ever since last night and the constant attention on themselves, along with the roaming ghosts that she could not do anything about it, were slowly driving her insane. It even messed up her sleep, evident by the small exhaustion in her pink eyes.

On the other hand, Danny was stressed to the maximum and was not at his best either.

Sam noticed and decided to address it. "Danny, you okay?" she asked him

The male halfa looked at her. "Why would I not be? Just because the town's on high alert and my parents are at my school? *Quickly chews his food then holds his throat* And I'm chewing so fast I think I just swallowed my spork. *Phases his arm through his stomach and pulls the spork out* There we go. All I know is as soon as I get five free minutes, I'm gonna toss that blabbering hairball that started this back into the ghost zone!

Tucker leaned forward. "I don't think it was blabber. I think it was Esperanto," he said, talking about the language they heard the werewolf ghost speak or what they thought were mere random noises or words.

This made Lina focus on him and lift an eyebrow in confusion. The first time she ever heard that language.

"Esper-wha-wha?" Sam repeated, equally confused.

"Esperanto. An artificial language from the 1800s. Now its only purpose is to give geeks a secret language to talk to other geeks." Tucker continued as a geek appeared behind him.

"Hey, Tuck. "How is it going?"

"You know, (same) as always!" he replied in this Esperanto language and then watched as the other geek walked away from them. I couldn't tell what that ghost was screaming, but he looked scared. Like he wanted help."

Lina frowned her white eyebrows and poked at her food. "Scared...yes...he looked like that for a moment but of what? What could scare that kind of beast? Enough to bring it into the human world?" she started to ask questions.

There was silence among them for a moment before Danny's and her ghost-senses went off. It made their eyes double in size as they looked around them for a quick scan, hoping to see what caused this reaction of their ghost powers this time.

"Oh no. Here? Again?" Danny questioned.

"But we're chewing like the wind inside an anti-ghost zone. Where could the ghost be?" Tucker asked and on cue, the RV behind them blew up, causing the shield to vanish.

Sam pointed at the now-destroyed RV, with a crying Jack next to it. "Survey says, behind us."


Wulf appeared out of the wreckage of the destroyed RV but came to a halt when he was shocked by the collar, now being controlled by Bullet, who's with two guards behind him.

"You're using the collar? Walker said-" one guard spoke up but Bullet interrupted him.

"Walker isn't here!" he shouted and then noticed that their target had started to run away again. Oh, he was not going to let him escape from them that easily "Get him!"

Danny and Lina exchanged a look and gave a nod, realizing that they had to transform and fight. Quickly, they looked at their friends that were sitting across from them at the table. 

"If anybody asks where we are, lie," Danny said and the two siblings wasted no time rushing for the nearest tree.

They hid behind it and Danny was about to shout for his transformation but Lina placed her hand over his mouth. He was shocked for a moment before he also noticed why she had done that... Jazz was hiding behind the same tree.

"Danny, Lina. Hi. Are you hiding here?" she paused awkwardly, looking around. "I'll go hide over there" she ran away, without giving a proper explanation.

The duo exchanged a look of confusion but pushed everything aside as they had to focus. While Danny shouted to turn into his ghost form, Lina did it silently. She never understood why he had to keep doing that and despite all their tries, Danny could not transform without saying it out loud.

The duo started to fly side by side as they went after the guards and Bullet, clearly having some sort of Vendetta against the werewolf ghost. Perhaps, they should deal with them first and then see what they would do next.

However, they were unaware that while they were flying, Jack was targeting them with a weapon.

"One blast and you'll find yourself teleported back to that empty little dimension you call home." The ghost hunter said as he kept his aim stable.

Jazz overheard him, being not that far away and she panicked. "Danny, Lina" she muttered and started to run towards Jack before messing up with his aim. "Uh, oops," she exclaimed, pretending to have tripped and fallen on her father.

The two Halfa dodged the blast and it hit the two guards, which caused them to disappear. This made Danny glance behind him for a moment. "Whoa! Portable ghost portal? Oh great."

Lina nudged him with her elbow as once again they flew side by side. "Danny, look" she pointed at what was happening in front of them.

Bullet used a laser gun on Wulf's tail, which made him scream in pain and angered Lina greatly, causing her eyes to glow with red energy.

"You're big, you're hairy, and you're a ghost. But if Walker's goons are after you, you can't be all bad" Danny said.

Lina kept glaring at Bullet. "Go Danny," she said in a serious voice.

Danny glanced at her and gave a nod before he zipped past Bullet. It caused him to drop his guard for a moment and that gave Lina an opening. Red ectoplasmic energy was shot from her eyes and hit the ghost guard on the back, causing him to shout from pain and fall forward. Angel would not lie, that felt good; inflicting some pain on Walker's annoying goons after what they did to them.

The male halfa took that time to free Wulff from the laser net that he was trapped under and then focused on Bullet. He used his abilities at the same time as Lina released another attack from her eyes, causing a strong feeling of pain to hit the enemy as both green and red energy hit him from the front and back. He immediately vanished from sight to protect himself from any further harm.

Satisfied with unleashing their anger on him, the two siblings landed in front of Wulff. 

Danny extended his hand for him, once again trying to do the first step. "Friend?"

Wulf sniffed them for a moment before he licked them, causing the two of them to giggle. Lina smiled at the friendly gesture, for a moment being reminded of the Ghost Puppy they had encountered once. She would not lie, she did miss that puppy a few times.

Jack, then, appeared from behind the bushes.  "Alright nobody moves" He pulled out the Fenton Fisher, but it was tangled up. "As soon as I get this thing untangled, you two beasties are going down." He turned his back and tries to untangle the hook. 

Lina could not help but shake her head in amusement.

"Don't worry. He's not much of a threat. Now if my mom were here, then we'd be in trouble" Danny explained to their new friend before a targeting laser dot appeared on the beast's head.


Maddie was targeting them and she wasted no time blasting at them.

 Lina reacted on instinct, sending another ectoplasmic energy from her eyes, which met the attack halfway and caused a small explosion. A cloud of smoke was created and she wasted no time pushing the other two. "Let's go, now!"

The Trio flew off quickly but not before Danny glanced down at his mother one last time. "Oh. Man. You are so not getting anything for Mother's Day. "

Lina could not help but roll her eyes. "You never remember to get her anything, to begin with, Danny" she reminded him, causing her adopted brother to blush from embarrassment.


Later that day, everyone had gathered at Tucker's house. It was the only place they could meet without any worries about being seen by anyone, especially with their latest team addition being with them.

"I think this is a really bad idea," Tucker commented, glancing at the werewolf ghost that stood not far away from them.

Sam rolled her eyes at his drama, punching his upper arm. "Well, he can't stay at their house. Not with it being Ghostkateer central."

Danny gave a nod of agreement. "Besides you are the only one of us who sort of understands him"

Lastly was Lina, who spoke. "Plus, we need to get that collar off him"

Sam tried touching Wulf's collar, but he roared at her and tried to bite her, causing her to fall back into a chair. He then spoke in his language, but it was clear by his tone that he was warning her.

Tucker looked at her. "He said not to touch that."

The Goth could not help the sarcasm that followed. "Really? I must have missed the subtext."

"I gotta get my Fenton Thermos out of my locker. In the meantime see if you can find out what Walker's up to." Danny said but before he could fly away, Lina grabbed his wrist.

"I am coming with you" she swallowed hard at the reminder of Walker but didn't show it. "Better be together in this one, you never know whom we might bump into," she said, not truly lying.

When they were together, their chances of survival were higher. Especially if Walker was indeed out there. For they were no longer in the Ghost Zone where they could turn human and simply escape from him.

Oh no, this was the real human world and they were more vulnerable than ever.

Danny was about to protest but she gave him a face that showed she would not take a No for an answer. He ended up giving a nod of his head and she let go of his wrist before the duo exited by passing through the roof.


The two halfa entered the now deserted school of theirs and headed towards Danny's locker. The boy phased his hand through it and grabbed the thermos before pulling it out.

"We need to find a way and strap it on us or carry it, in case we ever need it" she suggested as she levitated next to him, occasionally looking around for any signs of ghosts or humans.

"Yeah..." he said and they were about to leave when their ghost senses went off as they heard Dash nearby.

"Okay, listen up!" he said and the duo peeked inside the room, to see the jock talking Mr Lancer, Principal Ishiyama, Paulina, and several other students and faculty. The room was surrounded by torches with blue flames, adding a creepy vibe to this mysterious meeting. "Is everybody clear with the plan?"

Paulina gave a nod. "Yes, yes, it should all go down tomorrow after the town meeting."

The two siblings looked at one another. "The town meeting?" they asked at the same time before Danny transformed into a human. Lina tried to stop him but failed and she was forced to do the same thing he did, to catch up to him as he walked into the room.

She could not do anything in ghost form, considering all the people present could see this as her attacking Danny. Yet, she had a very bad feeling in her guts. She grabbed his wrist once again, it had started to become a thing lately by the looks of it. "What town meeting?" he asked, truly ignorant of what was truly going on.

"Leave it, Danny" she hissed and tried to pull him towards the door only for a student to close it before she could leave.

She frowned her eyes and felt even more uneasy. In seconds, someone grabbed her by her shirt and held her up to the blackboard, not so gently. She looked at the attacker with wide eyes, full of surprise as she saw Dash being the one holding her as Kwan similarly held Danny.

This shocked the female since Dash barely ever acknowledged her in real life, let alone lay a hand on her. Realization soon came as someone phased through Dash, their grip went around her neck and squeezed enough that if she were a human, she would have trouble breathing. Her red eyes doubled in size and pure fear as the grip increased even more, now making her feel as if her neck would be snapped. 

At that moment her fight-flight instincts kicked in, adrenaline coursing through her veins and travelling all over her body, She started to panic and tried to claw his hand to be released but she barely did any damage. She lacked strength in human form and the whole panic was not helping her concentrate either.

Danny was less shocked than her, his jaw had dropped. "Walker?"

"Gotcha, punks," he said and laughed evilly as many of his guards appeared in the room.

The male halfa noticed the scared and struggling Lina trying to free herself, quickly remembering what had taken place back in the prison. His eyes glowed green and he glared at him with all his might. "Let her go!"

Walker was not phased by his shouts. Instead, he kept his grip just tight enough to cut some of her air intake but not too much to make her pass out. He owned her for what she did to him and her defiance and spirit were always the one thing he wanted nothing more than to break.

 Kwan brought Danny closer to Lina as his boss leaned closer to the duo.

"How does it feel? No place to run. No place to hide. I'm gonna turn your whole world against you, and by the time I'm done, you're gonna beg for the safety of my prison. In the Ghost Zone, where you belong."

"N-no..!" Lina stuttered as she kept fighting his grip around her neck, the mere idea of his plan made her find a new strength to fight him and overcome her sudden fear.

In her struggle, she drew the attention of Kwan too and that gave an opening for Danny to transform and blast the jock off him. He then did the same to Walker, who did not manage to react in time and was thrown to the side by the force of the blast.

Lina was freed and she started to rub her throat while coughing, trying to get as much air as she could. She managed, however, to turn back into ghost form as Danny grabbed her wrist and pulled her away; phasing through walls and the ceiling to escape.

The guards all possessed someone and Walker returned to Dash before they all flew after the duo.

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