Written Agreement (Kid x Read...

By MasclaraReign

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You're a Charlotte while he's a crackhead---I mean he's a Eustass. You were doing just fine and had a great c... More

C1: Married To A Redhead
Chapter 2: Annoying
Chapter 3: Plan
Chapter 4: VIP Room
C5: First Report
C 6: Written Agreement History
C7: What If's
C8: Scratchmen Apoo
C9: Punishment Day
C10: Lunch Date?
C12: Dinner Disaster
C13: Betrayals
C14: Bonney
C15: Café
C16: Gift
C17: Heat
C18: Conscience
C19: It Ended So Fast
Author's BS
C20: Lost
C21: Brawl
C22: Meeting
C23: Shattered
C24: Papers
C25: Clarification
C26: Visit
C27: Last Race
Author's BS
Final Chapter
Your Comment

C11: Liar

309 21 13
By MasclaraReign

You needed time to reflect and assess your surroundings with Kid.

Days passed by... No arguments, just a little bit of annoying each other that turns to a little scoff like it was a natural thing between you two. It was far different from the first months that you've been with him.

Reflecting on the previous days and the previous reports made you question yourself. You told Cavendish before that you don't want to divorce Kid because he never hurt you physically but there must be something more than that.

Even if the past months have been an argument routine, you still appreciated it when Kid calls his brothers to look after you when you have a hangover or whenever you're sick. Followed by his brothers' reminder that Kid was just having a hard time expressing himself.

With or without 'love', there's this little desire inside you that wanted to save the marriage. But then again, you don't want to have a marriage without mutual loyalty.

His loyalty is all you needed to hold on to the marriage.


Was it just loyalty?

You wiggled from your bed. Rolling to the other side, then to the other side again until you just turned to face the ceiling, frustrated.

You didn't drink coffee but you can't sleep because of overthinking.

Surrendering, you got up on your bed and went outside your room. You were supposed to go down stairs but you remained standing in front of Kid's door.

It's already 2 am and he's probably asleep by now. You walk back to your room then his door opened. He peaked from his door and saw you about to enter yours.

"What do you need?" grumpy man as ever.

"Nothing." You resume entering your room.


"What?" You groaned.

"Y-You can sleep here if you want to."

You're eyes widened for a brief moment. He never offered his company before especially in his room, where all of his privacy is stored.

"No." You tried to compose yourself and entered your room instead but was surprised when he followed you.

"He- wh- What are you doing in my room?! YOU HAVE YOUR OWN ROOM, KID!"

You're just dumbfounded to see him slip through your side to enter the room before you could even do.

He ignored you and just went to dive in your bed face flat then placing his phone on the nightstand like it's his own room.

"I can't sleep too so just let me stay here just for the night." He grumbled under the sheets.

"You're stubborn."

"I wouldn't do this if I didn't notice your shadow on my door gap. You've been standing there for 5 minutes like a murderer from a movie scene."

You wanted to slap your face for that. How are you supposed to know, you thought he was sleeping already.

You pulled your blanket, thinking of sleeping on the couch downstairs.

Before you could pull it from your bed, he grabbed the other end of it to stop you. He lifted is face from the bed to look at you then yanks it, causing you to yelp as you stumble yourself on the bed landing close to his ass. You raised a glare but he didn't care. Instead, he moved himself comfortably to the other side, giving you a space on the bed.

"What the hell Kid, you're acting like a LITERAL kid."

"Just come here, your bed is wide. Both of us can fit." He grumbled and turned to the other side with his back facing you. He ignored your glare and hugged an extra pillow near him.

"Hmmm, your pillow smells nice."

You sighed and gave up, what can you do? He is your husband after all. He might act like a stubborn child but you're used to it now so you crawled to the bed and fixed your warm king-sized blanket.

You didn't know why but your mind is urging you to share the blanket with him.

"Hmm?" He was taken aback when you covered him with your blanket but did not complain.

You lay down on your own side of the bed with a little gap from him despite of sharing the same blanket. You face the ceiling as your thoughts drifted to what kept you up the whole night.



"Are you...cheating on our marriage? I mean I know you don't love me but we have this whole arrange marriage thing and the written agreement."

Finally, you had the courage to ask him directly. To discuss what's been clouding your thoughts with him.

You've been tired with this marriage game that you spoke bluntly. He turned to you aggressively as the bed creeks to complain from his movements of exaggeration. Kid looked at you with his knitted non existent brows and used his elbow to lift himself a little.

"Cheat? Are you dumb? If I cheat, I'll receive a lot of problem from our written agreement then Heat and Wire will keep on hitting my conscience. I don't even want to imagine what Killer could do, maybe kill me and be a killer, literally."

You turned your head to the side to look him in the eyes.

You're tired.

So tired of stressing yourself out.

"All I need is your loyalty, Kid. If you cannot give me that, leave me." You said softly. Kid saw your sincerity, he can't explain why he can feel sadness radiating from you as if he's feeling the same sadness too.

"I...I am willing to receive the punishment of our written agreement if you had enough of this marriage." You turned your head to look at him in the eyes with pure sincerity but also tiredness. Kid can somehow see it through.

His mouth parted, searching for the right way to respond.

"Why? What? Are you seriously...?" He got confused as to what extend did it made you accept the punishment of the written agreement. It is known to the whole family that the punishment is a heavy burden to anyone.

You wanted to tell him what Morgans told you and the reports he gave you as well as the report you'll receive tomorrow but it's crucial at this point.

Another reason that Kid didn't know why you are willing to accept the punishment of the Written Agreement is because you don't want your feelings to fully develop. You know yourself, you know that you're starting to like him in a different way but you also think he'll never return the same feeling.

It could hurt a bit but you think it's better to end it earlier and accept the punishment than to hope for the unknown future where it might hurt you ten times than the current situation.

"I know you're tired of this marriage. Arguing almost every day of our life. Cannot understand each other's differences and preferences. And you're not able to date the person whom you really like." The last sentence almost broke your insides as it rolled out of your tongue. You haven't admitted your knowledge about the girl but it has no use already.

He blinked few times and stares for a good moment. You can't read what's on his mind with his facial expression until he laughed like a stupid maniac. It got your brows knitted in confusion but also offended.

"Should I call for therapy, you look like you're out of your mind HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH".

Your mouth formed into a snarl as you lightly hit his shoulders for not taking you seriously.

"Look Kid, I'm trying to be sincere here!" You snapped out. He didn't complain when you hit him and his laugh? It's one of those genuine ones.

"Urgh, Kid I'm being dead serious here." You clarified again. When he won't stop laughing at you, you sighed and turned to face the other side with your back facing him.

"Whatever" You mumbled.

"It's just funny how you created the Written Agreement and now, it's going to backfire."

Mocking you was the right way to describe the way he spoke.

When you said nothing, the silence enveloped the room. You hugged your share of blanket and closed your eyes for the hopes of falling asleep.

I'm already aware that he'll agree with the divorce once I accept the consequences. I knew he didn't divorce me first because of the burden of the punishment. Maybe he's just afraid to lose half of what he owns.


He called but you didn't respond. He lifted his head trying to peak at your face then poked your shoulders. You didn't say or do anything so he assumed you're asleep.

"Tsk, the woman is knocked out already." He sighed. He scooted over and tuck you with the blanket as he lay closely behind you with his forehead leaning on your back. Even though it's only his forehead that was touching you, he felt the warmth radiating from you. It made him feel comfy as he drifted to sleep while it made your body feel warm too.


Still feeling sleepy, Kid blinks few times and reached for the alarm clock near him.

'Fuck, 8:30 am already.'

When he turned it off and placed it back, he sighed and closed his eyes.

His eyes abruptly opened upon realizing the design of the alarm clock is different and something is wrapped around his waist tightly.
He lifted the blanket and saw you under it. Your face is buried in his side, just below his underarm and your arm his wrapped around him. It just look like your snuggling a big buff pillow.

He felt his cheeks heat up from what he is seeing. Trying to calm his beating heart, he watched and admire your peaceful state. He didn't want to wake you up and he can't also tell why he wanted to stay like that for a while. Well, it's Sunday tod--

Your brows knitted as you groaned. Kid closed his eyes again, pretending to be asleep.

You lifted your head to check the time on the nightstand, only to be shocked that you were hugging Kid tightly.
Quickly, you sat on the bed because of embarrassment. But when you saw his face is a bit reddish, you got worried.

You placed your palm on his forehead and it was hot. You placed your palm again in his neck then his face grew redder.

"Kid? Hey?" You said softly despite of your panic. He groaned and covered his eyes with the back of his hand.

"What?" He grumbled.

"How are you feeling? Your face is red as a tomato, I think you have a fever."

He glared at you between his fingers that were covering his face.

"Tsk, I'm fine, it's just hot in your room. You're disturbing my sleep too." He groaned.

"Tsk, I'm just concern. I just don't want to be infected when you get sick. Hmm" You crossed your arms and looked to the other side. You didn't want to tell him you were worried in the first place.

Your attention was caught when his phone beside his pillow lit up and dinged. He quickly grabbed it, as if it is a time bomb. After seeing who it was, he tapped his phone few times before returning it beside him.

"Who was that?" You asked Kid.

"It's Heat. He's asking if I could meet him later."

"Oh. K."

He lied.

Your glance was faster than his hand. It was somebody's name, a name that is never familiar to you. You felt a bit disappointed that he lied about it.


Written date: April fools, 2023

Twitter: @Masclara17
Tiktok: @masclara17
Youtube: Masclara
Facebook: Mas Clara

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