Codesworld (Darkekulavia Adve...

By UCS754

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Title says it all More

Chapter 1 The Beginning
Chapter 2: Global Warming
Chapter 3: Vs Nickocado Avocado
MrBeast Chapter 1: (4) 24 hrs in Bermuda Triangle
Chapter 5: Farm Madness
Chapter 6: Battling a Band
Chapter 7: Grilled Cheese Deluxe
Mrbeast Gaming chapter 1 (8): Minecraft But Everything Is Random
Chapter 9: NO MORE AMONG US!
Chapter 10: Can Ganondrof come out to play?
Chapter 11: Bahama-dness
Chapter 12: Meme Review #1
Dimensional Arc Chapter 1 (13): New Perils Part 1
Dimensional Arc Chapter 2: (14) New Perils part 2
Randomness (That's not gonna be that funny)
Dimensional Arc Chapter 3 (15) Greater Toronto Area (Oh Shit wrong term)
Dimensional Arc Chapter 4 (16): Learn the Basics
Dimensional Arc Part 5 (17): The cake is always a lie
Dimensional arc Part 6 (18): Where it all started (For Darkekulavia)
Dimensional Arc Part 7 (19) Scottstale
Dimensional Arc Part 8 (20): Crimson and the Ink Machine
Dimensional Arc Part 9 (21) Kadien's and Laurie's Five Nights
Dimensional Arc FINALE (22) Team (Fortress) Work Makes The Dream Work
Codesworld Short: Kadien's Real Body
Chapter 23: Hammer and Fail
Chapter 24: Zanta Claws
Chapter 25: Cafe with Some Old Beans
MrBeast Chapter 2 (26) 50K game of Real Life Monopoly
Codesworld Short: Spelling Bee
Chapter 27: The Date (Valentine's Day Speical)
Chapter 28: A Rocky Mountain Climb
MrBeast Gaming Chapter 2 (29) World's Largest Explosion
Trepidation Arc Chapter 1 (31): Lullaby's Treat
Trepidation Arc Chapter 2 (32) The search begins
Trepidation Arc Chapter 3 (33): The Fate of Unknown Suffering
Tripedation Arc Chapter 4 (34) Innocence Doesn't Get You Far
Chapter 35: Tier List 1 (CDW Edition)
Tripedation Arc Chapter 5 (36): Forgiveness won't work against a Lord
Trepidation Arc Chapter 6: Triple Threat of Killers
Tripedation Arc Chapter 7 (38) Saving a Soulless Lover
Trepidation Arc FINALE (38) Revenge of a Nephalem and The Corruption King
Chapter 39: Surf And Turf Wars
Chapter 40: Project T.E.R.I.OS
MrBeast Chapter 3 (41) Press This Button To Win $100,000!
Chapter 42: Codesworld Christmas Blast
Chapter 43: Therapy Buddies
Chapter 44: Real Date

Chapter 30: Speak of the Devil and She will appear

50 3 107
By UCS754

Its a beautiful day in Los Angeles, California and it's perfect for something very rare to happen. A garage sale. Yes that kind of thing doesn't happen often in these neck of the woods. So it's quite common for a lot of people are take advantage of this opportunity to buy some things. And two of those people are Scott and Tankman.

Scott: So, why are here again?

Tankman: Well obviously it because One man's trash is another man's pleasure.

Scott: That'snot even how the saying goes!

Tankman: Well, there's pleasure to having treasure so it's basically the same thing.

Scott: Fine, let's guess see what they have. We had to walk 3 miles there better be something cool here.

The duo and see the usual things you'd find at a garage sale. But nothing too interesting that is until Tankman see this at one of the tables.

As we looks at it he hears a voice.

???: Ah Tankman. Good to see you again.

He looks up to see a fimillar face.

Tankman: Byron? You're here too?

Byron: Yes. I decided to help out the others with house cleaning.

Tankman: Well I mean you seem like the kind of guy who would sell a TV $20. And I ain't talking about shitty TV I mean really good TV's.

Byron: Uh...........Huh............Anyways is there anything you're interested in?

Tankman: Well I'm interested in this.

The army man the pick up the Ouija Board.

Byron: Oh well today's your lucky day sir. I am actually giving it away, for free.


Byron: But I must warn you! It's cursed, and I'd advise you to NEVER use it!

Tankman: Why?

Byron: Just don't. People who do never come back the same.

Tankman: Alright then thank you.

Tankman then takes the board while smirks speaks to himself.

Tankman: I know what me and crew are doing tonight!

It was nearing night time and we cut to Tankman knocking on some door at the house. Suddenly it was revealed to the door to Cody's and Dawn's room as Cody opens the door.

Cody: Hey Tanks. What's up?

Tankman: Nothing much. I was wondering if you and Dawn wanted to doing something tonight?

Cody: Well Dawn's meditating in the woods so she can't do it. But I'll have to whirl. What is it exactly?

Tankman: Well it's this.

He then shows Cody the Ouija Board and Cody seems worried.

Cody: Oh no.

Tankman: What? Have you heard about this thing, do you know anything about it?

Suddenly the All-Star wore an angry expression.



Tankman: Woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah! What's wrong?

Cody: That's a Ouija board and it's only oh I don't know THE MOST EVIL OBJECT OF ALL TIME! Something disguised as a way for people to speak to those to have passed which it's really an easy way to get possessed by an evil spirit! Someone getting Hexed! Someone being possessed by a A ghastly glitch! There all thing that people that have Ouija Board have to put up with now that they have one of these! You have some nerve bringing this to me Tankman!

Tankman: Woah, hang one there tiger! Have you actually used one of these before?

Cody was about to go on another rant but stops himself from doing so as he realizes he never has before.

Cody: Um............well come to think about it, No actually. Huh. That weird. I guess I just read all sort of creepy stories due to me being a Creepypasta Hunter that I psyched myself out, I've never used one myself to see all the fuss about.

Tankman: Well there you go, you're basing your opinion on what you've read online. All the most reason to do it. Plus I got the others as well expect for AGOTI, Aldryx Solazar and Russell but besides that we have some more hands if any shit goes down.

Laurie: Ya. Besides you got nothing better to right?

Cody looks at his calendar it reads "Record Jeremy and Cody show today" but he decides to chill with his other friends instead.

Cody: Sure why not.

Tankman: Alright then!

A few moments later the crew sit across the table they have set up. And the Cody starts to speak.

Cody: I thank you all for joining for tonight. As we you can s-

He was then interrupted by some weird noise.

Cody: What in hell is that noise coming from. Kaiden?

Everyone then sees Kaiden doing something weird.

Maria: Kaiden, what the hell are you doing?

Kaiden: I thought this was a Circle Jizzer.


Crystal: You always think it's a Circle Jizzer, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!

Cody: Everyone calm down, we can deal with him later. Anyways. Today, Mr.Tankman decided to buy this thing in front of us.

Everyone then looks at the Ouija Board.

Cody: This is called a Ouija Board. This is a way we can talk to any of these deceased in all shapes and sizes, some that are skinny, some that are pathetic, some that are fat. They make sick quite frankly.

Mangus: Then why are we doing this?

Cody: I'm glad you ask. See this not only talks to the deceased but it also talks to Demon. But no one has talk to a demon and come out the end the same way. So. I'd figured that WE can be the ones to do it!

Wyatt: Are you crazy? We can legit DIE!

Crimson: I mean I'm cool with it.

Kitty: See why can't y'all be like Crimson.

Cody: Exactly. Are now, we all need to touch this planchette right here.

He shows off this heart shaped marker with a hole in it.

Cody: This will tell us what the demon is saying.

Emma: So we can actually talk to Demons?

Cody: Bingo!

Scott: For someone who hasn't used one of these before you sure know along about them.

Cody: I am a Creepypasta Hunter, what do want from me? Now everyone touch it and I will ask the question.

Everyone then puts their hands on the planchette and the game begins.

Cody: Spirits, are you with us tonight?

That is when the planchette starts to move across the board and it moves over to the part of it that says YES.

Wyatt: Ok, which one of you did it?

Maria: Did what?

Wyatt: Move the thing over to Yes?

Crimson: Wasn't me.

Scott: Not me.

Emma: I would never.

Cody: I see the distrust is settling in. Now let's start off with a simple question. What is your name.

The market start move over to the to spell out the name.






Mangus: Jesus Christ we are talking to Satan?

Laurie: Are you sure this is safe?

Cody: I don't know ask the guy who bought the piece of cardboard.

Tankman: It was FREE!

Crystal: And you didn't think for one second that something was up?

Tankman: Nope.

Everyone except Tankman:

Cody: Ok look let just get this over with. Who wants to go.

Kitty: I'll do it. Who did you kill or murder?

The planchette then moves again this time move to these.




Cody: Ya Bullshit. I met him last week.

Crimson: Ok my turn. Are you alone?

The marker then moves to Yes again. And then Mangus ask a question.

Mangus: Where are you?

The markers moved in this order.












Tankman: Wait what.

That is when the power when out and no one could see.

Cody: Jesus I thought I'd paid the electricity bill.

Emma: Don't worry, you did. I think we're experience a black-out.

Crystal: Don't I installed a back-up generator give me second.

Crystal then pushes a button and the light came back on.

Scott: Alright, is everyone good?

Crimson: I mean, everyone still has their head right.

Kitty: Wait. Where did you board go.

Everyone looks to see that board was now gone.

Cody: Ah shit. Satan's is probably here.

That when a laughter could be heard from the living room.

Everyone then rushed into the living room and saw this figure floating in the air.

Crystal: So that's Satan?

Tankman: I'll honest. I thought it was a boy.

Satan heard this turned to the gang.


That is when Satan shoots a laser and the crew which everyone dodges before taking cover. Then everyone look at Cody.

Cody: What?

Maria: You're the reason that Satan is. A. almost killed us and B. Is creating havoc in this house!

The crew turned to see Satan destroying everything in sight.

Cody: Alright easy. We just need to get a cross to weaken it. I have one I my room, once that's done we can knock her out and then capture her.

Tankman: Alright then who gonna get it?

Scott: You.

Tankman: WHY ME?!

Scott: Well you're the one that bought the Ouija Board! So just get it or else we all die.

Tankman: Fine.

Tankman then tries to sneak but Satan sees him and chase after him all the way to Cody's and Dawn's room. Tankman sees the cross but Satan grabs him but the foot, Tankman painfully crawls his way to the cross as Satan all she can to stop him. Fortunately he was able to grab it and weaken her powers. She tries to run away but it's suckered punched by Maria knocking her out cold.

Maria: What? It's not everyday you get to knock out Satan.

Cody: Well let hurry and try her up. She could wake up any moment.

The crew grabs a chair and puts Satan on it. Then the tie her up so she couldn't escape. After a few minutes the Devil's comes to. She wakes up in pure confusion as she sees the crew watching her. But it's not only confusion that hits her. It's also the pain that the sucker punch Maria gave her.

Satan: Ow fuck! My head! What happened.

Cody: You were released from your Ouija Board that what happened.

Satan: Well, yeah I can see that but why the hell am I tied up.

Wyatt: Well to stop you from escaping.

Cody: Now listen to me VERY closely! You gonna tell me how you got out and what you're business is. Or y'know.

Satan: What the fuck?

Cody: One.......

Satan: Please don't hurt me!

Cody: Two........

Satan: OK OK, I'll answer you question.

Cody puts down the bat and listens.

Satan: Long ago. I was the ruler of a place called Hell, it was awesome as the get to see the souls of the dammed get tortured for their sins. All was normal until one day......he arrived.

Scott: Who's he?

Satan: Lethalis..

Cody: Oh him? Calli's brother?

Satan: Oh you heard of him. Good makes this a lot easier. Now even though he's a reaper and supposed to be neutral, he seemed to have a problem with me in power and had someone else in mind. So we battle for centuries until one day I had him beaten and was about to punish him for betraying me! But he suddenly pulled out that Ouija Board. And now you all know the rest.

Suddenly the room goes as the gang now feels bad for tying her up and knocking her out. Suddenly Cody breaks the silence.

Cody: L-Look we're sorry. It's just we didn't know what it happened in your past and you're completely justified in being mad at us if you are.

Satan: No no it's fine.

Emma: Wait are you serious.

Satan: Yea. Y'know when your name is Satan, you're kinda given a bad reputation by default. So I understand if you hate me and want to put me back in the Ouija Board.

Cody: No actually. In fact Someone burn it!

Mangus: Wait are you sure about thi-

Cody: DO IT!

Mangus then grabs a Mini-Flamethrow and burns the Ouija Board. Satan seems confused as Cody looks at her and speaks.

Cody: Believe me. If I learned something this that everyone, deserves a second chance. So as long as you do be too destructive. I would allow you to hang with us. Right guys.

The crew talk it over before agreeing with Cody.

Cody: Alright that settles it. That is if you want to.

Satan smiles as she cuts the rope open and hugs Cody and Co. tightly before letting go after realizing her mistake.

Satan: Oh shit sorry.

Crystal: No it's fine but why did you just do that from the beginning of you could.

Satan: Drama I guess.

Cody: Well before we continue due you have a name you like to go by, because I think people might be afraid if we call you Satan.

Mousey: Well before the whole Satan phase, People called me Ironmouse or Mousey for short.

Cody: Well welcome Mousey. I'm sure Dawn will be happy to meet you.

Scott: Actually, where has Dawn been this entire time.

Tankman: Last time Cody told me that Dawn is meditating in the woods.

The gang see Cody look out the window with a worried look on his face.

Mousey: Cody?

Cody:..............................................................................................................I think something wrong.


We cut to Dawn walking through the woods clearly worried about something.

Dawn: Guys, are you nearby? Cody? Scott? Laurie? Tankman?

After a few seconds realization hit.

Dawn: I'm lost.

Suddenly a new voice was heard.

???: Don't lose hope child. I can help you. You'll be at peace really soon.

Dawn: W-Who goes there.

???: Just listen to my voice, and all be clear. There's no need to shead a tear.

Laughter is heard as the credits roll.

A/N: And that Lumpys and Germs was chapter 30. Next chapter will be my version of Darkekulavia's Creepypasta Arc. (With  Citizen_Soldier16 Premission of course) The Trepidation Arc! But that later and for now thanks for reading and remember

Fun Is Infinite here at UCS Enterprises!

Peace ✌🏻

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