The Red Stone's Gleam (JoJo's...

By Beanyboy2002

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The Stone Mask, a mysterious artefact capable of turning people into Vampires. Brothers Dio and Damian Brando... More

Summary: O/C
Author's Note: Before We Begin...
Chapter 1: 50 Years Later, The Master's Mission
Chapter 2: The Man in the Pillar, Straizo's Ambition
Chapter 4: Training at a New Level
Chapter 5: Two New Allies Arrive
Chapter 6: A Month's Training, Nearly Completed
Chapter 7: Esidisi's Burning Blood!
Chapter 8: Awakening and the Venture to Switzerland
Chapter 9: Catching a Train, the Soldier's Intervention
Chapter 10: Germany's Cyber Soldier and the Wrath of Kars
Chapter 11: The Hotel on the Horizon, Caesar's Resolve
Chapter 12: The Last, Lonely Bubble
Chapter 13: Picking up the Trail, 100 Vampires!
Chapter 14: Lisa Lisa's Story, the Prelude to Battle
Chapter 15: Battle in the Colosseum
Chapter 16: The Second Battle, Kars' True Nature Revealed
Chapter 17: Blinded by the Light
Chapter 18: The Power of the Ultimate Being
Chapter 19, Epilogue: Joseph's 'Funeral', An Artefact Recovered...
Author's Note: Thank You!

Chapter 3: The Master of Venice

336 20 5
By Beanyboy2002

Gyalzen POV

Venice, Italy...

How long had it taken me to get here? A good three, maybe even FOUR days at most. I had no clue how to fly the plane we'd arrived in and I didn't have enough money to afford a plane to Italy.

It had taken a day alone to reach civilisation. With what money I did have on my person, I was able to exchange for a currency they'd accept and I hired a driver to take me to the coast. From there I was able to enlist the help of a sailor to make the long voyage.

That had taken work and perhaps a little threatening. I felt guilty for that, but I had no choice. The remaining money I had wasn't enough to convince him to cross the whole Atlantic ocean! In the end though, the ends justified the means.

I didn't know if Master, no, FORMER master Straizo would come for me. As is, I would be unable to face him. He knew every move I'd make before I'd make it! To stand a chance, I'd have to get stronger. Strong enough that even a GOD among Vampires would struggle!

And there was only one person that came to mind that could help.

Straizo had only talked of her a few times before. From what I gathered, she was a previous student of his. Not to mention, I believe she was also his adopted DAUGHTER! I knew she was a fierce warrior. And thankfully, I'd been given  both a location and a name. Both of which lead me to now.

Lisa Lisa.

Venice was truly a beautiful city. In fact, taking a boat had proved to be efficient given how Venice was a city on the water. I'd gotten off at the first jetty I saw. Paid the sailor what money I had and set off to begin my search.

And it was here that once more, I was at a loss. Straizo's directions only gave me names, I knew Venice as well as a place referred to as Air Supplena Island. But I had no idea what that was or where it was.

To make matters worse, my wounds hadn't healed from the fight with Straizo. My leg injury caused me to limp, not to mention, I'd hardly eaten or slept during my travel here. The sailor that brought me here gave me some of his food but my mind was too distracted to sleep.

I wandered, seemingly endlessly. I was able to admire the scenery for about an hour before I arrived at one jetty in particular that brought me to a stop. Off in the distance, I noticed an island. Massive in size! Highly likely, THIS was the Air Supplena Island I'd been looking for. And it was here, a new problem arose. How would I get across to it?!

There were no gondolas around, normally I'd swim. But with my fatigue and injury to my leg, I doubt I'd make it. All I could do for now was wait, and hope an opportunity would present itself. I wouldn't give up, not now...


??? POV

Strange, when Suzie Q said she saw a strange man stood by the jetty over the island, I assumed it to be a tourist or resident just passing by. I'd paid it no mind at first. However two hours later, they were still here. Upon getting a closer look, I'll admit, my interest was piqued.

I recognized those robes. But why would one of Straizo's students come here? Especially so soon after he'd sent IT to me. Whatever this was, I would go out and find out for myself...

Gyalzen POV

It took around two more hours for my work to pay off. I'd stood, waiting on that jetty when I noticed something approaching from the island. At first it was too difficult to clearly tell what it was however closer inspection revealed a gondola paddling closer.

The sailor of it was a woman, with long black hair and blue eyes that pierced my soul the whole time as she approached. Was this who I sought? I couldn't be sure, I watched with anticipation as she continued to row before coming to a stop.

For a moment, she was motionless, before suddenly leaping from the gondola into the air. They held the oar with both hands and for a moment, spun around it like a gymnast would on a bar before lunging at me.

The woman lashed out with a kick which I barely had time to raise my arm to defend against. This alone caught me off guard however for a split second, sparks of Hamon transitioned through her leg into my arm.

My eyes widened as I stuttered "Y-you know Hamon?" I now had an idea of who this was, I should have suspected sooner, but now I was almost certain. The woman didn't respond to my question, instead leaping back towards the water. Instead of landing in the gondola though, or splashing into the water, they simply landed on the oar she'd discarded earlier and balanced upon it.

Now she spoke, in a stern voice she asked "Who are you?" She sounded strict, not quite angry though. Not fully trusting my theory, I chose to only tell part of the truth. I explained "I am looking for a woman. I have been lead to believe she resides on that island over there." I pointed to the island behind her.

The woman tilted her head a bit before bluntly saying "It seems you've found one, haven't you?" It was now, I pressed "That was Hamon you just demonstrated wasn't it? Who are you?" The woman's answer was to simply add "Judging by your presence here, I assume you know who I am. My name is Lisa Lisa."

Image of Lisa Lisa:

At first, I was caught off guard by her appearance. She didn't look a day over twenty five, a Hamon master at this age? No, I remembered what Speedwagon had said about Straizo, Hamon could slow the aging process. This was likely a similar process.

Forgetting about that, I lowered my guard and instead bowed in respect. From what Straizo had told me in the years I'd trained under him, I'd grown to deeply respect Lisa Lisa. Otherwise I wouldn't have come. As I pressed my hands together I greeted.

"Greetings Lisa Lisa, my name is Gyalzen. I came to you under desperate circumstances requesting your aide." I grunted a bit as pain shot through my leg. I'd been stood on it for hours on end and this didn't go unnoticed.

Lisa Lisa's tone was once again cold as she pointed out "You're injured. AND tired. Come, I know you are one of Straizo's students. You may explain why it is you've sought me out, but not here."  Leaping back towards the gondola she proceeded to paddle it to the jetty.

The sail to the island was a quiet one. No words were exchanged until we arrived on the island itself. I took a moment to marvel at the structure and layout of the place, the huge tower which loomed over us.

As I followed Lisa Lisa inside, she finally chose to ask. "So tell me. What is one of Straizo's students doing out here? Your arrival was rather abrupt dare I say." It took a moment for me to find the words. There was no telling how she'd react. Would she believe me? I had no idea. But I had to take that risk, there was no telling what Straizo was already doing at this point.

I told her everything, the WHOLE story. From meeting with Speedwagon, to the man in the pillar, to Straizo's betrayal, our battle and my escape. Throughout the explanation, Lisa Lisa's expression changed, from interest, to shock, to an expression I couldn't quite tell.

Once again, we went into a brief silence, she just stared into my eyes as if reading my reaction before saying. "You're telling the truth." I nodded which caused her to mutter under her breath "Straizo..."

Again, the uncomfortable silence, this time interrupted by me asking "Lisa Lisa, I'm sorry to bring this to you. But the reason I came here was to seek your training. Alone, I was no match for him. Please, I require your assistance."

At first, Lisa Lisa said nothing, instead she lead me down a series of corridors, up stairs and eventually we came face to face with a young girl, perhaps around my age. Lisa Lisa gained her attention, saying "Suzie!" I assumed from her attire she was a servant of sorts.

Image of Suzie Q:

The girl, Suzie, responded "Is there something you require Ma'am?" Lisa Lisa simply nodded before gesturing to me, saying "Yes, this is Gyalzen, he will be residing here for the unforeseeable future." 

Suzie Q gave me a smile and greeted eagerly "Hello!" I bowed and responded "Greetings. It's nice to meet you." Lisa Lisa proceeded to order. "Take Gyalzen to one of the spare rooms and bring some food up to him." Suzie Q proceeded to bow and said "Of course, follow me." I did just that, as I passed Lisa Lisa, she informed me.

"Your training will begin once I deem you healthy enough..."

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter. I am sorry for the slow uploads, the reason for this is because unlike my first book, this story has undergone significant changes from my original idea. Some plotlines are entirely different than they would have been, so I'm still planning things out in places. I really hope you enjoyed the chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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