Slipknot short stories

By 0_mackie

17.1K 288 79

I got all of these off ao3 non of them are mine and if the creators of the fics want me to take them down I w... More

Iowa [all members x reader]
Movie Night [Sid x reader]
Paths cross [sid x reader]
🔞I miss you [smut]][chris x reader]
The Love Inside [sid x Reader]
🔞Wish [smut]][corey x reader]
Bite marks [corey x reader]
Clown Comfort [Shawn x reader]
Kitten shenanigans [chris x reader]
Hair [Joey x reader]
College [paul x reader]
A real clown [clown x reader]
Stranger [corey x reader]
Sic [Corey x reader]
Beaten [clown x reader]
Prom [mick x reader]
Prom pt.2 [Jim x reader]
The Early Years [Chris x reader]
🔞pegging [sid x reader]][smut]
Massage [Jim x Reader]
Storms [ all ]
GoldiLocks [ Corey x Reader ]
Bumblebees and flowers [ Jim x Reader]
Feral Catboy [joey x reader]
Massages [chris x reader]
🔞?Dream [ Joey x M!reader]
Wedding Date [ Sid x Reader ]
Random pt1.
Kids pt2.
Street Racing
---Author Notes--
1k Reads
CRAIG?! (Rant)
Another kinda rant

Family [ Joey x reader ]

514 8 1
By 0_mackie

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"Babe?" Joey called from the other room.
"Yeah?" You straightened up after folding your jacket and putting it in a backpack along with sunscreen, a book, your wallet, and the other small knick knacks you needed for the beach. Joey's face appeared in the doorway.
"My cousin's bringing her kid, I hope that's okay."
"Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't it be okay?" Joey looked relieved.
"I don't know." He walked over and put his arm around you. "I didn't know if you liked kids." You laughed softly.
"I mean they're not my favorite, but I don't mind. Especially because it's your family and really I'm the one who's intruding."
"You're not intruding. What makes you say that?" You shrugged. It was just a gut feeling, and of course the fact that his cousin wasn't very welcoming to say the least. "You're never intruding." Your face turned red.
"On that note, are you all packed up?"
"Yep, let's go. You wanna drive?" Joey held out the keys and you shook your head.
"No thank you sir." He grinned.
"That's what I thought."
The drive to the beach was uneventful. You spent most of the time looking out the window, watching the scenery fly by and bobbing your head to whatever was on the classic rock station. Occasionally, Joey would start tapping out the beat of a song on the steering wheel somewhat discreetly, but it always ended with the two of you singing a duet.
You were still nervous though. Seeing Joey's family was always anxiety provoking, no matter how many times you did. He was quick to reassure you that he was the one embarrassed by his family, but when you were with them he fit in and you stuck out like a sore thumb.
You felt Joey's hand on your thigh and turned around.
"We're almost there. Are you gonna be okay?"
"Yeah, yeah of course. I'm fine." Your voice was full of false confidence and he saw right through it.
"Hey, listen, if you don't feel good, come straight to me. We can leave or I'll figure something out." God he was so sweet.
"Thanks, but I'm sure it won't come to that."
The car pulled into one of the parking spots by the entrance to the beach and you took a few deep breaths before getting out and grabbing your bag from the trunk. Joey was texting his cousin to see if they were there yet, but something caught your eye and you tapped his shoulder. He looked up and you pointed.
"Is that them right there?" Across the street, a kid, maybe eight or nine was sitting on the shoulders of a tall man who you assumed to be his father, they looked remarkably alike, and waving frantically at Joey. Next to them, a woman a little older than you was grabbing stuff out of the back seat and talking anxiously to her husband.
"Yup, welcome to the family."
When you and Joey finally met up with his cousin, the first thing that happened was her kid begging to be put back down on the sand and running into Joey's arms with enough force that it almost knocked him over.
"Hiya Scottie- oof, stop squeezing so tight, man. I can't breathe." Scottie stepped back, looking guilty.
"Sorry," he pouted, watching his toes draw lines in the sand.
"Nah it's okay, buddy. Just means you're getting really strong. How old are you now? Twenty? Twenty one?"
"Joeeeey, I'm nine." Joey pretended to be shocked.
"Are you sure? That seems awfully young for a man of your stature."
"Have you considered that you're just small?" Joey's cousin walked up to us, grabbing Scottie and holding him at her hip.
"It's nice to see you too Becca."
"Shorter every time Jordison."
"I will deck you in front of this child." Joey held up a hand, leaning like he was going to step forward.
"And in front of your..." She trailed off, pointing to you.
"Oh uh hi, I'm _____. Joey's my boyfriend." You held out a hand. She took it and you fought the urge to wince. Her handshake was intense.
"It's nice to meet you. This is Scottie and back there is my husband, Henry." Henry smiled and waved.
"Hey." He was very handsome, probably the exact opposite of Joey though, tall, dark skin, dark eyes, and short curly hair. Becca on the other hand, looked more like Joey. She was taller, and I assumed she never let him forget it, with black hair straighter than a ruler and light blue eyes, just like him. Fuck, she was pretty. You knew it was just his cousin and her husband, but their collective attractiveness was intimidating.
"You okay?" Joey nudged you lightly with his hand. You nodded. "Let's go then. If Scottie isn't in the water in about fifteen seconds I think he's going to explode."
After the beach towels and chairs were set up, Becca went to grab some drinks from the cafe and Joey was playing in the water with Scottie. You sat on a beach towel, flipping through your book, trying to decide whether or not it was worth attempting to read. Henry was to your right on an adjacent towel.
You sighed and gave up on your book, choosing to watch Scottie and Joey scuff around in the sand instead. It was unbelievably adorable. That kid had so much energy, running literal circles around Joey, splashing around and chanting things like, "betcha can't catch me." To which Joey would respond by catching him and dunking them both.
You never knew Joey was good with kids. He never mentioned it and you never asked, so it never came up. You had to admit there was something seriously attractive about a guy being good with kids. Probably went all the way to ancient human instincts. Whatever it was, you liked it.
"Scottie's really cute." You turned to Henry, who'd taken off his shirt revealing a toned stomach. Okayyyy, how about I just don't look down.
"Thank you. He's got so much energy though. Becca thinks he has ADHD, but we haven't gotten around to having him tested."
"Hey, anytime you need to wear him out, just send him over to us. I'm sure Joey will be happy to chase him around for a few hours." Henry laughed.
"A few hours, try a few days. See how that goes." Your laughter joined Henry's. "You have kids?" You stopped, the question catching you off guard. "Sorry, did I hit a nerve?"
"No, don't worry about it. Just got surprised that's all." He didn't seem convinced. "Joey and I don't have any kids," you clarified, turning your gaze back to the water. The wind had picked up and Joey's hair was being blown all around. He was constantly flipping it out of his face and while he was distracted, Scottie took the opportunity to splash and tackle him.
"Do you want kids?"
"To be honest, we don't know. Joey's a musician, so he travels a lot." Henry nodded along like he already knew. "It's just...complicated."
"Yeah that's fair. It's a big decision. You're welcome to borrow Scottie if you ever need a trial run."
"I'll keep that in mind." You smiled at Henry. He was very pleasant to be around, super open and friendly, unlike Becca. Your face fell. "On second thought maybe not."
"Why?" He asked.
"I don't think Becca likes very much."
"What makes you say that?" Your face flushed.
"Well uhh, weirdly she always refers to me as his 'friend'," you said with air quotes. "But she knows we've been together for a while."
"That's odd. It doesn't necessarily mean anything though."
"Yeah I know. Where is she by the way? Wasn't she just getting drinks?" A knowing look crossed Henry's face.
"By getting drinks she means getting drunk."
"Yeah," he sighed. "Not the best habit, but it's okay. I never let her drive and it makes her tired usually. Besides, Scottie's having a shit ton of fun with Joey." He gestured towards the water and then his eyes widened.
"What?" His mood switched so fast it was borderline alarming. His smile returned and he chuckled.
"I tried to stop cursing when I became a dad, but it slips out occasionally and luckily this time it wasn't in front of Scottie. Kiddo's like a sponge when it comes to curse words. Won't remember multiplication, but can repeat back every word of an inappropriate rap song he heard twice." He held up two fingers for emphasis.
"That's kids for ya."
Joey came running up the beach with Scottie on his back and dumped him in the sand in front of us.
"Hey," he said, out of breath and kissed your cheek. "I see you've been working out Henry." Henry nodded, shrugging, but his expression turned smug.
"Just a little bit."
"Sure. Where's Becca?" Henry jerked his thumb towards the cafe and clicked his tongue.
"I see. What time is it? I'm starving," Joey said, tying his hair back in a ponytail. Henry checked his watch.
"Damn, have we really been here for two hours."
"Time flies when you're having fun," you added. Joey smiled and your chest squeezed. You beckoned him over and he sat down next to you. You leaned against his shoulder and grabbed his hand, interlacing your fingers with his. "I am so in love with you right now," you whispered in his ear. He just gave you a confused look.
"Why?" You smiled and shook your head.
"Nothing, nevermind."

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