Mortal Instruments: Demons of...

By kam10168

505 29 12

Nathan is a Texas teen who just discovered he is a Shadowhunter. When he learned of the great battles that we... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18

Chapter 17

7 1 0
By kam10168

"Ghenn wake up. Wake up. You're needed."

I hear His voice throughout my head. I blink open my eyes to see three statues surrounding me. They resembled the demons that had rescued me from the demon realm. The great dragon that had destroyed the demons from Goetia was floating in front of me.

"The transfer of power is complete, youngling." Huang Long says in a weak voice, "You may now oppose Sleiph. I am sad to say that I cannot help you any further as I have given you the last of my power. You shall take the name, Acquila as he was a great king long ago. Now, go, onward, and defeat the evil that has grown."

He turns into a stone statue as he spoke the last word. I look down at the ground and notice a magic circle around me. They really had made me half demon. I'll never be able to return to the Institute and I'll never be able to see my beloved sister ever again. The air grew still as I stood up. I look up to see a flying demon overhead. I transform into Acquila and fly into the air. I take out a great sword and slice the demon before it had a chance to react. I land on the ground with a thud throwing dust and debris into the air. I look at myself in a small lake. My face is grotesque. Giant fangs protruded from my mouth and a samurai helmet is on my head. Shining wings of pure light surrounded me as I flap them. Shining armor surrounded in a azure light covered my entire body. Other than my face being the ugliest thing I've ever seen, I may be powerful enough to stop the demons from conquering the human world. I shrink down to a human and slide onto the ground. I was exhausted as transforming takes a lot of energy. I only had a limited time to train before the famed demons were defeated. I slump against one of the stone statues and remember the escape. We narrowly escaped the demon generals.


"You won't be going anywhere." Nebiros says blocking our path.

"You'll have to get through us first!" Asmodius says jumping off his dragon.

"I'll hunt you down for eternity!" Barbatos the hunter says.

They each control a vast army of demons, but it seemed that they only brought a few legions. Tenkai dropped me to the ground and prepared to fight. Huang Long hovered in front of everyone and told us to leave. He roared the loudest roar I've ever heard and a bright light emitted from his roar. I was blinded again, but it soon went away. When I opened my eyes, Huang Long was fighting the demons. He wasn't letting up after he obliterated Asmodeus and Barbatos. Nebiros started crushing the soul of Huang Long and controlled the bodies of those fallen. Each time Huang Long killed, they always came back under the command of Nebiros. Eventually, I lost sight of him and a large explosion from behind knocked me out. That's when I woke up surrounded by the statues.

I open my eyes to the gloom that is the destroying landscape. Mountains of fire had ripped open the earth below and demons roamed the path ahead of me. I transform into Acquila and head down that path. The path that leads to the final battle.

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